Monday, March 25, 2013

03/25/2013 (Monday - a 7 day)

If you are a little quiet, a bit reserved today you are just experiencing the effects of the seven (7)  which is introspective, intuitive and rather mental in nature.  This isn't a physical day, so don't be surprised if you aren't bursting with energy.  Reading, studying, analyzing and problem solving are more appropriate activities for today.  Be sure that you have enough quiet time to take advantage of this.

Angel Whispers:

Meditation can be performed in many ways.  If the traditional lotus position and deep breathing don't seem to work for you, you may benefit from other forms.  Yoga and Tai Chi can achieve a very similar mental/physical state.  Runners often tell of reaching "the zone" where their mind is incredibly clear and their body seems to be running effortlessly.  Others find that a simple walk opens their mind to new ideas and relieves stress much like meditation does.  Often, doing something creative (painting, writing, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, gardening or cooking) can put you in that desired zone.  The object is to remove your thoughts from the day to day worries, doubts or fears that pull you down and sap your strength and energy.  Choose whichever form that works for you and use it often.

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