Friday, August 19, 2011

8/20/2011 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Freedom and change are the key words for the number five (5), which influences today.  Saturday, for most of us, is also a day of freedom from our work-a-day worlds.  (At least, if you have the weekend off.)  When a Saturday and a 5 day coincide, they will enhance each other and should provide lots of encouragement to play.  If you do have to work, try to put a little freedom and fun in the process.  Dress more casually, play a little light-hearted music, kick your shoes off and get your work done as quickly as you can.  There will still be time to play when your work day is finished.  A little pleasure today will make it easier to get down to business with new energy when the new week begins.

Angel Whispers:

If you would like more freedom in your physical body, start and end the day with some deep breathing and stretches.  Be sure to keep hydrated with good quality water and eat foods that are as close to nature as you can get them.  As you are doing your stretches, engage your mind by visualizing your body stretching more each time.  Reach for the heavens and feel the Life Force pouring into your hands and arms, filling every cell with healing energy.  Breathe in goodness and exhale doubt, fear, anger, frustration, lack or loss.  Visualize yourself moving comfortably, freely, through your day, sleeping deeply and peacefully through the night.  You can do this in less than 10 minutes out of your entire day, and the results will be profound.

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