Sunday, June 30, 2013

07/01/2013 (Monday - a 5 day)

Transformation is your word for the day.  This is another word for change, which is the essence of the number five (5).  Look around you to see what needs to expand or contract, to be transformed into something more practical or flexible, or to be organized in a new way.  Once you decide what your transformation project is going to be, get busy and make it happen.  When you make your choice, the ideas will come to show you how to make the changes you need.

Angel Whispers:

Flexibility is key to living a long and healthy life.  Stretching can be useful in maintaining  your flexibility or regaining it.  Find a good book on stretching and incorporate some of the exercises into your morning and evening routine.  Keep it simple enough that you will actually use your workout.  Deep breathing with full exhales while visualizing pure white energy coursing up from the ground into your feet and then up through every cell in your body, will energize your system.  Stretch as often as possible throughout the day for even better results.

06/30/2013 (Sunday - a 6 day)

This is definitely a relationship day.  You get an opportunity to enjoy being with those important family members and friends who make your life what it is today.  Keep in mind that the energy flowing around you now is good for fixing things that aren't working, too.  Beautification is also important today.  Hit the salon, your favorite accessories store or a great nursery.  There should be some great sales now and you will enjoy the results.

Angel Whispers:

It is said that love makes the world go 'round.  It is true that the more love you can bring into your life, the richer, more prosperous and healthy it will be.  The very vibration of love can transform your relationship with everything in your sphere of existence.  Love could be defined as very deep appreciation.  It requires focus, attention and awareness.  You are not expressing or experiencing love if you barely notice something is in front of you.  Try this;  randomly look around you, choose an object and then spend just a moment feeling reverence for it.  Give thanks for it's presence in your life.  Observe the beauty of it and how well it serves you.  Then move on to the next item.

Friday, June 28, 2013

06/29/2013 (Saturday - a 5 day)

It is vastly important to maintain your resilience, your flexibility so that you can bend with the winds of life, not break.  The five (5) is bringing that to you today.  Choose change, reach for something you have never reached for before.  Challenge yourself in new ways.  Not only will it be stimulating, but it will wake you up, show you new parts of yourself you might never have been aware of.  Think how exciting it could be to bring down some of the barriers of that familiar rut you live in.

Angel Whispers:

It is said that change is the only constant in our lives.  Nothing stays the same forever.  Even things that change very slowly, do change in time.  Learn to embrace change, rejoice in it.  Some habits serve us, but most of them need to be broken so that we can grow, expand into something better.  Envision your life as good, even great...but always improving.  A good affirmation is:  Every day, in every way, my life is better and better.  Thank you, God.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

06/28/2013 (Friday - a 4 day)

When was the last time you got physical, worked out, broke a sweat?  This would be a great day to start an exercise routine.  The four (4) is all about hard work, discipline, physical activity, making a plan and carrying it through.  Doing something positive for your physical body will have far reaching results.  Your strength and stamina will increase, your mind will work better and you might even look better as a result.  Do it today!

Angel Whispers:

You have billions of cells in your body, each with it's own purpose and destiny.  Taking care of the whole body by feeding it properly, hydrating, exercising and resting it will help each of those billions of cells to replicate and perform properly.  Beyond eating, drinking and sleeping, you can benefit your body and it's individual cells by choosing thoughts that feel good.  Remember that you cannot think two thoughts at one time, so choose the thought that makes you happiest.  You will live a longer, happier, healthy more powerful life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

06/27/2013 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Words, words, words.  This is the mantra of the number 3.  Remember that words have power and are highly creative, so keep your ears open and really HEAR what you are creating with your words.  Speak deliberately, sincerely, kindly and truthfully.  Use this power to uplift, never to tear down.  To bless rather than to curse.  Have you fallen into some habitual ways of speaking that could be detrimental to your experiences.  i.e. "I can't afford to ____.  I don't want to hear ____.  I don't have enough time to ____.  I can't ____.  They won't ____."  etc., etc., etc.)  Listen and learn.

Angel Whispers:

Emotions are an incredible gauge for where you are relative to your goals or belief systems.  The goal is to be in such a good space that you are automatically producing that dazzling array of chemicals that make you feel on top of the world, joyous, energized, invincible.  These same chemicals will keep your body's engine running at top speed, as well.  If you are speaking words for/of something you really, really want but you actually believe that you can't have it, don't deserve it, can't afford it, etc., then you aren't going to be feeling so great.  Because it is so vital that you feel good, you will either need to change the words or the beliefs until they are in alignment with each other.  Small changes in how you phrase your goals can make them more compatible with your belief systems.

06/26/2013 (Wednesday - an 11 day)

The dynamic, magnetic and love filled energy of the eleven (11) will bless your life today.  There seems to be magic happening around you.  Things you have wanted or information you have needed suddenly appear, you meet someone who can connect you with a great source.  Recognize that Divine Energy is involved here and genuine gratitude simply evokes a greater Divine Generosity.

Angel Whispers:

One of the most powerful and deeply spiritual practices of all is forgiveness.  Start with yourself and forgive anything you have been feeling guilty about.  Sometimes it is harder to forgive yourself than anyone else.  Keep working with it until you feel a genuine shift or release in your energy.  Next, forgive the person who has hurt you the most.  If you can't actually do it face to face, do it in your heart.    No matter how impossible it feels at first, just keep working on it.  Even the smallest amount of forgiveness will make a big difference in your life and your relationships.  Every bit of anger, resentment or guilt you hold is toxic.  Let it go.  It hurts only you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

06/25/2013 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

Rejoice in your independence today and relish your autonomy.  You feel powerful, intelligent and successful.  That "take charge" attitude will feel especially good when you discover the state of confusion was left over from yesterday.  Never fear, there will be plenty of people who will recognize what you are doing and kindly pitch in to help.

Angel Whispers:

It is so important for you to own your own power and realize what a phenomenal individual you are.  There is absolutely no one, on the face of this planet, who is just like you.  You have created a full life and you continue to strive for the best in all that you do.  Always remember that there is never any moment when you are not vibrating in alignment with what you are focusing on.  All it takes to create something negative is to give lots of attention to the parts that you don't like.  The Law of Attraction will make it so, every single time.  So, dream on....dream big....give it your best shot.  Manifest your dreams today, 1

Monday, June 24, 2013

06/24/2013 (Monday - a 9 day)

Completion is the name of the game today.  This could mean finishing a project or task, recognizing that something needs to be released or ending a relationship or job.  In these cases, continuing to hang on to them will be detrimental.  Ask yourself a few pertinent questions.  "Is this serving me now? Would it serve someone else better?  Can I change my perspective to make it better?  Is there someone else who could do it better?"  You may think of other questions specific to your situation.  When you are clear on the answers, take the appropriate actions without delay.

Angel Whispers:

Life is cyclical.  Everything has its season.  When you hang on to something that is supposed to move on, you are doing yourself (and perhaps everyone else who matters) a disservice.  Learn to willingly let go.  Know that if you let it go and it returns to you, it is truly yours.  Release is often a very good thing. Release opens the door for something to come in which may be vastly more important to you.  Holding on will only cause you loss and pain.  Open those arms wide, breathe deeply and let go.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

06/23/2013 (Sunday - an 8 day)

There is a sense of order and rightness that surrounds you today.  You have a command of the "broader picture".  This vision can help you to oversee a group event or larger enterprise with ease.  You seem to know what needs to be done and just haw to get it accomplished.  Ride this energy for all it is worth for tomorrow could be a very different story.

 Angel Whispers:

As Mother Earth changes, we humans are undergoing many energetic changes as well.  We want to be in alignment with Earth energies because otherwise there is a sense of chaos and confusion.  It helps to be grounded and to get plenty of rest.  If you are feeling some mental confusion, disorientation and fatigue, there is nothing wrong with you.  If you ask around, you will find that many of your friends are experiencing the same things.  Drink plenty of pure water, rest more, take vitamins to improve your immune system and be kind to yourself and others.  This too shall pass.

Friday, June 21, 2013

06/22/2013 (Saturday - a 7 day)

The vibe for today is more spiritual than you would expect.  Intuition is strong, insights abound, you feel very connected to the Divine (if you allow it).  This would be a good day to ask those big Life questions.  The answers could amaze you.  Ask believing, and ye shall receive.  This is an ancient promise, but it is still true today.

Angel Whispers:

Divine Guidance is a gift offered to every single soul.  When you ask for it, the most incredible things begin to happen.  You set into motion an energy that can literally accomplish miracles.   God, The Universe, Divine Intelligence...whatever name you choose to use, is very efficient in bringing you answers and helping you to achieve a goal.  Often, you have several questions, and if you are really paying attention you will find that a solution will present itself with the capability of answering all of them at once.  Unfortunately, you seldom ask for Divine Guidance and when you do, you don't always listen for the answers.  Do it today.

06/21/2013 (Friday - a 6 day)

You may find your mind wandering to the things you want to do to your home to make it look or feel better.  Whether it is cleaning, painting, shopping for new accessories, the ideas just keep on coming.  You can hardly wait to get your plan under way.  You are very aware of how important the aesthetics are to how the energy feels in your space, for yourself and all who enter there.  When the energy is right, everything works better for everyone.

Angel Whispers:

To live a good life, you must conjure up a very good dream and set about making that dream a reality.  Don't let your life be an accidental creation.  Every thought your think, every word you speak, every vision you hold is creating your tomorrows.  Be sure that you are guiding those thoughts, words and visions.  Be sure you they are creating a world worth living in and for..  Don't let other people's words, the newspapers, television, or anything else taint your dream in progress.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

06/20/2013 (Thursday - a 5 day)

Laughter is the best medicine today.  Keep it light and breezy, knowing that you are on the right track after all.  This would be a good day to take a different approach to resolving the usual problems.  You know that old saying; "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome, is the definition of insanity."

Angel Whispers:

Be very careful about who you invest your time in.  Keep the most uplifting, supportive, positive, happy friends or family members close.  Keep the critical, pessimistic, nay-sayers at a distance.  Be willing to move on from friends who do not have your best interest at heart.  Accept the support of those who unconditionally offer it and do your best to return the favor.  Create your own mutual admiration society and be an active member.  Together  you can create whatever you set your minds to.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

06/19/2013 ( Wednesday - a 4 day)

It is mid-week, hump day, and it is very important that you stay grounded and keep the energy moving toward your goals for the week.  It is so easy to get distracted, but if you remind yourself of the intent you set at the beginning you will be able to pull it all back together.  Do whatever makes you feel grounded so you can maintain your equilibrium through a very busy day.  Breathe deeply, drink plenty of pure water, take a break and get outside (off the pavement, if possible) to draw in some actual earth energy.  

Angel Whispers:

If you want your day to go well, it is a good idea to take a moment or two, early in the day, to state your objectives and exactly how you would have it go.  See it as having already been accomplished, successfully.  Enlist the assistance of your own personal band of angels to help you with the details.  You will be amazed at how your day will go very much as planned.  In fact, it may turn out even better than you had hoped because your angels will bring things to you that you couldn't have imagined.  The more often  you ask your angels for help, the better your results will be.  Never be reluctant to ask, they are always ready to help.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

06/18/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Your sense of humor will carry you far today.  Keep it light and easy.  This not a day to take yourself too seriously.  If you find yourself a little "angst-y" just turn the music on and shift the mood.  Words are important and will not only impact you but those around you, so choose them wisely.  You can be an influence for good or bad, so choose good.

Angel Whispers:

If you take a good look at your life, you can get a good picture of what you actually believe about yourself and Life.  If you don't like what you see, you can change that outer picture by changing your inner beliefs.  If you are alone, you don't believe that you are lovable enough for people to hang out with you.  If you are are unhealthy, you have put your faith into germs and disease.  You have to overlook and override the truths you have been believing in.  If you are broke, underemployed, overworked, generally unhappy with your work, you have bought into some scenario that the general public has been selling you on tv and in the news.  You must close your eyes to these "truths" and begin seeing the truths you want to have in your life.  Nothing will ever change unless you change your focus and claim the life you choose.

06/17/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)

You can start this week on a fairly quiet, peaceful note.  Spend a little time cleaning up clutter and bringing some serenity to your space.  You will find that you are pretty magnetic to the things you want to know or things you just want.  Magic can happen in the acquisitions department today.  Know what you want and open yourself up to amazing possibilities for receiving it.

Angel Whispers:

There is power in the feeling of joy.  It opens  up your gratitude centers.  When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in the optimal state for manifesting your dreams.  It is very important to cultivate that grateful attitude as it also energizes you and produces endorphins which make you feel good and causes your body to produce a healthier mix of chemicals.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

06/16/2013 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Be independent, take charge, make decisions when others don't or won't.  Even if this is not your usual style, today the one (1) energy will make it much easier for you to step up and do what needs to be done.  Patience is not well aspected because you feel an inner push to move forward and be in control of your situations.  Press on and make it a great day.

Angel Whispers:

It is very important to know your own self, your needs, your dreams, your talents, etc.  This information must come from within.  Make a practice of asking your inner self questions and being in touch with what your feeling nature is telling you.  Are you doing what you want, or what other people expect you to do?  Are you with people you love, or people you feel obligated to be with?  How much of your day is filled with joy?  If not, you can either continue to be less than happy or begin to take steps in the direction of your heart's desires.  Why not start today?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

06/14/2013 (Friday - an 8 day)

Your best everything is available to you today.  Give it your all.  There is a sense of knowing what is most essential and most important and how to accomplish what most needs to be done.  You are in the groove, so take advantage of it.  Make the most of being in that sweet spot.  This awareness is available to everyone, but not everyone will utilize it.  Don't let this energy slip through your fingertips.

Angel Whispers:

Perfection is literally impossible, but most people try to attain it anyway.  Striving for perfection will get you out front in the game of life, which is a good thing.  However, beating yourself up when you fall short (in your own eyes) of that perfection, is a bad thing.  It is important to give yourself some wiggle room within your goals.  Learn to recognize and appreciate your successes, learn from your losses and bring all that knowledge with you into the next time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

06/13/2013 (Thursday - a 7 day)

This will be a quieter, more introspective day.  Your intuition will run strong and it will be a good day for mental tasks.  Gathering and analyzing information are also well aspected.  You may find that too much noise or too many people around will be difficult and way too distracting.  Find a quiet place to think, read or study and you will feel much better.

Angel Whispers:

Did you ever get called on the carpet by parents or teachers for being a "day dreamer"?  If so, hopefully you didn't give up the pleasure because day dreaming is a wonderful way to access your inner voice.  When you let your mind take you to places you've always dreamed of going, you are telling your subconscious mind what you want to glorious, living color and infinite detail.  This is the best way to work on your manifestations.  The more detail, the better.  The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what you dream and what is real.  So, dream on...and show it what you want to be real.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

06/12/2013 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Your responsibilities may weigh a little heavily on your shoulders today.  You want to give it your best and you feel overly emotional about the people you love.  Your desire to nurture and protect is very strong now and you are deeply aware of the richness of your connections with family and friends.  Take a little time right now to be grateful for the blessings in your life.

Angel Whispers:

There are many, many layers of consciousness available to you as you explore your surroundings.  The more you practice being attuned to them, on a regular basis, the more present you become in your awareness of the world around you.  You can perceive even the most subtle vibrations if you tune into the deeper layers of awareness.  From your senses of touch, taste, hearing, vision, smell and feeling you can process an immense amount of information in seconds.  Learning to interpret this information accurately will benefit you greatly.  When you learn to master these skills, you will be perceived as truly gifted.

Monday, June 10, 2013

06/11/2013 (a 5 day)

The flexibility of the five (5) will help you a lot today.  Things may come at you fast and furiously.  You will have to master the weave and bob method to keep out of the way and avoid some of the turmoil.  You can only do what you can and no more, so give yourself a break and don't beat yourself up if you don't get it all done.  Allow yourself a little playfulness, as this will make everything easier to deal with.  Laughter is very healing after all.

Angel Whispers:

Rhythmic movement can be very soothing to the soul.  It frees the spirit and opens you up to Divine Energy.  Whether you are actually dancing or just swaying to a familiar tune, movement relaxes your body and releases endorphins which automatically make you feel better.  Try this when you feel up-tight and constricted.  See if you can feel the release when it happens.  Train your brain to use this technique for relaxation as a regular release.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

06/10/2013 (Monday - a 4 day)

Enough of the frivolity, it's time to get back down to earth and go to work.  Focus and discipline are your friends today.  Set your goals for the week, make a plan of action and get busy.  The sheer physical force of the four (4) will carry your through.  Your intention is all important.  Be very clear about where you want to be by week's end and you will be ahead of the game.

Angel Whispers:

Every cell in your body has a consciousness of it's own, which in turn is shaped by the consciousness of your whole being.  As you have a Life Purpose, so every cell in your body has a purpose which is for the good of the whole.  Because your cells have consciousness, you can communicate with them and they will respond in their own way.  So, begin to create a dialog with your cellular consciousness.  Praise and encourage them, give them thanks for doing such a good job.  Ask them what you can do for them to make their job easier.  Whether you are speaking to the whole or to individual cells, be clear and positive, declaring your intention for health, strength, longevity, flexibility, etc.  Feed your cells well, give them plenty of pure, vibrant water and plenty of quality sleep.  You will see positive changes in your wellness very quickly...both subtle and significant.

06/09/2013 (Sunday - a 3 day)

"Live, love, laugh and be happy!", would be an excellent mantra for today.  Fun is the name of the game.  Relax, enjoy your surroundings and the people you are with and make the most of whatever is going on around you.  This is a good day to reminisce about fun times in the past.  One funny story will beget another and the laughter will make this another day to remember.

Angel Whispers:

It is important to remind yourself that your feelings are an excellent guide.  Good feels good, and bad feels bad.  It is as simple as that.  If you are doing something that you think you are "supposed" to do and it doesn't feel right, your inner guidance system is trying to get your attention.  Ask yourself some questions and see if you can find out why it doesn't feel good.  You may need a change in perspective, or perhaps you will find that it is indeed not the right thing for you at this time.  In either case, to ignore your inner guidance is never a good thing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

06/08/2013 (Saturday - and 11/2 day)P

Peace and harmony are high priorities today.  You may have to take an active role in keeping that peace if you happen to be in a group setting.  Be the voice of reason, drop in a little humor and set a harmonious tone for everyone.  Avoid sarcasm and criticism as they are like injecting poison into the mix.  If you are confronted with chaos and/or conflict, be the first to diffuse it.  Make it a good day!

Angel Whispers:

There are thousands of little choices to make every day.  Many are seemingly insignificant, however they each lead you to the future and how you make those choices will have some input into whether your life is happy, healthy, successful, loved, etc.  As you make even those small choices, be sure to choose on the positive side of the scale.  Remember that if you make your choices positive more than 50% of the time, you will be living a good life.

Friday, June 7, 2013

06/07/2013 (Friday - a 1 day)

(So sorry.  When my internet is down there can be no Angel Whispers.  My apologies to anyone who missed these messages.)

The very nature of your independence (or lack of it) is a central focus today.  Are you in charge of your life?  Are you doing things that bring you joy?  Is your heart fully engaged in the work you do?  Are you being adequately compensated for your time and expertise?  If not, it is time to take another look at what you have created and see if you can bring more of what you do want to the fore.  Life changes when you change.  You can never do it any earlier, after all.  What small thing could you change today that would lead to a better experience?

Angel Whispers:

Life is as good or as bad as you expect it to be.  So, begin by expecting the best!  Even when current evidence points in a different direction.  The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you will get.  That which is like unto itself, is drawn.  If you are busy focusing on all the things that are wrong, all the things you lack, how bad the government is, how much you hate the traffic, etc., you are just creating more of the same.  Turn your back on those less than happy things and insist on seeing the very best things in your life.  See the beauty around you, spend time with the happy/positive people you know, avoid the newspapers, watch funny movies, write a gratitude list with every little thing you are grateful on it.  Choose to see the best in every person and situation.  It IS a choice.  If you call the good forth, it will be yours.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06/04/2013 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

Think it out, rather than "work" it out.  That is the charge for today.  You will get a lot more mileage out of your brainpower than you will by physically trying to push something through.  Tell your mind to find a better way to do whatever it is that needs to be done.  Give it a few minutes, give it a break, and don't be too shocked when the perfect solution springs to mind in a very short while.  For the best results, it is best to have a little faith in the power of your own mind.

Angel Whispers:

Intuition is our direct connection to Divine Mind.  We all have it, but we don't all use it, mostly because we aren't taught to trust it.  If  you haven't been taught to trust your own inner voice there are many books and classes available to help you to learn how to improve or increase your intuitive skills.  Meditation can also help.  Your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

06/03/2013 (Monday - a 6 day)

Pay particular attention to how one thing relates to another today.  How does this color relate to that one?  How do you relate to those around you?  Do you prefer this texture or that?  The basic aesthetics of your surroundings seem very important.  Because of this, you may find yourself in pick up/clean up mode.  You may feel very sensitive to the vibes zinging around you.  Just be observant and see where this sensitivity leads you.

Angel Whispers:

This is one of those days that you realize you can no longer tolerate things that aren't in alignment with your soul's goals.  If there are things that don't work for you, especially in your relationships, it is time to do something about it.  You can no longer hide your head in the sand, just to maintain the status quo.  It is time to speak up, take action or even walk away.  It won't be easy.  It may not be kind.  But, acknowledging your real needs and making sure that they are being met, is incredibly important now.  Your happiness is of ultimate importance.

06/02/2013 (Sunday - a 5 day)

The five (5) is a number all about freedom and change, friendship, influence, travel and self promotion. Participating in any one (or all) of these activities will make your inner self feel very happy.  It's influence will push you to stretch yourself out of your usual comfort zone and reach for something new and different, something bigger or more challenging.  It keeps your life exciting.

Angel Whispers:

Change is a constant in our lives and yet many find it very difficult to deal with change.  Each new desire you have, each persistent thought, will draw to you something new.  Your job is to be a vibrational match to the things you want in your life.  Reach out for these new things to manifest for when they do, you open doors for the next...and the next...and the next.  Each new thing brings new opportunity and new challenges.  Change.  Embrace it.  It is what makes your world go 'round.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

06/01/2013 (Saturday - a 4 day)

This is a good day to get physical, work up a good sweat and accomplish something significant.  With a little discipline, a lot of energy and some stamina you can work wonders.  Whatever task comes to hand will bring its own reward.  Your body will actually thank you for the workout, whatever form it takes.  You have the strength to do whatever you set your mind to.  Just do it.

Angel Whispers:

Whatever you bless, blesses you.  And, vise versa.  When you have a quiet moment, begin by blessing the ground beneath your feet.  Then, breathing deeply, draw that blessed energy right up through the bottoms of your feet, your ankles.  See it swirling around and through your knees, blessing them with fluid movement and ease.  Keep moving the blessing and energy up through your thighs, your pelvic region, your hips and into each and every organ in your body.  Bless your eyes, ears, brain and even your skin and hair.  Pull the blessings up through the top of your head and keep it flowing as it rains over you and back into the earth.  This treatment takes only moments to perform, but it can add life to your years and years to your life.