Sunday, November 4, 2012

11/04/2012 (Sunday - an 11 day)

Eleven (11) is the number of your spiritual self, your connection to the Divine, your intuitive self.  So, today is a day for opening yourself up to all spiritual possibilities.  Allow yourself to be fed by your rich inner world, that part of your being at the center of every cell, that is pure God energy.  Feed your soul by spending time in contemplation, meditation, prayer or deep appreciation of God's gifts in your life.  Ask for guidance and then really listen to that wee, small voice within for the answer.

Angel Whispers:

 Your angels are always with you.  Their job is to watch over you, guide you, protect you and nurture you in all ways.  However, when you don't believe in their existence, refuse to listen to their inner advice even when they show you signs in multiple ways, you make it hard for them to do their jobs.  Once you learn to communicate with them, take the time to ask for their guidance and protection, you will find a tremendous resource at your beck and call.  Whether you ask them to find you a perfect parking spot or a new job, an ideal mate or new friends, a source of additional money or answers to physical concerns, they will never let you down.  Their job is to serve you.  Your job is to ask and then to listen.

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