Friday, May 31, 2013

05/31/2013 (Friday - a 6 day)

Home, family and relationship issues are on the agenda for today.  Pay attention to what your loved ones are saying to you.  Make sure that you are not only listening but understanding.   Being fully present for the conversation will help in that regard.  This is a great day for planning home improvements or yard projects.

Angel Whispers:

Love is the magic that makes life rich or not.  Without love there is no one to show you who you really are.  Your relationships are the perfect mirror for you.  They reveal your strengths and your flaws.  They offer opportunities for you to grow.  They come in all shapes and sizes and are truly the gifts you give yourself.  Love conquers all.  It starts with loving yourself.  When you pour the oil of love on any difficult situation, you will see resolution in wondrous ways, and soon.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

05/30/2013 (Thursday - a 5 day)

This is a great day to spend time with friends, doing things you all love and getting in a little self promotion, while you are at it.  Don't keep your "light under a barrel" today.  Nobody really knows what you are capable of if you don't let them in on your best skills.  You are often a mystery to even your best friends.  Plan on revealing something important to someone who would want to know you better.  Then,  reciprocate by asking a few revealing questions yourself.

Angel Whispers:

Freedom is the essence of this day.  So, slip the reins of responsibility for a while.  Stretch yourself and find someplace new to explore.  Get out of your preferred rut and do something unexpected.  Even if you just find a new way to drive home from work, it will make you feel lighter, perhaps more curious about the things you see and more aware of all your surroundings.  It is a good thing to expand your world, even in the smallest of ways.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

05/28/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Your words are very important today, so make sure that the words you speak represent you in a way you will not regret.  Words have tremendous power, both for good and ill.  They are creative in every sense of the word.  Your words can bring joy or inflict pain, lift someone's spirits or flatten their self esteem.  You get to choose your words and how you wish for them to be used.  If there is someone who's feelings you have hurt, words of apology will be well received today.

Angel Whispers:

To improve your life's situations it is very important that you find a way to love and accept the place and circumstances where you currently are.  Mine your memories and experiences  to create the love and value which you place on your life's experiences.  Whether you are happily creating, handling work situations, ioor meditating it is essential to your whole group that you keep your eye on the prize.
Be specific, speak positive, very descriptive words and feelings about your manifestation.  Embrace the idea of having exactly what you want and envision exactly that.

Monday, May 27, 2013

05/27/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)

Happy Memorial Day!!

If you could hear your own vibration, you would hear a veritable buzz of magnetic energy drawing to you that which you are ready to receive.  Keep in mind that you must be a vibrational match to the things you want or they simply will not come to you.  You become a vibrational match by focusing on the thing you want....thinking about it, talking about it, studying up on it, dreaming about it, imagining how it will be when you have it.  Be strong.  Keep you focus clean, to the exclusion of any negative thinking, doubts or criticisms.  Be that magnet and draw it to you.

Angel Whispers.  Life is to precious and too short to spend any sizable chunks of time with people who are negative or who tend to bring your energy down.  Choose to spend your time with positive, uplifting people who will help you "keep your eye on the prize", be the best you can be and to be an uplifter yourself.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

05/26/2013 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Today you are the ONE.  You are challenged to look into your own heart and soul to analyze where you are in terms of your goals and dreams.  What areas need extra attention?  What do you want to put on the back burner for a while, or even forever?  How are you doing in your relationship arena?  Are you ready for an important next step?  These and many other questions deserve your attention today.

Angel Whispers:

After doing your re-evaluation you may be ready to initiate some new dreams.  Whatever you start today has an especially good chance of succeeding.  If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.  This is true in every aspect of your life.  The Law of Attraction says that whatever you believe strongly enough will become true.

Friday, May 24, 2013

05/25/2013 (Saturday - a 9 day)

Well, it is a long holiday weekend and you can do what most Americans do, finish up projects that need to be done before summer sets in. This should actually feel pretty good because the nine (9) is urging you toward completion.  Do the work over the weekend and by Monday you will be ready to celebrate Memorial Day with family and friends.

Angel Whispers:

Generosity of spirit is a very important aspect of the nine (9) energy.  Take a few minutes out of your holiday to think of those who have lost so much recently in Oklahoma or even in your own home town.  Give thanks for what you have...your home, family, health and prosperity.  Then dig down and give what you can for those in need.  Whether it be a check, prayers or an actual helping hand, it will be appreciated and you can bask in the joy of giving.

05/24/2013 (Friday - an 8 day)

Are there financial issues you need to take care of?  Today would be a good day to harness the power of the eight (8) to help you do just that.  Whether you are buying, selling, paying bills or investing, this energy will help you attract the best possible outcomes.  Bankers, insurance specialists and financial advisors can be of valuable assistance in these endeavors.

Angel Whispers:

If you always look for the best in life's situations, you will come to the end of you days having lived a powerful, joyful life.  The Law of Attraction says that you will receive what you have focused on.  A powerful affirmation would be, "My life is great and just keeps getting better and better." or, "Today is the best day of my life, so far."  Or, "Magic happens in my life every day!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

05/23/2013 (Thursday - a 7 day)

If you feel like people are "wearing on your last nerve" today, it is because you are needing some alone or quiet time to do some processing, analyzing, thinking or meditating.  Your mind wants to be in charge and you might as well give it free rein.  Forget the physical activities you usually use to distract your mind and keep emotions at bay.  Just be quiet and think.  Something important may be revealed.

Angel Whispers:

There are many ways to meditate, or clear your mind of clutter so that you can more easily communicate with your Higher Self.  You could practice formal meditation techniques, learn to use a mantra, stare at a candle, count your breaths, listen to guided meditations.  You can find one that works best for you.  If you can slow your mind, you can ease pain, lower your blood pressure, calm your own fears, change habits and so much more.  7

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05/22/2013 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Today is all about aesthetics.  Tend to those things that are out of place, crooked, dirty or missing.  Bring some design and order to your surroundings.  It would also be a good day for a visit to the salon or barber shop or to get a mani-pedi.  Looking good often equates to feeling good. Of course, it can go either way.  The better you look, the better you feel/the worse you look, the worse you feel.   Pay attention to the details.  Sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest difference.

Angel Whispers:

Romance is in the air, so open our heart and let it in.  Love means little if it is not expressed.  Statements of love, affection and appreciation make the world go round.  If you feel starved for those kinds of words, be the instigator and pay genuine compliments, give hugs, express your "lovin' feelings".  What you put out will always come back to you.  Keep in mind that there is no law that says it will come back from where you send it.  Pay attention to how it comes back to you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

05/21/2013 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

You started the week with a plan and now is the time to flesh that plan out.  Be flexible and creative but make sure that you move the action forward toward the goal.  The five (5) is very good at selling and influencing others, so utilize this influence to motivate others to climb on board and  help you reach the goal at hand.

Angel Whispers:

Take a look at life from a different perspective to better see what may need to be changed in order to get the outcome you would prefer.  Look from the the goal backwards, or try to see your situation through someone else's eyes.  When you see the goal first, analyze how it would look and feel to be there, then hold that vision as you decide which steps to take along the way, you will get the best possible results for your efforts.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

05/20/2013 (Monday - a 4 day)

Start this week with the discipline and organization of the four (4) and your whole week will be much more successful.  Make a plan and follow that plan.  You know what needs to be done and you can break it down into smaller increments that are easily accomplishable.  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

Angel Whispers:

This is a good day to take care of any physical issues you may have.  Want to change your diet and fitness plans?  Start it today.  Don't make your changes too large.  Small changes are more easily assimilated into your daily activities.  Be consistent and you will see gains quickly.  Determination and intention are powerful forces when you are dealing with your body.

05/19/2013 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Three (3) is the number of expression, communication, creativity and emotion.  So, this is a day for expressing your gratitude and appreciation for all that you have, all that you love and every good thing in your life.  Keep you focus on words of kindness and praise.  The attitude of gratitude will serve you well.  It is from this space that the most wonderful manifestations come.

Angel Whispers:

When you apply the "oil of love" to any difficult situation you will see positive change come quickly back to you.  Pre-paving any endeavor with a treatment of Love will help you to manifest a successful outcome.  Envision your project surrounded in a beautiful orb of brilliant white light (which represents the Divine Light of Love) and turn over the control to your Higher Power.  In this way, you are engaging all the assistance of the angels, archangels and Divine Intelligence to help you succeed.  As you do this, you will realize that you are not alone, now or ever.

Friday, May 17, 2013

05/17/2013 (Friday - a 1 day)

The one (1) is here to remind you that "today is the first day of the rest of your life".  Whatever you feel has gone awry can be changed if you will only let it go and begin to envision it exactly as you had wanted it to happen, in infinite detail.  As long as you are focused on what went wrong, what doesn't work, it can never improve.  Take the first steps today to rectify that erroneous vision.  You ARE the creator of your own life.  Make the most of it.  

Angel Whispers:

This is a take charge kind of day.  There is a strong desire to be in control.  Do your best not to railroad others in your push to through your ideas or agendas.  Be ever on the lookout for how you can create a win-win situation.  Your long term results will always be better and more rewarding if you do.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

05/16/2013 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Start wrapping up the week today so that you won't be overwhelmed tomorrow.  Planning ahead is frequently a good thing and today is one of those days.  If you can't finish something yourself, on schedule, it would be a good idea to find someone else who can, and will, do it for you.  Be sure to express your appreciation.  This is also a very good day to get rid of anything that no longer serves you.  Whether you trash it, sell it, or donate it, the energy you will release by doing so will be invaluable.

Angel Whispers:

Words of kindness are like gifts or treasures, whether given or received.  Words of praise, words of appreciation, a compliment, a heart-felt thank you will all life the spirits of both giver and receiver.  Often, these acknowledgements can turn the tide of energy from negative to positive in an instant.  They don't cost you a penny but can be worth more than gold.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

05/15/2013 (Wednesday - an 8 day)

Reach higher, harder, longer today.  The success you seek is at your fingertips.  Don't allow procrastination, practicality or procrastination to keep you from your ultimate goals.  You may just have to surprise yourself with your own ability to reach beyond what you think your capacity is.  You will be amazed at how far you can go when you challenge yourself.  Remember, you are a body with a soul, not a soul without a body.    Allow yourself to rise to your greatest potential.

Angel Whispers:

You are right on the verge of a tremendous Spiritual awakening.  You can feel it as you drift off to sleep at night or just as you begin to wake up in the morning.  It feels so close that you can almost taste it.  Hurry it along by spending time, in your head, playing out your life as if you already knew what a good time could be had by you and your guides or angels.                                                                                                                      

Monday, May 13, 2013

05/14/2013 (Tuesday - a 7 day)

Your intuition plays an important role today.  Ask for some guidance and then see what kinds of signs and signals you get from your intuitive self.  Make this a learning experience.  Write down your questions and write down anything you think might be sign, signal or an answer. You are literally training your mind how to speak to you.  Soon you will be amazed at the level of communication you can achieve.

Angel Whispers:

Every day is an opportunity to strengthen your connection with your angels.  Try carrying on an ongoing conversation with them.  Talk to them as if they were your very best friends.  The more often you do this, the more often you will feel them near you.  Ask them to show you how to recognize when they are speaking to you.  Often they will brush by you and you will feel it, sometimes you may feel as if someone has touched you or you could feel an unexpected warmth or chill.  They are as individual as we are, so enjoy getting acquainted.  Once you begin this process, you will never feel truly alone again.  For those of you who have suffered from loneliness, this could be your cure.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

05/12/2013 (Sunday - a 5 day) Happy Mother's Day!

The five (5) is very much about celebration, friendship, playfulness and lots more fun things.  So, take time today to celebrate your Mothers, your friends, your family or the fact that you woke up alive this morning.  Drink deeply of Life and nourish your body and soul with the joy that comes with actively celebrating almost anything.

Angel Whispers:

Today is a good day to recognize what a uniquely talented, gifted, lovable and amazing being you are.  There is no other being on the face of this earth who is just like you.  You are exactly who you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you should be doing until you discover something new that will satisfy you even more in the doing of it.  All the potential in the world is still available to you, waiting for you to line up your energies with that thing which is perfect to you.  Raise your arms heavenward and praise Him for creating all the possibilities in front of you and helping you to make the perfect choices for your incredible future.

05/11/2013 (Saturday - a 4 day)

Today you may feel that there is "so much to do, so little time".  Don't fear, you can get it all done if you prioritize your time.  There will be several things you  can re-schedult for a later day.  Don't think of this as procrastination, just consider it an aspect of time management.  You can't do it all in one day, so determine which of your to-do's is important enough to do today.

Angel Whispers

Work is a four-letter word just as love is.  When you work at what you love to do most you realize that loving, not working.  When you love doing something, you bring your whole self to the task,  You expand yourself in so many ways.  Love shows in the way you do everything.  Whoever looks upon your work will see the love that has been poured into it.  Put your heart into everything you do and forget that there is a task at hand.  The people who were hanging out to lend moral support will be blessed by the loving energy you are now communications and you will be blessed by it as well.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

05/10/2013 (Friday - a 3 day)

Relax, play a little, allow your creative side to come forward.  Don't take yourself (or anyone else) too seriously.  Your communication skills seem to be better than usual today.  Remember that listening is a very big part of communicating.  Listening requires you to totally present with the other party in your conversation.  Often, what you hear with your ears is not the whole story.  If you are relaxed and truly present, you will pick up signals that tell you more than words can ever tell.

Angel Whispers:

Intuition is one of those uniquely human gifts often overlooked or even dismissed.  You were born with intuition.  Some people recognize it, appreciate it and do their best to hone the skill.  Others may ignore it, distrust it or literally sublimate it.  Learning to utilize your intuitive skills can make your life run along much more smoothly.  Being in touch with your intuition can give you clues to prospective events or opportunities in advance.  It can give you a deeper understanding of the people and opportunities around you.  Even better, it can often keep you out of trouble.    

05/09/2013 (Thursday - an 11/2 day)

Trust is the word for the day.  Trust that you deserve to be loved, to be appreciated, to be respected.  Trust that your own personal angels are with you always and will never steer you wrong.  Trust that you can create a sense of peace and harmony in your day.  Drink in the beauty of Spring, which is all around you.  Just as everything is bursting with growth and bloom, so are you growing and coming into your own.

Angel Whispers:

Life gets so busy that you forget to be aware of all the good things that inhabit your world.  You live in your head, filled with stress, worry, anxiety and other negative emotions.  These emotions create a wash of chemicals that can ultimately be very debilitating and is definitely hazardous to your good health.  You can choose to change this pattern by slowing down, looking for that something in your environment that takes your breath away, even a little bit.  Play music that stirs your soul.  Consider this process as "feeding your soul".  These moments of beauty can far outweigh the stress and concern and will lead to a much more well rounded, happy existence.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

05/08/2013 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

Be the one who takes the initiative today.  Try to start with a new perspective, a change of processes, a more direct route to the core issues.  Turn your back, at least for today, on the old way of doing things.  Be brave and open yourself to new ideas and possibilities.  Whether it is your idea or your recognition of the value of someone else's idea, you will see results very quickly.

Angel Whispers:

Each new desire you have propels you forward.  When you squelch your desires (something you were probably taught to do), you implode a bit.  Of course, you won't always get what you want, but having desire is human nature.  It energizes you and moves you forward on the playing field of your life.  Expansion happens when you have desires.  Some of them last a day, others are with you for a lifetime.  Don't feel guilty for having desires.  In fact,  you might want to keep a "want" journal where you can mark off the things you have already received, give thanks for them, and then write down any new desires you might have.  Day dream about them, fantasize about them,  visualize yourself receiving them.  Thank you, God!

Monday, May 6, 2013

05/07/2013 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

This day comes equipped with everything you need for accomplishing your goals for the day.  The nine (9) is complete.  It is also filled with generosity and a willingness to share.  Follow your instincts and give freely of yourself.  The joy it will bring will be priceless.  Love abounds around you.  All you have to do is keep your eyes and your heart open to receive it.

Angel Whispers:

When you truly learn to love yourself, all things are possible.  You ignite that spark that is within your soul, that spark that is your connection to God.  Once you recognize and realize that you are one with God, you  are capable of all things.  No longer will you feel alone, unloved, adrift, lost.  You will know that you are one with All Things.  When you ask, you will receive.  When you seek, you will find,  When you know, the door shall be opened unto you.  This is the promise God has given to all His children.  Rely on this promise.

05/06/2013 (Monday - an 8 day)

Giving your all to every task at hand is natural for you today.  Reaching your loftiest goals is easy because you can access the powerful, successful energy of the eight (8).  There is no detail too small for your attention and your expectations are quickly met.  Your plans come together with ease because you did pay attention to every detail.  Be sure to recognize and appreciate the help of others who made this success come together so well.

Angel Whispers:

No matter what is going on in your life, you have the choice of how you will respond to it.  Will you choose to search for the good in even the most difficult moments?  Will you recognize the lesson that is right in front of you?  Will you count your blessings, no matter what?  Are you willing to see the Light even in the darkest situation?  If you are willing to make these choices, you are on your way to creating a life of joy, love, hope and fulfillment.  There is a positive, life affirming, choice in every situation...large or small.  The choice is always yours to make.  Choose the best.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

04/05/2013 (Sunday - a 6 day)

You are very sensitive to how things look and feel today.  This sensitivity could be bothersome or you could choose to use this energy to help you find ways to improve your surroundings.  Sometimes, a simple pick up, clean up, clear out strategy will work wonders.  Or, perhaps it is time to buy some new accessories or piece of furniture, bring in a new color scheme, add a couple of healthy house plants.  This strategy could work for your yard, as well.

Angel Whispers:

Pay attention to what your emotions are trying to tell you right now.  Stop, be quiet and listen to your inner voice long enough to determine where you are, emotionally.  This is no time to keep your head stuck in the sand pretending that everything is fine, especially if it is not.  You can only pretend so long.  Eventually that thing you are hiding from will come right up and smack you in the face, in a way you cannot ignore.  Face it now and you will have it resolved and out of your life in no time at all.  It isn't nearly as scary as you have led yourself to believe.  Just do it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

05/03/2013 (Friday - a 5 day)

The five (5) ends the work week on a lighter note.  Relax a little, stretch, breathe a little.  Friends are everywhere.  Take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with them.  Laugh a lot.  Love a lot.  Go to a funny movie.  Enjoy all there is to enjoy in your very precious life.  If you won't celebrate the amazing life you have, who will.

Angel Whispers:

Travel is such a joy and a privilege.  It takes us out of ourselves and out of our well worn ruts and allows us to see things from a new perspective.  Without the confines of our daily rituals and responsibilities, we can see greater possibilities, dream bigger dreams and reach for higher goals.  If you can't take an actual trip of some distance, plan an outing with friends to someplace in your own town that you have never been to before.  It will work almost as well.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

05/02/2013 (Thursday - a 4 day)

You will probably find this to be a very physical day, with tasks that may challenge your stamina.  Push through, so that you can claim the satisfaction at the end of the day.  Everything seems to be much more down to earth, basic and elemental.  Simplicity is key.  Discipline and hard work will bring the success you seek.

Angel Whispers:

Whatever you push against, gets stronger.  However, it seems natural to push against what we perceive as wrong or dangerous.  The Law of Attraction says, "that which is like unto itself is drawn".  When you put your attention on a thing, you amplify it.  It grows according to the amount of time, energy and attention you give it.  Where is your attention going?  How often do you talk about what you disagree with.  Instead of talking about what doesn't work, choose to talk about what would work.  Sing the praises of the good ideas you see or hear.  Become a champion for the best case scenario.  Breathe life into your expanding dreams.  Fan the flame of good, right, successful, beautiful, glorious, healthy, happy, prosperous, loving, etc., etc., etc.!  Make it so.