Saturday, December 31, 2011

12/31/2011 ( Saturday - another 11 day)

The high spiritual connection that comes with the eleven (11) will make this a very special day to end the year. If you do not do one other thing today, make your gratitude list and spend some time in complete appreciation for the family, friends, opportunities, successes and failures you have experienced in 2011. Know that everything is a blessing, no matter how good or bad it looks at the moment. Sometimes the failures teach us to appreciate the successes and set us on a new path toward something that works out much better than our original plan would have. Love it all.

Angel Whispers:

The good new is that a new year is beginning tomorrow. You can make new choices, dream new dreams, love more, live healthier, create the life you really want to live. The possibilities and potentials are all ahead of you. The choices are yours.....just like they always are. Make a pact with yourself that this year you are going to choose to be healthy, happy, successful, loving and loved. You are going to love yourself more and reach for the stars. You are going to catch yourself when you are thinking or speaking negatively and then turn those statements in to positive statements and feelings that will create the success you want.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

12/30/2011 (Friday - a 1 day)

The one (1) energy of this day is all about new beginnings. As the old year comes to an end, this is a wonderful time to contemplate what you want to have or experience in the new year. Because 2012 is a five (5) year, which inspires change, transformation, freedom and self promotion, you might consider what these energies could do for you and your intentions. This energy will ask you to think outside the box, try something new and see new possibilities. It will open new doors, but you must determine whether to walk through them or not.

Angel Whispers:

Without breath there is no life. Are you a shallow breather? Do you find yourself holding your breath when you are stressed or fearful? Breath is cleansing, healing, rejuvenating. Breath is life. When you are tired, pay attention to your breathing. Change the pattern by counting slowly as you breathe in and out. Mentally, see the breath as a river of light flowing into your cells, nourishing them and depositing valuable oxygen in them. Breathe as deeply as you can and hold for a count of three on both the intake and outflow. If you will do this every time you feel stress, fatigue or tension you will feel your recovery coming more and more quickly. Counting your breaths when you go to bed will help you to go quickly and deeply into sleep. Especially if you are counting your blessings as you count those breaths.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12/29/2011 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Nine (9) is a very benevolent number, giving and caring, loving to make a difference for others. In keeping with that benevolent attitude, this would be a good day to donate something for everything you received for the holidays. If you got something new, give something you aren't using away. It keeps the balance, and balance is a good thing.

Angel Whispers:

If you are planning to make some New Year's Resolutions, consider making them intentions instead. Resolutions are easily broken or cast aside. An intention is much stronger. You could also use "I choose to do/be/have __________". When you write out your intentions/choices, spend a moment or two carefully visualizing it as a complete manifestation. How would it feel to do this, how would it affect your life, how would it look? See it as clearly as possible, and if you can possibly find pictures that would represent your goal accomplished, post it somewhere that you can see it several times a day. Give yourself a date for completion. Think of this when you rise in the morning and when you lie down at night. Give thanks for it's quick and successful completion. Make a plan and follow it. Feel the purpose in it. Love the process.

12/28/2011 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Today you have a strong desire to be effective and accomplish much. The perfectionism of the number eight (8) pushes you to excel and to have very high expectations of yourself. This is good, in that it causes you to work at a superior level, but it may also cause you to discount the accomplishments of the day. Although you have done a great deal, all you can see is the things left on your to-do list. Shift this negative attitude by listing, acknowledging and owning your wins before moving those few left-over items to tomorrow's list.

Angel Whispers:

Do you feel tired and/or sluggish? Are you bored or dissatisfied? Try choreographing you movements throughout the day. When you arise, be aware of where you put your feet. Plant them firmly on the floor and lift yourself up on a strong intake of breath, lifting your arms up and out as you rise. Hold that breath for a moment while feeling your connection to the earth and sky. Envision the earth sending energy up through your feet, through your body and out your palms and the top of your head. Give sincere thanks for that breath and energy and your opportunity to share it with the world. As you move forward, visualize your every move as smooth, steady, vigorous and strong...full of grace. Be aware of your breath and your posture. Move consciously and purposefully through your day. Your energy and mood will lift and you will enjoy being who and where you are.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

12/27/2011 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

If you are feeling a bit less social or outgoing, wanting to find a quiet place to think about everything you've experienced over the holidays, don't worry. You are being influenced by the introspective, internal, mental energy of the seven (7) today. Give yourself a break and pull back from the social whirl, read a book or just take a nap. Thinking is what you do best today, so get with it. Great ideas come to you on days like this.

Angel Whispers:

A long life is lived one moment at a time. Each moment offers you a choice as to how you are going to live it. Are you present enough to make that choice, or do you live your life by default? Do you choose by not choosing? Live your life consciously, not in a haze of confusion. Seek the most positive outcome possible. Remember that we all live under the Law of Attraction and nothing gets by without being affected by it. That which is like unto itself is drawn. In other words, what you focus on is what you get. So, choose to live the life you love...and live it now.

Monday, December 26, 2011

12/26/2011 (Monday - a 6 day)

This is truly a family day, influenced by the number six (6) which very much about home, family and all kinds of relationships. As the year winds down, this would be a great day to evaluate these things and how you did in these areas in 2011. You have worked hard this year to build a stronger foundation for home and family. Did you put away money for the future, build/buy/remodel a home, invest or diversify? Did you accomplish all you set out to do? Are your relationships where you want them to be? If not, 2012 will offer you some new ways to approach these things. For now, cherish whatever home, family or relationships you do have and find ways to show your appreciation for them.

Angel Whispers:

Vibration is a very important part of your being. You are living in a very finely tuned mechanism. Becoming aware of your personal tone and learning to amplify it will help you to maintain health, manifest things more quickly and precisely and attract opportunities and people to you. Begin by humming to yourself and listening or feeling how each tone affects your body, mind and/or spirit. Some will make you feel stronger or more balanced and complete. Others will have little effect, while some will weaken or diminish you. Experiment with different tones and claim the one that feels the best to you. See what you can notice and make notes.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

12/25/2011 (Sunday - a 5 day)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And, may all be merry and bright. The light, friendly, fun energy of the five (5) added to the usual joys of the holiday season should make this an especially memorable day. Eat, drink and enjoy your friends and family. Everyone should be in a lighter mood, feeling more talkative and playful. Memories are made of this. Make them good ones.

Angel Whispers:

Choose to leave stress behind and lift your heart in songs of love and celebration. Music is so much a part of the holiday season. Listen to the words of these carols and hear the meaning behind them. Sing, and let the incredible vibrations of the music lift you up. When you sing, you can feel your angels near, joining in your joyful noise. Sing in joy, sing in praise but lift your voice and sing from your heart. Singing is one of the most healing things you can do for your body, mind and spirit. So, give yourself the gift of song this Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

12/24/2011 (Saturday - a 4 day)

Rely on the solid foundation of the four (4) today, that hard working structure of discipline, planning and organization to carry you to the end of the chores you meted out to yourself. With the sheer power of physicality that comes with the four day, you will persevere to get it all done. Organization is a key element today and will serve you well. Work from a list and you won't forget pesky little details that could trip you up if left undone.

Angel Whispers:

The year is winding down and your mind is already pondering what the new year will hold. Rather than ponder, begin now to set some powerful intentions with which you will create a year that holds more of what you want than what you don't want. The good thing about knowing what didn't work this year is that it gives you a platform from which to work. Simply choose the opposite of that unwanted thing and see yourself fully living with that. If you focus on what didn't work, you will re-create it for another year. Spend time thinking of the things you love, adore, cherish, admire. Give thanks for those things and get ready to receive more of them. Remember, what you talk about, think about, dream about, appreciate, will grow and grow. So, be very watchful over these things.

Friday, December 23, 2011

12/23/2011 (Friday - a 3 day)

Let the festivities begin! The three (3) is full of fun and loves to play, sing, dance and generally have a good time. Don't take anything too seriously. Relax and enjoy the last of the holiday preparations. Let your creativity reign. Wear something fun or flamboyant, just to see what kind of reaction you get from everyone. Turn the music up and dance your way through those last few chores. Eat, drink and be merry. Oh, and....hugs for everyone.

Angel Whispers:

You are love, pure and simple. It is the makeup of your entire being. It is your nature and your birthright to love and be loved. You are one with God, and God IS love, so how could you be any less. The parts of yourself that you see as unloved or unlovable are erroneous, something you have invented because you have forgotten who you really are. To course correct and find love in yourself again, just begin to speak words of love to every part of you. Adore your incredible hands, your fabulous eyes, your strong legs, your willing heart, the freckles on your nose. Love that you are alive and get to experience life in new ways every day. The more you love yourself, the more love will come to you from every direction and in every form. Yes, you are love, pure and simple.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/22/2011 (Thursday - an 11 day)

This is a day when the veils are thin and communication with your angels is more easily achieved. Prayer and meditation are highly recommended. Make an effort to open yourself to an awareness and a dialog with your inner spiritual teachers and guides. Still your mind, do some deep breathing and then, while in a deeply relaxed state, ask a question and listen for an answer. Keep a pen and paper close at hand. Write down anything that comes to mind. Practice this as often as you can if you want to develop a relationship with your guides or angels. Your connection will grow stronger over time.

Angel Whispers:

Today is a day to feel the connection you have with all of life...plant, animal or mineral. Your body is made up of the same energetic compounds that are in everything around you. You are more alike every other person you see than you are different. If you can focus on your alikeness you will find more to love in mankind. You are all beloved children of God. If you take the time to find something you can appreciate in every person you meet and express that appreciation, you will be doing your part to create world peace. Let it begin with you and then spread around the globe.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/21/2011 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

Feeling a little independent today? It is not surprising, as the one (1) is very self directed and likes to be in charge, never one to feel like an underling. Do something unexpected. It will give you an energetic boost that will carry you through the rest of the week. Take the lead in a group activity (if you have one), make decisions that will move you in a new direction and plan for the success you want. This could be a break-through day.

Angel Whispers:

The most powerful thing you can do is to choose to be happy. Be happy, no matter the circumstances. That sounds hard to accomplish, but your entire body/mind/spirit wants to be happy, so it responds immediately to any positive stimuli. When you laugh or smile your body produces a wash of chemicals that energize and heal your cells. The more you dose yourself with these chemicals, the healthier, happier and more secure you will become.

12/20/2011 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

Nine (9) is the number of completion and it's influence on you will be very beneficial throughout the day.  All those last minute details will be checked off, with relative ease, and you will love having people around to share the holiday cheer.  Generosity runs high and it will feel especially good to do a good deed today.

Angel Whispers:

Putting yourself first is not always a selfish thing.  In fact, sometimes it is the only right thing to do.  You have to take care of your own needs, making sure that you're life is full enough to share with others.  You must learn to love yourself so that others can truly love you.  Learning to love yourself can be one of the hardest lessons in life.  Keeping yourself happy and your reservoir of love full allows you to have energy and love enough to be of service to your family and friends.

Monday, December 19, 2011

12/19/2011 (Monday - an 8 day)

Start this week off with a good look at your 2011 fiscal year.  How did your investments pay off?  Are there changes you want to make for 2012?  Look closely at what worked for you this year....and what didn't, in all areas of your life.  Next year is going to be about change for everyone, so this would be an excellent time to make a list of things you would be willing to change in order to create some freedom for the things you've been wanting to do.  

Angel Whispers:

How do you define success?  Would you know if you had already reached it?  What does it look like in your mind?  Does it include your happy relationships, family, your good health, a job you love, friends, enough money to feel secure, a comfortable home, travel?  Or, is it defined mostly by your income?  One of the most important steps toward success is to create a vivid picture in your mind of what that success is going to look and feel like.  The clearer that vision is, the more quickly your success will appear.  Make that vision one so clear that you can feel it, hear it, touch it, taste and see it.  Breathe life into it with your conscious attention to it.  See it, believe it, and you shall have it.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

12/18/2011 (Sunday - a 7 day)

Spirituality is the tone for a seven (7) day.  This means that you will naturally be in touch with your inner guidance, your intuition will be strong and you tend to spend a lot of time in your more mental/spiritual zone.  Whether you spend time in a church, or not, you feel your connection with the Divine and it is good to be in a reverent frame of mind.  Have you looked at your gratitude list this week?  Don't have one yet?  Today is the day to make one and keep it close to hand so that you can read it often.  Use it to set the tone for your future.

Angel Whispers:

Let the holiday spirit lift you up, cheer you and open your heart to receive the blessings that are all around you.  Enjoy the music, the decorations, the food and drink but keep in mind that there are many people, families, that will not be able to celebrate in the fashion you do.  Make a charitable donation to a food bank or coat drive, do something that helps those who are in need.  Clean your pantry or closets and donate those things that no longer serve you, for they might be just the thing to make someone else's Christmas warmer or happier in some way.  Before you go to sleep tonight, say a heart-felt "Thank you, God."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

12/17/2011 (Saturday - a 6 day)

A six (6) day is all about the heart, love and your relationship with everything and everyone.  Today, you are deeply affected by the aesthetics of things; how things look and/or feel.  You are keenly attuned to how one color or texture relates to another, how different types of music make you feel, how one thing relates to another.  You strive to create or present a sense of beauty and harmony in your surroundings and within yourself.  Your sense of observation is acute and will serve you well today.

Angel Whispers:

"Charity begins at home."  Start by being kind to yourself.  Speak kind words to yourself and do something nice for your body....have a massage or mani-pedi, spend a little longer than usual in the bath or shower and luxuriate in the warmth of the water, take  a little time to read a good book or simply take a cat nap.  Give yourself permission to enjoy doing nothing.  Do something that feels like child's play.  Laugh often, love much.  This is living well.

Friday, December 16, 2011

12/16/2011 (Friday - a 5 day)

The quixotic, spontaneous and fast paced energy of the five (5) will propel you through your day.  The general mood is light-hearted, playful and fun.  This is a good day to spend with your friends.  If you aren't already invited to some holiday event, create a spur-of-the-moment party of your own.  Good music, good food and good friends equal a good time had by all.  Time spent with your friends today will be remembered for many years to come.

Angel Whispers:

Worry is counter-productive.  Abraham (Esther Hicks) says that "worry is time spent creating something you do not want."  If you are worrying about something, please catch yourself in the act and STOP IMMEDIATELY.  It can only cause you harm.  Replace those worry thoughts with words of faith, appreciation/gratitude, praise and joy.  Find something you love to focus your mind on instead of the matter that worries you.  CHOOSE to create something wonderful, healthy, supportive, alive with love and beauty, cheerful, etc., etc., etc.........  Worry is for losers!  Winners have faith.  Which one will you be?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/15/2011 (Thursday - a 4 day)

It's time to get down to work in a serious way.  Be disciplined, organized, energized and focused.  Set some short term goals (a to-do list will do) and start with the most difficult item first.  Once that is out of the way, everything else will fall into place quickly.  Enjoy the process, especially the more physical chores.  Engaging your body actually frees your mind.  Make it a good day.

Angel Whispers:

Why be realistic?  Why not reach for the stars and dream big?  Once you have a big dream to pull you forward, the individual tasks that will get you there will automatically begin to filter into your mind.  You begin to visualize yourself with the dream fulfilled, realized.  You "try on" certain aspects of the dream and find that they fit you quite well, indeed.  Now it is easier to see yourself achieving the dream, owning it, wearing it, living it, creating it.  Without the dream, you could stay stuck in a less than satisfactory job or relationship.  Go unrealistic.  Dream the dream, and dream it big!

12/14/2011 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

You may be feeling excessively social today, and find you want to play more than work.  You are hungry for a good conversation and if someone obliges you it feels inordinately good.  The three (3) is about communication and emotion so a great conversation, beautiful music or art, a well turned phrase can indeed make your heart sing.  Laughter comes easily today, as do tears, but relax and enjoy them both.

Angel Whispers:

Practice makes perfect.  You learn from doing.  Experience is the best teacher.  You have heard all these cliches, again and again, but only because they are very true.  It is said that you can establish a new habit by doing something 21 times.  So, practice speaking words of praise and appreciation for 21 days.  Learn to hear yourself when negative things slip into your mind or especially when they slip out of your mouth.  Challenge yourself to find 3 positive things to say about whatever you have criticized.  Make criticism a thing of your past and optimism the wave of your future.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12/13/2011 (Tuesday - an 11 day)

The desire for peace and harmony that comes with the influence of the eleven (11) can be a true blessing today.  You find a way to smooth the waters and calm the nerves of the people around you.  You listen with more than your ears and find ways to bridge gaps that have been feeling uncomfortable to you.  This energy is affecting everyone, so it should be much easier to communicate and problem solve.

Angel Whispers:

Start your day with an affirmation such as, "I am one with my surroundings."  or "Where ever I am, love is."  or,  "I am a magnet to my highest good." or any other affirmation that resonates with you today.  Take several deep breaths and speak it aloud, with as much emotion as you can put into it.  If  you use an affirmation that is lyrical or rhythmic it is possible to sing it or chant it and keep it in your mind for most of the day.  You are setting the tone for your day, a tone you have chosen.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

12/12/2011 (Monday - a 1 day)

Yeah!  We are starting the week with the power of the one (1) and it's focus and drive, taking charge and wanting to start something new.  Great ideas come to the fore today.  You can expect to have a great sense of direction or destination and the determination to get things done very quickly.  All in all, this should be a very successful day.

Angel Whispers:

Yesterday is already gone and tomorrow will never come, so stay tuned to your present and keep it aimed in the most positive direction possible.  Leave the baggage from the past behind.  Shake yourself free of the things you regret and open yourself to the tremendous potential of your future.  "See" it as you want it to be and breathe the breath of Life in to that vision.  Hold it dear.  Talk about it, dream about it, write it out and believe in it completely.  Soon, it will be just as you want it to be.

12/11/2011 (Sunday - a 9 day)

The generosity of the nine (9) will open your heart today.   Volunteering to help others can be very satisfying and will be greatly appreciated.  The joy you receive will far outweigh the time and effort it took to help out.  The rewards may be emotional rather then monetary, but they are priceless none the less.

Angel Whispers:

Joy and laughter are contagious.  The heart wants to be happy so just hearing someone else's laughter will often make you laugh, as well, even when you don't know what is funny.  Laughter creates the most delicious mix of chemicals and hormones that then wash through your every cell and bring healing energy.  Negative emotions (doubt, fear, anger, hate, resentment, etc.) create a toxic mix of chemicals and hormones that encourage disease to get a stronghold in your physical being.  Doesn't it make sense to choose thoughts that create a state of good health and happiness, as often as is humanly possible?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

12/10/2011 (Saturday - an 8 day)

Expect to be very busy today as the eight (8) is all about getting it done and doing it right.  The energy of the day is strong and fast paced.  Start with a list and stick to it.  There may be interruptions, but you will want to get back to your list as soon as possible.  At the end of the day you feel great satisfaction for having accomplished so much.

Angel Whispers:

Your sense of what is right or wrong for you, personally, comes from your inner guidance.  When you don't listen to it you often get off course and you have no one to blame but yourself when things don't work out the way you want.  You allow too many other people's opinions to matter, too much.  One of the most important things you need to learn in this life, is that you must learn to listen to and honor your own inner guidance system.  That guidance is from your own connection with God and your angels.  The more you trust that connection, the better your life will be.

Friday, December 9, 2011

12/09/2011 (Friday - a 7 day)

This should be a somewhat internal day, more about what is going on in your head that any external concerns.  If you are having an especially busy day, just make sure that you give yourself a few moments, off and on, throughout the day to actually think about what is going on around you.  Trust your intuition today.  It will guide you and keep you on track no matter how confusing things get in your day.

Angel Whispers:

Help is always very close at hand.  In any situation where you feel less than confident, you can call on your inner guidance, your Divine Connection, your angels to help you and protect you at all times.  You don't have to know who they are, how close they are, what they look like or even if they have names.  All you have to do is allow yourself to trust that they will, indeed, help you when you call.  Ask and it will be done.  It is what they over you.  When you make a practice of asking for their help or advice, you will begin to feel their presence in a way that is acceptable to you.  They will become your inner friends.  Once you recognize them, you will never feel truly alone again.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/08/2011 (Thursday - a 6 day)

A six (6) day is very much about family, whether it be the one you were born into or the one you have created around you.  Keep them close, communicate with them, encourage them, watch over them, love them and allow them to do the same for you.  Plan the family traditions you hold dear, or create new ones.  Enjoy the holiday spirit and create memories to cherish for years to come.

Angel Whispers:

You are the center of the Universe, creating your world anew every few minutes.  Unfortunately, you get caught in habitual ways of thinking, feeling and speaking, therefore creating a life that looks very much the same from day to day.  Unless you are challenged in some significant way, you keep creating the same set of problems or issues over and over again.  Rather than wait for that challenge, you could start changing your world today.  Adopt a more positive attitude, speak more words of love,  acceptance and forgiveness.  Dare to envision a happy future. Eradicate criticism, pessimism and doubt from your vocabulary and you can watch your life changing, for the better, in the most amazing ways.  Begin today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/07/2011 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

Today you will have an opportunity to influence others, to share your knowledge, and to show off your abilities to someone who counts.  No one else knows what you are capable of more than you do and this is a time for you to "toot your own horn".  The five (5) which is the influence of the day, brings with it a natural sales ability, so take advantage of it and make sure you don't sell yourself short.

Angel Whispers:

You are what you believe you are.  If you believe you can, you can.  If you believe you can't, you most certainly can't.  The most important thing for you to know is that you can change what you believe, which in turn will change who you are.  Think of it as training your brain to be the person your heart wants you to be.  Affirmations are an excellent way to begin this training process.  Anything you add on to the words "I am" become very powerful.  Statements like: I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am successful, I am kind, I am loved, I am creative, etc., etc., etc., will strengthen you.  Make sure that whatever follows "I am" is positive  and productive.

Monday, December 5, 2011

12/06/2011 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

Put the discipline of the number four (4) to work for you today.  Temptation seems to be everywhere and it will take a disciplined mind not to succumb, or a disciplined body to work it off if you do.  The natural inclination of the four is to be fit and physical, so you may also feel inclined to park the car on the back of the parking lot, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator or choose to eat light as least one meal today.

Angel Whispers:

Hard work has many rewards, but it must be balanced with the time to appreciate and enjoy those rewards.  Balance is the key.  Enjoy your work and make sure you take time to play so that you are consistently  replenishing your physical and emotional coffers, too.  The very best scenario is when your work is something you love doing so much that it feels like play and brings you great joy, far beyond a mere paycheck.  Keep a running list of all the things you love about your job or the people you work with.  Make sure these are added to your gratitude list.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

12/05/2011 (Monday - a 3 day)

Put the creativity of the number three (3) to work for you in order to get this week off to a great start.  It is fun to do your usual chores in a slightly different way, so let those creative juices flow.  Communication is another key element of the number three and will come in handy several times today.  It is especially important for you to tell people how you feel or what you want from them or for them.  Laughter will definitely lighten your day and make it memorable.

Angel Whispers:

Music can set the tone for your day.  Make sure you have some of your favorite music available when driving or working around the house.  It will lift your energies and your spirits.  Music tends to free your creativity and instigate movement, both physically and emotionally.  Put together a mix of music that makes you happy and play it often.  It is hard to be angry or depressed when your toe is tapping to your favorite, up-beat tunes.  Playing music while exercising or working will make the time pass much more quickly and you will be amazed at what you have accomplished.  Put your music to work for you today.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

12/04/2011 (Sunday - an 11 day)

We have eleven (11) energy on a Sunday, which will bring you a day of Divine insights and spiritual understanding.  Pray and you could see miracles happening in your life.  Enlightenment is the order of the day.  Spend some time in meditation and/or contemplation for today the veils are thin and you can be more receptive then ever.  Ask for guidance, seek illumination and expect an answer.

Angel Whispers:

Reach out to those in need, lend a hand, offer a shoulder or an ear in this season of giving.  You will be blessed for your efforts in ways large and small.  Love will abound.  Give yourself the gift of giving.  It will enrich you life in ways you might never expect.

12/03/2011 (Saturday - a 1 day)

You start the day with a sense of purpose and a desire for accomplishment. Your energy is high and you feel the need to take charge. Patience is not your forte today. Make a list and start checking it off. The downside of this great energy is that everyone is being affected by the same pushy element of the number one (1). Perhaps you can join forces and get more done by working for the greater good.

Angel Whispers:

Lack is a state of mind which breeds more lack. It can be insidious and is the "rotten apple that spoils the barrel". You must squelch this devious mind-set by consciously keeping your focus on the abundance that is everywhere around you. SEE, acknowledge and rejoice over all the things you DO have. Speak words of appreciation for even the smallest blessing in your life. The Law of Attraction says, "that which is like unto itself, is drawn." The more you focus on lack, the more lack you will have. Make it your strongest intention to keep your focus on abundance, good health, harmony, joy, prosperity, love, peace and you will have more of all of that. Do not allow thoughts of lack to sneak in and spoil your abundance.

Friday, December 2, 2011

12/02/2011 (Friday - a 9 day)

The nine (9) is about completion, wholeness and service so today you will feel compelled to finish what you have started especially if you feel that by doing so you will be benefitting other people.  Bring your hard-earned wisdom to the table and share it with those who have turned to you for guidance and understanding, for you can make a difference.

Angel Whispers:

Patience is a virtue, true, but sometimes the person most in need of your patience is you.  Be kind, patient and forgiving to yourself, as most often you are harder on yourself than you are on anyone else.  You judge yourself harshly and then suffer the pain of having not lived up to your own expectations.  In this frame of mind you cannot see your successes, right in front of you.  Learn to "see" the successes first before judging yourself, for your wins will far outweigh your losses.  The more you own your success, the more success there will be to own, for you have set the pathway toward positive outcome.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/1/2011 (Thursday - an 8 day)

December  (a 3 month) will, as usual, be filled with creativity, communication and fun.  Today will be about a high energy day especially good for marshaling the forces to get all those holiday and end of year projects done.  Be careful not to be overstressed by the number and scope of the projects you have set out to accomplish.  Be patient with yourself and others, attack the list one item at a time and be willing to ask for help if need be.  Remember that the most treasured gifts are the ones you give from your heart.

Angel Whispers:

This is a time of grace, when people are more loving, forgiving and charitable than other times of the year.  To make your holidays especially bright, consider volunteering to help those who don't have what you do.  Work in a soup kitchen, spend a day or two working with Habitat for Humanity, donate to a coat or food drive.  Take your family Christmas caroling, make favorite family cookies or cakes to give to people who regularly make a difference in your life.  If you are not sending out cards, consider writing a Holiday greetings e-mail to friends or family, with your best wishes and a little catch up information about your family.  Or, better yet, make a phone call to special friends you don't get to see often.  After all, 'tis the season.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30/2011 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

Here we are, mid-week, and creativity abounds.  The nine (9) energy is also about generosity, so if you have been thinking about doing something more "heart-felt and hand-made" for your holiday gifts, today would be an excellent day to start putting your hands to work.  Consider framing a favorite photo or put together a personalized CD of favorite music. Cook some holiday cakes or cookies, find an interesting collection of leaves and twigs (or anything else that pleases your eye) to put in a shadow box, or pot up cuttings from a favorite plant.  Give from your heart.

Angel Whispers:

Train your mind to be positive.  Much of the negative chatter that comes flying out your mouth is nothing more than a regurgitation of the negative chatter you hear from the news, the grumblings of unhappy co-workers or family or your own habitual self-deprecation.  You rarely are aware that you are being negative, but you wonder why your energy is low, you feel bad, your money is tight, you have no love life, you are surrounded by unhappy/angry people, etc., etc., etc.  From now on, tell your subconscious mind to let you know when you are being negative about anything.  When you catch yourself saying or thinking something negative, challenge yourself to find at least 3 positive things to say on the same subject.  Remind yourself, daily, to be a conscious communicator.  Be aware of what is floating through your mind and consciously turn the negatives into positives.  You will immediately see the change in your life.

Monday, November 28, 2011

11/29/2011 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

This is a day to "hit the ground running".  You can get a lot accomplished today, especially if you delegate a little authority in the process.  The efficiency and drive of the eight (8) will support your efforts and bring you the needed energy to get it all done.  Keep in mind that the highly spiritual energy of the elevens (11 and 29/2+9=11) which also affects you today will help you to see the grander scheme of things.  Trust your intuition today.

Angel Whispers:

Heritage plays a big part in the way you understand your lives.  How much of what you are is predicted by your genetics?  How much by the environment you grew up in?  Both play a part, but ultimately the true scope of you life is drawn by the choices you make in each moment.  You came into your life with certain intentions, lessons to learn, people to interact with, experiences to have.  You will experience all these things at some time in your life.  How you grow through these pieces to your life puzzle is determined by how you react to each piece as it comes along, and the decisions you make as a result of that.  Choice is the gift that makes you human and makes every disincarnate soul want to experience the physical life again and again.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

11/28/2011 (Monday - a 7 day)

Expect this to be a rather quiet day, as the energy of the number seven (7) is very internal and mental.  Plan to do something that puts your brain to work.  Pay attention to details, study, read, contemplate, meditate, analyze, follow patterns, tend to paperwork, but don't expect to be very outgoing today.  Be sure to avoid a tendency to worry, as tomorrow you will realize your were worrying for nothing, so don't waste your time.
Use the powers of the mind to move you in the right direction.  Creating a good plan today will bring success for the rest of the week.

Angel Whispers:

If you can see it in your mind and believe it can be yours, you can achieve anything.  Hold the vision in your mind several times each day.  Remind yourself that it is your creation and that the Universe is already lining it up for you.  Believe in your vision and own that you deserve to have whatever you choose in your life.  KNOW, in the deepest part of your heart, that it is already on it's way to you.  Let go and let God handle the details.  You are not that good at that part anyway.

11/27/2011 (Sunday - a 6 day)

You are infused with a feeling of love and warmth that comes from the energy of the six (6) today.  You really enjoy being home, puttering around the house, dreaming up things you would like to do to your space to make it more appealing.  Your emotions are close to the surface and you want to express your love and affection.  If you have been wanting to share your feelings with someone significant, do it today for good results.

Angel Whispers:

Wrap yourself in the warmth of love as both the sender and the receiver.  Start with yourself by spending some time loving your own body, mind and spirit.  Only when you learn to love and accept yourself will you be able to attract and experience the love others  have for you.  If you do not find yourself lovable, no one else will either.  Once you find that "feel good" place for yourself, share it with the people around you.  Find something genuinely special about each person you meet today and comment on it.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

11/26/2011 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Today is a lighten up, take it easy kind of day.  The influence of the five (5) is frivolous and fun, loves to try new things, travel and spend time with friends.  On the tail end of a major holiday like Thanksgiving, this energy is a welcome treat.  Relax and enjoy your family and friends.  If you are traveling, consider taking the back roads to avoid heavy traffic and to enjoy the scenery.

Angel Whispers:

Momentum is building as the end of the year approaches.  The energy is higher, faster and more intense.  This can be distracting or disconcerting if you aren't prepared with a strategy to handle the stress.  Work from the goal, backwards.  See the goal accomplished, visualize it all coming together with ease and grace. Ask for your angels to help you with the actual accomplishment of the goal.  Make lists and take time to actually feel the sense of success when  you check off each item.  Maintain a true attitude of gratitude throughout.  Be patient with yourself and others.  Count your blessings.  Again.  It always works.

11/25/2011 (Friday - a 4 day)

You may still be thankful for the food, friends and family gathered for Thanksgiving Day, but today you will be glad to have the strength, discipline and determination of the four (4) to get you back on track and avoid too many of those great left-overs.  Continue the attitude of gratitude, enjoy the rest of the holiday and get outside for some fun or a long walk.  You will actually enjoy the physical activity, so take full advantage of it  every chance you get.

Angel Whispers:

Start each day with thanks giving.  Count your blessings and they will multiply.  The more you appreciate the things you do have, the less time you will spend thinking about the things you don't have.  The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on you will get more of.  So, enjoy thinking of all the wonderful people and opportunities in your life, the great friends, your home, the health of your family, your job, your reliable transportation....and the billion other things you are blessed with.  Fill the spaces of your mind with these good things so that there is no room left for thoughts of lack or fear.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/24/2011 (Thursday - a 3 day) Happy Thanksgiving!

Three (3), the number of expression and communication will serve you well today as you are asked to express what you are most thankful for this year.  Speak from your heart and others will follow your trend. Whether they be family or friends, the people you come in contact with today are sharing a special moment with you.  Honor them by sharing your appreciation and blessings.  Make it a special day.

Angel Whispers:

Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces there is for moving your life forward in a healthy, happy, prosperous way.  If you would take the time to recount all the marvelous (and not so) things that are in your world, paying attention to the wonderful way your body works (even when it doesn't), how well money is flowing through your bank accounts, how perfectly your mind functions (whether it seems to or not), you would receive more of all these things and many of the other things you want to attract.

11/23/2011 (Wednesday - an 11 day)

The majesty of the elevens (11) continues to rule in this incredible month.  Think about accessing ancient wisdom, opening up to Divine Guidance, experiencing heightened intuition and how these attributes can benefit you in your everyday life.  Once these portals are opened for you and you have stepped inside, your life will be forever changed.  Once you grow into this wisdom you cannot go back and be without it.  Now it is time to learn how to use what you have gained.

Angel Whispers:

Rearing a child is one of the most important tasks given to human beings.  It must be done consciously and most of you do not come into your family unit with an owners manual to teach you how it is done.  Each child wants to be loved, accepted, protected, encouraged, nurtured and allowed to grow to their full potential.  Unfortunately, it is hard to see the fullness of that potential in a screaming, hungry baby or a tantrum throwing toddler or a back-talking teen.  During those trying times, just remember that love is the answer, no matter how hard it is to apply.  Love is always the answer.  No matter the age, no matter the problem.  Love is the answer.

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/22/2011 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

 There is incredible power in the Master numbers 11, 22, & 33.  With two of these numbers so prevalent today, you can expect breakthrough experiences that allow you to see beyond the mundane and physical into the spiritual realm.  Your mind works on a much higher level today because it is infused with that spiritual guidance and power.  Set your intentions early in the day, ask for Divine Guidance and seek a revelation.  Expect to be profoundly moved today.

Angel Whispers:

When in doubt, ask for a sign or signal to point the way to your best outcome.  Then, trust that you will receive that sign.  When you ask, believing, you will receive.  In fact, you may receive an avalanche of signs, some of which may be literal signs.  This is always fun to see just how many signs you will receive and how blatant or subtle they will be.  Have fun with it, make note of each sign as it presents itself and then decode the message you have received from your angelic guides.  Don't be surprised if the signs lead you to something even better than what you were seeking.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11/21/2011 (Monday - a 9 day)

You may be playing "catch-up" today and the energy of the nine (9) will help you to do just that.  Nine is about completion and wholeness, so you will be feeling that compulsion to finish whatever you have started.  If the nine energy is flowing especially well for you today, you could find others volunteering to help you achieve your goals.  Just say "yes" and you both will be blessed.

Angel Whispers:

Remorse is a bitter pill, indeed.  Forgiveness is the antidote.  Looking back, with regret, will do nothing more than deflate your energy and slow your progress.  Your energy is best spent by looking forward and choosing a future of success, wholeness, plenty and wonder.  You cannot get yesterday back, but you can pre-pave the road to your tomorrows.  Keep your vision clear and positive.  In your mind, see yourself as you choose to be in the future.  "See" it in 3D, High Definition, Technicolor and full stereo sound.  Feel it, smell it, taste it....and , you shall have it.

11/20/2011 (Sunday - an 8 day)

Today, you are very particular about everything you do.  Your expectations are high (sometimes unreasonably so) and when all is said and done, you may feel disappointed in your productivity.  If you are feeling less than pleased with yourself, take another look at what you actually accomplished.  You will find that you have done a great deal.  Give yourself credit for what did get done and stop wasting energy on self-castigation.

Angel Whispers:

If you are seeking perfection you are going to be naturally disappointed, for there is no perfection.  In music or art, even the most beautiful piece is made better by adding a slightly discordant touch.  Perfection would be boring.  It is the contrast that builds excitement.  Add that joy of contrast to your life by doing something that makes you laugh out loud or shake your booty with excitement.

Friday, November 18, 2011

11/19/2011 (Saturday - a 7 day)

Begin this weekend by spending some quiet time, planning your holiday activities. Analyze your budget, calendar and commitments and then assign yourself daily/weekly tasks which will help you to eat the holiday elephant, one bite at a time. Make lists, lists, lists and then you can begin the process of checking off each item in a timely fashion. The planning you do today can make your entire holiday experience more successful.

Angel Whispers;

If you want to unclutter you mind, start by uncluttering your surroundings. Take one thing at a time and be a cut-throat tosser. If this is hard for you, pick up a book on organization and follow their suggestions about how to consciously eleminate things that no longer serve you or your family. Donate usable items, take better things to a resale shop, recycle as much as possible and re-arrange the things you decide to keep. While you are releasing these things, your mind will become clearer and more focussed. It doesn't have to be done in a day, but each space cleared will feel like success and will offer you more clarity and energy. Try it and see.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/18/2011 (Friday - a 6 day)

Aesthetics seem very important to you today. How things look or feel impact how you will handle your day. Some simple thing being off could throw you energy off for much of the day. So, take a few extra minutes to get ready for work, wear something you know makes you feel attractive and/or successful and by all means, straighten that crooked picture on the wall (no matter how OCD it looks). You'll feel and function better for taking care of those little details.

Angel Whispers:

Care must be taken to watch you mouth today. You may have an inclination to offer advice where none was asked for. Remember that your opinions are just that...your opinions. Everybody has one, but unless someone specifically asks yours, it is best to keep it to yourself for now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/17/2011 Thursday - a 5 day)

The effervescence and freedom of the five (5) will lighten up the heavier energies of recent days. Breathe a little easier, laugh a little, try something new and different, spend some time with your friends. If you have a friend that you haven't talked with in a while, today is just the day to pick up the phone and re-connect. Friendship is one of the greatest gifts in life, so it is important to nurture the ones you have and cultivate new ones, whenever possible.

Angel Whispers:

Travel exposes you to new perspectives, new vistas and new experiences. It also opens your mind to new possibilities. You learn not only how very different we are, but also how much we are all alike. Travel opens you up as nothing else can. Take every opportunity you can to broaden your horizons by seeing more of this beautiful planet. Mother Earth supports you in every way. Get to know Her, cherish Her, nurture Her and support Her in return.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/16/2011 (Wednesday - a 22 day)

This should be a very big day for financial institutions, as the master energy of the twenty-two (22) offers Divine determination and insight to find new solutions to old problems. If money is an issue for you, pull out some of your paper bills and focus on the words "In God We Trust" and use that statement as a mantra for the day. Use those words to align yourself with the essence of money and prosperity. In doing so, you become a magnet to money and financial opportunities. The key word here is "Trust".

Angel Whispers:

In every economy there is always enough money to go around. Some of the largest fortunes were made during the worst of economic times. You must remember that God is the source of your supply. As long as you keep your eye on this truth, you will be open to opportunities that others do not see or act on. Keep your heart and mind open to receive the Divine Guidance which can lead you to financial and emotional well being.

Monday, November 14, 2011

11/15/2011 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

After all the introspective energies of the last few days, it is time to lighten up and play with the energies of the number three (3). Be creative and find a way to express the things you have learned and felt this week. Write, sing, paint, dance, sew, garden, make anything that expresses the real you. Do it for the sheer joy of doing it, and if it winds up being great, you can consider that the cherry on top of the sunday.

Angel Whispers:

Music can be one of your greatest tools for keeping yourself "tuned up", and running smoothly. Choose your playlists carefully. Create one for walking or exercising. Create another for meditation, and one for those days when you just need something to lift your spirits. Experiment with different genres of music and pay attention to how your body feels when you listen to the different types of music. Don't forget to move that body with the rhythms of your choice.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

11/14/2011 (Monday - an 11 day)

The illumination and inspiration coming from the influence of the number eleven (11) continues to give insights into the inner workings of the mind and heart. It offers a deeper understanding of cause and effect...what you reap, you shall sow. (Law of Attraction) You now see that nothing is either black or white, but is made up of many beautiful shades of gray. There is ever so much more room for forgiveness, acceptance and understanding in that softer gray area.

Angel Whispers:

Whenever you pass an accident, you have an opportunity to offer spiritual assistance, even if you aren't able to offer physical help. Call on your angels and the angels of all concerned in the event to surround everyone on the pure, white light of the Christ. Take a moment to hold space for those involved to be embraced by Divine Protection and God's healing Love. Give thanks that you were completely safe and unharmed. Know that taking the time to ask for this blessing will have a powerful impact on the experiences of those involved.

11/13/2011 (Sunday - a 1 day)

You have all heard that "today is the first day of the rest of your life".  Utilize the strengths of the number one (1) to give yourself a good head start on that "rest of" part.  One (1) is determined, self directed, self motivated, in charge and full of ideas.  Begin something new today, nurture it and watch it grow.  Make it something you can be proud of.  Whatever you start today will be strong and complete.

Angel Whispers:

Did you take the time to express your love or appreciation to someone today?  Everyone wants to be appreciated or, at least, acknowledged for being who we are.  Make a pact with yourself that every single day, you will pay a compliment where one is due.  This requires being truly present enough to notice things about  each person you deal with.  Notice how they look, what they are doing, what they have to say.  Be genuine or don't say anything at all.  See if you can create a habit and make this a natural way of being.  When you give a person this kind of attention, they will respond in kind.  You will both feel blessed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11/12/2011 (Saturday - a 9 day)

You may still be flying high after the incredible energy of 11/11/'11, so allow the generosity of spirit of the nine (9) to keep it going throughout the weekend.  No need to put the genie back in the bottle, it doesn't want to be there anyway.  Embrace that softer, more feminine side.  You will be surprised to see how much stronger you are for having done so.  There is great strength in getting to know your inner self.

Angel Whispers:

Birds of a feather, flock together.  Look around you to see just what kind of bird you are.  You are fortunate, indeed, if your fellow birds are kind, generous, loving individuals who honor truth, dignity, and respect for their fellow man.  Your friends are a reflection of yourself.  If you do not like what you see around you, it is time for a change.  Take a very good look in your mirror and decide exactly what you would like to see reflected back at you.  It is never too late to create that person.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/2011 (Friday - an 8 day)

Eight (8) is the number of success and especially this eight day as it is greatly influenced by the Divine Guidance and Spiritual Illumination of the number eleven (11).  Anything you undertake today has a much higher then usual likelihood of success.  Starting a new business or project, getting married or engaged, making important purchases or beginning a new relationship are all very well aspected today.  Say a little prayer, set a very strong intention to succeed and go for whatever venture you have conceived.  Consider how rare and auspicious this configuration of numbers is and decree it a sign of great things to come.  So be it!

Angel Whispers:

No matter how difficult the forecasts are for the financial future of the world, remind yourself that in every recession or depression, great fortunes have been made.  They have been created by those who have had a positive relationship with money, a faith in their service or product, rolled up their sleeves and worked smart as well as hard.  If you are in alignment with money and success, they will find a way to your door.  Your job is to believe in the Law of Attraction, to hold your vision of success and financial security and to close your eyes, ears and mouth to anything that does not align with your vision.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/10/2011 (Thursday - a 7 day)

You may feel a bit introspective today, as the seven (7) is very much about the mind and the spiritual/intuitive side of life. Make sure that you have at least a few minutes of alone time to more adequately access this energy. Do some deep breathing to relax yourself and become grounded, then close your eyes and think of a question you would like the answer to. Even if you don't get an immediate answer, it will come to you quite soon.

Angel Whispers:

Every cell of your being wants to live and to thrive. It is the natural order of things. However, you give yourself mixed messages all day long. "I'm sick and tired of ......" or "It just kills me that ......" or "So and so makes me sick" or a hundred other, equally negative statements you use over and over again in general conversation. The Law of Attraction says that what you say is what you get, so how can your cells thrive when you are constantly telling them not to. When you hear yourself saying things like this, give yourself a mental slap on the wrist and immediately change that statement to something more healing, less caustic.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/09/2011 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Six (6) is a number of balance and harmony, emotion and sentimentality, beauty and creativity. It is especially at home, at home. Spiffing up your space, whether home or office, is very satisfying today. Aesthetics are important to you, so don't be surprised by an urge to straighten crooked paintings, move furniture or buy something for that spot that has been bugging you. Your wisdom may also be called on today and then be put to good use.

Angel Whispers:

Your imagination is one of the most important God-given talents you have. It is through your imagination that growth occurs. You imagine your life being somehow different than it is, this new idea intrigues you and then you begin to take steps toward creating that. Learn to harness that powerful imagination and to manifest the life of your dreams. If you can clearly imagine something, believing you deserve it, you can achieve it. So be it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

11/08/2011 (Tuesday - 5 day)

When the five (5) is active in your day, the tendency is to want to stretch your boundaries, find a little freedom, play a little. Go for it. Yesterday was all about hard work and discipline, but today you want to kick up your heels a bit. Sometimes, if you give yourself permission to relax your own rules, you wind up getting more accomplished in a less structured way.

Angel Whispers:

Music is a powerful way to lift your energy and set the tone for your activities. If you are feeling tired or low, the best remedy is to put on some "feel good" music. Make yourself a mix tape (or CD) with all the happiest, most positive music you can find. Keep it handy so that whenever you feel doubt and fear, anxiety or frustration, pop in your happy tape and listen until you feel an upward shift in your energies. You can use this treatment anytime, day or night.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/07/2011 (Monday - a 4 day)

The four (4) is disciplined, organized, hardworking and sometimes seems to be wearing blinders, seeing only that which is directly in front of it. Harnessing those traits at the beginning of the week should get you off on a right foot. Make your to-do list and start checking it off. Park the car at the back of the lot and walk up the stairs, as the four also likes to be physical. Patting yourself on the back can be part of your exercise program for today.

Angel Whispers:

When someone around you is bombarding you with a list of the things that are wrong with them or the world as they know it, you have permission to change the subject or just excuse yourself. Make a promise to yourself that today you will keep your own words and thoughts positive. It is ever more clear to you that "what you say is what you get". Avoid talking about politics or the economy and give yourself a break from listening to the news. Talk instead about things you love. You will notice, right away, the reduced level of stress in your body and mind. Stress has been proven to cause disease, and nobody wants that.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

11/06/2011 (Sunday - a 3 day)

This will be a great Sunday to pick up that novel you've been wanting to read, or better yet, you could write in your know, the one you started in January. In fact, this is a greet day to do anything creative, lighten up and have some fun with color, or words, or music. The three (3) is the number of creation, communication and manifestation. It is a very expressive and emotional number. Harness some of that emotional, creative energy and see what happens.

Angel Whispers:

You are an ever expanding being, growing from your every experience, learning from each choice you make. You make a choice and then experience the manifestation of that choice. Some choices lead you in a direction that is just exactly what you thought you wanted. Other choices turn out to lead in a direction you don't feel good about. Neither choice should be considered "wrong". Often, the choices you make that you don't like will teach you succinctly about what you actually do want. Those uncomfortable choices are the ones that get your attention and cause a quick and deliberate action that will accelerate your growth in a dramatic way. Learn to claim the good from all your choices.

Friday, November 4, 2011

11/05/2011 (Saturday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) is the seeker of enlightenment or illumination. Spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Your truth lies within. Your dialog with your inner self can be very revealing today. Memories float to the surface, dreams are remembered, ideas flourish. Grab hold of some of these, write them down, do something about them.

Angel Whispers:

One of best ways to keep mind and body together and thriving is getting quality sleep. It is in your sleep that your body takes care of rejuvenation, healing, and repair. Ask your subconscious mind to tell you what your body needs to have better sleep quality. Create an appropriate resting place, wear comfortable sleep clothes (or nothing), turn off your electronics 30 minutes before you plan to sleep and keep your room as dark as possible. Tell your body that you choose to have 2 hours of rest and rejuvenation for every hour you sleep and that you wish to wake feeling rested and refreshed. Doze off while mentally going over your gratitude list. Rest will come.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/04/2011 (Friday - a 1 day)

For many, today may be the end of their work week, but with the influence of the one (1) it is also a good day to make plans for the days and weeks to come. Set some realistic goals for your work, begin your holiday shopping lists, start planning your next vacation, open a savings account, plan a better nutrition strategy, look for a new house or car. These are all good activities for a one (1) day and any of them will yield satisfying results today.

Angel Whispers:

This is truly a "me" day, time to focus on yourself. You cannot control how others will live their lives, do their jobs, dream their dreams. You can only control how you will do these things for yourself. Trying to control anyone else leads only to frustration for each of you. Keep your eyes on your own creation. Share your success stories, speak words of faith and never of fear. As your life becomes better and better (and it will) you can lead by example.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11/03/2011 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Your soul will be most satisfied today, if you play the role of benefactor. Find someone with a need that you can fill and then enjoy filling it. Your heart feels open and generous and wants to express those feelings. Nine (9) is the number of generosity and selfless service. Even if you only give someone your full attention, a shoulder to lean on or a helping hand you will be in alignment with the energy of the day.

Angel Whispers:

Don't think you have time to meditate? Consider the time you spend in the shower as you get ready for your day. While you are lathering each body part, bless it and give thanks for its perfect functioning. Or, simply speak words of love to the parts that most frequently give you concern. Keep in mind while you do this; what you bless, blesses you,...what you curse, curses you. If you want more flexible knees, tell them how much you appreciate how well they work and what a good job they have done for you over the years. You will find them feeling more and more flexible with each "treatment". The oil of love is magical. Use it often.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11/02/2011 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Eight is the number of material plane success, in most societies translated to money. Financial opportunities abound in every economy and an eight (8) day is good for investments, savings, windfalls of all kinds. Start the day by attuning yourself to all the blessings that money offers you. Appreciate the money you already have and give thanks for all the good that is one its way to you.

Angel Whispers:

You must value yourself before anyone else can truly value you. Know that God and your own multitude of angels believe in you, cherish you and love you completely. If you could only see yourself as They do, you would never doubt yourself and your worthiness again. You came into this life to learn about love, and that includes learning to love yourself.

11/01/2011 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

November (11) is a month of spiritual insight, intuition, mystique and sentimentalism. This energy sets the tome for all the other vibrations that affect our days. The seven (7) is equally insightful so this would be an ideal day to practice following your hunches, writing down significant dreams, meditating or reading spiritually motivating materials. The more you open yourself up to messages from your guides or angels, the more comfortable you will become with receiving their guidance and assistance. It gets easier to trust this method of communication over time.

Angel Whispers:

It is said that the most powerful prayer on earth is simply, "Thank you, God." This prayer puts you in alignment with Divine Energy, Universal Consciousness, God. Even on the worst of days, there is always something to be thankful for. It is your job to look for it, embrace it and give thanks for it. Being in that Attitude of Gratitude puts you in receiving mode, open to attract that which you focus on most clearly. Keeping your focus on the things you do want will insure that you don't put your focus on all the things that do not work for you.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

10/31/2011 (Monday - a 9 day)

The nine (9) is warm, generous, loving and family oriented so Halloween should be especially fun for all. Expect to see more people than usual celebrating this holiday. Watch over the little ones who come to your door and make sure to serve the healthiest treats possible.

Angel Whispers:

Generosity comes in many fashions. Give your time, your money, your expertise, but most of all give your presence. Bring your full attention to the person/s you are speaking to. Look them in the eyes, call them by name often, offer your best self to them. You will both get and give much more from the conversations you have in this way. It takes conscious focus and a firm intention to do this, but the rewards will be many.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10/30/2011 (Sunday - an 8 day)

The energy is much higher today with the eight (8) driving you to achieve. You find yourself striving for excellence, but try to keep that within reason. Perfection is an unreasonable expectation and often leads to disappointment. Doing your best is commendable, but beating yourself up for some perceived flaw or lack is unacceptable.

Angel Whispers:

Contrast is one of the most important design elements in art. Placing the lightest light next to the darkest dark in your focal point will make your artwork stand out. Contrast is also an important tool in life. Sometimes it is really important to see or experience what you don't want so that you can more clearly define what you do want.

Friday, October 28, 2011

10/29/2011 (Saturday - a 7 day)

The very mental and internal aspects of the seven (7) will start the weekend off on a quiet note. Try to avoid the tendency to over-analyze everything if you want to get anything accomplished today. This might be a good day to pick up that book you've been wanting to read, catch up on some bookkeeping or just catch a few afternoon zzzzzz's. Listen to your inner voice as intuition is also highly aspected today.

Angel Whispers:

To enhance the intuitive influences of the day, take a drive out into the countryside, away from the chaos and noise of the city. Pack a light lunch, find a quiet place to sit where you can see for a long distance (near water, if possible) and do some deep breathing to calm yourself even more. Set the intention that you are open to receiving guidance from within. Ask a question, if you like, then relax and enjoy the view. Be very conscious and notice everything around you. Adopt and attitude of gratitude. Expect success. Your answer will come to you either quickly or within the next few days.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/28/2011 (Friday - a 6 day)

Six (6) is warm, caring, enduring, nurturing and is all about relationships. Today the very warmth of this influence can compel you to seek the trappings of home and family, even if you don't have the traditional "story book family". You have a need to be close, to surround yourself with beautiful things and beautiful people. If your family isn't close by, create a family where you stand. As we near the holidays it is good to feel loved. Perhaps the family you choose will feel even closer than the one you were born with.

Angel Whispers:

When you get to know someone well you can see things in them that the casual observer cannot see. You begin to understand why they are the way they are. You see things you can love or appreciate and find that, in your understanding of them, it is much easier to forgive their flaws. You might know is to love. If someone around you seems impossible to deal with, perhaps you haven't taken time to get to know them enough to understand more fully.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/27/2011 (Thursday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is quixotic, changeable and pleasure seeking, so expect your day to be the same. Don't be surprised if you feel a bit of wanderlust, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and have a desire to see something new. Take a different route to work, try something new for lunch, think about changing your style. Friendship is the important relationship for you to work on today.

Angel Whispers:

Life is easier when you feel supported. The trick is learning to teach people how you want to be supported. You can't just expect the people around you to know what you need unless you tell them. In order to tell them, you must actually know what you need and how to express it. In actuality, if you could see your supporting staff of angels, you would never again feel unsupported. They are at your beck and call, but you do have to ask for their help.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/26/2011 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

The four(4) is an earthy number, relating to the body, growing things, building solid structures on a solid foundation. It is also very disciplined and hard-working. The influence of this number will give you stamina and drive and the fortitude to carry through to the end. You do what needs to be done, without question, because you understand the benefits to be gained by your hard work. The rewards for your efforts are real, whether they come in monetary forms or respect and appreciation.

Angel Whispers:

You can set the tone for your day by taking a moment to visualize each part going as you would choose. Include a smooth drive to work, the good moods or attitudes of the people you work with, the ease with which you do your job, the appreciation or recognition you want. See it all, exactly as you wish it to go. You are setting an energy pathway which will bring you that which you can clearly focus on. Drive to work with a true attitude of gratitude. Find a good word to say to everyone you meet. Notice the results.

10/25/2011 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Three (3) is the number of creativity, communication and emotion. Today's energy should be light and airy, full of fun and friends. Movement is called for today, whether it be a simple walk, an exercise class or dancing. Keep your movements loose and fluid, something like tai chi or a waltz. Doing so allows your mind to open up freely and to share ideas on a whole new level. Fill your day with love and laughter.

Angel Whispers:

Greet the morning with an attitude of love and appreciation. Your first thoughts/words for the day should be: "Thank you, God, for this day and all the blessings it holds." Before you even put your feet on the floor each morning, use this mantra, and use it again and again throughout the day. Each time you say it, you give it more power. Hold a picture of that car, house, boat, etc., in your mind and breathe life into it. Find someone to share the vision with you, seeing your success, seeing you healthy, wealthy, and helping you to achieve your loftiest goals. Prepare to succeed!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

10/24/2011 (Monday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) is a very idealistic number and represents the spiritual seeker very well. Inspiration is well aspected today but use caution, as you could be prone to extremes in both positive and negative directions. Trust your inner voice to guide you. This works best when you ask specific questions and then patiently wait for answers. Ask, knowing, and you will receive that which you seek. If you feel out of balance today, meditation or deep breathing will help.

Angel Whispers:

It is important to have a list of things you want, things you want to accomplish, things you want to see or experience and people you would like to meet. Having such lists will keep your energies moving forward, creating new worlds for you to experience. When you become complacent, your world begins to implode or to shrink. If you want your life to keep growing, learn something new, meet new people, drive in a different direction. Dreaming helps keeps us young.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10/23/2011 (Sunday - a 1 day)

One (1) is a loner, independent and full of ideas. Spend time communing with the Divine One and ask for a little clarity on one of those ideas, including some Divine support in bringing it to fruition. You could be amazed at what flows into your mind to help you. Inspiration is sometimes more productive than perspiration. Today is a good day for starting something new, so start it with a strong foundation.

Angel Whispers:

Truth wears many faces. The truth you know and defend today may be proven false tomorrow. It is important to frequently check your belief systems to see if they are, indeed, true in the present moment. Continuing to live by truths you accepted as a child, (not realizing that you have outgrown them), will hold you back in many ways. Understanding that these truths no longer apply to you can free you to become the person and the success you want to be today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/22/2011 (Saturday - 9 day)

The number nine (9) is about selfless service, service to mankind. This would be a good time to volunteer for an organization you trust and believe in. Offer your time, your money, your expertise or your physical presence to make a difference. Looking around your world, you can see that there are many, many people who are much less fortunate than yourself. Take a few cans to a food bank, clean out your closet or garage and find things to take to a charitable group or roll up your sleeves and volunteer at Habitat for Humanities. You will feel better and will be a good example, too.

Angel Whispers:

Are you ready to receive your "dreams come true"? Have you already given thanks for it, as if it is already so? Have you visualized it, written about it in your journal, told a friend about it, cut out pictures of your heart's desire? If you haven't done these things you may NOT be ready for fruition. Have you given yourself permission to have what you want? It is entirely okay for you to have everything you want and more. Remember, what you have and more of that will come to you, quickly and powerfully. Be ready. So be it.

10/21/2011 Friday - an 8 day)

Efficiency runs high today with the influence of the eight (8). Business decisions are well aspected and expansion and promotion are to be expected. Your drive for success is at a peak. You are mentally active and are in a position to make significant decisions of a business nature. Trust your own expertise or consult a mentor when planning for the growth of your business.

Angel Whispers:

Beginning something new is always exciting and sometimes a little fearful. When you have been at something for a while, you lose your intensity and excitement, you no longer have that newness pulling you forward. Repetition often breeds contempt. It takes real focus and dedication to maintain that initial excitement about your job, your relationship, your exercise program, etc. Do what you can to keep seeing your situation with new eyes, with excitement and renewed curiosity about everything involved and you will be amazed at how much more you can accomplish.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/2011 (Thursday - a 7 day)

Seven (7) is very much a mental/spiritual number, always striving to learn more, especially in regards to things psychological or philosophical. The seven is always seeking the deeper truths about life. The seven influence may lead you into some very deep conversations about the meaning of life or to pick up a book which reveals new truths to your hungry mind. Let your intuition be your guide today.

Angel Whispers:

Forgiveness is one of the most important spiritual tools you have. Apply the salve of forgiveness to any conflict you face. In many cases you will need to pretend, to say the words until your actually can feel the truth in them. Start with the most important people in your life; parents, siblings, children, spouses. If you can't do it face to face, you can always write your forgiveness (or intention to forgive) in your journal. Breathe deeply and surround each person in a bubble of pink light. Don't forget to include yourself in this forgiveness therapy. Forgiving yourself may be the most powerful tool of all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/2011 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Relationship is of key importance to the number six (6). The relationship of one thing to another, one person to another, one emotion to another. Balance in your relationships is vastly important, too. Create a mental scale in your mind upon which you can weigh both sides of each relationship. Are you an equal partner? Are you getting more or less than your share? What can you do to bring things into balance? Keep in mind that with balance, equal partnership/equal responsibility, both parties can excel.

Angel Whispers:

See yourself encased in a bubble of luminescence, its brilliance glowing out as far as you can reach. Beautiful colors swirl around you, changing with your thoughts, your feelings, your motivations. This is how your angels see you. They don't see your physical characteristics, they see your energy and from that, they can read you like a book. You have no secrets from them, and yet they adore you completely. No matter what you believe about yourself, they know that you are always and forever a beloved child of God, deserving of great love and success. Pure potential waiting to be fulfilled.

Monday, October 17, 2011

10/18/2011 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

Live, love, laugh and be happy. These are all five (5) energy directives. Lighten up today and enjoy your life. Freedom is a good concept to explore today. Get out of the box, don't just think out of the box, though that is good, too. Take a different approach to the usual problems and projects. You will be delighted with the results.

Angel Whispers:

Laughter reduces stress and fills your body with good chemicals that nurture and fortify your body. You could even say laughter is healing. From a chuckle to a genuine belly-laugh, laughter is uplifting, so choose to spend time with the people most likely to make you laugh. Tell someone your favorite joke or a funny story so that you can participate in making others laugh. You can choose, at any given moment, to set the tone for your life. Choose laughter, choose health, choose happiness, choose love....choose life.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10/17/2011 (Monday - a 4 day)

Begin your work week with the disciplined, hard working energy of the four (4) and you are off to a week of solid accomplishment. Take care of details, handle the hard things first, budget your time, energy and money and your week will begin on a very strong foundation, indeed. Four energy is also very physical, so exercise, take a walk, eat well and your body will be happy and your mind will work better, too.

Angel Whispers:

Thoughts are things. Do you want the things in your life to be joyful, beautiful, healthy, remarkable things? If so, you must train yourself to think mostly joyful, beautiful, healthy, remarkable thoughts. For example, if you want good health, think of what a wonderful machine your body is, think thoughts of appreciation to it, ask it what foods would make it feel better and which ones you should avoid. Walk it, stretch it, feed it well and give it plenty of good sleep and pure water. Thank it for serving you so well all your life. Bless it and it will bless you with ever increasing health.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

10/16/2011 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Three is a number related to emotion and communication. Expect to have enlightening conversations, a desire to sing and/or dance and for your emotions to be right out there for the world to see. This can be a good thing, especially if it leads to an honest expression of your feelings, delivered in a genuinely caring fashion. Keep it positive and be kind. Remember, everybody is being affected by this emotional energy....and the moon is just past full. Step lightly, please.

Angel Whispers:

No matter how old you are, it is never too late to learn something new. Stretch your mental muscles and expand your vocabulary, learn a new language, take up a new hobby, study something that truly interests you, teach something you know well (or want to know well). Making the effort to keep your mind busy will keep you from falling into the doldrums. Your mind needs exercise as much as your body does.

10/15/2011 (Saturday - an 11 day)

No matter what you have planned for this beautiful Fall day, the influence of the eleven (11) will encourage you to seek some enlightenment or spiritual solace. These can be found in simply being deeply present and observant in all of your activities. Make this statement you mantra for the day; "I am blessed, I am truly blessed." And, so it shall be.

Angel Whispers:

Make yourself a list of all the things you are grateful for and post it where you can see it several times a day. The more gratitude you express and the more time you spend thinking about these things and how blessed you are, the more blessings will be heaped upon you. Whenever anything you don't like is getting your attention, shift that negative energy by picking up your list and re-aligning yourself with what does work in your life. What you focus on, you get more of.

Friday, October 14, 2011

10/14/2011 (Friday - a 1 day)

The one is independent, self-directed, singular and likes to be in control. This number is also very precise and determined. These strong attributes can serve you well today as you work to finish up your week. You work with discipline and dedication to the task at hand and see positive results by days end.

Angel Whispers:

Perfection is something that cannot be achieved, so give yourself permission to flaunt the little flaws that make you unique. Don't be so hard on yourself when you (or someone in your life) don't measure up to your expectations. Strive to be the best that you can be and remember that you can learn from your experience and do better next time. Learn to evaluate each situation for it's gifts and lessons. Perfection doesn't happen....but, growth does.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10/13/2011 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Nine is the benefactor, the selfless servant, the one to rely on. Today it is time for you to pass on your wisdom, your experience and in essence spread the wealth of your knowledge. You can give someone a hand up, teach them, mentor them and make a real difference in their life. This feels like a purpose driven day. Your generosity of spirit will be returned to you many fold.

Angel Whispers:

So wise are you, and yet there is so much left to learn. It is vital that you ask the questions that weigh on your heart and mind, for answers are near. Clarity will put wind in your sails and help you set a true course. Trust that you will know what to do when the answers are clear. There is turmoil in the world right now, but your angels are near and there is nothing to fear.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/12/2011 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Wednesday may be called "hump day" but it could be your most powerful day of this week. It is a day to "own" that you know what you know, that you are who you are and that you can do whatever you believe you can do. Stand up, be proud and show 'em how it's done.

Angel Whispers:

You are a radiant child of a loving God, with all the perks that come with that. You may do, be or have anything you can imagine by asking God to guide you and by having faith that you deserve exactly what you wish for. God will always help you when ask. You must, of course, remember to ask and then listen for the answers. Good luck.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/11/2011 (Tuesday - 7 day)

When seven (7) is at work, as it is today, your intuition will be stronger than usual. Pay attention to those little hunches you get. They could lead you in a new direction which is more closely aligned with your soul goals. Trust the whispers, especially if you have been asking for guidance or answers to specific questions.

Angel Whispers:

This is a good day to take a leap of faith. Do that thing you have been tip-toeing around about. Stretch yourself and go for it. It may feel like a risk, but if you ask your angels to gather around you, to protect and guide you, each step will be easier than the last. You have been holding yourself back. If you would have half the faith in yourself that the people around you do, you would not hesitate. You have a legion of angels around you and when you ask for their help, believing, you will be guided correctly. Trust.

Monday, October 10, 2011

10/10/2011 (Monday - a 6 day)

The question for today is: Can you maintain your relationship with your higher self, your soul goals, within your relationship with your work? Do you sacrifice yourself to the "success God"? The six is a balance number and it's influence on you today may remind you that there are times when you give up too much of yourself, your dreams, your family or your spirit to "the job". Take a good look at this today. If you find that you are losing yourself, there are alternatives, and it is never too late to change.

Angel Whispers:

Selectivity (choice) is a power too often overlooked. Each choice you make will slightly or greatly alter your course. Each choice will open up new possibilities for you. Being aware of your choices, as you make them, gives them even greater power. Keep your major goals in your mind and make choices that will carry you in right directions. Ask yourself many times each day, "Is what I am doing, at this particular moment, leading me to the fruition of my goal....or is it turning me away from it?" The more aware you are, the more opportunities there are for course correction. Be present. Be conscious. Make powerful choices.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

10/09/2011 (Sunday - a 5 day)

Five (5) is about freedom, change, transformation, travel and friendship, among many other things. Today the five influence may feel like the freedom to rest and relax, to give yourself time to rejuvenate before a new week starts. Laugh a little, enjoy your surroundings, see a good movie, eat delicious food, be truly present with your play-mates. The more fully you give yourself over to your fun, the more profound your transformation and rejuvenation.

Angel Whispers:

Meditation is one of the best ways to releive your body and mind of stress. Releasing stress can prolong and improve the quality of your life. If you don't know how to meditate, take a long walk, go for a swim, dance, sing, laugh, and do it with you whole heart and soul. A great alternative to meditation is a good, old time, day-dream. Give yourself permission to day-dream every chance you get. Just let your mind wander and observe where it takes you. Your breath will slow, your blood pressure will lower, your body will relax. It may even show you something you need to know.

10/08/2011 (Saturday - a 4 day)

Four is disciplined, hardworking, physical, conservative, constructive. Saturday is a good day to put all these attributes to good use. Whether it is working out, or just working hard on something you feel needs to be done, the energy of the four (4) will help you get it accomplished. Your drive will be strong, your energy steady enough to carry you through whatever project you choose to work on. Sports are also well aspected today, whether you are playing or watching. Enjoy it all.

Angel Whispers:

So often you take for granted the blessings of living in a physical body with all the incredible senses that go along with it. To touch, to taste, to smell, to see, to hear, these are great gifts, indeed. These gifts make your life rich beyond measure. Take a moment today to use your God-given senses with complete consciousness, complete awareness. Enrich your life. Exercise your senses so that they might become even more acute.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10/07/2011 (Friday - a 3 day)

TGIF...Thank God it's Friday. The three (3) is always ready to play, to dance or sing, or do anything creative and fun. It may feel like an overly emotional day, so emote. Express yourself. Sing, act, write a poem or song. You will be very good. The key here is to communicate what you are feeling in a healthy, happy way.

Angel Whispers:

Filling your life with more and more things to do will only lead you further and further from being in touch with your inner voice and your angels. Whenever you find yourself saying "yes" to someone who wants to use your time and energy, ask yourself if it will help you to reach your own personal goals. If it will, then go for it. If not, then excuse yourself and put your attention right back on your goals.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/06/2011 (Thursday - an 11 day)

Today could be a day filled with messages, both physical and spiritual. There is a question in your heart, awaiting an answer you may not even know you are seeking. However, when you hear a snippet of conversation at the next table, or pick up a book and open it to just the right page, or you find yourself listening to a radio or television show and hear something that you recognize as the answer you needed. The Universe often speaks to us this way. When you actually listen.....magic can happen.

Angel Whispers:

Reach high, dig deep, look far, stretch your imagination and expect miracles. If you believe you can. If you believe you can' can't. Believe and you will achieve. It is as simple as that. All things are open unto you. Reach high, dig deep,.....

10/05/2011 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

One is the beginning, the source of creation. "in the beginning was the word, and the word was God. God was the word." The words you speak are creative. In actuality, even the words you think are creative. The words you speak with great emotion and energy are even more creative. Today (a 1 day) your words are especially creative. Listen to what you are saying (often we don't), and be aware of the words floating around in your mind. Are they creating a world you want....or just the opposite. Take charge. Speak the words that will build a life you want to live.

Angel Whispers:

Words spoken long enough and with enough emotion will become the truth. Choose your words carefully. What you put out comes back to you, magnified, multiplied, heaped up and flowing over. When you criticize others, you are ultimately criticizing yourself. When you send out words and feelings of love, love will come back to you. Orchestrate your life with beautiful words of love, praise, appreciation, commendation and inspiration. Use your words like an artist uses color. Spread the most beautiful ones everywhere. Watch your life begin to vibrate to these new luscious words.

Monday, October 3, 2011

10/04/2011 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

Nine is about completion, wholeness and selfless service. It may be early in the week, yet, but you know that you have some things that need to be finished up, things you have been putting off. Today is the day to get those things completed and off your to-do list. You will feel so much better and it will open energetic pathways to something you have been wanting to do. Spread the joy. Do something charitable today, too.

Angel Whispers:

You have lived a life like no one else. You are a unique being, put together by the life you have led, the people you have experienced, the lessons you have learned. Never underestimate the power of YOU and what you have to offer the world. Life will continue to hone your skills, your perceptions, your voice. Ask your angels to show you how you may be of service and to fulfill your purpose. Sometimes, just being who and where you are is enough.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

10/03/2011 (Monday - an 8 day)

Financial success inspires your activities today. This aspect of the number eight (8) will be blessing you throughout the day. You could get a raise, get a new job or a bonus, get something you have wanted or needed at a very good price, find money, win money, invest money. Be very aware of the financial transactions you make, as you could catch a mistake that could cost you dearly. Fire those financial neurons today and you will feel like a winner.

Angel Whispers:

You live in a state of grace, always protected and guided by Divine Consciousness. It is always so. Nothing you can do will ever change this fact. If you don't feel this grace, it is because you have taken your eyes away from this truth, momentarily. In that state of grace, you are allowed to stray as far away from God as you choose to, make choices that do not serve you, suffer from those choices and even wallow in the depths of despair. But, when you have had enough and seek help from the Divine, it will be right there, in that very moment, for God is always with you. Now and forever.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

10/02/2011 (Sunday - a 7 day)

Yes, Sunday is considered by many as a day of devotion and because the seven (7) is very much related to spirituality, meditation, introspection and spiritual seeking, today may feel somewhat sacred to you. Give yourself some time to genuinely participate in your preferred spiritual practice, whatever that looks like to you. Embrace your Divine connection in your own way.....and give your God......for everything.

Angel Whispers:

Think on this. No matter how good or bad you believe you have ever been, how capable or incapable, kind or unkind, generous or selfish, loving or hate-filled, God never judges you. Judgement is left to you. If you believe that you are good, others will see the good you project. If you believe that you are bad, they will respond to that image. The good news is that God is all forgiving. Can you be? You must forgive yourself for any perceived shortcoming before anyone else can forgive you. Practice some self-forgiveness today.

10/01/2011 (Saturday - a 6 day)

This is a great Saturday for getting all those household chores finished. Home and family are strongly aspected by the number six (6), so utilize those energies to improve your space and keep the family happy. It is time to check out the nurseries for some fall color to spruce up your patio, deck or yard. What you see when you arrive home can significantly affect the energy you have. Pick up, clean up, perk up, and remember that your "curb appeal" is telling the world how you feel about yourself.

Angel Whispers:

Self help is a multi-billion dollar industry. If you don't like how your life, your home or your body feels, just make a trip to the nearest bookstore or library and you will find a wealth of self help in books and/or video. Browse this section and let your inner consciousness guide you to something that will make a difference in your thinking. You are sure to find something that will take you to the next step or open your eyes to new possibilities.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/30/2011 (Friday - a 7 day)

Seven is always listening to the "wee small voice within". Learning to hear that voice will carry you far. It is that intuitive connection to the Divine which will always guide you rightly. Unfortunately, the seven is also very analytical and is prone to distrust. Remind yourself today that you CAN hear the voice within, it is your direct connection to your angels and you are ready for their guidance. Sometimes it is good to analyze, but don't fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis".

Angel Whispers:

Care must be taken to protect your innocent heart. You create such a beautiful light when your heart is open and you allow love to flow through you. Ask for Divine protection and guidance and then trust that you are receiving it. There is so much love and Light pouring in to you from every direction. Choose love, choose Light, choose joy. Your life will resonate to that choice and you will be blessed in ways perfect for you.

9/29/2011. (Thursday - a 6 day

The six (6) energy is a combination of creativity and communication, carefully wrapped around relationship. With this energy afoot, expect to have your focus drawn to your most significant ones, whether they be family, friends, lovers or co-workers. Allow the six to find new ways to "make it better". No matter what, speak from the heart today as the six is all about heart.

Angel Whispers:

Love will never find you if you are hiding behind that long list of things that are wrong with you. In fact, that list is mostly erroneous and will only bring you less love. Look in your mirror every morning and evening and look into your own eyes until you see something in them that is worth loving. God loves you,so why can't you? God forgives you everything,so why can't you? Look in that mirror and, "Good morning, Beautiful. I love you.". It may make you laugh and it may make you cry. Both reactions are perfect.