Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Angel Whispers will be on hiatus until August 10th!  Please watch for our return.  Bless you all.

Friday, July 19, 2013

07/20/2013 (Saturday - a 6 day)

Relationships are of the utmost importance today.  They all come with a certain level of responsibility which, even with the best of intentions, often gets shirked.  Make a list of your most important relationships and determine if there are gaps in your attentiveness.  What can you do today, to make amends for any shortcomings?  If you are not willing to look at this, consider that this particular relationship may no longer be viable and might need to be released.  Your choice, of course.

Angel Whispers:

Communication is vital in every relationship.  If you cannot communicate, you cannot relate.  You must be fully present to communicate adequately.  Bringing only half (or less) of yourself to a conversation leads to misunderstandings on many levels.  When you are truly present, you pick up information on many levels of awareness, not just by hearing the words but by catching the clues from inflection, body language, eye contact (or lack of it) and numerous other perceptions.  Being present takes commitment and practice to hone your awareness skills.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

07/19/2013 (Friday - a 5 day)

A busy week winds down and the energy becomes much lighter and more fun.  Now you can make travel or party plans for the weekend.  Be sure to include friends in your activities today.  Laughter and a good meal can be your reward for a productive week now and allow you more time for home and family activities tomorrow.

Angel Whispers:

Flexibility is essential for a long and healthy life.  This applies to your mind as well as your body.  A few minutes of simple stretches, morning and evening, will go a long way to maintaining a flexible body.  Doing yoga and/or practicing meditation will keep mind and body in sync.  Add in the occasional massage or reiki treatment for extra benefits.  When you can't work these disciplines into your day, try visualizing yourself doing them with absolute perfection.  Feel your muscles responding to each movement; stretching, lengthening, strengthening and then relaxing.  Stretching takes little time and reaps valuable rewards.  Try it today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

07/17/2013 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

Creativity and communication are both very important today.  Your skills in both these areas will be very well aspected all day and you will have many opportunities to use them both.  Be aware that your imagination is a powerful tool and just part of a creative mind.  How you communicate your ideas may require a little creativity, too.  Look for the best way to present them so that they will actually be heard.

Angel Whispers:

When you have a new idea emerging, it is good to talk or write it out.  This process allows all the aspects of the idea to come together in a way that you can understand it.  Explore all the angles, potentials and ramifications of your theory.  Ask yourself lots of questions that guide you through fleshing out the concept.  This is the process of creativity and should be very exciting and pleasurable.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

07/14/2013 (Sunday - a 9 day)

It may be the beginning of a new week, but today may be a good day for you to complete projects.  Completion is one of the main attributes of the nine (9), so it should be very apparent what needs to be done.  You are preparing for the beginning of a new cycle and you don't want to be dragging old baggage along with you.  Free yourself up by getting rid of things, people, activities and responsibilities that no longer serve you.  

Angel Whispers:

Service is the gift you give back to the universe.  It can bring you great joy and satisfaction.  Your talents were meant to be shared and your gifts will be returned many fold.   However, it is important to remember that there is a very fine line between service and servitude.  You can tell when you have crossed that line because service feels good and servitude feels bad.  So, monitor your feelings closely and learn when it is time to say no.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

07/13/2013 (Saturday - an 8 day)

Efficiency is supreme today.  Be organized and keep motivated as you move through your day.  This is one of those days that you want to keep your eye on the prize.  Great gains can be made now if you are very aware of what is going on around you.  Pay attention to signs and signals and you may find clues that will lead you to those gains.

Angel Whispers:

Success is yours only if you can believe in your right and a ability to achieve it.  Doubt is very costly and can trip up even the best plans.  Know, in your own mind, what success will look like when you do achieve it and then live as if it is already so.  Expect that success with every part of your being, Celebrate it in every way you can conceive.  See yourself as someone who is a natural success.  Give thanks for your successes in advance.  It will be so.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

07/12/2013 (Friday - a 7 day)

Plan on a quieter, more internal end to your work week.  It is time to put in some mental gymnastics to finish projects still undone.  Clear your mind, focus your attention on the job at hand, envision it already complete and how that would feel.  With this image in your mind, set out to do whatever required tasks you have, then do the very first thing that comes to mind.  You will be amazed at the amount of instinct that kicks in to get the job done in half the time.

Angel Whispers:

Your intuition is one of the greatest gifs of your life.  It is your direct connection with Divine Mind.  Though it doesn't come with even a hint of instructions, there are many good resources for continuing your intuitive exploration.  Meditation helps.  With practice you can learn to slow your breathing, relax your body and listen for what your intuition has to tell you.  Keeping a notebook for journaling your insights is also a very good habit.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

07/11/2013 (Thursday - a 6 day)

Today  you may be more aware than usual of just how you are in relationship to all things.  Your soul is looking for balance and harmony.  If you are in a relationship where these attributes do not exist for you, it will be glaringly visible.  It will not let you ignore situations or relationships that do not serve your Highest Good.  Once you feel the pinch, you will know that your soul expects you to do something about it, and soon.  The good news is that your actions will be Divinely supported and it will be much easier than you ever thought it could be to make the necessary changes.

Angel Whispers:

You are your own creation.  This is the good news and the bad news, all rolled up into one truth.  Your today is a culmination of all your thoughts, words, visions and beliefs up to this point in your life.  It is a seemingly subtle process.  Often you are carrying conflicting messages on the same subject.  You say, "I am successful and prosperous!".  However, you may also be saying or thinking, "I don't know how to ___, I can't afford to ____, I'm not smart enough to ___, I'll never get ahead."  You can see how important it is to vibrate more frequently and powerfully to the first statement and much less to the latter.  Aim to be more than 50% positive in your vibrations and you will have an above average life.

07/10/2013 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is bringing you opportunities to work on your  friendships.  You may have been putting some odd pressures on even the closest of your friends.  Awareness is key, here.  Once you recognize what you are doing, the corrective behavior is immediately apparent.  Friends are, indeed, one of our greatest treasures in life.  Cherish yours, and make the most of the opportunities that the fabulous five energy offers you today.

Angel Whispers:

Life is short and must be appreciated in order to receive the best it has to offer.  Your Attitude of Gratitude, well maintained, is your greatest tool for manifestation.  While gathering the energy that builds when you are in that state of gratitude, project an image of your greatest desire into the mix for your quickest manifestation.  The clearer the image, the more precise the manifestation.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

07/09/2013 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

There are many tasks to complete today and the energy of the four (4) is here to help you through.  Stay focused, stick to your plan and ask for a little help from your own personal angels.  Once you ask for their help, you will be amazed at how your day will become Divinely Synchronized.  Everything seems to go more smoothly and things get accomplished with ease and Grace.  Be sure to say thank you when day is done.

Angel Whispers:

Your body wants some special attention now.  Give yourself a "tune up" while you are in the shower or at any quiet time during the day.  Envision your body grounded, connected to the earth by an intricate system of roots, drawing energy up through your feet, feeding and nurturing it from head to toe.  Now, see the golden white light of the Christ entering through the top of your head, permeating every cell in your body.  Breathe in this Light and know that all is well, within and without.  Give thanks for all that you have and all that you have yet to receive.  In that space of gratitude, go forth into your day.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

07/08/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)

Use your creativity to solve problems today.  The "tried and true" may not make the grade, so it is time to roll out some new concepts.  It may require some creative communication, as well.  That's right . . . it's time to think outside the box.  Pay attention to your feelings, as they may be the best indicator as to what is right and what is wrong.

Angel Whispers:

Affirmations and visualization are powerful tools in your quest to create a happy, healthy, prosperous life.  Words have power and must be used with great care.  When you speak positively and affirmatively you are invoking those energies.  When you speak negatively and pessimistically you invoke negative energy.  You cannot create something positive from a negative pool of ingredients.  It is vital that you hear your own words.  Harness the power of a positive, vividly drawn visualization with the positive words that describe it, see it, feel it and speak it often and make sure you are not corrupting it with careless, habitual negative speak.

Friday, July 5, 2013

07/05/2013 (Friday - a 9 day)

You soul will be happiest today if you spend part of your day in selfless service to your fellow man (or woman).  When we truly serve, it always feels good.  Is there a charity you admire?  Volunteer.  Do you have a friend in need?  Give of your time, your support or just lend a shoulder.  Keep it positive and make sure you are not enabling.  That would certainly make a good deed turn bad.  Trust your instincts and you will know when you have reached that fine line you don't want to cross.

Angel Whispers:

What you give will come back to you, multiplied and magnified, heaped up and running over.  So, remind yourself to only be giving good.  Develop the habit of being a natural giver.  You can make a difference in someone's life by something so simple as being present and acknowledging them in some way.  A smile, a wave, a genuine "hello", can make a lonely person feel less alone, make them feel connected.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

07/04/2013 (Thursday - an 8 day)

Today, you want to take nothing less than the best from yourself and others.  You have very high expectations for your own performance.  It can be very annoying when others don't seem to be living up to the same standard, but don't let it bring you down.  You can only choose for yourself and it is important to learn that lesson, once and for all.

Angel Whispers:

You live your life on a journey that begins again, each step of the way.  No matter where you are on that journey you can change directions at any time.  Is your work fulfilling?  Do you have the support of family and friends?  Are you using your creative abilities regularly?  Are you happy?  Are you learning anything new?  If you answered "no"  to any of these questions,  this may be the time to step out into a new direction.  Relax, it is a journey filled with course corrections and you are the one in charge. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

07/03/2013 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

Let your intuition guide you today.  It may require a little quiet time to listen to that "wee small voice" but with practice you could find the rewards to be great.  Trust is key to learning to follow your intuition.  Ask a question, knowing that the answer will come, then let it go.  Very quickly you will get a thought that relates completely to your question.  Trust that thought.  With practice, the answers will become clearer and clearer.

Angel Whispers:

When you are stressed, one of the quickest and easiest ways to relax is to do some deep breathing, close your eyes and explore your inner landscape.  Choose a place you love to go on vacation and send your mind there.  Whether it is the beach, the mountains, the desert or a special spot in your own back yard, you can go there in your mind any time you want to.  Leave your outer concerns behind for just a few moments and feel that perfect air around you, hear the sounds you would hear there, smell its own particular scents.  Remind yourself that you are always very relaxed when you come here.  Keep looking around in your mind and see what your subconscious has to show you.  In a matter of minutes, this little mental vacation can give you a different perspective and release the stress of the day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

07/02/2013 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

The six (6) gives you an opportunity to look at your relationships today and evaluate how you are doing.  Of course, there are all kinds of relationships to look, friends, co-workers, love interests, casual acquaintances.  Where do you stand in each one of them?  Are you on an equal footing?  Are you the alpha or under dog?  Is there balance?  Are you emotionally available?  Do you give your best to one and something much less to another?  Are you maintaining relationships that are no longer serving either of you?  Be present and be aware so that you see the whole picture, in each case.  Now that you have gathered the information, what are you going to do about it?

Angel Whispers:

Your soul wants you to experience the fullness of love, in all its many forms.  The more you allow yourself to feel love, the happier your soul will be.  Love is a blessing you give yourself and others.  Some of the most important lessons of your lifetime will come in the arena of love.  In order to love someone else, you must first learn to love yourself completely. When you learn to love yourself you will always make sure that you are treated fairly and are letting your partner know exactly what your needs and desires are.  You will stop being a victim and will have much, much more to offer to your relationship.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

07/01/2013 (Monday - a 5 day)

Transformation is your word for the day.  This is another word for change, which is the essence of the number five (5).  Look around you to see what needs to expand or contract, to be transformed into something more practical or flexible, or to be organized in a new way.  Once you decide what your transformation project is going to be, get busy and make it happen.  When you make your choice, the ideas will come to show you how to make the changes you need.

Angel Whispers:

Flexibility is key to living a long and healthy life.  Stretching can be useful in maintaining  your flexibility or regaining it.  Find a good book on stretching and incorporate some of the exercises into your morning and evening routine.  Keep it simple enough that you will actually use your workout.  Deep breathing with full exhales while visualizing pure white energy coursing up from the ground into your feet and then up through every cell in your body, will energize your system.  Stretch as often as possible throughout the day for even better results.

06/30/2013 (Sunday - a 6 day)

This is definitely a relationship day.  You get an opportunity to enjoy being with those important family members and friends who make your life what it is today.  Keep in mind that the energy flowing around you now is good for fixing things that aren't working, too.  Beautification is also important today.  Hit the salon, your favorite accessories store or a great nursery.  There should be some great sales now and you will enjoy the results.

Angel Whispers:

It is said that love makes the world go 'round.  It is true that the more love you can bring into your life, the richer, more prosperous and healthy it will be.  The very vibration of love can transform your relationship with everything in your sphere of existence.  Love could be defined as very deep appreciation.  It requires focus, attention and awareness.  You are not expressing or experiencing love if you barely notice something is in front of you.  Try this;  randomly look around you, choose an object and then spend just a moment feeling reverence for it.  Give thanks for it's presence in your life.  Observe the beauty of it and how well it serves you.  Then move on to the next item.

Friday, June 28, 2013

06/29/2013 (Saturday - a 5 day)

It is vastly important to maintain your resilience, your flexibility so that you can bend with the winds of life, not break.  The five (5) is bringing that to you today.  Choose change, reach for something you have never reached for before.  Challenge yourself in new ways.  Not only will it be stimulating, but it will wake you up, show you new parts of yourself you might never have been aware of.  Think how exciting it could be to bring down some of the barriers of that familiar rut you live in.

Angel Whispers:

It is said that change is the only constant in our lives.  Nothing stays the same forever.  Even things that change very slowly, do change in time.  Learn to embrace change, rejoice in it.  Some habits serve us, but most of them need to be broken so that we can grow, expand into something better.  Envision your life as good, even great...but always improving.  A good affirmation is:  Every day, in every way, my life is better and better.  Thank you, God.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

06/28/2013 (Friday - a 4 day)

When was the last time you got physical, worked out, broke a sweat?  This would be a great day to start an exercise routine.  The four (4) is all about hard work, discipline, physical activity, making a plan and carrying it through.  Doing something positive for your physical body will have far reaching results.  Your strength and stamina will increase, your mind will work better and you might even look better as a result.  Do it today!

Angel Whispers:

You have billions of cells in your body, each with it's own purpose and destiny.  Taking care of the whole body by feeding it properly, hydrating, exercising and resting it will help each of those billions of cells to replicate and perform properly.  Beyond eating, drinking and sleeping, you can benefit your body and it's individual cells by choosing thoughts that feel good.  Remember that you cannot think two thoughts at one time, so choose the thought that makes you happiest.  You will live a longer, happier, healthy more powerful life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

06/27/2013 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Words, words, words.  This is the mantra of the number 3.  Remember that words have power and are highly creative, so keep your ears open and really HEAR what you are creating with your words.  Speak deliberately, sincerely, kindly and truthfully.  Use this power to uplift, never to tear down.  To bless rather than to curse.  Have you fallen into some habitual ways of speaking that could be detrimental to your experiences.  i.e. "I can't afford to ____.  I don't want to hear ____.  I don't have enough time to ____.  I can't ____.  They won't ____."  etc., etc., etc.)  Listen and learn.

Angel Whispers:

Emotions are an incredible gauge for where you are relative to your goals or belief systems.  The goal is to be in such a good space that you are automatically producing that dazzling array of chemicals that make you feel on top of the world, joyous, energized, invincible.  These same chemicals will keep your body's engine running at top speed, as well.  If you are speaking words for/of something you really, really want but you actually believe that you can't have it, don't deserve it, can't afford it, etc., then you aren't going to be feeling so great.  Because it is so vital that you feel good, you will either need to change the words or the beliefs until they are in alignment with each other.  Small changes in how you phrase your goals can make them more compatible with your belief systems.

06/26/2013 (Wednesday - an 11 day)

The dynamic, magnetic and love filled energy of the eleven (11) will bless your life today.  There seems to be magic happening around you.  Things you have wanted or information you have needed suddenly appear, you meet someone who can connect you with a great source.  Recognize that Divine Energy is involved here and genuine gratitude simply evokes a greater Divine Generosity.

Angel Whispers:

One of the most powerful and deeply spiritual practices of all is forgiveness.  Start with yourself and forgive anything you have been feeling guilty about.  Sometimes it is harder to forgive yourself than anyone else.  Keep working with it until you feel a genuine shift or release in your energy.  Next, forgive the person who has hurt you the most.  If you can't actually do it face to face, do it in your heart.    No matter how impossible it feels at first, just keep working on it.  Even the smallest amount of forgiveness will make a big difference in your life and your relationships.  Every bit of anger, resentment or guilt you hold is toxic.  Let it go.  It hurts only you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

06/25/2013 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

Rejoice in your independence today and relish your autonomy.  You feel powerful, intelligent and successful.  That "take charge" attitude will feel especially good when you discover the state of confusion was left over from yesterday.  Never fear, there will be plenty of people who will recognize what you are doing and kindly pitch in to help.

Angel Whispers:

It is so important for you to own your own power and realize what a phenomenal individual you are.  There is absolutely no one, on the face of this planet, who is just like you.  You have created a full life and you continue to strive for the best in all that you do.  Always remember that there is never any moment when you are not vibrating in alignment with what you are focusing on.  All it takes to create something negative is to give lots of attention to the parts that you don't like.  The Law of Attraction will make it so, every single time.  So, dream on....dream big....give it your best shot.  Manifest your dreams today, 1

Monday, June 24, 2013

06/24/2013 (Monday - a 9 day)

Completion is the name of the game today.  This could mean finishing a project or task, recognizing that something needs to be released or ending a relationship or job.  In these cases, continuing to hang on to them will be detrimental.  Ask yourself a few pertinent questions.  "Is this serving me now? Would it serve someone else better?  Can I change my perspective to make it better?  Is there someone else who could do it better?"  You may think of other questions specific to your situation.  When you are clear on the answers, take the appropriate actions without delay.

Angel Whispers:

Life is cyclical.  Everything has its season.  When you hang on to something that is supposed to move on, you are doing yourself (and perhaps everyone else who matters) a disservice.  Learn to willingly let go.  Know that if you let it go and it returns to you, it is truly yours.  Release is often a very good thing. Release opens the door for something to come in which may be vastly more important to you.  Holding on will only cause you loss and pain.  Open those arms wide, breathe deeply and let go.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

06/23/2013 (Sunday - an 8 day)

There is a sense of order and rightness that surrounds you today.  You have a command of the "broader picture".  This vision can help you to oversee a group event or larger enterprise with ease.  You seem to know what needs to be done and just haw to get it accomplished.  Ride this energy for all it is worth for tomorrow could be a very different story.

 Angel Whispers:

As Mother Earth changes, we humans are undergoing many energetic changes as well.  We want to be in alignment with Earth energies because otherwise there is a sense of chaos and confusion.  It helps to be grounded and to get plenty of rest.  If you are feeling some mental confusion, disorientation and fatigue, there is nothing wrong with you.  If you ask around, you will find that many of your friends are experiencing the same things.  Drink plenty of pure water, rest more, take vitamins to improve your immune system and be kind to yourself and others.  This too shall pass.

Friday, June 21, 2013

06/22/2013 (Saturday - a 7 day)

The vibe for today is more spiritual than you would expect.  Intuition is strong, insights abound, you feel very connected to the Divine (if you allow it).  This would be a good day to ask those big Life questions.  The answers could amaze you.  Ask believing, and ye shall receive.  This is an ancient promise, but it is still true today.

Angel Whispers:

Divine Guidance is a gift offered to every single soul.  When you ask for it, the most incredible things begin to happen.  You set into motion an energy that can literally accomplish miracles.   God, The Universe, Divine Intelligence...whatever name you choose to use, is very efficient in bringing you answers and helping you to achieve a goal.  Often, you have several questions, and if you are really paying attention you will find that a solution will present itself with the capability of answering all of them at once.  Unfortunately, you seldom ask for Divine Guidance and when you do, you don't always listen for the answers.  Do it today.

06/21/2013 (Friday - a 6 day)

You may find your mind wandering to the things you want to do to your home to make it look or feel better.  Whether it is cleaning, painting, shopping for new accessories, the ideas just keep on coming.  You can hardly wait to get your plan under way.  You are very aware of how important the aesthetics are to how the energy feels in your space, for yourself and all who enter there.  When the energy is right, everything works better for everyone.

Angel Whispers:

To live a good life, you must conjure up a very good dream and set about making that dream a reality.  Don't let your life be an accidental creation.  Every thought your think, every word you speak, every vision you hold is creating your tomorrows.  Be sure that you are guiding those thoughts, words and visions.  Be sure you they are creating a world worth living in and for..  Don't let other people's words, the newspapers, television, or anything else taint your dream in progress.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

06/20/2013 (Thursday - a 5 day)

Laughter is the best medicine today.  Keep it light and breezy, knowing that you are on the right track after all.  This would be a good day to take a different approach to resolving the usual problems.  You know that old saying; "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome, is the definition of insanity."

Angel Whispers:

Be very careful about who you invest your time in.  Keep the most uplifting, supportive, positive, happy friends or family members close.  Keep the critical, pessimistic, nay-sayers at a distance.  Be willing to move on from friends who do not have your best interest at heart.  Accept the support of those who unconditionally offer it and do your best to return the favor.  Create your own mutual admiration society and be an active member.  Together  you can create whatever you set your minds to.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

06/19/2013 ( Wednesday - a 4 day)

It is mid-week, hump day, and it is very important that you stay grounded and keep the energy moving toward your goals for the week.  It is so easy to get distracted, but if you remind yourself of the intent you set at the beginning you will be able to pull it all back together.  Do whatever makes you feel grounded so you can maintain your equilibrium through a very busy day.  Breathe deeply, drink plenty of pure water, take a break and get outside (off the pavement, if possible) to draw in some actual earth energy.  

Angel Whispers:

If you want your day to go well, it is a good idea to take a moment or two, early in the day, to state your objectives and exactly how you would have it go.  See it as having already been accomplished, successfully.  Enlist the assistance of your own personal band of angels to help you with the details.  You will be amazed at how your day will go very much as planned.  In fact, it may turn out even better than you had hoped because your angels will bring things to you that you couldn't have imagined.  The more often  you ask your angels for help, the better your results will be.  Never be reluctant to ask, they are always ready to help.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

06/18/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Your sense of humor will carry you far today.  Keep it light and easy.  This not a day to take yourself too seriously.  If you find yourself a little "angst-y" just turn the music on and shift the mood.  Words are important and will not only impact you but those around you, so choose them wisely.  You can be an influence for good or bad, so choose good.

Angel Whispers:

If you take a good look at your life, you can get a good picture of what you actually believe about yourself and Life.  If you don't like what you see, you can change that outer picture by changing your inner beliefs.  If you are alone, you don't believe that you are lovable enough for people to hang out with you.  If you are are unhealthy, you have put your faith into germs and disease.  You have to overlook and override the truths you have been believing in.  If you are broke, underemployed, overworked, generally unhappy with your work, you have bought into some scenario that the general public has been selling you on tv and in the news.  You must close your eyes to these "truths" and begin seeing the truths you want to have in your life.  Nothing will ever change unless you change your focus and claim the life you choose.

06/17/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)

You can start this week on a fairly quiet, peaceful note.  Spend a little time cleaning up clutter and bringing some serenity to your space.  You will find that you are pretty magnetic to the things you want to know or things you just want.  Magic can happen in the acquisitions department today.  Know what you want and open yourself up to amazing possibilities for receiving it.

Angel Whispers:

There is power in the feeling of joy.  It opens  up your gratitude centers.  When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in the optimal state for manifesting your dreams.  It is very important to cultivate that grateful attitude as it also energizes you and produces endorphins which make you feel good and causes your body to produce a healthier mix of chemicals.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

06/16/2013 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Be independent, take charge, make decisions when others don't or won't.  Even if this is not your usual style, today the one (1) energy will make it much easier for you to step up and do what needs to be done.  Patience is not well aspected because you feel an inner push to move forward and be in control of your situations.  Press on and make it a great day.

Angel Whispers:

It is very important to know your own self, your needs, your dreams, your talents, etc.  This information must come from within.  Make a practice of asking your inner self questions and being in touch with what your feeling nature is telling you.  Are you doing what you want, or what other people expect you to do?  Are you with people you love, or people you feel obligated to be with?  How much of your day is filled with joy?  If not, you can either continue to be less than happy or begin to take steps in the direction of your heart's desires.  Why not start today?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

06/14/2013 (Friday - an 8 day)

Your best everything is available to you today.  Give it your all.  There is a sense of knowing what is most essential and most important and how to accomplish what most needs to be done.  You are in the groove, so take advantage of it.  Make the most of being in that sweet spot.  This awareness is available to everyone, but not everyone will utilize it.  Don't let this energy slip through your fingertips.

Angel Whispers:

Perfection is literally impossible, but most people try to attain it anyway.  Striving for perfection will get you out front in the game of life, which is a good thing.  However, beating yourself up when you fall short (in your own eyes) of that perfection, is a bad thing.  It is important to give yourself some wiggle room within your goals.  Learn to recognize and appreciate your successes, learn from your losses and bring all that knowledge with you into the next time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

06/13/2013 (Thursday - a 7 day)

This will be a quieter, more introspective day.  Your intuition will run strong and it will be a good day for mental tasks.  Gathering and analyzing information are also well aspected.  You may find that too much noise or too many people around will be difficult and way too distracting.  Find a quiet place to think, read or study and you will feel much better.

Angel Whispers:

Did you ever get called on the carpet by parents or teachers for being a "day dreamer"?  If so, hopefully you didn't give up the pleasure because day dreaming is a wonderful way to access your inner voice.  When you let your mind take you to places you've always dreamed of going, you are telling your subconscious mind what you want to glorious, living color and infinite detail.  This is the best way to work on your manifestations.  The more detail, the better.  The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what you dream and what is real.  So, dream on...and show it what you want to be real.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

06/12/2013 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Your responsibilities may weigh a little heavily on your shoulders today.  You want to give it your best and you feel overly emotional about the people you love.  Your desire to nurture and protect is very strong now and you are deeply aware of the richness of your connections with family and friends.  Take a little time right now to be grateful for the blessings in your life.

Angel Whispers:

There are many, many layers of consciousness available to you as you explore your surroundings.  The more you practice being attuned to them, on a regular basis, the more present you become in your awareness of the world around you.  You can perceive even the most subtle vibrations if you tune into the deeper layers of awareness.  From your senses of touch, taste, hearing, vision, smell and feeling you can process an immense amount of information in seconds.  Learning to interpret this information accurately will benefit you greatly.  When you learn to master these skills, you will be perceived as truly gifted.

Monday, June 10, 2013

06/11/2013 (a 5 day)

The flexibility of the five (5) will help you a lot today.  Things may come at you fast and furiously.  You will have to master the weave and bob method to keep out of the way and avoid some of the turmoil.  You can only do what you can and no more, so give yourself a break and don't beat yourself up if you don't get it all done.  Allow yourself a little playfulness, as this will make everything easier to deal with.  Laughter is very healing after all.

Angel Whispers:

Rhythmic movement can be very soothing to the soul.  It frees the spirit and opens you up to Divine Energy.  Whether you are actually dancing or just swaying to a familiar tune, movement relaxes your body and releases endorphins which automatically make you feel better.  Try this when you feel up-tight and constricted.  See if you can feel the release when it happens.  Train your brain to use this technique for relaxation as a regular release.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

06/10/2013 (Monday - a 4 day)

Enough of the frivolity, it's time to get back down to earth and go to work.  Focus and discipline are your friends today.  Set your goals for the week, make a plan of action and get busy.  The sheer physical force of the four (4) will carry your through.  Your intention is all important.  Be very clear about where you want to be by week's end and you will be ahead of the game.

Angel Whispers:

Every cell in your body has a consciousness of it's own, which in turn is shaped by the consciousness of your whole being.  As you have a Life Purpose, so every cell in your body has a purpose which is for the good of the whole.  Because your cells have consciousness, you can communicate with them and they will respond in their own way.  So, begin to create a dialog with your cellular consciousness.  Praise and encourage them, give them thanks for doing such a good job.  Ask them what you can do for them to make their job easier.  Whether you are speaking to the whole or to individual cells, be clear and positive, declaring your intention for health, strength, longevity, flexibility, etc.  Feed your cells well, give them plenty of pure, vibrant water and plenty of quality sleep.  You will see positive changes in your wellness very quickly...both subtle and significant.

06/09/2013 (Sunday - a 3 day)

"Live, love, laugh and be happy!", would be an excellent mantra for today.  Fun is the name of the game.  Relax, enjoy your surroundings and the people you are with and make the most of whatever is going on around you.  This is a good day to reminisce about fun times in the past.  One funny story will beget another and the laughter will make this another day to remember.

Angel Whispers:

It is important to remind yourself that your feelings are an excellent guide.  Good feels good, and bad feels bad.  It is as simple as that.  If you are doing something that you think you are "supposed" to do and it doesn't feel right, your inner guidance system is trying to get your attention.  Ask yourself some questions and see if you can find out why it doesn't feel good.  You may need a change in perspective, or perhaps you will find that it is indeed not the right thing for you at this time.  In either case, to ignore your inner guidance is never a good thing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

06/08/2013 (Saturday - and 11/2 day)P

Peace and harmony are high priorities today.  You may have to take an active role in keeping that peace if you happen to be in a group setting.  Be the voice of reason, drop in a little humor and set a harmonious tone for everyone.  Avoid sarcasm and criticism as they are like injecting poison into the mix.  If you are confronted with chaos and/or conflict, be the first to diffuse it.  Make it a good day!

Angel Whispers:

There are thousands of little choices to make every day.  Many are seemingly insignificant, however they each lead you to the future and how you make those choices will have some input into whether your life is happy, healthy, successful, loved, etc.  As you make even those small choices, be sure to choose on the positive side of the scale.  Remember that if you make your choices positive more than 50% of the time, you will be living a good life.

Friday, June 7, 2013

06/07/2013 (Friday - a 1 day)

(So sorry.  When my internet is down there can be no Angel Whispers.  My apologies to anyone who missed these messages.)

The very nature of your independence (or lack of it) is a central focus today.  Are you in charge of your life?  Are you doing things that bring you joy?  Is your heart fully engaged in the work you do?  Are you being adequately compensated for your time and expertise?  If not, it is time to take another look at what you have created and see if you can bring more of what you do want to the fore.  Life changes when you change.  You can never do it any earlier, after all.  What small thing could you change today that would lead to a better experience?

Angel Whispers:

Life is as good or as bad as you expect it to be.  So, begin by expecting the best!  Even when current evidence points in a different direction.  The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you will get.  That which is like unto itself, is drawn.  If you are busy focusing on all the things that are wrong, all the things you lack, how bad the government is, how much you hate the traffic, etc., you are just creating more of the same.  Turn your back on those less than happy things and insist on seeing the very best things in your life.  See the beauty around you, spend time with the happy/positive people you know, avoid the newspapers, watch funny movies, write a gratitude list with every little thing you are grateful on it.  Choose to see the best in every person and situation.  It IS a choice.  If you call the good forth, it will be yours.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06/04/2013 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

Think it out, rather than "work" it out.  That is the charge for today.  You will get a lot more mileage out of your brainpower than you will by physically trying to push something through.  Tell your mind to find a better way to do whatever it is that needs to be done.  Give it a few minutes, give it a break, and don't be too shocked when the perfect solution springs to mind in a very short while.  For the best results, it is best to have a little faith in the power of your own mind.

Angel Whispers:

Intuition is our direct connection to Divine Mind.  We all have it, but we don't all use it, mostly because we aren't taught to trust it.  If  you haven't been taught to trust your own inner voice there are many books and classes available to help you to learn how to improve or increase your intuitive skills.  Meditation can also help.  Your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

06/03/2013 (Monday - a 6 day)

Pay particular attention to how one thing relates to another today.  How does this color relate to that one?  How do you relate to those around you?  Do you prefer this texture or that?  The basic aesthetics of your surroundings seem very important.  Because of this, you may find yourself in pick up/clean up mode.  You may feel very sensitive to the vibes zinging around you.  Just be observant and see where this sensitivity leads you.

Angel Whispers:

This is one of those days that you realize you can no longer tolerate things that aren't in alignment with your soul's goals.  If there are things that don't work for you, especially in your relationships, it is time to do something about it.  You can no longer hide your head in the sand, just to maintain the status quo.  It is time to speak up, take action or even walk away.  It won't be easy.  It may not be kind.  But, acknowledging your real needs and making sure that they are being met, is incredibly important now.  Your happiness is of ultimate importance.

06/02/2013 (Sunday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is a number all about freedom and change, friendship, influence, travel and self promotion. Participating in any one (or all) of these activities will make your inner self feel very happy.  It's influence will push you to stretch yourself out of your usual comfort zone and reach for something new and different, something bigger or more challenging.  It keeps your life exciting.

Angel Whispers:

Change is a constant in our lives and yet many find it very difficult to deal with change.  Each new desire you have, each persistent thought, will draw to you something new.  Your job is to be a vibrational match to the things you want in your life.  Reach out for these new things to manifest for when they do, you open doors for the next...and the next...and the next.  Each new thing brings new opportunity and new challenges.  Change.  Embrace it.  It is what makes your world go 'round.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

06/01/2013 (Saturday - a 4 day)

This is a good day to get physical, work up a good sweat and accomplish something significant.  With a little discipline, a lot of energy and some stamina you can work wonders.  Whatever task comes to hand will bring its own reward.  Your body will actually thank you for the workout, whatever form it takes.  You have the strength to do whatever you set your mind to.  Just do it.

Angel Whispers:

Whatever you bless, blesses you.  And, vise versa.  When you have a quiet moment, begin by blessing the ground beneath your feet.  Then, breathing deeply, draw that blessed energy right up through the bottoms of your feet, your ankles.  See it swirling around and through your knees, blessing them with fluid movement and ease.  Keep moving the blessing and energy up through your thighs, your pelvic region, your hips and into each and every organ in your body.  Bless your eyes, ears, brain and even your skin and hair.  Pull the blessings up through the top of your head and keep it flowing as it rains over you and back into the earth.  This treatment takes only moments to perform, but it can add life to your years and years to your life.

Friday, May 31, 2013

05/31/2013 (Friday - a 6 day)

Home, family and relationship issues are on the agenda for today.  Pay attention to what your loved ones are saying to you.  Make sure that you are not only listening but understanding.   Being fully present for the conversation will help in that regard.  This is a great day for planning home improvements or yard projects.

Angel Whispers:

Love is the magic that makes life rich or not.  Without love there is no one to show you who you really are.  Your relationships are the perfect mirror for you.  They reveal your strengths and your flaws.  They offer opportunities for you to grow.  They come in all shapes and sizes and are truly the gifts you give yourself.  Love conquers all.  It starts with loving yourself.  When you pour the oil of love on any difficult situation, you will see resolution in wondrous ways, and soon.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

05/30/2013 (Thursday - a 5 day)

This is a great day to spend time with friends, doing things you all love and getting in a little self promotion, while you are at it.  Don't keep your "light under a barrel" today.  Nobody really knows what you are capable of if you don't let them in on your best skills.  You are often a mystery to even your best friends.  Plan on revealing something important to someone who would want to know you better.  Then,  reciprocate by asking a few revealing questions yourself.

Angel Whispers:

Freedom is the essence of this day.  So, slip the reins of responsibility for a while.  Stretch yourself and find someplace new to explore.  Get out of your preferred rut and do something unexpected.  Even if you just find a new way to drive home from work, it will make you feel lighter, perhaps more curious about the things you see and more aware of all your surroundings.  It is a good thing to expand your world, even in the smallest of ways.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

05/28/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Your words are very important today, so make sure that the words you speak represent you in a way you will not regret.  Words have tremendous power, both for good and ill.  They are creative in every sense of the word.  Your words can bring joy or inflict pain, lift someone's spirits or flatten their self esteem.  You get to choose your words and how you wish for them to be used.  If there is someone who's feelings you have hurt, words of apology will be well received today.

Angel Whispers:

To improve your life's situations it is very important that you find a way to love and accept the place and circumstances where you currently are.  Mine your memories and experiences  to create the love and value which you place on your life's experiences.  Whether you are happily creating, handling work situations, ioor meditating it is essential to your whole group that you keep your eye on the prize.
Be specific, speak positive, very descriptive words and feelings about your manifestation.  Embrace the idea of having exactly what you want and envision exactly that.

Monday, May 27, 2013

05/27/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)

Happy Memorial Day!!

If you could hear your own vibration, you would hear a veritable buzz of magnetic energy drawing to you that which you are ready to receive.  Keep in mind that you must be a vibrational match to the things you want or they simply will not come to you.  You become a vibrational match by focusing on the thing you want....thinking about it, talking about it, studying up on it, dreaming about it, imagining how it will be when you have it.  Be strong.  Keep you focus clean, to the exclusion of any negative thinking, doubts or criticisms.  Be that magnet and draw it to you.

Angel Whispers.  Life is to precious and too short to spend any sizable chunks of time with people who are negative or who tend to bring your energy down.  Choose to spend your time with positive, uplifting people who will help you "keep your eye on the prize", be the best you can be and to be an uplifter yourself.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

05/26/2013 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Today you are the ONE.  You are challenged to look into your own heart and soul to analyze where you are in terms of your goals and dreams.  What areas need extra attention?  What do you want to put on the back burner for a while, or even forever?  How are you doing in your relationship arena?  Are you ready for an important next step?  These and many other questions deserve your attention today.

Angel Whispers:

After doing your re-evaluation you may be ready to initiate some new dreams.  Whatever you start today has an especially good chance of succeeding.  If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.  This is true in every aspect of your life.  The Law of Attraction says that whatever you believe strongly enough will become true.

Friday, May 24, 2013

05/25/2013 (Saturday - a 9 day)

Well, it is a long holiday weekend and you can do what most Americans do, finish up projects that need to be done before summer sets in. This should actually feel pretty good because the nine (9) is urging you toward completion.  Do the work over the weekend and by Monday you will be ready to celebrate Memorial Day with family and friends.

Angel Whispers:

Generosity of spirit is a very important aspect of the nine (9) energy.  Take a few minutes out of your holiday to think of those who have lost so much recently in Oklahoma or even in your own home town.  Give thanks for what you have...your home, family, health and prosperity.  Then dig down and give what you can for those in need.  Whether it be a check, prayers or an actual helping hand, it will be appreciated and you can bask in the joy of giving.

05/24/2013 (Friday - an 8 day)

Are there financial issues you need to take care of?  Today would be a good day to harness the power of the eight (8) to help you do just that.  Whether you are buying, selling, paying bills or investing, this energy will help you attract the best possible outcomes.  Bankers, insurance specialists and financial advisors can be of valuable assistance in these endeavors.

Angel Whispers:

If you always look for the best in life's situations, you will come to the end of you days having lived a powerful, joyful life.  The Law of Attraction says that you will receive what you have focused on.  A powerful affirmation would be, "My life is great and just keeps getting better and better." or, "Today is the best day of my life, so far."  Or, "Magic happens in my life every day!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

05/23/2013 (Thursday - a 7 day)

If you feel like people are "wearing on your last nerve" today, it is because you are needing some alone or quiet time to do some processing, analyzing, thinking or meditating.  Your mind wants to be in charge and you might as well give it free rein.  Forget the physical activities you usually use to distract your mind and keep emotions at bay.  Just be quiet and think.  Something important may be revealed.

Angel Whispers:

There are many ways to meditate, or clear your mind of clutter so that you can more easily communicate with your Higher Self.  You could practice formal meditation techniques, learn to use a mantra, stare at a candle, count your breaths, listen to guided meditations.  You can find one that works best for you.  If you can slow your mind, you can ease pain, lower your blood pressure, calm your own fears, change habits and so much more.  7

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05/22/2013 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Today is all about aesthetics.  Tend to those things that are out of place, crooked, dirty or missing.  Bring some design and order to your surroundings.  It would also be a good day for a visit to the salon or barber shop or to get a mani-pedi.  Looking good often equates to feeling good. Of course, it can go either way.  The better you look, the better you feel/the worse you look, the worse you feel.   Pay attention to the details.  Sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest difference.

Angel Whispers:

Romance is in the air, so open our heart and let it in.  Love means little if it is not expressed.  Statements of love, affection and appreciation make the world go round.  If you feel starved for those kinds of words, be the instigator and pay genuine compliments, give hugs, express your "lovin' feelings".  What you put out will always come back to you.  Keep in mind that there is no law that says it will come back from where you send it.  Pay attention to how it comes back to you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

05/21/2013 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

You started the week with a plan and now is the time to flesh that plan out.  Be flexible and creative but make sure that you move the action forward toward the goal.  The five (5) is very good at selling and influencing others, so utilize this influence to motivate others to climb on board and  help you reach the goal at hand.

Angel Whispers:

Take a look at life from a different perspective to better see what may need to be changed in order to get the outcome you would prefer.  Look from the the goal backwards, or try to see your situation through someone else's eyes.  When you see the goal first, analyze how it would look and feel to be there, then hold that vision as you decide which steps to take along the way, you will get the best possible results for your efforts.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

05/20/2013 (Monday - a 4 day)

Start this week with the discipline and organization of the four (4) and your whole week will be much more successful.  Make a plan and follow that plan.  You know what needs to be done and you can break it down into smaller increments that are easily accomplishable.  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

Angel Whispers:

This is a good day to take care of any physical issues you may have.  Want to change your diet and fitness plans?  Start it today.  Don't make your changes too large.  Small changes are more easily assimilated into your daily activities.  Be consistent and you will see gains quickly.  Determination and intention are powerful forces when you are dealing with your body.

05/19/2013 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Three (3) is the number of expression, communication, creativity and emotion.  So, this is a day for expressing your gratitude and appreciation for all that you have, all that you love and every good thing in your life.  Keep you focus on words of kindness and praise.  The attitude of gratitude will serve you well.  It is from this space that the most wonderful manifestations come.

Angel Whispers:

When you apply the "oil of love" to any difficult situation you will see positive change come quickly back to you.  Pre-paving any endeavor with a treatment of Love will help you to manifest a successful outcome.  Envision your project surrounded in a beautiful orb of brilliant white light (which represents the Divine Light of Love) and turn over the control to your Higher Power.  In this way, you are engaging all the assistance of the angels, archangels and Divine Intelligence to help you succeed.  As you do this, you will realize that you are not alone, now or ever.

Friday, May 17, 2013

05/17/2013 (Friday - a 1 day)

The one (1) is here to remind you that "today is the first day of the rest of your life".  Whatever you feel has gone awry can be changed if you will only let it go and begin to envision it exactly as you had wanted it to happen, in infinite detail.  As long as you are focused on what went wrong, what doesn't work, it can never improve.  Take the first steps today to rectify that erroneous vision.  You ARE the creator of your own life.  Make the most of it.  

Angel Whispers:

This is a take charge kind of day.  There is a strong desire to be in control.  Do your best not to railroad others in your push to through your ideas or agendas.  Be ever on the lookout for how you can create a win-win situation.  Your long term results will always be better and more rewarding if you do.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

05/16/2013 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Start wrapping up the week today so that you won't be overwhelmed tomorrow.  Planning ahead is frequently a good thing and today is one of those days.  If you can't finish something yourself, on schedule, it would be a good idea to find someone else who can, and will, do it for you.  Be sure to express your appreciation.  This is also a very good day to get rid of anything that no longer serves you.  Whether you trash it, sell it, or donate it, the energy you will release by doing so will be invaluable.

Angel Whispers:

Words of kindness are like gifts or treasures, whether given or received.  Words of praise, words of appreciation, a compliment, a heart-felt thank you will all life the spirits of both giver and receiver.  Often, these acknowledgements can turn the tide of energy from negative to positive in an instant.  They don't cost you a penny but can be worth more than gold.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

05/15/2013 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Reach higher, harder, longer today.  The success you seek is at your fingertips.  Don't allow procrastination, practicality or procrastination to keep you from your ultimate goals.  You may just have to surprise yourself with your own ability to reach beyond what you think your capacity is.  You will be amazed at how far you can go when you challenge yourself.  Remember, you are a body with a soul, not a soul without a body.    Allow yourself to rise to your greatest potential.

Angel Whispers:

You are right on the verge of a tremendous Spiritual awakening.  You can feel it as you drift off to sleep at night or just as you begin to wake up in the morning.  It feels so close that you can almost taste it.  Hurry it along by spending time, in your head, playing out your life as if you already knew what a good time could be had by you and your guides or angels.                                                                                                                      

Monday, May 13, 2013

05/14/2013 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

Your intuition plays an important role today.  Ask for some guidance and then see what kinds of signs and signals you get from your intuitive self.  Make this a learning experience.  Write down your questions and write down anything you think might be sign, signal or an answer. You are literally training your mind how to speak to you.  Soon you will be amazed at the level of communication you can achieve.

Angel Whispers:

Every day is an opportunity to strengthen your connection with your angels.  Try carrying on an ongoing conversation with them.  Talk to them as if they were your very best friends.  The more often you do this, the more often you will feel them near you.  Ask them to show you how to recognize when they are speaking to you.  Often they will brush by you and you will feel it, sometimes you may feel as if someone has touched you or you could feel an unexpected warmth or chill.  They are as individual as we are, so enjoy getting acquainted.  Once you begin this process, you will never feel truly alone again.  For those of you who have suffered from loneliness, this could be your cure.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

05/12/2013 (Sunday - a 5 day) Happy Mother's Day!

The five (5) is very much about celebration, friendship, playfulness and lots more fun things.  So, take time today to celebrate your Mothers, your friends, your family or the fact that you woke up alive this morning.  Drink deeply of Life and nourish your body and soul with the joy that comes with actively celebrating almost anything.

Angel Whispers:

Today is a good day to recognize what a uniquely talented, gifted, lovable and amazing being you are.  There is no other being on the face of this earth who is just like you.  You are exactly who you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you should be doing until you discover something new that will satisfy you even more in the doing of it.  All the potential in the world is still available to you, waiting for you to line up your energies with that thing which is perfect to you.  Raise your arms heavenward and praise Him for creating all the possibilities in front of you and helping you to make the perfect choices for your incredible future.

05/11/2013 (Saturday - a 4 day)

Today you may feel that there is "so much to do, so little time".  Don't fear, you can get it all done if you prioritize your time.  There will be several things you  can re-schedult for a later day.  Don't think of this as procrastination, just consider it an aspect of time management.  You can't do it all in one day, so determine which of your to-do's is important enough to do today.

Angel Whispers

Work is a four-letter word just as love is.  When you work at what you love to do most you realize that loving, not working.  When you love doing something, you bring your whole self to the task,  You expand yourself in so many ways.  Love shows in the way you do everything.  Whoever looks upon your work will see the love that has been poured into it.  Put your heart into everything you do and forget that there is a task at hand.  The people who were hanging out to lend moral support will be blessed by the loving energy you are now communications and you will be blessed by it as well.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

05/10/2013 (Friday - a 3 day)

Relax, play a little, allow your creative side to come forward.  Don't take yourself (or anyone else) too seriously.  Your communication skills seem to be better than usual today.  Remember that listening is a very big part of communicating.  Listening requires you to totally present with the other party in your conversation.  Often, what you hear with your ears is not the whole story.  If you are relaxed and truly present, you will pick up signals that tell you more than words can ever tell.

Angel Whispers:

Intuition is one of those uniquely human gifts often overlooked or even dismissed.  You were born with intuition.  Some people recognize it, appreciate it and do their best to hone the skill.  Others may ignore it, distrust it or literally sublimate it.  Learning to utilize your intuitive skills can make your life run along much more smoothly.  Being in touch with your intuition can give you clues to prospective events or opportunities in advance.  It can give you a deeper understanding of the people and opportunities around you.  Even better, it can often keep you out of trouble.    

05/09/2013 (Thursday - an 11/2 day)

Trust is the word for the day.  Trust that you deserve to be loved, to be appreciated, to be respected.  Trust that your own personal angels are with you always and will never steer you wrong.  Trust that you can create a sense of peace and harmony in your day.  Drink in the beauty of Spring, which is all around you.  Just as everything is bursting with growth and bloom, so are you growing and coming into your own.

Angel Whispers:

Life gets so busy that you forget to be aware of all the good things that inhabit your world.  You live in your head, filled with stress, worry, anxiety and other negative emotions.  These emotions create a wash of chemicals that can ultimately be very debilitating and is definitely hazardous to your good health.  You can choose to change this pattern by slowing down, looking for that something in your environment that takes your breath away, even a little bit.  Play music that stirs your soul.  Consider this process as "feeding your soul".  These moments of beauty can far outweigh the stress and concern and will lead to a much more well rounded, happy existence.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

05/08/2013 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

Be the one who takes the initiative today.  Try to start with a new perspective, a change of processes, a more direct route to the core issues.  Turn your back, at least for today, on the old way of doing things.  Be brave and open yourself to new ideas and possibilities.  Whether it is your idea or your recognition of the value of someone else's idea, you will see results very quickly.

Angel Whispers:

Each new desire you have propels you forward.  When you squelch your desires (something you were probably taught to do), you implode a bit.  Of course, you won't always get what you want, but having desire is human nature.  It energizes you and moves you forward on the playing field of your life.  Expansion happens when you have desires.  Some of them last a day, others are with you for a lifetime.  Don't feel guilty for having desires.  In fact,  you might want to keep a "want" journal where you can mark off the things you have already received, give thanks for them, and then write down any new desires you might have.  Day dream about them, fantasize about them,  visualize yourself receiving them.  Thank you, God!

Monday, May 6, 2013

05/07/2013 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

This day comes equipped with everything you need for accomplishing your goals for the day.  The nine (9) is complete.  It is also filled with generosity and a willingness to share.  Follow your instincts and give freely of yourself.  The joy it will bring will be priceless.  Love abounds around you.  All you have to do is keep your eyes and your heart open to receive it.

Angel Whispers:

When you truly learn to love yourself, all things are possible.  You ignite that spark that is within your soul, that spark that is your connection to God.  Once you recognize and realize that you are one with God, you  are capable of all things.  No longer will you feel alone, unloved, adrift, lost.  You will know that you are one with All Things.  When you ask, you will receive.  When you seek, you will find,  When you know, the door shall be opened unto you.  This is the promise God has given to all His children.  Rely on this promise.

05/06/2013 (Monday - an 8 day)

Giving your all to every task at hand is natural for you today.  Reaching your loftiest goals is easy because you can access the powerful, successful energy of the eight (8).  There is no detail too small for your attention and your expectations are quickly met.  Your plans come together with ease because you did pay attention to every detail.  Be sure to recognize and appreciate the help of others who made this success come together so well.

Angel Whispers:

No matter what is going on in your life, you have the choice of how you will respond to it.  Will you choose to search for the good in even the most difficult moments?  Will you recognize the lesson that is right in front of you?  Will you count your blessings, no matter what?  Are you willing to see the Light even in the darkest situation?  If you are willing to make these choices, you are on your way to creating a life of joy, love, hope and fulfillment.  There is a positive, life affirming, choice in every situation...large or small.  The choice is always yours to make.  Choose the best.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

04/05/2013 (Sunday - a 6 day)

You are very sensitive to how things look and feel today.  This sensitivity could be bothersome or you could choose to use this energy to help you find ways to improve your surroundings.  Sometimes, a simple pick up, clean up, clear out strategy will work wonders.  Or, perhaps it is time to buy some new accessories or piece of furniture, bring in a new color scheme, add a couple of healthy house plants.  This strategy could work for your yard, as well.

Angel Whispers:

Pay attention to what your emotions are trying to tell you right now.  Stop, be quiet and listen to your inner voice long enough to determine where you are, emotionally.  This is no time to keep your head stuck in the sand pretending that everything is fine, especially if it is not.  You can only pretend so long.  Eventually that thing you are hiding from will come right up and smack you in the face, in a way you cannot ignore.  Face it now and you will have it resolved and out of your life in no time at all.  It isn't nearly as scary as you have led yourself to believe.  Just do it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

05/03/2013 (Friday - a 5 day)

The five (5) ends the work week on a lighter note.  Relax a little, stretch, breathe a little.  Friends are everywhere.  Take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with them.  Laugh a lot.  Love a lot.  Go to a funny movie.  Enjoy all there is to enjoy in your very precious life.  If you won't celebrate the amazing life you have, who will.

Angel Whispers:

Travel is such a joy and a privilege.  It takes us out of ourselves and out of our well worn ruts and allows us to see things from a new perspective.  Without the confines of our daily rituals and responsibilities, we can see greater possibilities, dream bigger dreams and reach for higher goals.  If you can't take an actual trip of some distance, plan an outing with friends to someplace in your own town that you have never been to before.  It will work almost as well.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

05/02/2013 (Thursday - a 4 day)

You will probably find this to be a very physical day, with tasks that may challenge your stamina.  Push through, so that you can claim the satisfaction at the end of the day.  Everything seems to be much more down to earth, basic and elemental.  Simplicity is key.  Discipline and hard work will bring the success you seek.

Angel Whispers:

Whatever you push against, gets stronger.  However, it seems natural to push against what we perceive as wrong or dangerous.  The Law of Attraction says, "that which is like unto itself is drawn".  When you put your attention on a thing, you amplify it.  It grows according to the amount of time, energy and attention you give it.  Where is your attention going?  How often do you talk about what you disagree with.  Instead of talking about what doesn't work, choose to talk about what would work.  Sing the praises of the good ideas you see or hear.  Become a champion for the best case scenario.  Breathe life into your expanding dreams.  Fan the flame of good, right, successful, beautiful, glorious, healthy, happy, prosperous, loving, etc., etc., etc.!  Make it so.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

05/01/2013 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

Creativity is heightened throughout this day.  If your job is in a creative field, it should be especially productive and successful.  If  you are in a profession that requires more detail oriented, linear thinking and accessing information, this may be a very different kind of day for you.  In either case, just flow with it and enjoy the more abstract way of receiving ideas and integrating them into your work.  The energy will definitely be more emotional, expressive and colorful today.

Angel Whispers:

Few things affect the emotions more than music, so enhance the energy of the three (3) by carefully picking the soundtrack of your day.   Do you need peace and quiet, with greater access to your higher mind?  New Age music should set that tone very well.  Do you need extra energy?  Choose something with an up tempo, like what you would expect to hear at a Zumba class.  Different tasks call for different playlists.  It would be very useful for you to create playlists for various aspects of your life.  Unless you have ear phones, consider who else might be hearing your choices.

Monday, April 29, 2013

04/30/2013 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

Be ready to work hard today, but you will be very happy with  your results if you utilize the discipline and sense of order that the four (4) brings you.  It is easier to stay focused and stay on track with whatever project you are working on.  By the end of the day, you will feel so proud of yourself for sticking to your plan and just knocking it out.  Remember how well this energy worked for you so that you can call on it again when you hit another work hurdle.

Angel Whispers:

You, too, can be a worker for world peace . . . right from the comfort of your own favorite chair.  To manifest peace in the world, we must first create larger numbers of people who will choose peace over chaos, kindness over cruelty, truth and justice over tyranny.  If you will sit quietly for a few minutes, every day, and visualize a world filled with peace and harmony, health and happiness, prosperity, love and abundance.  By doing this, not only will you be bringing yourself into alignment will all these things, you will be contributing to a vibrational change around the world.  Do your part and pass these suggestions along to your friends.   Together we can create a better place for us all.

04/29/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)

Let your emotions lead you today.  Do what feels right, what your heart wants to do.  Feed yourself with things that touch your emotions.  Wear clothes that make you feel especially good.  Eat foods that appeal to your eyes as well as your palette.  Play music that makes your heart sing.  Spend time with people you love, or at least give them a call.  Fill yourself up with love and allow that love to spill over as gratitude.  From that filled up, flowing over place of appreciation will come even greater blessings to be grateful for later.

Angel Whispers:

Ask, believing, and you shall receive.  The key word here is "believing".  All things are possible to  those who truly believe.  When you are praying for something you don't quite believe you can or will receive or even deserve to receive, your prayer is going nowhere.  You must first connect with your powerful sense of "knowing" that God will answer your prayer - in other words, believing.  The stronger your belief, the more quickly your prayer will be answered.  See it done, feel it done, live as though it is already done.  It will be done.  So be it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

04/27/2013 (Saturday - a 1 day)

Start your weekend with a burst of energy designed to get you out of your rut, er...routine.  Feel that curl of energy in your center that is leading you toward something new and fun.  Get outdoors, no matter the weather.  Breathe some fresh air, enjoy the beauty of spring bursting out all around you.  Everywhere you look there is something you can be grateful for.  The more you give yourself over to that attitude of gratitude the more energy will flow to you and through you, bringing you blessings galore.

Angel Whispers:

Do you realize that your body/mind/spirit resonates to color, sounds, temperature, textures.  You are like a giant tuning fork, vibrating to almost everything in your environment.  When you learn which vibrations make you feel good, feel happy, feel energized (or the opposite of these feelings), you can choose to surround yourself with the good things and minimize the bad things.  As you feel these things, your body exudes chemicals that affect your mood, energy and even your basic health.  Most people simply slide through life without paying attention to these vibrations.  You could be one who chooses your preferred vibrations for health and well being.  Start where you are and see how far you can go.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

04/26/2013 (Friday - a 9 day)

It is always nice to finish the work week on a nine (9) day, which brings the energy of completion with it.  It helps you tie up loose ends, finish projects and end on a good note.  That Universal completion energy will find ways to help you get it all done.  Set your intention, early in the day, to clear your workspace, possibly help others do the same and be ready for the new week coming up.

Angel Whispers:

Charity begins at home and this is a good day to cull some of the things you have been hanging on to for so long.  There are certainly people in your community who are in need.  Go through your closets and drawers, the garage and any storage rooms you might have.  If  you haven't used something in the last year, it may be time to let it go.  This is difficult for some people who tend to be loyal to their "things".  Some of them have sentimental reasons for hanging on.  Don't worry so much about those things.  Realize that when you cast off things that are no longer serving you, you are creating a void and the Universe abhors a void.  So, getting rid of the old opens up space for something newer and nicer.  Hoarding causes energy to stagnate and become blocked.  Think of this purging as an avenue to bring new, more powerful, energy into your home and life.

04/25/2013 (Thursday - an 8 day)

Expect to be successful at whatever you have planned for the day.  Give it your all, but know that the power of the eight (8) will be backing you up all day.  If you are needing to make a big purchase, this is  also a day to make or save money.  It might be smart to check out the sales sheets in your local paper, shop online or use that coupon you've been carrying around (before it expires).

Angel Whispers:

You are only as successful as you believe you are.  Often, when you get so caught up in all the things left to be done, you forget to acknowledge the things you have already checked off the list.  It is a good idea to keep an accomplishments list in your planner to remind yourself that you have already succeeded in many ways.  It will really make you feel good when you look back over those lists at the end of your week, even if there are still things left to do.  It will keep your attention on the successes instead of the things that you will be moving to your list for next week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

04/24/2013 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

Remember what your Mom always told you ... "you can do anything you put your mind to."  Well, today would be a good day to put that to the test.  Seven (7) carries such good mental energy that you may be amazed at what your mind can come up with today.  Make sure that you don't have too many interruptions so you can make the most of this powerful tool.

Angel Whispers:

When you learn the powerful art form of meditation, you can teach yourself to sleep better, lower your blood pressure, notice when your breathing gets shallow, remind yourself to drink ample pure water and open your mind to the wisdom of the Universe.  Meditation can help you improve your mental faculties, reduce stress and relieve pain.  Meditation harnesses the power of the mind.  Harness yours soon.

Monday, April 22, 2013

04/23/2013 (Tuesday - a 6 day )

The six (6) is all about relationships.  There must be equality or the relationship doesn't work, but too often people choose to ignore the balance (or lack of it) in any given connection in an effort to maintain it.  This can work for a while, but eventually the inequity becomes too large to ignore and something must be done to rectify the situation.  The longer you wait to rectify the imbalances, the more unhealthy the relationship becomes.  Choices must be made.  How you make those choices are generally self-defining.  This is an excellent day for some relationship analysis.

Angel Whispers:

Your world is a mirror to show you who you are.  Each relationship provides a mirror for you to look deeply into for clues to your inner self.  What you love in another can also be found in yourself.  What  you don't like can probably be found lurking in yourself, as well.  It is easier to see in them than in yourself.  Don't be afraid to look into your mirrors.  What you see may thrill or deflate you, but either way, you will learn something that can be embraced or changed.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

04/22/2014 (Monday - a 5 day)

Lighten up, loosen up and let laughter fill your day.  Even if you are working hard, the energy of the five (5) should feel like a song, playing in the background of your mind.  You want to find a new way of doing an old thing, laugh a lot, spend time with good friends and eat something you have never tried before.  Relax and give yourself permission to let go and enjoy all that comes your way.

Angel Whispers:

The number five (5) is all about freedom and change and it is good to remember that you, at all times, have the freedom to change.  Change your mind, change your address, change your life in every way needed.  When you discover something you don't like, rockets of desire go off telling you all about what you do like.  Rather than fretting about the don't likes, embrace those rockets of desire, immerse yourself in every aspect of those desires and enjoy the energy that comes with giving yourself to all that.  As you revel in the joys and visions that accompany those desires, you become magnetic to that very thing and the Universe begins lining you up with it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

04/21/2014 (Sunday - a 4 day)

Look to your physical needs, your responsibilities and your financial requirements today.  Think of it as evaluating and supporting your "bottom line".  Activities that relate to these issues will pay big benefits if you take care of them now.  Organization and list making are excellent.  Making plans for your meals and exercise program are important, too.  No excuses...JUST DO IT.

Angel Whispers:

Without your health, all of your hopes and dreams become more and more difficult to achieve.  Three of the most important elements your body needs for good health are oxygen, good water and adequate sleep, no matter what your age is.  These three elements actually support each other.  Deep breathing and hydration will help you to sleep better.  It all starts with your breath.  Are you a shallow breather?  Consciously practice taking deep breaths and holding them, several times throughout the day.  Make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of pure water every day.  Do some stretches and some of your deep breathing just before bedtime.  Even these small changes will make a difference in your overall health.  Whether you are maintaining good health or trying to retrieve it, step by step, you can make a difference.  Exercise, vitamins, a good mattress, stress relief and meditation/visualization/affirmation may be appropriate next steps.  Start simple and keep going.

04/20/2014 (a 3 day)

In all seriousness, ... don't be serious today.  Have a plan, stick to the plan, but ignore anything and everything that wants to bring you down.  This day was intended to bring you laughter, fun, food and good friends.  Savor it all and pull it out later, to enjoy and appreciate it over and over again.

Angel Whispers:

So, have you heard the one about.......?  It is a good idea to keep a folder with your favorite good jokes around, so that when you are feeling low or you know someone who is vibrating on the lower end of the emotional scale.  Funny stories, jokes, family fun  type movies or tv shows shared with friends can change the energy can almost always be  called upon to lighten the mood.  No need to worry about the state of the planet.  Your job is to create a vision of peace, joy and contentment to counterbalance all the negativity we are bombarded with on a daily basis.  Keep your vision clear and live a happy life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

04/19/2013 (Friday - an 11/2 day)

You will be inclined to pick up- clean up and straighten up your surroundings today.  You might even find yourself inclined to straighten crooked paintings on the wall.  Somehow, bringing order to your space brings order to your mind.  You can also be a calming influence in frayed relationships today, as well.  Peace is your word for the day.

Angel Whispers:

There are so many chaotic and scary things going on in the world at large.  These are things you have no control over.  The only control you have is over your own reactions to these events.  Please DO send vibrations of love and Light to the people affected.  DO NOT spend time worrying about a similar thing happening to you or your loved ones.  The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get, so keep your focus on what is RIGHT in your world.  Wrap yourself in an attitude of gratitude for all the good things in your life.  Visualize your home and family surrounded and protected in a bubble of Divine Protection.  From your place of gratitude, you can send prayers and aid to people who have been affected by disaster.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

04/17/2013 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

What you give now becomes the gift you give yourself.  Service is the the name of the game today.  Nine is the number of selfless service/service to mankind.  You can make a difference to someone and enjoy the reward of inner satisfaction.  This kind of reward can be worth more than gold.

Angel Whispers:

Your life is your own creation, an invention of your mind, your words and what you choose to focus your attention on.  Because your creation is always in flux, it can be changed at your will.  Of course, it will take a change of attitude, vision and focus.  You cannot create a new world by using the same words and taking the same actions you always have.  When you see something you don't like, choose to perceive it as an instant clue as to what you do want.  Put your focus on what you choose to create, not on that thing that you don't like.  The Law of Attraction states that that which is like unto itself is drawn.  Choose to vibrate to something positive......always.

04/16/2013 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

This is a good day to pay attention to financial matters.  Investments, savings, significant purchases or sales can be especially successful today.  Use the best of your skills to move toward improvement in your field, now.  Keep your focus and advancement could be yours soon.

Angel Whispers:

When you seek success, new relationships, material things or better health you are creating that which pulls you forward into more life, more fulfillment, more energy.  When you feel stagnant, listless, disinterested, are shrinking your life force and limiting your future.  You can jumpstart your expansion by finding something you want.  It really doesn't matter what that something is, but it does need to be something you can feel passionate about.  Then do that....get passionate about it, and see where the energy that your passion creates will take you.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

04/15/2013 (Monday - a 7 day)

This is not a "work it out" day but it is a "think it through" day.  Get to a quiet place and put your mind to work.  Use whichever mental skills you are most comfortable with....contemplation, analyzation, meditation, study, or exploring your intuition.  These skills will bring greater results than any physical actions you may take.  Simply put, work smart not hard.

Angel Whispers:

Your subconscious mind loves to be utilized.  It loves to solve problems, work puzzles, find answers.  Practice giving it something to do.  Ask for information on an obscure subject and watch how quickly a book or expert on that particular subject just happens to come into your path.  Think of someone you haven't seen in a long time and right away someone will mention them or they might even call or show up on your doorstep.  This happens to everybody.  When you actively, consciously practice engaging this powerful source, you will realize that it gets stronger and more reliable with regular use and can be an incredible tool for your good.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

04/13/2013 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Freedom and change are on the agenda for today.  Get out of the house, out of your favorite rut, away from the everyday grind, and do something different, unexpected, even challenging.  Call up your friends and talk them into going with you.  It could wind up being a day to remember with great fondness for years to come.  Life was not meant to be a struggle, it was meant to bring you joy.  A good five (5) word is....impromptu.   (impromptu |imˈpräm(p)ËŒt(y)o͞o| adjectiveadverb
done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed:)
Angel Whispers:

A life without friends is difficult, often lonely and perhaps even lack-luster.  Friends are the family you choose for yourself.  These are the people who know you best and love you anyway.  These people act as a sounding board, bouncing ideas around with you, helping you gain clarity on the subject at hand.  You are "there" for each other in the hard times as well as the fun times.  They share your history, your dreams, your goals.  They bring you back in line when you stray from your chosen direction.  They are the last to say, "I told you so."  You are extremely fortunate if any of these friends happen to be related to you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

04/12/2013 (Friday - a 4 day)

Put a real push on to finish out the week.  You will feel better if you don't have left-overs for next week.  If you are feeling uptight, frustrated or out of sorts, get outside and walk briskly, breathe some fresh air, maybe even get some light exercise in.  Upon returning to work you will be clearer, more energized and have a new perspective on the job at hand.

Angel Whispers:

Breath is essential to life, but you often tend to be shallow breathers which deprives your body of the oxygen it needs for maximum performance.  Do some deep breathing when you first wake up, before you enter your workplace, before you start your car, whenever you feel stress and when you get ready for bed.  You could also connect your deep breathing to some good affirmations for an even greater effect.  This is a simple practice with big benefits.

04/11/2013 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Wit and charm will be your friends today.  Words flow and images appear in the mind like your own internal movie.  Some might call it intuition, others might see it as creative thinking.  Whatever it is, it can be a blessing today.  Journaling this might have deep significance....later.  Keep it light and find some time for genuine play.  Not watching someone else play, but actually playing yourself.  When you let go of your restraints, laughter can't be far behind.  Enjoy.

Angel Whispers:

The very act of writing down your goals makes them appear much more quickly.  The physical act of writing, forming letters and words, grounds them into your subconscious much more deeply than merely thinking them or verbalizing them.  Then, of course, they are available for you to read and re-read again and again, add clarification to some items, let others go, and don't forget to get busy visualizing your rosy future.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

04/10/2013 (Wednesday - an 11/2 day)

Mid week and you are hoping for some momentum to carry you through to the weekend.  However, this promises to be a rather quiet day, more internal than physically oriented.  Pick up an inspiring book, do a little meditation, avoid making big decisions and focus on having a peaceful day.  The energy will be much more upbeat tomorrow anyway.  Relax and enjoy whatever comes your way.

Angel Whispers:

Sometimes life is up and sometimes it is down, sometimes it is all around.  This is the way of life, always changing.  It can change drastically from one day to the next.  Your job is to stay in a place of peace and well being, no matter how things look outside yourself.  If you will hold the vision that all is well in your world, that you are always and forever one with God, the circumstances will have to conform to your belief and vision.  Just be sure that you are not allowing the outside world to color or corrupt your vision.  Remember that gratitude is the most powerful tool you have in your creation tool chest.  Keep it pure and simple.   Thank you, God!

04/09/2013 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

Wake up and smell the roses!  It is a new day and anything is possible.  Make sure you are not limiting yourself with old, outdated ideas of what you can and cannot do.  Stretch yourself and find out how far you can push your old boundaries.  Be an independent thinker today and then try to make a habit of being one every day.  Turn your world around by proclaiming your own power, set your goals higher than ever and go after!

Angel Whispers:

Everywhere you look is a new opportunity, something new for you to learn, someplace new for you to go.  Joyously go forth and explore as many of these possibilities as you dare.  With each experience, you will learn more and more about yourself.  Self-knowledge is self-empowering.  There are no limits other than those you place on yourself.  Ask for  your angels to help you in every scenario you can think of and then step back and watch them develop, right before your eyes.