Wednesday, October 31, 2012

11/01/2012 (Thursday - an 8 day)

Everyone seems to have set their goals very high today.  Be a cheerleader for those goals and expect the best from yourself, as well.  Bring your best skills to the table and use your ability to delegate authority to find the best use of the skills of others involved in the same challenges as you.  Share the responsibilities equally and all will be accomplished in record time.

Angel Whispers:

Your emotions are a wonderful guide to show you where you are in relationship to all things.  If you are excited about something, looking forward to doing it, you are obviously in alignment with it, energetically.  If you find yourself dragging your feet, unhappy about whatever it is, you can see that you haven't found a way to be in alignment about it, no matter how loudly your brain tells you that you need to be doing it.  Pay very close attention to how you FEEL about everything in your experience.  Cull those things that don't line up for you, or at least put it on hold indefinitely.

10/31/2012 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

Happy Halloween, Ya'll!!

Today is about you and what you want to do, be or have.  Much like yesterday, it is also about what you can and will do to be of service.  Remember, it must be something you love to do so that it doesn't feel like servitude when you do it.  Today is the day you set the intention to give on a regular basis.  What you begin now has strong legs to support it.  Set the intentions for your new beginnings and make them stick.

Angel Whispers:

When there is chaos and destruction all around, it is more important than ever to find the peace within your own soul.  Turn your eyes and ears away from the news and all the pictures, say a prayer for those is distress, make a donation if you like, but keep your own eyes and heart on the beautiful life you have created, or are in the process of creating.  Fill your mind with all the good things in your life, to the exclusion of all the bad things outside your sphere.   Give thanks that your life is full, rich,  healthy, happy, prosperous and free.  Bless everything and everybody in your life.  Notice that your life just keeps getting better and better.  Remember, you cannot think bad and get good.  You cannot speak bad and get good.  The Law of Attraction just doesn't work that way.

Monday, October 29, 2012

10/30/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

What is it that you do best?  How do you best serve your fellow man?  This is a good day to determine how to give back to your community by doing the thing you most love to do.  Are you an organizer, an entrepreneur, a salesperson, a creative soul, a care giver par excellence?  Give of your imagination, your time, your expertise, your muscle or your money, but give, give, give.  Your heart will be overjoyed.

Angel Whispers:

No one on the face of the earth is exactly like you.  You are as unique as the proverbial snowflake.  So, it is vitally important for you to recognize who you are and flaunt it.  Be who you are, in as big a way as possible.  Love who you are and be extremely excited about who you are becoming.  Be grateful and appreciative of what you have while being equally excited about what you want next.  Keep your eyes on all the good things you are enjoying and never let your mind wander to those things that are less than what you really want.  Keep your eye on the prize and don't look back.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

10/29/2012 (Monday - an 8 day)

This week begins on a success note, so make big plans and get to work.  That drive to perfection will guide your hand and your steps today.  Use that energy to keep you on point with your goals and to get the most out of yourself and whoever else might be involved in your quest.  Things will move along very quickly in this latter quarter of the year.  Keep your focus and expect the very best.

Angel Whispers:

Shoulders back, chest out, feet at shoulder width apart, hips tucked in, knees loose or slightly bent.  This is the stance you need to hold in order to get the deepest breaths and allow the energy to flow through your body in the best way.    It helps you to maintain  your own power base and will help you keep your balance, no matter what the world throws at you.  Surround yourself will clear, clean, pure colors.  When you get in that position, it opens you up to Universal Energy for support and sustenance. From this space you can rule your world.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

10/28/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day)

This is a day to allow your intuitive self out to play.  Spend a little time in meditation or prayer.  Listen to the wee, small voice within.  Great wisdom can come to you through this avenue.  Perhaps the first step is to trust in that inner voice and it's guidance.  Practice will get you there.  Listen and learn.

Angel Whispers:

This is the time, for the past is already over and the future isn't here yet.  So, leave the past where it belongs.  Keep your focus on the NOW.  Worry about tomorrow is nothing but negatively creative energy.  The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get.  Keep your focus on the good things in your life.  Appreciate the good things other people have.  Love everything you can think of.  Wallow in appreciation.  The more your attention is on good, the better your life will be...and vise versa.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

10/27/2012 (Saturday - a 6 day)

The six (6) is a balance number, but also represents harmony, family, home and relationships.  When you are being influenced by this number you feel a deep need to find an equal footing in your closest relationships.  You give a great deal of thought to exactly how balanced they are, and if they are not, it sticks out like a sore thumb and requires action to remedy it.  This is not always a comfortable energy to deal with.  However, you will find it very difficult to ignore what needs to be changed.  Once done, it leads to true harmony and that desired balance.

Angel Whispers:

Love is all around you and only you can  block it from being in your life.  If you are feeling unloved, or unlovable, the remedy is in practicing self-love.  This is not selfishness or self-centeredness.  It is one of the most important lessons you can learn in life.  It means that you recognize your good qualities, you appreciate who you are, you make sure that you get what you want out of your job, family or relationships.  It means that you treat yourself with respect.  Once you do all these things, you will find people are treating you with respect, appreciation and love.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/26/2012 (Friday - 5 day)

This workweek ends on a lighter, more flexible note.  It is time to take things a little less seriously, breathe a bit and accept that "what is, is".  There is much less trauma in life when you realize that, no matter what your expectations were, whether they were high or low, reality is exactly what it more and no less  The good news is that this reality is only a moment in time created by all the words, thoughts and actions you have held consistently up until now.  A change of focus can, and will, change everything.

Angel Whispers:

You are free to be anyone you want to be.  It requires a clear vision of who that self will be, focus, a plan and a lot of determination.  There is nothing that you cannot achieve, if you believe in it strongly enough.  You have both the freedom and the responsibility of choosing who you are going to become.  Once you choose, you must hold the vision of that being through thick or thin, in good times and bad.  You have to flesh out the vision and tell the story of that vision to whoever will listen.  Never vary from the positive vision of that self.  Never speak words that negate your vision, in your eyes or anyone else's.  Be strong for yourself.  Know that it is so.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/25/2012 (Thursday - a 4 day)

The week is speeding by and today is your best bet for getting a lot of work done without too many distractions.  Set your intentions to check off all those items left on your to do lists and picture yourself sailing through all those projects in record speed.  Discipline is one of the major characteristics of the number four (4) and you can use this energy to keep yourself on track.

Angel Whispers:

When your body is in tip-top shape, your mind works better, too.  This is a good day to get in some fine tuning of said body and make time for some exercise and movement.  Drink good water, avoid foods that tend to slow you down and get your body in motion.  Park a little further from the door, take the stairs instead of an elevator or simply walk fast enough to make you a little short winded.  If you tend to avoid exercise, find something fun to do that will get you moving and break a sweat.  Dancing, throwing a ball around with friends, walking your dog, playing Wii and/or gardening are all fun ways to get some movement into your life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/24/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

Remind yourself frequently today that words are things.  Words are creative and they have power for both good and ill.  So, choose your words carefully.  Make your words create an ideal scene for the important things in your life.  Tell it like you want it to be.  Promise yourself that you will not tell a single soul what is wrong with your life for at least 24 hours.  Including yourself!

Angel Whispers:

Simple acts of kindness can make your day, as well as the day of the person on whom you bestow your good will.  You will be lifting the energy of everyone in your immediate vicinity.  When someone does you a kindness, it is natural to want to pass it along.  Just think how far your simple act of kindness may go as it is being passed along, soul to soul, all day long.  Be a blessing to others and the Universe will heap blessings upon you, too.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

10/22/2012 (Monday - a 1 day)

This is a great day to start new projects and try new things.  The energy of the one (1) is full of ideas and encourages a take control attitude.  Be bold.  Be brave.  Your willingness to expand your horizons will carry you a long way.  Feel the excitement as your ideas flesh out and you can see the full potential for them.  You have what it takes to accomplish what you create in your mind today.

Angel Whispers:

Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot be, do or have what you dream of.  You were born to be a dreamer, but even more, you were born to be an achiever.  Anything that your mind can conceive, with true faith in yourself and a clear vision, you can achieve.  It is God's promise to you.  I makes no difference how long it takes or how hard you have to work, the dream will be worth the effort.  You will stretch yourself, learn new skills and grow in many ways.  As long as you don't allow doubt or other people's judgement cloud your belief in yourself and your dream, you can make it happen.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/21/2012 (Sunday - a 9 day)

Selfless service, service to mankind...this is the desire of the nine (9) energy which is governing today.  Find some way to offer your services for a good cause.  Volunteering can bring you great satisfaction and a deep sense of joy.  Your generosity of spirit will reach the appropriate benefactor and at just the right time.  Give from your heart and your sense of accomplishment and well being will be a reward in itself.

Angel Whispers:

Never feel guilty for wanting something.  It is your nature to want things and is the catalyst that moves you forward on your life plan.  When you stop wanting, your energy diminishes and you quit expanding.  Wanting tells you that you are alive, fully involved in life and being the creator you were intended to be.  You were born to want more, to strive for that, achieve it and then want again.  9

10/20/2012 (Saturday - an 8 day)

The eight (8) energy that affects you today is excellent for bringing you unexpected savings on your planned purchases.  Keep your eyes open for that good deal.  Success is the order of the day, so bring your best game to anything you put your hands to.  Expect the best from yourself and the people you play with.

Angel Whispers:

Mentally project the outcome you wish to achieve and you will always get better results.  If you can "see" it, and believe it, you can achieve it.  You have heard this many times, but just how often do you put it into action.  Take that brief moment, just before you are going to do something and visualize it coming out exactly like you want it.  Tell it like you want it, too.  Speak positive words to energize your vision.  The more often you do this, the more success you will experience in all areas of your life.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/2012 (Friday - a 7 day)

Your psyche takes the wheel today, asking you to follow, to listen and to learn.  All in all, this will be a fairly quiet and very mental day.  If you have problems to solve, this is a great day to work on them.  our intuition is strong and with the analytical power of the seven (7) you should be able to see things from a very different perspective.  Be sure to give yourself plenty of time alone so that you won't be interrupted while you are thinking.

Angel Whispers:

 You have the wisdom of the ages at your fingertips.  It is all available to you, if you will only delve into it and seek the answers to your life questions.  Whether you seek those answers in books, on the computer or by asking your angels to bring the answers to you, there is no limit to the knowledge that is waiting for you to explore.  Your unique take on this information could bring a whole new interpretation to ancient wisdom.  Don't be afraid to look inside for the truth you seek.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10/18/2012 (Thursday - a 6 day)

You take your responsibilities very seriously today, especially the family related ones.  It is important to  honor your family and do your best by them.  If you feel that things are not as you would like in your family relationships, this is a great day to work on them.  The energy of the six (6) gives you greater insight into what each relationship is missing and how to correct that.  There is a gentleness that blesses your day, as well.

Angel Whispers:

Love is the great elixir of life.  Apply the oil of love to any situation that has gone awry and change the energy altogether.  If things are truly difficult, you may want to simply say quietly to yourself, "I love you,  you love me and God loves us both."  Say it over and over and watch for the energy to change.  It may not be instant, but you will be amazed at the healing that will take place when you do this whole heartedly.  Communications improve, moods lift, understanding is gained, forgiveness can happen.

10/17/2012 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

Stretch yourself a little today.  Do something you have never done before.  Change is the energy of the day, so switch it up and get out of your rut.  Spend time with friends or make a new one.  Friendship is vital to you today, so remember this; to have a friend, you must be a friend.  What kind of friend do you think you are?  Would you want you for a friend?  If not, what might you do to change that?  Make the effort.  It will yield great dividends.

Angel Whispers:

Give your body plenty of movement today.  Stretch it, bend it, take it for a walk.  Movement reminds you of freedom and lack of limitation.  Crank the music up and shake your boodie.  Have fun with your movements.  If it isn't fun, you are doing something wrong.  Laughter is great exercise.  It energizes you, body mind and spirit.  Spend some time with the person who most often makes you laugh.  Make it a great day.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/2012 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

You are a soul, residing in a physical body.  Your job is to keep the body healthy so that the soul has a good place to reside.  Some say you should treat your body like a temple, not like a tent.  Feed it, rest it, move it frequently, take very good care of it.  The better care you give your body, the easier it is for your soul to learn the lessons it came in this life to learn.

Angel Whispers:

Love your life, love your body, love your family and build something solid and lasting for all of you.  You are never alone, for your angels are always with you.  You are never alone, for God is always with you.  There is nothing that you can't do if you remember that you are one with God and the Universe wants nothing more than that you be happy.  When you are unhappy, it is because you have forgotten who you really are. . . a child of God.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/15/2012 (Monday - a 3 day)

Today is good for working on your communication skills.  Speak your truth, but with kindness and an awareness of how your words are going to affect the person/s you are speaking to.  Keep your words positive, clear and concise.  Words have power and are creative, so be sure you use them well.

Angel Whispers:

Good feels good, and bad feels bad.This is the best guide as to how you can tell if something is right for you or not.  When you find something that is in alignment with your goals, it will feel very good.  It will feel expansive, exciting and pleasing.  If you don't have these feelings, you haven't found your right "thing" yet.  Keep tweaking your vision.  Be patient with yourself.  Never settle for something that feels less than perfect.  You may be much closer to that perfection than you think.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

10/14/2013 (Sunday - an 11/2 day)

This is an excellent day for a little spiritual intervention, some soul searching and striving for deeper connection with your inner voice.  Eleven (11) is a natural conduit for spiritual communication.  Your dreams can speak to you, a literal sign on the road can give you a message of spiritual significance.  The inner dialog can take many forms.  Trust what you hear, especially when it comes with a deep inner "knowing" that resonates for you.  Do not judge, just listen.

Angel Whispers:

Look around you and see how much God loves you.  His love is in the rain that falls, the breeze through the trees, the stars in the heavens, the laughter of children, music, food, friendship, family.  Everything your eyes fall on, is God.  Even the contrast between what you consider good and bad, dark and light, is a gift for you.  Through this contrast comes discernment, showing you what you want and don't want.  When you know what you want, rockets of desire go up and create whole new worlds for  you.

Friday, October 12, 2012

10/13/2012 (Saturday - a 1 day)

Make plans to do something new and different with your day.  See new things, try a new restaurant, do a new workout routine, spend time with someone you met recently.  This is no time to be stuck in a rut, mired down with old habits.  Shake your day up and get yourself out of the box.  The energy you stir up today could carry you through the whole upcoming week.

Angel Whispers:

Are you good at planning for the special things in life you want to achieve?  Do you set aside money and allocate time for a real vacation every year or so?  Do you schedule time with people who are dear to you?  Life moves by so quickly.  If you don't make these kinds of plans, time goes by and you never get around to doing them.  Priorities are important.  You can tell what your priorities are by looking to see what you actually do with your life.  Have you done any of those special things lately?  If not, maybe it is time to get them on your schedule.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/12/2012 (Friday - an 9 day)

The nine (9) is calling you into service today.  Selfless service to be exact.  You can be the one who makes a difference, simply by being who you are, where you are.  You listen, offer support and make no judgements.  This is the best kind of giving and is rarely forgotten.

Angel Whispers:

If you line up all the things you are excited about, appreciate and love, and go off on a rampage of expression about these things, you will have very little room in your mind or conversations for the things that don't feel so good.  Everything is about where you put your focus and attention.  What you put your attention on magnifies and multiplies.  Think about the things you want to the exclusion of all those things you don't want.  Keep the faith and adore all those joyful, happy, beautiful things you want.  Enrich your life every day, with dreams of love, joy, prosperity, plenty, and anything good you can think of.  Your life will just keep improving before your very eyes.  So be it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10/11/2012 (Thursday - an 8 day)

When you start your day worried about all the things you need to get done, you are starting out in failure mode.  The more you worry about it, the harder it is to catch up. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  If you would take the same amount of time you have been spending with worry, and visualize the day going perfectly, all problems solved, all projects completed, you would be starting out in success mode.  When you set the tone  by creating an ideal scene, the Universe gets behind you and makes the magic happen.  It takes very little time and can bring you great success.

Angel Whispers:

Most people define success as having money, a job they love, good health and a happy family.  For others, success may be having time to spend with their loved ones, money for vacations, time to learn a language or a new skill.  Some think success is notoriety or celebrity, being the best of the best, million dollar paychecks.  We must each define success before we can achieve it.  Whatever your definition is, do not compare it to someone else's.

10/10/2012 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

The most beautiful sights you will ever see are often found within your own inner landscape.  When things on the outside get too much for you, seek a calm, quiet place within.  Meditation is an excellent key to this inner world, but if you have ever had a delightful daydream, you can find your way there.  The key is to turn your vision away from the conflicts and chaos around you and concentrate on your breath until your nerves calm and your breathing slows.  Once you feel the relaxation, explore the beauty that is within.  Peace is in there for you to find.

Angel Whispers:

You cannot change anyone else's behaviors, beliefs, actions or attitudes.  You can only change your reaction to those things.  Believe it or not, your reaction is a choice.  You can choose to take the high road.  You can choose to be the proponent for forgiveness.  You can choose to take a positive stance.  You can choose not to press against, knowing that what you resist shall persist.  You can choose to be the voice of calm.  Smooth the waters with the oil of love.  Be "that" person.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/09/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

Six (6) is about relationships, with people or how one thing relates to another.  Aesthetics are important on a six day.  You want things to look just right, feel just right or fit in well with the things around it.  If things are askew, you actually feel a bit of physical discomfort until you can straighten it up.  You are not being obsessive, so just go with it.  Tomorrow is a new day.

Angel Whispers:

Celebrate the things that make you happy today.  Actually, you should make it a habit to celebrate all the good things in your life.  Cherish your dog or cat, enjoy time with your best friends, appreciate the beauty around you, rock out to your favorite music, buy some beautiful flowers...fill yourself with all these good things.  Everything you appreciate simply brings more for you to appreciate and your life just keeps getting better and better.  The Law of Attraction makes it ever so.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

10/08/2012 (Monday - a 5 day)

This week should start off with a lift and a light hearted energy.  Plan on doing something different instead of sticking to the same old routine.  It will energize you and give you a new perspective from which to work.  Problem solving comes easy today.  Be flexible and allow the answers to come to you rather than searching for them.  If you relax, they will do just that.  Have a great day.

Angel Whispers:

There is no time like the present to set aside old, bad habits.  This is a day of change and transformation.  Take advantage of that great five (5) energy to help you get rid of things, people or attitudes that are not serving your Highest Good.  Ask you angels to help you and keep you on track.  This might also be a good time to get out your fall clothes.  Rather than putting them all back in your closet, really analyze what you have and see what you could get rid of, what you need to add to have a wardrobe that will be a good representation of who you choose to be now.  Be willing to let go.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/05/2012 (Friday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) asks you to look deeper into life, in search of the spiritual truths that give your life more meaning.  Meditation can open the door to some of those truths.  When you relax the body and still the mind, you enter the realm of Spirit.  From this deep inner space you can develop a meaningful relationship with God, your angels and the great minds of all time.

Angel Whispers:

When you compare yourself with others, you always do yourself a disservice.  You either feel "less than" and somehow not good enough, or you feel that you are better than the other person and hold yourself separate and apart from them.  In either case, you don't allow yourself to be in an equal and balanced partnership.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/04/2012 (Thursday - a 1 day)

One (1) is the number of new beginnings, independence, management, control, and taking charge.  The energy is very powerful and sometimes causes friction, especially when everybody is being influenced by the same energy.  Of course, not everyone can be in charge.  However, the one may spur you on to bigger and/or better things.  People often start new jobs, buy a new car or house, and take on new projects under this influence. Good things can come from being a little more direct and forceful than usual.

Angel Whispers:

The more excitement you can generate around something you believe you want, the more quickly it will manifest.  Whether it be a job, a mate, a new car, a cruise or a raise, the more you talk it up, describing it in infinite detail, looking at pictures of it, dreaming of it, seeing it as if it is already so, the sooner it will be yours.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/03/2012 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

From the generosity of your heart, you can make a difference to someone today.  Whether you lend a hand, a shoulder or an ear, the gift of YOU is what counts.  When you listen and respond from a non-judgemental place, you are offering the best kind of support.  Remember, what you put out, comes back.  What you give, you will receive.

Angel Whispers:

When you say your affirmations, try putting them to music.  Keep them short, simple but powerful.  Listen to the rhythm of the words as you speak and see if the cadence reminds you of a song or a jingle.   If so, you will find that it comes easily to mind and you will remember to say or sing it many times a day.  You know that there are certain songs that get stuck in your head and just keep playing over and over again, until something else replaces them.  This is the kind of some you want to hook your affirmations to.  Try it.  You will be amazed at how quickly things manifest when you do.

10/02/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

The eight (8) energy causes you to strive for success, to seek perfection.  Keep in mind that perfection is rarely attainable.  Striving for the best is a worthy goal and it will pull you forward to attain greater results and greater satisfaction.  The tricky part is to do the very best you can and then to accept your results as they are, and never beat yourself up if the results are less than you wanted.  If you continue to strive, you will move forward, learn lessons, gain skills and improve outcomes.  Remember this important truth: It is what it is, no more and no less.

Angel Whispers:

Some say that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  Love, administered unconditionally, can heal many ills, sooth physical and emotional hurts, bring deep satisfaction to all concerned and give happiness to both the giver and receiver.  Keep in mind that you must apply the oil of love to yourself, first and foremost.  Without love for yourself, you will have great difficulty receiving love from others.  Loving yourself is not being selfish, as some may think.  Self love is much like self preservation.  It means that you take care of your own personal needs, (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) so that you have something in you to give to others.  It is said, "You cannot give from an empty bucket."