Sunday, October 30, 2011

10/31/2011 (Monday - a 9 day)

The nine (9) is warm, generous, loving and family oriented so Halloween should be especially fun for all. Expect to see more people than usual celebrating this holiday. Watch over the little ones who come to your door and make sure to serve the healthiest treats possible.

Angel Whispers:

Generosity comes in many fashions. Give your time, your money, your expertise, but most of all give your presence. Bring your full attention to the person/s you are speaking to. Look them in the eyes, call them by name often, offer your best self to them. You will both get and give much more from the conversations you have in this way. It takes conscious focus and a firm intention to do this, but the rewards will be many.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10/30/2011 (Sunday - an 8 day)

The energy is much higher today with the eight (8) driving you to achieve. You find yourself striving for excellence, but try to keep that within reason. Perfection is an unreasonable expectation and often leads to disappointment. Doing your best is commendable, but beating yourself up for some perceived flaw or lack is unacceptable.

Angel Whispers:

Contrast is one of the most important design elements in art. Placing the lightest light next to the darkest dark in your focal point will make your artwork stand out. Contrast is also an important tool in life. Sometimes it is really important to see or experience what you don't want so that you can more clearly define what you do want.

Friday, October 28, 2011

10/29/2011 (Saturday - a 7 day)

The very mental and internal aspects of the seven (7) will start the weekend off on a quiet note. Try to avoid the tendency to over-analyze everything if you want to get anything accomplished today. This might be a good day to pick up that book you've been wanting to read, catch up on some bookkeeping or just catch a few afternoon zzzzzz's. Listen to your inner voice as intuition is also highly aspected today.

Angel Whispers:

To enhance the intuitive influences of the day, take a drive out into the countryside, away from the chaos and noise of the city. Pack a light lunch, find a quiet place to sit where you can see for a long distance (near water, if possible) and do some deep breathing to calm yourself even more. Set the intention that you are open to receiving guidance from within. Ask a question, if you like, then relax and enjoy the view. Be very conscious and notice everything around you. Adopt and attitude of gratitude. Expect success. Your answer will come to you either quickly or within the next few days.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/28/2011 (Friday - a 6 day)

Six (6) is warm, caring, enduring, nurturing and is all about relationships. Today the very warmth of this influence can compel you to seek the trappings of home and family, even if you don't have the traditional "story book family". You have a need to be close, to surround yourself with beautiful things and beautiful people. If your family isn't close by, create a family where you stand. As we near the holidays it is good to feel loved. Perhaps the family you choose will feel even closer than the one you were born with.

Angel Whispers:

When you get to know someone well you can see things in them that the casual observer cannot see. You begin to understand why they are the way they are. You see things you can love or appreciate and find that, in your understanding of them, it is much easier to forgive their flaws. You might know is to love. If someone around you seems impossible to deal with, perhaps you haven't taken time to get to know them enough to understand more fully.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/27/2011 (Thursday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is quixotic, changeable and pleasure seeking, so expect your day to be the same. Don't be surprised if you feel a bit of wanderlust, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and have a desire to see something new. Take a different route to work, try something new for lunch, think about changing your style. Friendship is the important relationship for you to work on today.

Angel Whispers:

Life is easier when you feel supported. The trick is learning to teach people how you want to be supported. You can't just expect the people around you to know what you need unless you tell them. In order to tell them, you must actually know what you need and how to express it. In actuality, if you could see your supporting staff of angels, you would never again feel unsupported. They are at your beck and call, but you do have to ask for their help.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/26/2011 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

The four(4) is an earthy number, relating to the body, growing things, building solid structures on a solid foundation. It is also very disciplined and hard-working. The influence of this number will give you stamina and drive and the fortitude to carry through to the end. You do what needs to be done, without question, because you understand the benefits to be gained by your hard work. The rewards for your efforts are real, whether they come in monetary forms or respect and appreciation.

Angel Whispers:

You can set the tone for your day by taking a moment to visualize each part going as you would choose. Include a smooth drive to work, the good moods or attitudes of the people you work with, the ease with which you do your job, the appreciation or recognition you want. See it all, exactly as you wish it to go. You are setting an energy pathway which will bring you that which you can clearly focus on. Drive to work with a true attitude of gratitude. Find a good word to say to everyone you meet. Notice the results.

10/25/2011 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Three (3) is the number of creativity, communication and emotion. Today's energy should be light and airy, full of fun and friends. Movement is called for today, whether it be a simple walk, an exercise class or dancing. Keep your movements loose and fluid, something like tai chi or a waltz. Doing so allows your mind to open up freely and to share ideas on a whole new level. Fill your day with love and laughter.

Angel Whispers:

Greet the morning with an attitude of love and appreciation. Your first thoughts/words for the day should be: "Thank you, God, for this day and all the blessings it holds." Before you even put your feet on the floor each morning, use this mantra, and use it again and again throughout the day. Each time you say it, you give it more power. Hold a picture of that car, house, boat, etc., in your mind and breathe life into it. Find someone to share the vision with you, seeing your success, seeing you healthy, wealthy, and helping you to achieve your loftiest goals. Prepare to succeed!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

10/24/2011 (Monday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) is a very idealistic number and represents the spiritual seeker very well. Inspiration is well aspected today but use caution, as you could be prone to extremes in both positive and negative directions. Trust your inner voice to guide you. This works best when you ask specific questions and then patiently wait for answers. Ask, knowing, and you will receive that which you seek. If you feel out of balance today, meditation or deep breathing will help.

Angel Whispers:

It is important to have a list of things you want, things you want to accomplish, things you want to see or experience and people you would like to meet. Having such lists will keep your energies moving forward, creating new worlds for you to experience. When you become complacent, your world begins to implode or to shrink. If you want your life to keep growing, learn something new, meet new people, drive in a different direction. Dreaming helps keeps us young.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10/23/2011 (Sunday - a 1 day)

One (1) is a loner, independent and full of ideas. Spend time communing with the Divine One and ask for a little clarity on one of those ideas, including some Divine support in bringing it to fruition. You could be amazed at what flows into your mind to help you. Inspiration is sometimes more productive than perspiration. Today is a good day for starting something new, so start it with a strong foundation.

Angel Whispers:

Truth wears many faces. The truth you know and defend today may be proven false tomorrow. It is important to frequently check your belief systems to see if they are, indeed, true in the present moment. Continuing to live by truths you accepted as a child, (not realizing that you have outgrown them), will hold you back in many ways. Understanding that these truths no longer apply to you can free you to become the person and the success you want to be today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/22/2011 (Saturday - 9 day)

The number nine (9) is about selfless service, service to mankind. This would be a good time to volunteer for an organization you trust and believe in. Offer your time, your money, your expertise or your physical presence to make a difference. Looking around your world, you can see that there are many, many people who are much less fortunate than yourself. Take a few cans to a food bank, clean out your closet or garage and find things to take to a charitable group or roll up your sleeves and volunteer at Habitat for Humanities. You will feel better and will be a good example, too.

Angel Whispers:

Are you ready to receive your "dreams come true"? Have you already given thanks for it, as if it is already so? Have you visualized it, written about it in your journal, told a friend about it, cut out pictures of your heart's desire? If you haven't done these things you may NOT be ready for fruition. Have you given yourself permission to have what you want? It is entirely okay for you to have everything you want and more. Remember, what you have and more of that will come to you, quickly and powerfully. Be ready. So be it.

10/21/2011 Friday - an 8 day)

Efficiency runs high today with the influence of the eight (8). Business decisions are well aspected and expansion and promotion are to be expected. Your drive for success is at a peak. You are mentally active and are in a position to make significant decisions of a business nature. Trust your own expertise or consult a mentor when planning for the growth of your business.

Angel Whispers:

Beginning something new is always exciting and sometimes a little fearful. When you have been at something for a while, you lose your intensity and excitement, you no longer have that newness pulling you forward. Repetition often breeds contempt. It takes real focus and dedication to maintain that initial excitement about your job, your relationship, your exercise program, etc. Do what you can to keep seeing your situation with new eyes, with excitement and renewed curiosity about everything involved and you will be amazed at how much more you can accomplish.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/2011 (Thursday - a 7 day)

Seven (7) is very much a mental/spiritual number, always striving to learn more, especially in regards to things psychological or philosophical. The seven is always seeking the deeper truths about life. The seven influence may lead you into some very deep conversations about the meaning of life or to pick up a book which reveals new truths to your hungry mind. Let your intuition be your guide today.

Angel Whispers:

Forgiveness is one of the most important spiritual tools you have. Apply the salve of forgiveness to any conflict you face. In many cases you will need to pretend, to say the words until your actually can feel the truth in them. Start with the most important people in your life; parents, siblings, children, spouses. If you can't do it face to face, you can always write your forgiveness (or intention to forgive) in your journal. Breathe deeply and surround each person in a bubble of pink light. Don't forget to include yourself in this forgiveness therapy. Forgiving yourself may be the most powerful tool of all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/2011 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Relationship is of key importance to the number six (6). The relationship of one thing to another, one person to another, one emotion to another. Balance in your relationships is vastly important, too. Create a mental scale in your mind upon which you can weigh both sides of each relationship. Are you an equal partner? Are you getting more or less than your share? What can you do to bring things into balance? Keep in mind that with balance, equal partnership/equal responsibility, both parties can excel.

Angel Whispers:

See yourself encased in a bubble of luminescence, its brilliance glowing out as far as you can reach. Beautiful colors swirl around you, changing with your thoughts, your feelings, your motivations. This is how your angels see you. They don't see your physical characteristics, they see your energy and from that, they can read you like a book. You have no secrets from them, and yet they adore you completely. No matter what you believe about yourself, they know that you are always and forever a beloved child of God, deserving of great love and success. Pure potential waiting to be fulfilled.

Monday, October 17, 2011

10/18/2011 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

Live, love, laugh and be happy. These are all five (5) energy directives. Lighten up today and enjoy your life. Freedom is a good concept to explore today. Get out of the box, don't just think out of the box, though that is good, too. Take a different approach to the usual problems and projects. You will be delighted with the results.

Angel Whispers:

Laughter reduces stress and fills your body with good chemicals that nurture and fortify your body. You could even say laughter is healing. From a chuckle to a genuine belly-laugh, laughter is uplifting, so choose to spend time with the people most likely to make you laugh. Tell someone your favorite joke or a funny story so that you can participate in making others laugh. You can choose, at any given moment, to set the tone for your life. Choose laughter, choose health, choose happiness, choose love....choose life.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10/17/2011 (Monday - a 4 day)

Begin your work week with the disciplined, hard working energy of the four (4) and you are off to a week of solid accomplishment. Take care of details, handle the hard things first, budget your time, energy and money and your week will begin on a very strong foundation, indeed. Four energy is also very physical, so exercise, take a walk, eat well and your body will be happy and your mind will work better, too.

Angel Whispers:

Thoughts are things. Do you want the things in your life to be joyful, beautiful, healthy, remarkable things? If so, you must train yourself to think mostly joyful, beautiful, healthy, remarkable thoughts. For example, if you want good health, think of what a wonderful machine your body is, think thoughts of appreciation to it, ask it what foods would make it feel better and which ones you should avoid. Walk it, stretch it, feed it well and give it plenty of good sleep and pure water. Thank it for serving you so well all your life. Bless it and it will bless you with ever increasing health.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

10/16/2011 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Three is a number related to emotion and communication. Expect to have enlightening conversations, a desire to sing and/or dance and for your emotions to be right out there for the world to see. This can be a good thing, especially if it leads to an honest expression of your feelings, delivered in a genuinely caring fashion. Keep it positive and be kind. Remember, everybody is being affected by this emotional energy....and the moon is just past full. Step lightly, please.

Angel Whispers:

No matter how old you are, it is never too late to learn something new. Stretch your mental muscles and expand your vocabulary, learn a new language, take up a new hobby, study something that truly interests you, teach something you know well (or want to know well). Making the effort to keep your mind busy will keep you from falling into the doldrums. Your mind needs exercise as much as your body does.

10/15/2011 (Saturday - an 11 day)

No matter what you have planned for this beautiful Fall day, the influence of the eleven (11) will encourage you to seek some enlightenment or spiritual solace. These can be found in simply being deeply present and observant in all of your activities. Make this statement you mantra for the day; "I am blessed, I am truly blessed." And, so it shall be.

Angel Whispers:

Make yourself a list of all the things you are grateful for and post it where you can see it several times a day. The more gratitude you express and the more time you spend thinking about these things and how blessed you are, the more blessings will be heaped upon you. Whenever anything you don't like is getting your attention, shift that negative energy by picking up your list and re-aligning yourself with what does work in your life. What you focus on, you get more of.

Friday, October 14, 2011

10/14/2011 (Friday - a 1 day)

The one is independent, self-directed, singular and likes to be in control. This number is also very precise and determined. These strong attributes can serve you well today as you work to finish up your week. You work with discipline and dedication to the task at hand and see positive results by days end.

Angel Whispers:

Perfection is something that cannot be achieved, so give yourself permission to flaunt the little flaws that make you unique. Don't be so hard on yourself when you (or someone in your life) don't measure up to your expectations. Strive to be the best that you can be and remember that you can learn from your experience and do better next time. Learn to evaluate each situation for it's gifts and lessons. Perfection doesn't happen....but, growth does.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10/13/2011 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Nine is the benefactor, the selfless servant, the one to rely on. Today it is time for you to pass on your wisdom, your experience and in essence spread the wealth of your knowledge. You can give someone a hand up, teach them, mentor them and make a real difference in their life. This feels like a purpose driven day. Your generosity of spirit will be returned to you many fold.

Angel Whispers:

So wise are you, and yet there is so much left to learn. It is vital that you ask the questions that weigh on your heart and mind, for answers are near. Clarity will put wind in your sails and help you set a true course. Trust that you will know what to do when the answers are clear. There is turmoil in the world right now, but your angels are near and there is nothing to fear.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/12/2011 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Wednesday may be called "hump day" but it could be your most powerful day of this week. It is a day to "own" that you know what you know, that you are who you are and that you can do whatever you believe you can do. Stand up, be proud and show 'em how it's done.

Angel Whispers:

You are a radiant child of a loving God, with all the perks that come with that. You may do, be or have anything you can imagine by asking God to guide you and by having faith that you deserve exactly what you wish for. God will always help you when ask. You must, of course, remember to ask and then listen for the answers. Good luck.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/11/2011 (Tuesday - 7 day)

When seven (7) is at work, as it is today, your intuition will be stronger than usual. Pay attention to those little hunches you get. They could lead you in a new direction which is more closely aligned with your soul goals. Trust the whispers, especially if you have been asking for guidance or answers to specific questions.

Angel Whispers:

This is a good day to take a leap of faith. Do that thing you have been tip-toeing around about. Stretch yourself and go for it. It may feel like a risk, but if you ask your angels to gather around you, to protect and guide you, each step will be easier than the last. You have been holding yourself back. If you would have half the faith in yourself that the people around you do, you would not hesitate. You have a legion of angels around you and when you ask for their help, believing, you will be guided correctly. Trust.

Monday, October 10, 2011

10/10/2011 (Monday - a 6 day)

The question for today is: Can you maintain your relationship with your higher self, your soul goals, within your relationship with your work? Do you sacrifice yourself to the "success God"? The six is a balance number and it's influence on you today may remind you that there are times when you give up too much of yourself, your dreams, your family or your spirit to "the job". Take a good look at this today. If you find that you are losing yourself, there are alternatives, and it is never too late to change.

Angel Whispers:

Selectivity (choice) is a power too often overlooked. Each choice you make will slightly or greatly alter your course. Each choice will open up new possibilities for you. Being aware of your choices, as you make them, gives them even greater power. Keep your major goals in your mind and make choices that will carry you in right directions. Ask yourself many times each day, "Is what I am doing, at this particular moment, leading me to the fruition of my goal....or is it turning me away from it?" The more aware you are, the more opportunities there are for course correction. Be present. Be conscious. Make powerful choices.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

10/09/2011 (Sunday - a 5 day)

Five (5) is about freedom, change, transformation, travel and friendship, among many other things. Today the five influence may feel like the freedom to rest and relax, to give yourself time to rejuvenate before a new week starts. Laugh a little, enjoy your surroundings, see a good movie, eat delicious food, be truly present with your play-mates. The more fully you give yourself over to your fun, the more profound your transformation and rejuvenation.

Angel Whispers:

Meditation is one of the best ways to releive your body and mind of stress. Releasing stress can prolong and improve the quality of your life. If you don't know how to meditate, take a long walk, go for a swim, dance, sing, laugh, and do it with you whole heart and soul. A great alternative to meditation is a good, old time, day-dream. Give yourself permission to day-dream every chance you get. Just let your mind wander and observe where it takes you. Your breath will slow, your blood pressure will lower, your body will relax. It may even show you something you need to know.

10/08/2011 (Saturday - a 4 day)

Four is disciplined, hardworking, physical, conservative, constructive. Saturday is a good day to put all these attributes to good use. Whether it is working out, or just working hard on something you feel needs to be done, the energy of the four (4) will help you get it accomplished. Your drive will be strong, your energy steady enough to carry you through whatever project you choose to work on. Sports are also well aspected today, whether you are playing or watching. Enjoy it all.

Angel Whispers:

So often you take for granted the blessings of living in a physical body with all the incredible senses that go along with it. To touch, to taste, to smell, to see, to hear, these are great gifts, indeed. These gifts make your life rich beyond measure. Take a moment today to use your God-given senses with complete consciousness, complete awareness. Enrich your life. Exercise your senses so that they might become even more acute.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10/07/2011 (Friday - a 3 day)

TGIF...Thank God it's Friday. The three (3) is always ready to play, to dance or sing, or do anything creative and fun. It may feel like an overly emotional day, so emote. Express yourself. Sing, act, write a poem or song. You will be very good. The key here is to communicate what you are feeling in a healthy, happy way.

Angel Whispers:

Filling your life with more and more things to do will only lead you further and further from being in touch with your inner voice and your angels. Whenever you find yourself saying "yes" to someone who wants to use your time and energy, ask yourself if it will help you to reach your own personal goals. If it will, then go for it. If not, then excuse yourself and put your attention right back on your goals.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/06/2011 (Thursday - an 11 day)

Today could be a day filled with messages, both physical and spiritual. There is a question in your heart, awaiting an answer you may not even know you are seeking. However, when you hear a snippet of conversation at the next table, or pick up a book and open it to just the right page, or you find yourself listening to a radio or television show and hear something that you recognize as the answer you needed. The Universe often speaks to us this way. When you actually listen.....magic can happen.

Angel Whispers:

Reach high, dig deep, look far, stretch your imagination and expect miracles. If you believe you can. If you believe you can' can't. Believe and you will achieve. It is as simple as that. All things are open unto you. Reach high, dig deep,.....

10/05/2011 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

One is the beginning, the source of creation. "in the beginning was the word, and the word was God. God was the word." The words you speak are creative. In actuality, even the words you think are creative. The words you speak with great emotion and energy are even more creative. Today (a 1 day) your words are especially creative. Listen to what you are saying (often we don't), and be aware of the words floating around in your mind. Are they creating a world you want....or just the opposite. Take charge. Speak the words that will build a life you want to live.

Angel Whispers:

Words spoken long enough and with enough emotion will become the truth. Choose your words carefully. What you put out comes back to you, magnified, multiplied, heaped up and flowing over. When you criticize others, you are ultimately criticizing yourself. When you send out words and feelings of love, love will come back to you. Orchestrate your life with beautiful words of love, praise, appreciation, commendation and inspiration. Use your words like an artist uses color. Spread the most beautiful ones everywhere. Watch your life begin to vibrate to these new luscious words.

Monday, October 3, 2011

10/04/2011 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

Nine is about completion, wholeness and selfless service. It may be early in the week, yet, but you know that you have some things that need to be finished up, things you have been putting off. Today is the day to get those things completed and off your to-do list. You will feel so much better and it will open energetic pathways to something you have been wanting to do. Spread the joy. Do something charitable today, too.

Angel Whispers:

You have lived a life like no one else. You are a unique being, put together by the life you have led, the people you have experienced, the lessons you have learned. Never underestimate the power of YOU and what you have to offer the world. Life will continue to hone your skills, your perceptions, your voice. Ask your angels to show you how you may be of service and to fulfill your purpose. Sometimes, just being who and where you are is enough.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

10/03/2011 (Monday - an 8 day)

Financial success inspires your activities today. This aspect of the number eight (8) will be blessing you throughout the day. You could get a raise, get a new job or a bonus, get something you have wanted or needed at a very good price, find money, win money, invest money. Be very aware of the financial transactions you make, as you could catch a mistake that could cost you dearly. Fire those financial neurons today and you will feel like a winner.

Angel Whispers:

You live in a state of grace, always protected and guided by Divine Consciousness. It is always so. Nothing you can do will ever change this fact. If you don't feel this grace, it is because you have taken your eyes away from this truth, momentarily. In that state of grace, you are allowed to stray as far away from God as you choose to, make choices that do not serve you, suffer from those choices and even wallow in the depths of despair. But, when you have had enough and seek help from the Divine, it will be right there, in that very moment, for God is always with you. Now and forever.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

10/02/2011 (Sunday - a 7 day)

Yes, Sunday is considered by many as a day of devotion and because the seven (7) is very much related to spirituality, meditation, introspection and spiritual seeking, today may feel somewhat sacred to you. Give yourself some time to genuinely participate in your preferred spiritual practice, whatever that looks like to you. Embrace your Divine connection in your own way.....and give your God......for everything.

Angel Whispers:

Think on this. No matter how good or bad you believe you have ever been, how capable or incapable, kind or unkind, generous or selfish, loving or hate-filled, God never judges you. Judgement is left to you. If you believe that you are good, others will see the good you project. If you believe that you are bad, they will respond to that image. The good news is that God is all forgiving. Can you be? You must forgive yourself for any perceived shortcoming before anyone else can forgive you. Practice some self-forgiveness today.

10/01/2011 (Saturday - a 6 day)

This is a great Saturday for getting all those household chores finished. Home and family are strongly aspected by the number six (6), so utilize those energies to improve your space and keep the family happy. It is time to check out the nurseries for some fall color to spruce up your patio, deck or yard. What you see when you arrive home can significantly affect the energy you have. Pick up, clean up, perk up, and remember that your "curb appeal" is telling the world how you feel about yourself.

Angel Whispers:

Self help is a multi-billion dollar industry. If you don't like how your life, your home or your body feels, just make a trip to the nearest bookstore or library and you will find a wealth of self help in books and/or video. Browse this section and let your inner consciousness guide you to something that will make a difference in your thinking. You are sure to find something that will take you to the next step or open your eyes to new possibilities.