Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Angel Whispers will be on hiatus until August 10th!  Please watch for our return.  Bless you all.

Friday, July 19, 2013

07/20/2013 (Saturday - a 6 day)

Relationships are of the utmost importance today.  They all come with a certain level of responsibility which, even with the best of intentions, often gets shirked.  Make a list of your most important relationships and determine if there are gaps in your attentiveness.  What can you do today, to make amends for any shortcomings?  If you are not willing to look at this, consider that this particular relationship may no longer be viable and might need to be released.  Your choice, of course.

Angel Whispers:

Communication is vital in every relationship.  If you cannot communicate, you cannot relate.  You must be fully present to communicate adequately.  Bringing only half (or less) of yourself to a conversation leads to misunderstandings on many levels.  When you are truly present, you pick up information on many levels of awareness, not just by hearing the words but by catching the clues from inflection, body language, eye contact (or lack of it) and numerous other perceptions.  Being present takes commitment and practice to hone your awareness skills.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

07/19/2013 (Friday - a 5 day)

A busy week winds down and the energy becomes much lighter and more fun.  Now you can make travel or party plans for the weekend.  Be sure to include friends in your activities today.  Laughter and a good meal can be your reward for a productive week now and allow you more time for home and family activities tomorrow.

Angel Whispers:

Flexibility is essential for a long and healthy life.  This applies to your mind as well as your body.  A few minutes of simple stretches, morning and evening, will go a long way to maintaining a flexible body.  Doing yoga and/or practicing meditation will keep mind and body in sync.  Add in the occasional massage or reiki treatment for extra benefits.  When you can't work these disciplines into your day, try visualizing yourself doing them with absolute perfection.  Feel your muscles responding to each movement; stretching, lengthening, strengthening and then relaxing.  Stretching takes little time and reaps valuable rewards.  Try it today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

07/17/2013 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

Creativity and communication are both very important today.  Your skills in both these areas will be very well aspected all day and you will have many opportunities to use them both.  Be aware that your imagination is a powerful tool and just part of a creative mind.  How you communicate your ideas may require a little creativity, too.  Look for the best way to present them so that they will actually be heard.

Angel Whispers:

When you have a new idea emerging, it is good to talk or write it out.  This process allows all the aspects of the idea to come together in a way that you can understand it.  Explore all the angles, potentials and ramifications of your theory.  Ask yourself lots of questions that guide you through fleshing out the concept.  This is the process of creativity and should be very exciting and pleasurable.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

07/14/2013 (Sunday - a 9 day)

It may be the beginning of a new week, but today may be a good day for you to complete projects.  Completion is one of the main attributes of the nine (9), so it should be very apparent what needs to be done.  You are preparing for the beginning of a new cycle and you don't want to be dragging old baggage along with you.  Free yourself up by getting rid of things, people, activities and responsibilities that no longer serve you.  

Angel Whispers:

Service is the gift you give back to the universe.  It can bring you great joy and satisfaction.  Your talents were meant to be shared and your gifts will be returned many fold.   However, it is important to remember that there is a very fine line between service and servitude.  You can tell when you have crossed that line because service feels good and servitude feels bad.  So, monitor your feelings closely and learn when it is time to say no.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

07/13/2013 (Saturday - an 8 day)

Efficiency is supreme today.  Be organized and keep motivated as you move through your day.  This is one of those days that you want to keep your eye on the prize.  Great gains can be made now if you are very aware of what is going on around you.  Pay attention to signs and signals and you may find clues that will lead you to those gains.

Angel Whispers:

Success is yours only if you can believe in your right and a ability to achieve it.  Doubt is very costly and can trip up even the best plans.  Know, in your own mind, what success will look like when you do achieve it and then live as if it is already so.  Expect that success with every part of your being, Celebrate it in every way you can conceive.  See yourself as someone who is a natural success.  Give thanks for your successes in advance.  It will be so.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

07/12/2013 (Friday - a 7 day)

Plan on a quieter, more internal end to your work week.  It is time to put in some mental gymnastics to finish projects still undone.  Clear your mind, focus your attention on the job at hand, envision it already complete and how that would feel.  With this image in your mind, set out to do whatever required tasks you have, then do the very first thing that comes to mind.  You will be amazed at the amount of instinct that kicks in to get the job done in half the time.

Angel Whispers:

Your intuition is one of the greatest gifs of your life.  It is your direct connection with Divine Mind.  Though it doesn't come with even a hint of instructions, there are many good resources for continuing your intuitive exploration.  Meditation helps.  With practice you can learn to slow your breathing, relax your body and listen for what your intuition has to tell you.  Keeping a notebook for journaling your insights is also a very good habit.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

07/11/2013 (Thursday - a 6 day)

Today  you may be more aware than usual of just how you are in relationship to all things.  Your soul is looking for balance and harmony.  If you are in a relationship where these attributes do not exist for you, it will be glaringly visible.  It will not let you ignore situations or relationships that do not serve your Highest Good.  Once you feel the pinch, you will know that your soul expects you to do something about it, and soon.  The good news is that your actions will be Divinely supported and it will be much easier than you ever thought it could be to make the necessary changes.

Angel Whispers:

You are your own creation.  This is the good news and the bad news, all rolled up into one truth.  Your today is a culmination of all your thoughts, words, visions and beliefs up to this point in your life.  It is a seemingly subtle process.  Often you are carrying conflicting messages on the same subject.  You say, "I am successful and prosperous!".  However, you may also be saying or thinking, "I don't know how to ___, I can't afford to ____, I'm not smart enough to ___, I'll never get ahead."  You can see how important it is to vibrate more frequently and powerfully to the first statement and much less to the latter.  Aim to be more than 50% positive in your vibrations and you will have an above average life.

07/10/2013 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is bringing you opportunities to work on your  friendships.  You may have been putting some odd pressures on even the closest of your friends.  Awareness is key, here.  Once you recognize what you are doing, the corrective behavior is immediately apparent.  Friends are, indeed, one of our greatest treasures in life.  Cherish yours, and make the most of the opportunities that the fabulous five energy offers you today.

Angel Whispers:

Life is short and must be appreciated in order to receive the best it has to offer.  Your Attitude of Gratitude, well maintained, is your greatest tool for manifestation.  While gathering the energy that builds when you are in that state of gratitude, project an image of your greatest desire into the mix for your quickest manifestation.  The clearer the image, the more precise the manifestation.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

07/09/2013 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

There are many tasks to complete today and the energy of the four (4) is here to help you through.  Stay focused, stick to your plan and ask for a little help from your own personal angels.  Once you ask for their help, you will be amazed at how your day will become Divinely Synchronized.  Everything seems to go more smoothly and things get accomplished with ease and Grace.  Be sure to say thank you when day is done.

Angel Whispers:

Your body wants some special attention now.  Give yourself a "tune up" while you are in the shower or at any quiet time during the day.  Envision your body grounded, connected to the earth by an intricate system of roots, drawing energy up through your feet, feeding and nurturing it from head to toe.  Now, see the golden white light of the Christ entering through the top of your head, permeating every cell in your body.  Breathe in this Light and know that all is well, within and without.  Give thanks for all that you have and all that you have yet to receive.  In that space of gratitude, go forth into your day.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

07/08/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)

Use your creativity to solve problems today.  The "tried and true" may not make the grade, so it is time to roll out some new concepts.  It may require some creative communication, as well.  That's right . . . it's time to think outside the box.  Pay attention to your feelings, as they may be the best indicator as to what is right and what is wrong.

Angel Whispers:

Affirmations and visualization are powerful tools in your quest to create a happy, healthy, prosperous life.  Words have power and must be used with great care.  When you speak positively and affirmatively you are invoking those energies.  When you speak negatively and pessimistically you invoke negative energy.  You cannot create something positive from a negative pool of ingredients.  It is vital that you hear your own words.  Harness the power of a positive, vividly drawn visualization with the positive words that describe it, see it, feel it and speak it often and make sure you are not corrupting it with careless, habitual negative speak.

Friday, July 5, 2013

07/05/2013 (Friday - a 9 day)

You soul will be happiest today if you spend part of your day in selfless service to your fellow man (or woman).  When we truly serve, it always feels good.  Is there a charity you admire?  Volunteer.  Do you have a friend in need?  Give of your time, your support or just lend a shoulder.  Keep it positive and make sure you are not enabling.  That would certainly make a good deed turn bad.  Trust your instincts and you will know when you have reached that fine line you don't want to cross.

Angel Whispers:

What you give will come back to you, multiplied and magnified, heaped up and running over.  So, remind yourself to only be giving good.  Develop the habit of being a natural giver.  You can make a difference in someone's life by something so simple as being present and acknowledging them in some way.  A smile, a wave, a genuine "hello", can make a lonely person feel less alone, make them feel connected.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

07/04/2013 (Thursday - an 8 day)

Today, you want to take nothing less than the best from yourself and others.  You have very high expectations for your own performance.  It can be very annoying when others don't seem to be living up to the same standard, but don't let it bring you down.  You can only choose for yourself and it is important to learn that lesson, once and for all.

Angel Whispers:

You live your life on a journey that begins again, each step of the way.  No matter where you are on that journey you can change directions at any time.  Is your work fulfilling?  Do you have the support of family and friends?  Are you using your creative abilities regularly?  Are you happy?  Are you learning anything new?  If you answered "no"  to any of these questions,  this may be the time to step out into a new direction.  Relax, it is a journey filled with course corrections and you are the one in charge. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

07/03/2013 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

Let your intuition guide you today.  It may require a little quiet time to listen to that "wee small voice" but with practice you could find the rewards to be great.  Trust is key to learning to follow your intuition.  Ask a question, knowing that the answer will come, then let it go.  Very quickly you will get a thought that relates completely to your question.  Trust that thought.  With practice, the answers will become clearer and clearer.

Angel Whispers:

When you are stressed, one of the quickest and easiest ways to relax is to do some deep breathing, close your eyes and explore your inner landscape.  Choose a place you love to go on vacation and send your mind there.  Whether it is the beach, the mountains, the desert or a special spot in your own back yard, you can go there in your mind any time you want to.  Leave your outer concerns behind for just a few moments and feel that perfect air around you, hear the sounds you would hear there, smell its own particular scents.  Remind yourself that you are always very relaxed when you come here.  Keep looking around in your mind and see what your subconscious has to show you.  In a matter of minutes, this little mental vacation can give you a different perspective and release the stress of the day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

07/02/2013 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

The six (6) gives you an opportunity to look at your relationships today and evaluate how you are doing.  Of course, there are all kinds of relationships to look, friends, co-workers, love interests, casual acquaintances.  Where do you stand in each one of them?  Are you on an equal footing?  Are you the alpha or under dog?  Is there balance?  Are you emotionally available?  Do you give your best to one and something much less to another?  Are you maintaining relationships that are no longer serving either of you?  Be present and be aware so that you see the whole picture, in each case.  Now that you have gathered the information, what are you going to do about it?

Angel Whispers:

Your soul wants you to experience the fullness of love, in all its many forms.  The more you allow yourself to feel love, the happier your soul will be.  Love is a blessing you give yourself and others.  Some of the most important lessons of your lifetime will come in the arena of love.  In order to love someone else, you must first learn to love yourself completely. When you learn to love yourself you will always make sure that you are treated fairly and are letting your partner know exactly what your needs and desires are.  You will stop being a victim and will have much, much more to offer to your relationship.