Wednesday, May 30, 2012

05/31/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)

This is a good day for you to "toot your own horn", or do a bit of self promotion.  No one knows your skills, your experience or you talents as you do.  Find new ways to challenge yourself, to remind yourself what you are capable of.  Stretch your boundaries.  Use the energies of the five (5) to let people know you bring to the table.  Sell yourself!

Angel Whispers:

In the grand scheme of things, you have come into this life with everything you need to succeed, no matter what.  The challenges, the obstacles, the seeming inadequacies are there to give you a chance to overcome them with the unique abilities, qualities and characteristics that make you who you are.  There is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you put your whole self into it.  When things seem to be impossible, your own band of angels are waiting to show you the way.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

05/30/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

Discipline is required in all aspects of your day today.  Start the day with a plan and do your best not to waver from it.  Remind yourself of your priorities on both the long and short term.  It will help that your energy levels should be high enough to accomplish your goals, as long as you don't let yourself be distracted.  Determination is an excellent quality of the four (4) which can serve you well today.

Angel Whispers:

Gratitude lifts your spirits and opens the doors to all possibilities.  If you will always focus your attention on those things that you are truly grateful for, the Universe will shower upon you more and more of those good things that you have spoken your gratitude for.  It is so easy to become lackadaisical about keeping up a gratitude list or consistently exploring our lives to find those things that we are indeed grateful for.  Make it your habit to spend your last waking moments of each day, giving thanks for all the wonderful experiences of the day, the people you encountered, the opportunities for service, the beauty you've seen (both in nature and in people) and for your health and well being.  Gratitude heals.

Monday, May 28, 2012

05/29/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

If there is something that is unclear, uncertain or undefined today, find someone to be your sounding board and simply "talk it out".  If you don't find a sounding board, speak to yourself, outlining all the details you do know and the ultimate goal to be achieved.  Getting the words outside your own head will allow some illumination to show you the way.  The verbalization will allow you to hear and not to just think about it, and a solution can appear.

Angel Whispers:

To move forward, you must let go of the past and keep your eyes on the future goal.  You cannot look to your past and find all the reasons you did not succeed and hope to succeed in your future.  What you can do is naturally and graciously carry the wisdom and skills you earned in your past into your tomorrow.  Do not judge your experience, good or bad, but know that it was all simply a part of your path.  Let your past define for you what you want more of and then keep your focus on that....exclusively.  Drop that old stuff that you don't want like a hot potato.  The second you realize that you are thinking about that stuff, think a better thought, any better thought.  Especially if that better thought is about something that you DO want, how much you like it, how much fun it will be to have it, what benefits it will bring you and what joy it will bring you when it is manifest into your now existence.

05/28/2012 (Monday - an 11 day)

Today is Memorial Day and you are asked to remember those who have fallen in service to our nation.  Say a prayer for all those fallen souls and also for the ones who have come home from wars with traumas both physical, mental and emotional.  Show your appreciation for members of the armed services in any way that you can.  

Angel Whispers:

There are paths through life that allow us to experience more profound soul growth and understanding than others.  One of those paths is serving in the military.  Serving in a war zone is intense and fraught with difficulties.  Because of this, relationships take on greater importance and often in a much shorter time period.   Your relationships with people, your superiors, your job, the people in the region you serve, and especially your relationship with God are all tested in the flames of combat.  Your soul chooses this for the purpose of accelerated soul growth.  

Saturday, May 26, 2012

05/27/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Sunday begins a new week and the one (1) begins a new 9 day cycle.  As both have to do with new beginnings it is nice when they coincide.  This is a good time to do some planning,  goal setting and re-evaluating.  Where are you since your last goal setting session?  Are your goals actually working for you?  Do you need to re-think your goals?  Nearly halfway through the year, it may be time for a little course correction.  Try not to be too rigid.  Find enough flexibility to propel yourself forward.

Angel Whispers:

Are you feeling helpless, frustrated and/or alone?  Step outside yourself and try to see your life as others see it.  Be at least as kind to yourself as you would to a friend or stranger.  Write down a list of your successes and then acknowledge them.  Step outside, literally.  Look around at nature in all it's abundance.  Look up at the stars on a clear night.  Would the God who created all that really leave you hanging out to dry all by yourself?  Look up into the beauty of the night sky and throw your arms out wide.  Ask God to guide, guard and protect you, to show you your next best step.  Ask, believing, and ye shall receive.

Friday, May 25, 2012

05/26/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)

Generosity plays an important role in your life today.  Give your time, energy, money or ideas.  Reach out and make a difference for someone else.  Giving, unconditionally, opens the flood gates for the Universe to pour out blessings on you, too.  The more you freely give, the more you become open to receive and the richer (in every sense) your life will be.

Angel Whispers:

Start your day with stretches and deep breathing.  Your body will thank you for the rest of the day.  No matter how fit or un-fit you are, you can do these two things.  As you stretch, breathing deeply as you go, feel every muscle and every part of your body.  Envision your breath as the pure, white light of the Christ, penetrating every cell, filling it with Divine Love and health.  Exhale tension, doubt, lack, fear, fatigue, pain, etc.  See yourself as being super charged by this process.  Add to this plenty of good, clean water and your day will be off to a very good start.

05/25/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)

Little things make you happy today.  Memorial weekend sales draw you out to save a little money, you clean out a purse or drawer and find money you stashed there months ago, someone gives you free tickets to a movie or concert.  It seems that you are magnetic to money today.  Put a little extra in your savings account, buy some stock you have been interested in.

Angel Whispers:

Wanting something, badly, is a great motivational tool.  It clears your focus, stirs your energy and is something you can do without a lot of money.  Cut out pictures of the thing you want, post them all over your house.  Give thanks for them, even though you don't have them in your hand, as yet.  See it, as if it is already so.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

05/24/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)

The seven (7) asks you to study what intrigues you and then to share your knowledge and insight with others.  Today, you have an uncanny intuitive ability which, coupled with your study and investigation, draws a bigger, broader picture in your mind.  Utilizing logic, observation and intuition will optimize your ability to "think outside the box".  Challenge yourself to explore new possibilities today.

Angel Whispers:

You know all those things you have been trying to manifest?  Find an acquaintance or distant friend who you can share with.  Tell them about your manifestation (as if it is already so./   and have fun with the telling.  Describe it in infinite detail.  Relish the telling of it.  See yourself with it and enjoy telling the story.  This is a great practice for self help. so  much easier to deal with than the usual suspects.  Take note of how quickly your vision becomes an apple horse.  Get him time and  to allow you to readers.  

. Congratulations on                                                                                                

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

05/23/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

If you have a relationship that needs a little bit of work, today is the day to do it.  Not only are your communication skills good but your heart is open and ready to consider both sides of the issue.  Your level of understanding is improved and you will probably be more willing to listen and learn than usual.  Harmony is what you are seeking and you are willing to work until it is achieved.

Angel Whispers:

Everything matters, even the smallest details.  You have heard the expression, "God is in the details.".  Whether you are baking a cake, painting a painting or building a house, it is often the final little details that make it a success.  To leave them off would be to have something that is "almost" good enough.  You are not creating a life of almost good enough, are you?  Of course not.  Take the time, effort, energy or money to do it right.  It will be worth the effort.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

05/22/2012 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

Five (5) is the number of change, transformation and travel.  Expect the unexpected and when it happens, laugh and roll with the punches.  In the end, the changes that happen today are going to be good for you.  You just have to be willing to embrace the changes and explore their new possibilities.  They can bring laughter and joy as the gift at the heart of the opportunities.

Angel Whispers:

Wrap your sense of humor around you and carry it with you wherever you are today.  If you lighten up and look at things through your beautiful rose-colored glasses, you will be open enough to see the best possibilities in every situation.  Just your willingness to be open to spiritual guidance will set you on a path of Higher Learning.  Greet the day with open arms and wait with delight, for the blessings the Universe has been saving for you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

05/21/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)

Start your week with a look at your physical and fiscal needs.  Budget your time, energy and money.  Set aside some extra cash for incidentals and/or add to your savings.  Exercise will help to maximize your energy levels.  Consider eating clean and green.  Good health is even better than money in the bank, so do all you can to guard your health now.  You will be glad you did, later.

Angel Whispers:

There is no time like the present to dream big dreams, and do big things.  You can make a difference, but choose now the difference you want to make.  What means the most to you?  Who do you want to be?  Where do you want to be?  What do you want to see?  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come. Today is all you have, so use it well.  Take just one step toward your dreams today.  One step into the future you want.  One step to make a difference. One step for you.  Do it today.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

05/20/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Three (3) is the number of creativity or, literally, the number of creation.  They key phrase for the number three is "Words, words, words.".  As you know, the Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get.  (That which is like unto itself, is drawn.)  Look at those cliches that so often and so readily come into your  speech.  "I don't have time.  I don't have the money to...  I don't know how.  I can't."  These phrases undermine all your good intentions, weaken your resolve, limit your income, deny your abilities.  Learn to catch yourself when these words come out of your mouth.  Replace them with more powerful, more positive phrases, more in alignment with what you actually want to create in your life.

Angel Whispers:

Words have a life of their own for you today.  Be watchful of what you say.  Make sure your words have no sharp edges that could cause pain to another.  Speak thoughtfully and be aware of the power words have in shaping your life.  Words can heal, or hurt.  They can inform, or delude.  They can be a gift, or a curse.  Make your words today be gifts and blessings.

Friday, May 18, 2012

05/19/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)

Peace, harmony and a little tranquility are what you are looking for today.  Enjoy your surroundings, especially if you get to spend a little time outside.  Breathe in the fresh air, notice the beauty that Spring has brought to your neighborhood and let the birds serenade you.  You can unload a lot of tension and stress that you have carried all week by doing this.  Just let it go.....and breathe.

Angel Whispers:

Focus on what you want your life to look like.  A quick glance at your current life will tell you exactly what you have been focused on.  If you think it isn't what you really want, you have to realize that the only way to change it is to start thinking better thoughts, holding better visions and speaking better words regarding your life.  No one else can change it for you, and you can't start changing it any earlier.  Begin today.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

05/18/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)

New beginnings and new energy are your gift from the one (1) today.  Yesterday's completions open doors for new ideas and projects to take root and thrive.  Make plans for next week and next month while you are under the spell of this energy.  Things begun today will have great potential for success.

Angel Whispers:

Sticky notes with your favorite affirmations are an ideal way to keep your mind focused on your goals.  They can be as simple as a single word such as "Breathe!",  a complete affirmation or a specific goal.  Move them around regularly, so that they don't become invisible to your mind.  Bright colors or gold stars draw your eye to them, but you must have a contract with yourself that you will take a breath and actually read them when your eye falls on them.  Pay attention to your body's response to what you read.  If you get a negative charge from reading it, change the language until it fits.  Let yourself be amazed at the things your sticky notes bring into your life.  Rejoice your successes and share them with others.  

05/17/2012 (Thursday - a 9 day)

The end of the work week in near, so today is a good day to evaluate all the things that need to be brought to completion.  The nine (9) is the number of completion, fullness, wholeness and will help you to prioritize those jobs that need to be finished first.  Keep in mind that nine (9) is also the number of selfless service.  Incorporating genuine service into your day will maximize your impact.

Angel Whispers:

Be a seed planter, at work, at home and at play.  Be that person who instills positivity into your group.  Steer the conversations away from worry, doubt, fear and especially criticism.  Make it a point to have something genuinely uplifting or complimentary to say to every person you talk to.  A simple observation will usually suffice.  Be that voice of optimism that sets the tone for the rest of the communication.  The seed you plant may change the energy of the whole day for someone.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

05/16/2012 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

The theme song for today would be "Taking Care of Business".  The eight (8) is efficient, effective and all about business.  Success is the name of the game, so career matters are important.  Are your career goals on track?  If not, you may need to re-evaluate and re-commit.   Or, perhaps your priorities have changed and you need to set new goals and a new time line.

Angel Whispers:

It is good to have something that you want, really want.  It keeps your energy moving forward and breathes life into your . . . . well, into your life.  When you become complacent, your energy wanes and your life becomes smaller, more compact, even limited.  Having a big desire pours fuel on the flame and expands your horizons.  When you accomplish one goal, congratulate yourself and set a new one.  It will keep spring in your step and roses in your cheeks.

Monday, May 14, 2012

05/15/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

Seven (7) is the number of the mind, the intellect, intuition, introspection, dreams, study and philosophy.  Expect to have a very mental day, today.  Consider meditation when you are seeking something more than the usual answers.  Guard against melancholy or worry.  Keep it positive.  The terrain of the mind can be incredibly beautiful when you take the time to visit there.

Angel Whispers:

When you harvest your memory for anything that made you feel good in your past, you are pulling that same joyful energy right into your now.  Remember places you have been, people you have loved, good times of every kind.  Remember when you were younger and your body felt strong, resilient and capable of almost anything.  See if you can remember the actual feeling of that body.  Imagine how it would feel to enjoy that body again.  Tell your subconscious mind to give you a nudge when you move in a way that feels like that younger, stronger, more flexible being.  Congratulate your body for being able to replicate that, to any degree, again.  Rather than notice what doesn't work, notice anything that does work and choose more of that.  Each time you remember any of these good things, you are pulling them forward, reactivating that great energy for your body, mind and spirit to use now.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

05/14/2012 (Monday - a 6 day)

The energy of the six (6) is supple, round, warm, generous, loving and motherly.  It is always about relationships and at times, tends to worry too much.  Like Cancer people, 6 people love their homes and often have truly beautiful surroundings, because aesthetics are vastly important to them.  So, today, you may find yourself with a desire to improve your environment, give advice to others or indulge in some romance.

Angel Whispers:

When you find yourself in conversation with someone who insists on talking politics, being critical, demeaning others or being generally negative, realize that you are absorbing their negative charges and that they are going to affect your body and your life.  Be proactive.  Change the subject or politely excuse yourself and then spend the next few moments going over your handy-dandy gratitude list.  Dwelling in the cleansing, clearing energy of gratitude is the fastest way to purge that negative energy.  People will soon learn that you are not willing to talk to them when they are in that consciousness.  

05/13/2012 (Sunday - a 5 day)


Live well, laugh often, love much.  This is the mantra of the number five (5).  Playfulness and joy are attributes of this day.  So, relax, lighten up and enjoy yourself, your family and friends.  Try something new, explore places in your town that you haven't seen before, go to a new restaurant.  Celebrate life and the beauty of Spring.

Angel Whispers:

Time is on your side.  As long as you are still breathing, you still have all the potential of the physical universe at your fingertips.  You can change anything that displeases you.  You can create better health, a more satisfying job, a loving relationship, more money...literally anything can be yours.  First you must define what it is that you want to change and then you need to focus on that desire to the exclusion of any doubts or fears that you might have regarding your wish.  Be as positive about receiving your gift as is humanly possible and prepare to receive it.  Begin now.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

05/12/2012 (Saturday - a 4 day)

If you have physical or financial issues, today is a good day to find resolutions to them.  The four (4) is grounded, determined, strong willed and hard working.  These attributes can go a long way toward addressing your issues and helping you to find a solid way to shift the energies around them.  Be strong, listen to your inner guidance and take a stand.  The decisions you make today will bear fruit for months to come.

Angel Whispers:

Arguing against anything will only add strength to the thing you are arguing against.  Arguing brings up very strong energy and emotions.  When you spread these on the subject, the energy is escalated and becomes more powerful.  Instead of pouring all this energy and emotion on this subject, (which always makes it bigger), you would be much better served to put your focus, your energy and your emotions onto something that you love, admire, enjoy, appreciate and  want more of.

Friday, May 11, 2012

05/11/2012 (Friday - a 3 day)

Laughter and great conversations are a special part of your day's energy today.  Your mood should be light and open, you feel warm and connected and life seems to be going your way.  Enjoy your work, your friends and your family.  Try to do something creative and let the music moooove you.

Angel Whispers:

Make a wish and hold it near.  Picture it, speak to it, love it and breathe life into it.  Tell people how great it is and how much you enjoy it. (As though it is already so.)  Make a symbolic act of celebration to secure it into your subconscious.  As you go to sleep at night, give thanks for your wish come true.  Know, beyond a doubt, that you deserve to have your dream.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

05/10/2012. (Thursday - an 11 day)

Today is a good day to look into your partnership with the Divine. Are you feeling your connection with God? Do you do your part to communicate with Divine Mind? In your quiet moments, you could be having a running conversation with Divine Intelligence. There is tremendous comfort in this kind of communication. Especially when you begin to recognize God's voice, speaking to you in many ways, both subtle and overt. With this kind of relationship you will never need to feel alone again.

Angel Whispers:

Look around you and see God in everything you see. There is no place that God is not. In the beauty and wonder of nature, in the faces of the people you meet on the street, in a child's laughter, the strains of a all things. Love is everywhere, if only you look deep enough to find it and appreciate it's bounty.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

05/09/2012 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

This is a day of new beginnings and new ideas.  If something occurs to you and seems to be fully fleshed out from the very first, it probably came from your inner guidance and it would be advisable to put it into action quickly.  In fact, it could be a leap frog idea that could make a big difference in your life or career.

Angel Whispers:

Intentions are important, but intentions without actions are of little value.  "You cannot build a reputation on the things you intend to do."  Being clear about your direction or desire, setting a definite intention to acquire it along with a deadline and an outline of  your action steps will get you to your goal.

05/08/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

Today, let you heart be as generous as it wants to be.  Give yourself to those you love and those who have no one to love.  Give yourself permission to be all that you are and all you can be.  See yourself in a golden beam of light, straight from heaven, arms outstretched to receive Divine Love and to share it with the world.  Feel that Light in every cell of your being.  Bask in the Love that is your Divine Right as a child of God.

Angel Whispers:

No matter how sad you may feel, how down in the dumps you are, there are things that just always are funny to you.  One of the most healing things you can do when nothing seems to work and you are feeling hopeless and helpless, is to seek out those things that traditionally have tickled your funny bone.  Laughter is healing.  It evokes certain chemicals in  your brain that make you feel better.  Spend time with that one person who makes you laugh.  Be proactive.  Find those things that lift your spirits and feed them to yourself.  It is a choice you can make, an action you can take.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

05/07/2012 (Monday - an 8 day)

Eight is always seeking perfection and success in all things.  Perfection is impossible to achieve and yet, in our striving for it we achieve much more than mere success.  We grow, we learn, we explore new possibilities and create new worlds to experience.  Seeking perfection challenges us in body, mind and spirit.  However, it is important to remember to do your best and be willing to accept the imperfections, for they are human.  You will learn from them and then do better next time.

Angel Whispers:

You are constantly growing your world by exploring the contrast in your experience.  Each thought generates new possibilities.  As you see something that you like, want, admire or love, it stirs up energy that will then draw that thing to you.  If you really want to have this thing in your experience, you will have to hold those good feeling thoughts about having it, to the exclusion of those negative thoughts that say you can't afford or don't deserve it.  Refuse to listen to those negative messages and keep your focus on what you do want.  The Law of Attraction say that if you do, you will soon have it.

Gratitude (05/06/2012)

You may have noticed that gratitude is one of the most common words used in Angel Whispers.  Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces you can use for creating good in your life and adding to the good in other's lives.  This video so beautifully expresses gratitude.  Watch it and pass it along to the people in your life that you are grateful for.  It will bless each of you immensely.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

05/06/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day)

Today is a day of reverence and worship, prayer and meditation.  The seven (7) asks you to be quiet and hear that still, small voice within.  So, whether you attend church, commune with nature or just spend some quiet time alone, do quiet your mind enough that your own small voice can make itself heard.  Deep breathing will help, or the use of a mantra.  Even a few moments spent in a spiritual attitude will release a great deal of stress and rejuvenate your body much more than you would expect.

Angel Whispers:

If you are at all in tune with nature, you will have noticed that most of life is cyclical.  The seasons, the phases of the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides.  In your own life you have surely noticed that there are times when everything seems to move swiftly and many things are happening at once.  Then, there are times when everything has slowed down.  These are natural cycles and it is best to observe them and not push for speed and action in a slow cycle where things are happening on the inner planes rather than the outer, more physical cycles.  Learn to recognize your own phases and also learn to be patient with them.  There will be much less frustration if you do.

05/05/2012 (Saturday - a 6 day)

Happy Cinco de Mayo.

Six (6) is about relationships, especially family relationships, whether genetic or chosen.  This weekend you will want to be enjoying the company of those people who know you best and accept you none the less.  Get together, share food and drink, tell stories of your lives together, laugh a lot and remember why you are family.

Angel Whispers:

The blush of first love is one of the most creative events of our lives.  All our senses are engaged, the heart sings, everything looks better, tastes better and we float on a cloud of pure bliss.  If you could capture that state of consciousness on a daily basis, you could change worlds.  It happens sometimes when you fall in love with a car or a house.  You can hardly think about anything else and before you know it, you have found a way to have that very thing.  The focus and the energizing desire bring it to you.  If you really want something, without constantly telling yourself all the reasons you can't have it, you can manifest it very quickly.  Be in love with your life or with life in general, but be in love with something.  It will transform everything.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

05/04/2012 (Friday - a 5 day)

As yesterday was about work, today is about play.  So, lighten up and have some fun.  Even the most serious job can be made more palatable with a little humor.  The five (5) is also about flexibility and freedom.  Every 30 minutes, or so, get up and reach as high as you can, twist from side to side, do some deep breathing and walk briskly around your space, indoors or out.  This will keep you flexible and will also get your blood flowing so that you have more energy and stamina.

Angel Whispers:

Everything in your life is about the relationship of one thing to another.  Your ability to observe all sides of these relationships is key to creating whatever is next in a way that will ultimately please you.  You   know more about what you want by knowing what you don't want.    Simple observational skills will give you all the clues you need to solve this mystery.  Decide what you want to create by noting the areas of your life that are uncomfortable or difficult to deal with.  Then look for the exact opposite of that thing and focus on how it would feel to have that thing.  Your job is to make sure that your visualization is positive, encouraging, uplifting, clear and frequent.  You will be amazed at how quickly your life turns around.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

05/03/2012 (Thursday - a 4 day)

Work, work, work....the four (4) loves to work.  The more physical, the better.  Get in, get your hands dirty and get it done.  You feel like you could accomplish anything and you probably can.  Plan your attack on the job/s at hand and get an early start.  This is one of those "nose to the grindstone" kind of days when we get to catch up or get ahead.  Everybody needs a day like this.  Make the most of it.

Angel Whispers:

Your body will talk to you if you will only listen.  It will also respond when you talk to it.  In the tub or shower is the best place for this conversation.  As you lather up, you can talk to each body part in turn, praising it for its excellent service, or if it isn't working up to par, you can ask it to tell you what you need to do for it so that it can function better.  Bless each and every part of your body and give thanks for your ever improving health and wellbeing.  You will be amazed by the thoughts that pour into your head in response to this exercise.  Those thoughts will most likely guide you to the actions your body wants you to take on its behalf.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

05/02/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

The key phrase for the number three (3) is "Words, words, words." Communication is a beautiful thing.  Without it we would find it hard to interact with other humans or animals, we would miss out on the beauty of music and the moving power of  well written poetry and prose.  Pay attention to the way you use your words today.  Build, rather than tear down.  Bless, rather than curse.  Share your feelings, your love and your ideas.  Speak truth.  Harm no one.

Angel Whispers:

Your mission today (and every day), is to find joy and then to share it.  When you experience joy every cell in your body thrives.  The energy that surrounds you literally vibrates with that joy and spreads out further than your arms can reach.  As you walk through your day, the joy you have experienced now pulsates through your aura and bumps into other auras, leaving a soul print of that joy wherever you go.  So, even without your conscious awareness, your energy can act as a catalyst to bring joy into the lives of those random people who are lucky enough to pass your way.  Logically, the same thing is true when you are in a foul, unhappy mood.  Luckily, the human spirit craves joy and happiness and will more readily pick up your joy than your lesser energies.