Sunday, July 14, 2013

07/14/2013 (Sunday - a 9 day)

It may be the beginning of a new week, but today may be a good day for you to complete projects.  Completion is one of the main attributes of the nine (9), so it should be very apparent what needs to be done.  You are preparing for the beginning of a new cycle and you don't want to be dragging old baggage along with you.  Free yourself up by getting rid of things, people, activities and responsibilities that no longer serve you.  

Angel Whispers:

Service is the gift you give back to the universe.  It can bring you great joy and satisfaction.  Your talents were meant to be shared and your gifts will be returned many fold.   However, it is important to remember that there is a very fine line between service and servitude.  You can tell when you have crossed that line because service feels good and servitude feels bad.  So, monitor your feelings closely and learn when it is time to say no.

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