This is one of those days when you are just looking for a little peace and quiet. You find it difficult to be around people in conflict. Remember, you have the choice to stay and help resolve the issue or simply remove yourself from the fray. Either way you choose is okay. You also find it difficult to be in a space in disarray and may find yourself picking up, straightening up and re-arranging, even if the space doesn't happen to be your own. It may feel like a compulsion. Just go with it.
Angel Whispers:
Never forget to ASK for what you want or need. People, in general, cannot read your mind. You, on the other hand, cannot assume that they know what your needs are. Perhaps you are in deep emotional pain, which you have kept hidden from those around you. How is anyone supposed to help you if you hide the truth from everyone. Not only is it essential for you to ask the people in your life, but to ask for help from Divine Guidance, your angels or God. The promise is, "ask and you shall receive".
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
03/28/2013 (Thursday - a 1 day)
Get a new perspective on old questions or problems and you just might find a new kind of answer or solution. It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a new and different outcome. From a new vantage point you see things as you may have never seen them before and find information that wasn't previously available to you. Open yourself to greater possibilities today.
Angel Whispers:
Do you worry about the mistakes you think you might have made or could make in the future? Do you ever get a bad case of the "what if's"? Do you beat yourself up for a long list of "should have done's"?This is a complete and total waste of your time and energy, and also very toxic. Anything you think of as a mistake can be altered by claiming the good in it. Ask to be shown the good, watch for it and then claim it for yourself.
Angel Whispers:
Do you worry about the mistakes you think you might have made or could make in the future? Do you ever get a bad case of the "what if's"? Do you beat yourself up for a long list of "should have done's"?This is a complete and total waste of your time and energy, and also very toxic. Anything you think of as a mistake can be altered by claiming the good in it. Ask to be shown the good, watch for it and then claim it for yourself.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
03/27/2013 (Wednesday - a 9 day)
The nine (9) is all about completion, endings, generosity and service. Service seems to be the more important attribute today. Have you discovered what your avenue of service is? Do you give of yourself often? Whether you are lending a hand to a co-worker or neighbor, sharing your knowledge or experience or volunteering at Habitat for the Humanities, the rewards for your time and service will bless you in many ways.
Angel Whispers:
It is essential to understand the fine line that lies between service and servitude. Service is about giving your time, energy, money, etc., because you want to or because it feels good to do so. You may have noticed that when you offer your help once, you are often expected to offer it again, as if you had set a precedent of some sort. Perhaps you are comfortable with that expectation, but at some point you may realize that a line has been crossed and it no longer feels good. It is at this point that service becomes servitude. Once you recognize that you have fallen into the trap of servitude, it is your job to put an end to it, as soon as possible.
Angel Whispers:
It is essential to understand the fine line that lies between service and servitude. Service is about giving your time, energy, money, etc., because you want to or because it feels good to do so. You may have noticed that when you offer your help once, you are often expected to offer it again, as if you had set a precedent of some sort. Perhaps you are comfortable with that expectation, but at some point you may realize that a line has been crossed and it no longer feels good. It is at this point that service becomes servitude. Once you recognize that you have fallen into the trap of servitude, it is your job to put an end to it, as soon as possible.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
03/26/2013 (Tuesday - an 8 day)
Take care of your financial responsibilities today. Your grasp of math seems to be better than usual, so grab a pen and get to work on those taxes, your bank statement or some personal inventory lists. Set down your definition of success, in as much detail as you can, and post it somewhere it can be seen many times a day. It is much easier to succeed when you actually know what success will look like.
Angel Whispers:
Reaching for the stars is both a blessing and a curse. Striving for the best causes you to excel, reaching ever higher and higher. However, setting your goals unreasonable high may cause frustration and angst when you are striving for that goal and not feeling your forward motion. Go ahead and dream those big dreams, for there is much to be learned and you will be pulled in the right direction while you are at it. Don't let anything stop you in your tracks. You were meant to succeed.
Angel Whispers:
Reaching for the stars is both a blessing and a curse. Striving for the best causes you to excel, reaching ever higher and higher. However, setting your goals unreasonable high may cause frustration and angst when you are striving for that goal and not feeling your forward motion. Go ahead and dream those big dreams, for there is much to be learned and you will be pulled in the right direction while you are at it. Don't let anything stop you in your tracks. You were meant to succeed.
Monday, March 25, 2013
03/25/2013 (Monday - a 7 day)
If you are a little quiet, a bit reserved today you are just experiencing the effects of the seven (7) which is introspective, intuitive and rather mental in nature. This isn't a physical day, so don't be surprised if you aren't bursting with energy. Reading, studying, analyzing and problem solving are more appropriate activities for today. Be sure that you have enough quiet time to take advantage of this.
Angel Whispers:
Meditation can be performed in many ways. If the traditional lotus position and deep breathing don't seem to work for you, you may benefit from other forms. Yoga and Tai Chi can achieve a very similar mental/physical state. Runners often tell of reaching "the zone" where their mind is incredibly clear and their body seems to be running effortlessly. Others find that a simple walk opens their mind to new ideas and relieves stress much like meditation does. Often, doing something creative (painting, writing, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, gardening or cooking) can put you in that desired zone. The object is to remove your thoughts from the day to day worries, doubts or fears that pull you down and sap your strength and energy. Choose whichever form that works for you and use it often.
Angel Whispers:
Meditation can be performed in many ways. If the traditional lotus position and deep breathing don't seem to work for you, you may benefit from other forms. Yoga and Tai Chi can achieve a very similar mental/physical state. Runners often tell of reaching "the zone" where their mind is incredibly clear and their body seems to be running effortlessly. Others find that a simple walk opens their mind to new ideas and relieves stress much like meditation does. Often, doing something creative (painting, writing, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, gardening or cooking) can put you in that desired zone. The object is to remove your thoughts from the day to day worries, doubts or fears that pull you down and sap your strength and energy. Choose whichever form that works for you and use it often.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
03/24/2013 (Sunday - a 6 day)
Pay attention to your surroundings as aesthetics seem to be very important to you today. It may be time to go shopping for that little something that will freshen up your home or office. Accessories can be an inexpensive way to make changes that will quickly add sparkle to your space. If you want to make a bigger statement consider buying a new piece of furniture or invest in artwork to begin or expand your collection. Having a home that pleases your senses can lift your spirits, energize you and even relieve stress after a busy day.
Angel Whispers:
Wherever you are, God is. There is no separation between you and Divine Energy. Within the heart of every cell lies the very essence of Spirit. You cannot get away from It because It is a part of you. When you come to the realization that this is true, you understand that you no longer have to feel lonely, helpless, or unloved. The secret to living a good life is learning to trust that you are one with God and God only wants the very best for you. When you pray, know that the answer to your prayer is closer than your fingertips.
Angel Whispers:
Wherever you are, God is. There is no separation between you and Divine Energy. Within the heart of every cell lies the very essence of Spirit. You cannot get away from It because It is a part of you. When you come to the realization that this is true, you understand that you no longer have to feel lonely, helpless, or unloved. The secret to living a good life is learning to trust that you are one with God and God only wants the very best for you. When you pray, know that the answer to your prayer is closer than your fingertips.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
03/23/2013 (Saturday - a 5 day)
This should be a fun weekend. Spend time with your friends, get outside for some exercise, find a new place to go, break the mold and experience life with some zest. Friendship is the important relationship for today. Give some thought to what you believe a true friend should be, then ask yourself if you are one. How much effort do you put into your friendships? Do you have quality friends? Have you let them know, recently, what you appreciate about them? If you haven't done it lately, today is the day.
Angel Whispers:
Celebrations always bring extra energy and excitement into our lives. Celebration reminds us to honor special people or events. However, you can celebrate anything, large or small. It could be a birthday or anniversary, a new job or a raise, the fact that it is now spring or that you saw the first hummingbird of the season. Your celebration can look any way you like it. Plan something fun to celebrate this weekend or at least soon.
Angel Whispers:
Celebrations always bring extra energy and excitement into our lives. Celebration reminds us to honor special people or events. However, you can celebrate anything, large or small. It could be a birthday or anniversary, a new job or a raise, the fact that it is now spring or that you saw the first hummingbird of the season. Your celebration can look any way you like it. Plan something fun to celebrate this weekend or at least soon.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
03/22/2013 (Friday - a 4 day)
Four (4) is about hard work, determination, physicality and discipline. Put these attributes to work for yourself today. You will find your drive to succeed, to accomplish important things, to be very strong. Your energy should go the extra mile and keep you strong until the end of whatever tasks you set for yourself. Even if you are working physically hard, you can be kind to your body. Drink plenty of good water, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins, get fresh air and plan to get a good night's sleep.
Angel Whispers:
When you are doing what you love work can seem like play. You can lose track of time and work for hours on end without noticing fatigue. Time flies and you can practically lose yourself in the job you are doing. On the other hand, working at something you don't like can have a completely opposite effect. You may dread going to work, watch the clock all day to see when it will be time for your break or to go home. You can actually feel exhausted with very little effort having been expended. Which way have you set up your life? Can you begin to change it to something you could love? If so, do it now.
Angel Whispers:
When you are doing what you love work can seem like play. You can lose track of time and work for hours on end without noticing fatigue. Time flies and you can practically lose yourself in the job you are doing. On the other hand, working at something you don't like can have a completely opposite effect. You may dread going to work, watch the clock all day to see when it will be time for your break or to go home. You can actually feel exhausted with very little effort having been expended. Which way have you set up your life? Can you begin to change it to something you could love? If so, do it now.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
03/21/2013 (Thursday - a 3 day)
This is one of those days when the creative side of your nature steps up and insists on being heard. Creative ideas abound. You are ready to stretch some boundaries and chaos reign, if need be. In fact, you look forward to doing things in a fun way, expressing yourself to the max. Some people will be surprised, but those who know you well will be happy to see you pushing the envelope. Laughter will be key today. Follow where joy leads you.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is about expressing emotion. Whether you express your emotions through music, letters, color or style, it will always open up new spaces within you which will be filled with rich, soul-satisfying imagery and words. Creativity leads to more creativity, which leads to even more creativity, which helps to heal, bless and balance your life. If you have a malady of any sort, being creative can help relieve tension, relax the body and mind and ultimately brings about a much healthier body/mind and spirit.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is about expressing emotion. Whether you express your emotions through music, letters, color or style, it will always open up new spaces within you which will be filled with rich, soul-satisfying imagery and words. Creativity leads to more creativity, which leads to even more creativity, which helps to heal, bless and balance your life. If you have a malady of any sort, being creative can help relieve tension, relax the body and mind and ultimately brings about a much healthier body/mind and spirit.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
03/20/2013 (Wednesday - an 11/2 day)
Knowledge is power and this is a day when you are magnetic to the information or wisdom you need. You will find a teacher, a class, a book, a workshop, etc., that will inform you or inspire you. Keep your eyes and ears open and hold the intention and expectation that you will, in fact, receive. Then, watch the magic happen. Balance and harmony are important today, also.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself and others. When you want to criticize, stop first and put yourself in that persons place to see if you can better understand where they are coming from. Your expectations may be out of line. Often, you want to criticize something in others that you don't like in yourself but don't want to look at. Instead of the initial criticism, see if you can find something positive to say instead. You will both benefit.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself and others. When you want to criticize, stop first and put yourself in that persons place to see if you can better understand where they are coming from. Your expectations may be out of line. Often, you want to criticize something in others that you don't like in yourself but don't want to look at. Instead of the initial criticism, see if you can find something positive to say instead. You will both benefit.
Monday, March 18, 2013
03/19/2013 (Tuesday - a 1 day)
This is a day to put yourself first, make sure your own needs are met and treat yourself to something special you have wanted to do for a long time. This is no time to simply go with what you think other people expect of you. Know what your real desires are. What would you want if there was no one else in the picture? You can never go for it if you don't know what IT is.
Angel Whispers:
Everything in your life stems from your imagination. I cannot happen in your life if you haven't imagined it in some way. Whether it be a dream, a wish or a worry, if you have held a clear vision of it it will come into your life eventually. The more clearly and more often you hold an image, the sooner you will see it in your reality. Think of yourself as a self-fulfilling prophecy and then choose your thoughts and visions carefully.
Angel Whispers:
Everything in your life stems from your imagination. I cannot happen in your life if you haven't imagined it in some way. Whether it be a dream, a wish or a worry, if you have held a clear vision of it it will come into your life eventually. The more clearly and more often you hold an image, the sooner you will see it in your reality. Think of yourself as a self-fulfilling prophecy and then choose your thoughts and visions carefully.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
03/18/2013 (Monday - a 9 day)
You are starting this week with an eye to completion, so make your plans accordingly. To-do lists and time lines may help. Have a clearly defined description of where you want to be at week's end. Know which tasks are must-dos and which are can-dos. There will be opportunities to multi-task and/or to delegate authority in order to meet your goals. Getting a good start on the week will put you miles ahead of the pack.
Angel Whispers:
Developing a generous attitude is not always easy, but it is well worth your efforts. Remember that "what you put out, comes back to you magnified and multiplied". Send out only what you want back. Give appreciation when you need some. Give love when you need some. Avoid criticism at all costs. Always keep in mind the power of your words and use them well.
Angel Whispers:
Developing a generous attitude is not always easy, but it is well worth your efforts. Remember that "what you put out, comes back to you magnified and multiplied". Send out only what you want back. Give appreciation when you need some. Give love when you need some. Avoid criticism at all costs. Always keep in mind the power of your words and use them well.
03/17/2013 (Sunday - an 8 day)
The eight (8) begs you to give your all, the best of your best, and encourage others to do the same. You strive for perfection and take pride in all that you do today. Of course, you know that perfection is unattainable, but you strive for it none the less because it is what you want to do. What it means is that you wind up with much better than average results and that should be enough to please your soul.
Angel Whispers:
Life is what it is, neither more nor less than exactly what it is. Learning to accept this fact will give you a great deal of ease in your life. When you expect life to be more than it is, you feel like you have fallen short (which is usually not true at all). When you expect less you are always wondering why it is better and when "the other shoe will drop" and it will all go away. In either case, you don't get to enjoy the rightness of what actually is. And whether your life is up, down or all around, it is exactly as it is supposed to be. Take the good, learn what you can and move on.
Angel Whispers:
Life is what it is, neither more nor less than exactly what it is. Learning to accept this fact will give you a great deal of ease in your life. When you expect life to be more than it is, you feel like you have fallen short (which is usually not true at all). When you expect less you are always wondering why it is better and when "the other shoe will drop" and it will all go away. In either case, you don't get to enjoy the rightness of what actually is. And whether your life is up, down or all around, it is exactly as it is supposed to be. Take the good, learn what you can and move on.
Friday, March 15, 2013
03/15/2013 (Friday - a 6 day)
Tend to your responsibilities and relationships today. This is not a good day to put things off or make excuses for why you don't want to do the important things. You will waste more energy in making your excuses than you would need to actually do those things. Dragging your feet feels negative and what you are looking for is a win, so get busy and get it done. Put your procrastination off til another day. :-)
Angel Whispers:
There are those around you who need to hear that you value them, respect them, love them, need them. Whether you say the words or act in a way that conveys your feelings, don't put off letting them know. Often you assume that people know how you feel, but most people are not mind readers. Be genuine, honest and caring. Doing this now will bring greater rewards than you would imagine.
Angel Whispers:
There are those around you who need to hear that you value them, respect them, love them, need them. Whether you say the words or act in a way that conveys your feelings, don't put off letting them know. Often you assume that people know how you feel, but most people are not mind readers. Be genuine, honest and caring. Doing this now will bring greater rewards than you would imagine.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
03/14/2013 (Thursday - a 5 day)
Be willing to be flexible, go with the flow and and be happy to accept a change in plans. The five (5) is all about change so it will be happening in your life today. Embrace it because when you do the freedom you experience will be priceless. Spend time with your best friends and expect to laugh a lot.
Angel Whispers:
When you are willing to drop your preconceived notions about anything, you open up to a world of limitless possibilities. See yourself as a perfect recipient for the best possible guidance or information. Ask your angels to help you know what needs to be known and to make the right choices for the best outcome. Move forward with confidence and expect to your revelations.
Angel Whispers:
When you are willing to drop your preconceived notions about anything, you open up to a world of limitless possibilities. See yourself as a perfect recipient for the best possible guidance or information. Ask your angels to help you know what needs to be known and to make the right choices for the best outcome. Move forward with confidence and expect to your revelations.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
03/13/2013 (Wednesday - a 4 day)
Pay attention to the needs of our body today. Are you taking good care of it, being a good steward? Take your vitamins, drink plenty of clean water, eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, exercise a little and get a good night's sleep. If you pay attention, your body will definitely tell you what it needs. It could crave more movement, fresh air, a better diet or less stress. If you give your body what it wants, the rewards will be great. Discipline could be the key here.
Angel Whispers:
Do you feel slightly off kilter, out of sorts, fatigued or anxious? Perhaps it is time to give yourself a good dose of nature. When was the last time you hugged a tree, walked barefoot through the grass, gotten a good dose of vitamin D or breathed the natural air which can only be found outdoors? Lie on your back and look up through the tree branches to see the sky or the stars. Do some deep breathing and center yourself in gratitude for all the good in your life. Stand with your arms out to receive and your feet planted firmly on the actual earth (no pavement, please) while you envision the energy of that earth drawing up through your feet, filling your entire body and spilling out the top of your head. This exercise can ground you for days. Do it soon. . . and often.
Angel Whispers:
Do you feel slightly off kilter, out of sorts, fatigued or anxious? Perhaps it is time to give yourself a good dose of nature. When was the last time you hugged a tree, walked barefoot through the grass, gotten a good dose of vitamin D or breathed the natural air which can only be found outdoors? Lie on your back and look up through the tree branches to see the sky or the stars. Do some deep breathing and center yourself in gratitude for all the good in your life. Stand with your arms out to receive and your feet planted firmly on the actual earth (no pavement, please) while you envision the energy of that earth drawing up through your feet, filling your entire body and spilling out the top of your head. This exercise can ground you for days. Do it soon. . . and often.
03/12/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)
Three is truly the number of creativity. It relates to art, music, writing, dance, theater and even gardening. Whimsy, fun and great conversations await you. It is time to express yourself and/or your emotions in whatever creative venue appeals to you. Have fun with it and notice how much extra energy you have after doing your creative "thing".
Angel Whispers:
"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." You have heard this expression all your life and it is very true for "catching" your dreams, as well. Sweet words, kind words, loving words, words of praise and joy will attract whatever dream you may be dreaming. Negative words or words of lack, fear, criticism or hostility will merely push that dream away. Choose your words and your attitudes carefully. Be a "honey" and catch your favorite dream.
Angel Whispers:
"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." You have heard this expression all your life and it is very true for "catching" your dreams, as well. Sweet words, kind words, loving words, words of praise and joy will attract whatever dream you may be dreaming. Negative words or words of lack, fear, criticism or hostility will merely push that dream away. Choose your words and your attitudes carefully. Be a "honey" and catch your favorite dream.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
03/11/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)
There are family, friends, acquaintances and then there are those you recognize as your soul family. This is a good day to connect with those special people and reaffirm your soul connection. Whether it is through a phone call, an email or a quick lunch or happy hour, the energy of this day will make it special. Honor those who honor you the most and love you in spite of your flaws.
Angel Whispers:
Words are so powerful and words spoken with feeling are even more powerful. What you bless, blesses you. What you curse, curses you. This truth about the power of your words should be enough to make you mindful of just how you use them. Speaking words of praise and appreciation for person, place or thing will magnetize that to you. Criticism should be avoided always, for it draws to you that negative energy. Cultivate feelings of love, adoration and gratitude in order to set the tone for your life of manifestation.
Angel Whispers:
Words are so powerful and words spoken with feeling are even more powerful. What you bless, blesses you. What you curse, curses you. This truth about the power of your words should be enough to make you mindful of just how you use them. Speaking words of praise and appreciation for person, place or thing will magnetize that to you. Criticism should be avoided always, for it draws to you that negative energy. Cultivate feelings of love, adoration and gratitude in order to set the tone for your life of manifestation.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
03/10/2013 (Sunday - a 1 day)
Take charge today and create the day as you want it to go. Choose who you want to spend time with. Choose activities that will please you. Choose to be happy, no matter what. Don't be surprised if you bump into some control issues. Just work your way through them and learn a little something about yourself and those issues as you go along. All in all, this should be a very good day.
Angel Whispers:
Today IS the first day of the rest of your life. You've heard this before and it is true every day of your life. The past is already past and tomorrow is always a day away, so now is all you really have. If you live in your "now" you will have much less angst, guilt and fear in your life. Being in the NOW dilutes the power of your fears. Right in this red hot moment you are living and breathing and most of the things you have feared have not yet come upon you. Leave the past in the past and focus on this very moment, giving it your full attention and appreciation. Taking care of this moment will make all your moments better and your future much brighter.
Angel Whispers:
Today IS the first day of the rest of your life. You've heard this before and it is true every day of your life. The past is already past and tomorrow is always a day away, so now is all you really have. If you live in your "now" you will have much less angst, guilt and fear in your life. Being in the NOW dilutes the power of your fears. Right in this red hot moment you are living and breathing and most of the things you have feared have not yet come upon you. Leave the past in the past and focus on this very moment, giving it your full attention and appreciation. Taking care of this moment will make all your moments better and your future much brighter.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
03/08/2013 (Friday - an 8 day)
This may be a day of big expenditures for you, but with the good financial influence of the eight (8) you should get more bang for your buck. Be sure to check out sales, two - for - one deals, gently used/like new items, and expect financial windfalls. Be sure to keep your attitude about money positive throughout the day. If you are feeling lack, fear or un-worthiness you could offset your financial good fortune. Grab that attitude of gratitude and hang on tight.
Angel Whispers:
You are only as successful as you believe you are. Even when others think you have done an extraordinary job, if you only see the things that didn't go right or that had to be left undone, you will feel like a failure. When you measure your achievements with an unrealistic yardstick you will never know true success. If this is a common experience for you, it is time to start an accomplishments list in your daily planner. Write down everything you do, as soon as you do it. By days end you will see that you have indeed achieved many of your goals, even if there are still items left on your to-do list. This will keep your focus on what you did, rather than what you didn't do.
Angel Whispers:
You are only as successful as you believe you are. Even when others think you have done an extraordinary job, if you only see the things that didn't go right or that had to be left undone, you will feel like a failure. When you measure your achievements with an unrealistic yardstick you will never know true success. If this is a common experience for you, it is time to start an accomplishments list in your daily planner. Write down everything you do, as soon as you do it. By days end you will see that you have indeed achieved many of your goals, even if there are still items left on your to-do list. This will keep your focus on what you did, rather than what you didn't do.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
03/07/2013 (Thursday - a 7 day)
This is a much more mental/spiritual day than physical. Plan on having some quiet time to process what you have learned. Sometimes the information that comes to you is subtle and needs some time for analysis. You may notice that being in a crowd today is very taxing. You can do it if you must, but be sure to give yourself some alone time to recoup your balance and calm.
Angel Whispers:
Whispers often get your attention even more than shouts. There is something in a whisper that calls for focus. Speak softly and with pure intent. The force of your intent and the truth you are delivering will be felt deeply. Shouting, whether it is truth you shout or not, is seldom heard with the heart. Notice that when you shout, you have already lost control.
Angel Whispers:
Whispers often get your attention even more than shouts. There is something in a whisper that calls for focus. Speak softly and with pure intent. The force of your intent and the truth you are delivering will be felt deeply. Shouting, whether it is truth you shout or not, is seldom heard with the heart. Notice that when you shout, you have already lost control.
03/06/2013 (Wednesday - a 6 day)
Don't be surprised if your sense of balance, harmony and aesthetic beauty are accelerated today. You simply cannot ignore a crooked picture or clutter in your space. It only takes a second to straighten that crooked picture and not much longer to pick up some of the clutter. Doing so will bring a sense of balance and harmony to your whole being. If you ignore it, it will be like a burr under your blanket and you won't be able to fully concentrate on anything else that you are trying to accomplish. Just do it.
Angel Whispers:
Your surroundings are an outer reflection of the inner you. Look around and see what is really going on with you. Feng Shui can teach you a great deal about how to analyze what each room (and specific areas of each room) represent. Google feng shui to find out what your areas of clutter may be telling you. It will be fun and may give you some incentive to straighten out those areas. Poor placement of furniture and accessories or clutter in your money area could be blocking the flow of money into your life. Often, the fixes for these blockages are very simple and may require little more than moving some furniture and basic de-cluttering. Give it a try.
Angel Whispers:
Your surroundings are an outer reflection of the inner you. Look around and see what is really going on with you. Feng Shui can teach you a great deal about how to analyze what each room (and specific areas of each room) represent. Google feng shui to find out what your areas of clutter may be telling you. It will be fun and may give you some incentive to straighten out those areas. Poor placement of furniture and accessories or clutter in your money area could be blocking the flow of money into your life. Often, the fixes for these blockages are very simple and may require little more than moving some furniture and basic de-cluttering. Give it a try.
Monday, March 4, 2013
03/05/2013 (Tuesday - a 5 day)
Whatever you have on your agenda today, you are bound to enjoy it. The influence of the five (5) is fun, playful and quixotic. . . it abhors a rut, so get ready to try something new. That new restaurant someone told you about, today is the day to check it out. Sick of the same old traffic delays, this is the day to break loose and find a way around it.
Angel Whispers:
When scientists break down the cell to it's smallest particle they will find that it is made of God stuff. YOU are made of God stuff. There is perfection within you. There is absolutely nothing that you cannot do if you allow that God stuff to play a bigger and bigger role in your individual life. When you fully realize that there is no separation between you and God, that God is in every cell of your being, you can give up fear and live in great joy. You and God are One. Never forget that.
Angel Whispers:
When scientists break down the cell to it's smallest particle they will find that it is made of God stuff. YOU are made of God stuff. There is perfection within you. There is absolutely nothing that you cannot do if you allow that God stuff to play a bigger and bigger role in your individual life. When you fully realize that there is no separation between you and God, that God is in every cell of your being, you can give up fear and live in great joy. You and God are One. Never forget that.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
03/04/2013 (Monday - a 4 day)
Starting the week with the good work ethics of the four (4) will make major headway for whatever goals you have. Discipline, hard work and physical stamina are all part of this energy. Planning is essential to get the most out of your efforts. You will find that almost everyone is revved up to get things done today.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself by refusing to be less than kind to everyone else. When you are feeling (and especially expressing) anger, resentment, disappointment or frustration with others, your subconscious feels that energy and naturally turns it in upon yourself. You cannot be focussed on the negative things you have judged to be true about them and keep yourself in the healthy, happy place you need to be in to manifest only good things into your life. Remember, the Law of Attraction says that "what you focus on is what you get." When you find yourself sitting in judgement of another, stop yourself and immediately search for at least 3 things you can admire about that person. Put your focus there and you will both be much happier, healthier and more prosperous.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself by refusing to be less than kind to everyone else. When you are feeling (and especially expressing) anger, resentment, disappointment or frustration with others, your subconscious feels that energy and naturally turns it in upon yourself. You cannot be focussed on the negative things you have judged to be true about them and keep yourself in the healthy, happy place you need to be in to manifest only good things into your life. Remember, the Law of Attraction says that "what you focus on is what you get." When you find yourself sitting in judgement of another, stop yourself and immediately search for at least 3 things you can admire about that person. Put your focus there and you will both be much happier, healthier and more prosperous.
03/03/2013 (Sunday - a 3 day)
Keep it light and have a good time today. Be very aware of the words you speak, as they have even greater powers on a three (3) day. Keep yourself, your words and your actions as positive as you can. If you find someone irritating you, rather than respond in the same vein, breathe your way through it until you feel some release and relief. This is NOT a good day for an argument.
Angel Whispers:
There are sounds around you that may feel discordant and even tend to fracture your focus or purpose. If you live in a city and work with others, there are always lots of noises to distract you. You can send these sounds to the background, where they will be less bothersome, by listening to music that is uplifting or energizing, having a water fountain or wind chimes to to soothe our ears. Discordant noise is definitely an energy drain and one worth addressing.
Angel Whispers:
There are sounds around you that may feel discordant and even tend to fracture your focus or purpose. If you live in a city and work with others, there are always lots of noises to distract you. You can send these sounds to the background, where they will be less bothersome, by listening to music that is uplifting or energizing, having a water fountain or wind chimes to to soothe our ears. Discordant noise is definitely an energy drain and one worth addressing.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
03/02/2013 (Saturday - an 11/2 day)
Life can only be richer when you allow yourself to be in touch with your inner guidance, your spiritual nature. Learning to be ever conscious of this incredible source of knowledge and inspiration will save you many missteps, mistakes, trials and tribulations. Your inner wisdom is a gift to help you navigate the hiways and byways of this life. The key is to ask questions, ask for signs and then watch and listen for the answers. You will be amazed at how quickly and magically those answers and signs will come. The more you come to trust your Source and follow your guidance, the better your life will be.
Angel Whispers:
"Ask and you shall be given. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you." How often do you remember and heed this promise from the Bible? If you don't remember another Bible verse, this one will serve you richly. Whatever your need may be, ask God for help. More importantly, ask believing that you will receive. Seek believing that you will find what you are looking for. Believing is the key. Some call it faith.
Angel Whispers:
"Ask and you shall be given. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you." How often do you remember and heed this promise from the Bible? If you don't remember another Bible verse, this one will serve you richly. Whatever your need may be, ask God for help. More importantly, ask believing that you will receive. Seek believing that you will find what you are looking for. Believing is the key. Some call it faith.
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