Creativity is heightened throughout this day. If your job is in a creative field, it should be especially productive and successful. If you are in a profession that requires more detail oriented, linear thinking and accessing information, this may be a very different kind of day for you. In either case, just flow with it and enjoy the more abstract way of receiving ideas and integrating them into your work. The energy will definitely be more emotional, expressive and colorful today.
Angel Whispers:
Few things affect the emotions more than music, so enhance the energy of the three (3) by carefully picking the soundtrack of your day. Do you need peace and quiet, with greater access to your higher mind? New Age music should set that tone very well. Do you need extra energy? Choose something with an up tempo, like what you would expect to hear at a Zumba class. Different tasks call for different playlists. It would be very useful for you to create playlists for various aspects of your life. Unless you have ear phones, consider who else might be hearing your choices.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
04/30/2013 (Tuesday - a 4 day)
Be ready to work hard today, but you will be very happy with your results if you utilize the discipline and sense of order that the four (4) brings you. It is easier to stay focused and stay on track with whatever project you are working on. By the end of the day, you will feel so proud of yourself for sticking to your plan and just knocking it out. Remember how well this energy worked for you so that you can call on it again when you hit another work hurdle.
Angel Whispers:
You, too, can be a worker for world peace . . . right from the comfort of your own favorite chair. To manifest peace in the world, we must first create larger numbers of people who will choose peace over chaos, kindness over cruelty, truth and justice over tyranny. If you will sit quietly for a few minutes, every day, and visualize a world filled with peace and harmony, health and happiness, prosperity, love and abundance. By doing this, not only will you be bringing yourself into alignment will all these things, you will be contributing to a vibrational change around the world. Do your part and pass these suggestions along to your friends. Together we can create a better place for us all.
Angel Whispers:
You, too, can be a worker for world peace . . . right from the comfort of your own favorite chair. To manifest peace in the world, we must first create larger numbers of people who will choose peace over chaos, kindness over cruelty, truth and justice over tyranny. If you will sit quietly for a few minutes, every day, and visualize a world filled with peace and harmony, health and happiness, prosperity, love and abundance. By doing this, not only will you be bringing yourself into alignment will all these things, you will be contributing to a vibrational change around the world. Do your part and pass these suggestions along to your friends. Together we can create a better place for us all.
04/29/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)
Let your emotions lead you today. Do what feels right, what your heart wants to do. Feed yourself with things that touch your emotions. Wear clothes that make you feel especially good. Eat foods that appeal to your eyes as well as your palette. Play music that makes your heart sing. Spend time with people you love, or at least give them a call. Fill yourself up with love and allow that love to spill over as gratitude. From that filled up, flowing over place of appreciation will come even greater blessings to be grateful for later.
Angel Whispers:
Ask, believing, and you shall receive. The key word here is "believing". All things are possible to those who truly believe. When you are praying for something you don't quite believe you can or will receive or even deserve to receive, your prayer is going nowhere. You must first connect with your powerful sense of "knowing" that God will answer your prayer - in other words, believing. The stronger your belief, the more quickly your prayer will be answered. See it done, feel it done, live as though it is already done. It will be done. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
Ask, believing, and you shall receive. The key word here is "believing". All things are possible to those who truly believe. When you are praying for something you don't quite believe you can or will receive or even deserve to receive, your prayer is going nowhere. You must first connect with your powerful sense of "knowing" that God will answer your prayer - in other words, believing. The stronger your belief, the more quickly your prayer will be answered. See it done, feel it done, live as though it is already done. It will be done. So be it.
Friday, April 26, 2013
04/27/2013 (Saturday - a 1 day)
Start your weekend with a burst of energy designed to get you out of your rut, er...routine. Feel that curl of energy in your center that is leading you toward something new and fun. Get outdoors, no matter the weather. Breathe some fresh air, enjoy the beauty of spring bursting out all around you. Everywhere you look there is something you can be grateful for. The more you give yourself over to that attitude of gratitude the more energy will flow to you and through you, bringing you blessings galore.
Angel Whispers:
Do you realize that your body/mind/spirit resonates to color, sounds, temperature, textures. You are like a giant tuning fork, vibrating to almost everything in your environment. When you learn which vibrations make you feel good, feel happy, feel energized (or the opposite of these feelings), you can choose to surround yourself with the good things and minimize the bad things. As you feel these things, your body exudes chemicals that affect your mood, energy and even your basic health. Most people simply slide through life without paying attention to these vibrations. You could be one who chooses your preferred vibrations for health and well being. Start where you are and see how far you can go.
Angel Whispers:
Do you realize that your body/mind/spirit resonates to color, sounds, temperature, textures. You are like a giant tuning fork, vibrating to almost everything in your environment. When you learn which vibrations make you feel good, feel happy, feel energized (or the opposite of these feelings), you can choose to surround yourself with the good things and minimize the bad things. As you feel these things, your body exudes chemicals that affect your mood, energy and even your basic health. Most people simply slide through life without paying attention to these vibrations. You could be one who chooses your preferred vibrations for health and well being. Start where you are and see how far you can go.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
04/26/2013 (Friday - a 9 day)
It is always nice to finish the work week on a nine (9) day, which brings the energy of completion with it. It helps you tie up loose ends, finish projects and end on a good note. That Universal completion energy will find ways to help you get it all done. Set your intention, early in the day, to clear your workspace, possibly help others do the same and be ready for the new week coming up.
Angel Whispers:
Charity begins at home and this is a good day to cull some of the things you have been hanging on to for so long. There are certainly people in your community who are in need. Go through your closets and drawers, the garage and any storage rooms you might have. If you haven't used something in the last year, it may be time to let it go. This is difficult for some people who tend to be loyal to their "things". Some of them have sentimental reasons for hanging on. Don't worry so much about those things. Realize that when you cast off things that are no longer serving you, you are creating a void and the Universe abhors a void. So, getting rid of the old opens up space for something newer and nicer. Hoarding causes energy to stagnate and become blocked. Think of this purging as an avenue to bring new, more powerful, energy into your home and life.
Angel Whispers:
Charity begins at home and this is a good day to cull some of the things you have been hanging on to for so long. There are certainly people in your community who are in need. Go through your closets and drawers, the garage and any storage rooms you might have. If you haven't used something in the last year, it may be time to let it go. This is difficult for some people who tend to be loyal to their "things". Some of them have sentimental reasons for hanging on. Don't worry so much about those things. Realize that when you cast off things that are no longer serving you, you are creating a void and the Universe abhors a void. So, getting rid of the old opens up space for something newer and nicer. Hoarding causes energy to stagnate and become blocked. Think of this purging as an avenue to bring new, more powerful, energy into your home and life.
04/25/2013 (Thursday - an 8 day)
Expect to be successful at whatever you have planned for the day. Give it your all, but know that the power of the eight (8) will be backing you up all day. If you are needing to make a big purchase, this is also a day to make or save money. It might be smart to check out the sales sheets in your local paper, shop online or use that coupon you've been carrying around (before it expires).
Angel Whispers:
You are only as successful as you believe you are. Often, when you get so caught up in all the things left to be done, you forget to acknowledge the things you have already checked off the list. It is a good idea to keep an accomplishments list in your planner to remind yourself that you have already succeeded in many ways. It will really make you feel good when you look back over those lists at the end of your week, even if there are still things left to do. It will keep your attention on the successes instead of the things that you will be moving to your list for next week.
Angel Whispers:
You are only as successful as you believe you are. Often, when you get so caught up in all the things left to be done, you forget to acknowledge the things you have already checked off the list. It is a good idea to keep an accomplishments list in your planner to remind yourself that you have already succeeded in many ways. It will really make you feel good when you look back over those lists at the end of your week, even if there are still things left to do. It will keep your attention on the successes instead of the things that you will be moving to your list for next week.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
04/24/2013 (Wednesday - a 7 day)
Remember what your Mom always told you ... "you can do anything you put your mind to." Well, today would be a good day to put that to the test. Seven (7) carries such good mental energy that you may be amazed at what your mind can come up with today. Make sure that you don't have too many interruptions so you can make the most of this powerful tool.
Angel Whispers:
When you learn the powerful art form of meditation, you can teach yourself to sleep better, lower your blood pressure, notice when your breathing gets shallow, remind yourself to drink ample pure water and open your mind to the wisdom of the Universe. Meditation can help you improve your mental faculties, reduce stress and relieve pain. Meditation harnesses the power of the mind. Harness yours soon.
Angel Whispers:
When you learn the powerful art form of meditation, you can teach yourself to sleep better, lower your blood pressure, notice when your breathing gets shallow, remind yourself to drink ample pure water and open your mind to the wisdom of the Universe. Meditation can help you improve your mental faculties, reduce stress and relieve pain. Meditation harnesses the power of the mind. Harness yours soon.
Monday, April 22, 2013
04/23/2013 (Tuesday - a 6 day )
The six (6) is all about relationships. There must be equality or the relationship doesn't work, but too often people choose to ignore the balance (or lack of it) in any given connection in an effort to maintain it. This can work for a while, but eventually the inequity becomes too large to ignore and something must be done to rectify the situation. The longer you wait to rectify the imbalances, the more unhealthy the relationship becomes. Choices must be made. How you make those choices are generally self-defining. This is an excellent day for some relationship analysis.
Angel Whispers:
Your world is a mirror to show you who you are. Each relationship provides a mirror for you to look deeply into for clues to your inner self. What you love in another can also be found in yourself. What you don't like can probably be found lurking in yourself, as well. It is easier to see in them than in yourself. Don't be afraid to look into your mirrors. What you see may thrill or deflate you, but either way, you will learn something that can be embraced or changed.
Angel Whispers:
Your world is a mirror to show you who you are. Each relationship provides a mirror for you to look deeply into for clues to your inner self. What you love in another can also be found in yourself. What you don't like can probably be found lurking in yourself, as well. It is easier to see in them than in yourself. Don't be afraid to look into your mirrors. What you see may thrill or deflate you, but either way, you will learn something that can be embraced or changed.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
04/22/2014 (Monday - a 5 day)
Lighten up, loosen up and let laughter fill your day. Even if you are working hard, the energy of the five (5) should feel like a song, playing in the background of your mind. You want to find a new way of doing an old thing, laugh a lot, spend time with good friends and eat something you have never tried before. Relax and give yourself permission to let go and enjoy all that comes your way.
Angel Whispers:
The number five (5) is all about freedom and change and it is good to remember that you, at all times, have the freedom to change. Change your mind, change your address, change your life in every way needed. When you discover something you don't like, rockets of desire go off telling you all about what you do like. Rather than fretting about the don't likes, embrace those rockets of desire, immerse yourself in every aspect of those desires and enjoy the energy that comes with giving yourself to all that. As you revel in the joys and visions that accompany those desires, you become magnetic to that very thing and the Universe begins lining you up with it.
Angel Whispers:
The number five (5) is all about freedom and change and it is good to remember that you, at all times, have the freedom to change. Change your mind, change your address, change your life in every way needed. When you discover something you don't like, rockets of desire go off telling you all about what you do like. Rather than fretting about the don't likes, embrace those rockets of desire, immerse yourself in every aspect of those desires and enjoy the energy that comes with giving yourself to all that. As you revel in the joys and visions that accompany those desires, you become magnetic to that very thing and the Universe begins lining you up with it.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
04/21/2014 (Sunday - a 4 day)
Look to your physical needs, your responsibilities and your financial requirements today. Think of it as evaluating and supporting your "bottom line". Activities that relate to these issues will pay big benefits if you take care of them now. Organization and list making are excellent. Making plans for your meals and exercise program are important, too. No excuses...JUST DO IT.
Angel Whispers:
Without your health, all of your hopes and dreams become more and more difficult to achieve. Three of the most important elements your body needs for good health are oxygen, good water and adequate sleep, no matter what your age is. These three elements actually support each other. Deep breathing and hydration will help you to sleep better. It all starts with your breath. Are you a shallow breather? Consciously practice taking deep breaths and holding them, several times throughout the day. Make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of pure water every day. Do some stretches and some of your deep breathing just before bedtime. Even these small changes will make a difference in your overall health. Whether you are maintaining good health or trying to retrieve it, step by step, you can make a difference. Exercise, vitamins, a good mattress, stress relief and meditation/visualization/affirmation may be appropriate next steps. Start simple and keep going.
04/20/2014 (a 3 day)
In all seriousness, ... don't be serious today. Have a plan, stick to the plan, but ignore anything and everything that wants to bring you down. This day was intended to bring you laughter, fun, food and good friends. Savor it all and pull it out later, to enjoy and appreciate it over and over again.
Angel Whispers:
So, have you heard the one about.......? It is a good idea to keep a folder with your favorite good jokes around, so that when you are feeling low or you know someone who is vibrating on the lower end of the emotional scale. Funny stories, jokes, family fun type movies or tv shows shared with friends can change the energy can almost always be called upon to lighten the mood. No need to worry about the state of the planet. Your job is to create a vision of peace, joy and contentment to counterbalance all the negativity we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Keep your vision clear and live a happy life.
Angel Whispers:
So, have you heard the one about.......? It is a good idea to keep a folder with your favorite good jokes around, so that when you are feeling low or you know someone who is vibrating on the lower end of the emotional scale. Funny stories, jokes, family fun type movies or tv shows shared with friends can change the energy can almost always be called upon to lighten the mood. No need to worry about the state of the planet. Your job is to create a vision of peace, joy and contentment to counterbalance all the negativity we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Keep your vision clear and live a happy life.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
04/19/2013 (Friday - an 11/2 day)
You will be inclined to pick up- clean up and straighten up your surroundings today. You might even find yourself inclined to straighten crooked paintings on the wall. Somehow, bringing order to your space brings order to your mind. You can also be a calming influence in frayed relationships today, as well. Peace is your word for the day.
Angel Whispers:
There are so many chaotic and scary things going on in the world at large. These are things you have no control over. The only control you have is over your own reactions to these events. Please DO send vibrations of love and Light to the people affected. DO NOT spend time worrying about a similar thing happening to you or your loved ones. The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get, so keep your focus on what is RIGHT in your world. Wrap yourself in an attitude of gratitude for all the good things in your life. Visualize your home and family surrounded and protected in a bubble of Divine Protection. From your place of gratitude, you can send prayers and aid to people who have been affected by disaster.
Angel Whispers:
There are so many chaotic and scary things going on in the world at large. These are things you have no control over. The only control you have is over your own reactions to these events. Please DO send vibrations of love and Light to the people affected. DO NOT spend time worrying about a similar thing happening to you or your loved ones. The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get, so keep your focus on what is RIGHT in your world. Wrap yourself in an attitude of gratitude for all the good things in your life. Visualize your home and family surrounded and protected in a bubble of Divine Protection. From your place of gratitude, you can send prayers and aid to people who have been affected by disaster.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
04/17/2013 (Wednesday - a 9 day)
What you give now becomes the gift you give yourself. Service is the the name of the game today. Nine is the number of selfless service/service to mankind. You can make a difference to someone and enjoy the reward of inner satisfaction. This kind of reward can be worth more than gold.
Angel Whispers:
Your life is your own creation, an invention of your mind, your words and what you choose to focus your attention on. Because your creation is always in flux, it can be changed at your will. Of course, it will take a change of attitude, vision and focus. You cannot create a new world by using the same words and taking the same actions you always have. When you see something you don't like, choose to perceive it as an instant clue as to what you do want. Put your focus on what you choose to create, not on that thing that you don't like. The Law of Attraction states that that which is like unto itself is drawn. Choose to vibrate to something positive......always.
Angel Whispers:
Your life is your own creation, an invention of your mind, your words and what you choose to focus your attention on. Because your creation is always in flux, it can be changed at your will. Of course, it will take a change of attitude, vision and focus. You cannot create a new world by using the same words and taking the same actions you always have. When you see something you don't like, choose to perceive it as an instant clue as to what you do want. Put your focus on what you choose to create, not on that thing that you don't like. The Law of Attraction states that that which is like unto itself is drawn. Choose to vibrate to something positive......always.
04/16/2013 (Tuesday - an 8 day)
This is a good day to pay attention to financial matters. Investments, savings, significant purchases or sales can be especially successful today. Use the best of your skills to move toward improvement in your field, now. Keep your focus and advancement could be yours soon.
Angel Whispers:
When you seek success, new relationships, material things or better health you are creating that which pulls you forward into more life, more fulfillment, more energy. When you feel stagnant, listless, disinterested, are shrinking your life force and limiting your future. You can jumpstart your expansion by finding something you want. It really doesn't matter what that something is, but it does need to be something you can feel passionate about. Then do that....get passionate about it, and see where the energy that your passion creates will take you.
Angel Whispers:
When you seek success, new relationships, material things or better health you are creating that which pulls you forward into more life, more fulfillment, more energy. When you feel stagnant, listless, disinterested, are shrinking your life force and limiting your future. You can jumpstart your expansion by finding something you want. It really doesn't matter what that something is, but it does need to be something you can feel passionate about. Then do that....get passionate about it, and see where the energy that your passion creates will take you.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
04/15/2013 (Monday - a 7 day)
This is not a "work it out" day but it is a "think it through" day. Get to a quiet place and put your mind to work. Use whichever mental skills you are most comfortable with....contemplation, analyzation, meditation, study, or exploring your intuition. These skills will bring greater results than any physical actions you may take. Simply put, work smart not hard.
Angel Whispers:
Your subconscious mind loves to be utilized. It loves to solve problems, work puzzles, find answers. Practice giving it something to do. Ask for information on an obscure subject and watch how quickly a book or expert on that particular subject just happens to come into your path. Think of someone you haven't seen in a long time and right away someone will mention them or they might even call or show up on your doorstep. This happens to everybody. When you actively, consciously practice engaging this powerful source, you will realize that it gets stronger and more reliable with regular use and can be an incredible tool for your good.
Angel Whispers:
Your subconscious mind loves to be utilized. It loves to solve problems, work puzzles, find answers. Practice giving it something to do. Ask for information on an obscure subject and watch how quickly a book or expert on that particular subject just happens to come into your path. Think of someone you haven't seen in a long time and right away someone will mention them or they might even call or show up on your doorstep. This happens to everybody. When you actively, consciously practice engaging this powerful source, you will realize that it gets stronger and more reliable with regular use and can be an incredible tool for your good.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
04/13/2013 (Saturday - a 5 day)
Freedom and change are on the agenda for today. Get out of the house, out of your favorite rut, away from the everyday grind, and do something different, unexpected, even challenging. Call up your friends and talk them into going with you. It could wind up being a day to remember with great fondness for years to come. Life was not meant to be a struggle, it was meant to bring you joy. A good five (5) word is....impromptu. (impromptu |imˈpräm(p)ËŒt(y)o͞o| adjective& adverb
done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed:)
Angel Whispers:
A life without friends is difficult, often lonely and perhaps even lack-luster. Friends are the family you choose for yourself. These are the people who know you best and love you anyway. These people act as a sounding board, bouncing ideas around with you, helping you gain clarity on the subject at hand. You are "there" for each other in the hard times as well as the fun times. They share your history, your dreams, your goals. They bring you back in line when you stray from your chosen direction. They are the last to say, "I told you so." You are extremely fortunate if any of these friends happen to be related to you.
done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed:)
Angel Whispers:
A life without friends is difficult, often lonely and perhaps even lack-luster. Friends are the family you choose for yourself. These are the people who know you best and love you anyway. These people act as a sounding board, bouncing ideas around with you, helping you gain clarity on the subject at hand. You are "there" for each other in the hard times as well as the fun times. They share your history, your dreams, your goals. They bring you back in line when you stray from your chosen direction. They are the last to say, "I told you so." You are extremely fortunate if any of these friends happen to be related to you.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
04/12/2013 (Friday - a 4 day)
Put a real push on to finish out the week. You will feel better if you don't have left-overs for next week. If you are feeling uptight, frustrated or out of sorts, get outside and walk briskly, breathe some fresh air, maybe even get some light exercise in. Upon returning to work you will be clearer, more energized and have a new perspective on the job at hand.
Angel Whispers:
Breath is essential to life, but you often tend to be shallow breathers which deprives your body of the oxygen it needs for maximum performance. Do some deep breathing when you first wake up, before you enter your workplace, before you start your car, whenever you feel stress and when you get ready for bed. You could also connect your deep breathing to some good affirmations for an even greater effect. This is a simple practice with big benefits.
Angel Whispers:
Breath is essential to life, but you often tend to be shallow breathers which deprives your body of the oxygen it needs for maximum performance. Do some deep breathing when you first wake up, before you enter your workplace, before you start your car, whenever you feel stress and when you get ready for bed. You could also connect your deep breathing to some good affirmations for an even greater effect. This is a simple practice with big benefits.
04/11/2013 (Thursday - a 3 day)
Wit and charm will be your friends today. Words flow and images appear in the mind like your own internal movie. Some might call it intuition, others might see it as creative thinking. Whatever it is, it can be a blessing today. Journaling this might have deep significance....later. Keep it light and find some time for genuine play. Not watching someone else play, but actually playing yourself. When you let go of your restraints, laughter can't be far behind. Enjoy.
Angel Whispers:
The very act of writing down your goals makes them appear much more quickly. The physical act of writing, forming letters and words, grounds them into your subconscious much more deeply than merely thinking them or verbalizing them. Then, of course, they are available for you to read and re-read again and again, add clarification to some items, let others go, and don't forget to get busy visualizing your rosy future.
Angel Whispers:
The very act of writing down your goals makes them appear much more quickly. The physical act of writing, forming letters and words, grounds them into your subconscious much more deeply than merely thinking them or verbalizing them. Then, of course, they are available for you to read and re-read again and again, add clarification to some items, let others go, and don't forget to get busy visualizing your rosy future.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
04/10/2013 (Wednesday - an 11/2 day)
Mid week and you are hoping for some momentum to carry you through to the weekend. However, this promises to be a rather quiet day, more internal than physically oriented. Pick up an inspiring book, do a little meditation, avoid making big decisions and focus on having a peaceful day. The energy will be much more upbeat tomorrow anyway. Relax and enjoy whatever comes your way.
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes life is up and sometimes it is down, sometimes it is all around. This is the way of life, always changing. It can change drastically from one day to the next. Your job is to stay in a place of peace and well being, no matter how things look outside yourself. If you will hold the vision that all is well in your world, that you are always and forever one with God, the circumstances will have to conform to your belief and vision. Just be sure that you are not allowing the outside world to color or corrupt your vision. Remember that gratitude is the most powerful tool you have in your creation tool chest. Keep it pure and simple. Thank you, God!
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes life is up and sometimes it is down, sometimes it is all around. This is the way of life, always changing. It can change drastically from one day to the next. Your job is to stay in a place of peace and well being, no matter how things look outside yourself. If you will hold the vision that all is well in your world, that you are always and forever one with God, the circumstances will have to conform to your belief and vision. Just be sure that you are not allowing the outside world to color or corrupt your vision. Remember that gratitude is the most powerful tool you have in your creation tool chest. Keep it pure and simple. Thank you, God!
04/09/2013 (Tuesday - a 1 day)
Wake up and smell the roses! It is a new day and anything is possible. Make sure you are not limiting yourself with old, outdated ideas of what you can and cannot do. Stretch yourself and find out how far you can push your old boundaries. Be an independent thinker today and then try to make a habit of being one every day. Turn your world around by proclaiming your own power, set your goals higher than ever and go after!
Angel Whispers:
Everywhere you look is a new opportunity, something new for you to learn, someplace new for you to go. Joyously go forth and explore as many of these possibilities as you dare. With each experience, you will learn more and more about yourself. Self-knowledge is self-empowering. There are no limits other than those you place on yourself. Ask for your angels to help you in every scenario you can think of and then step back and watch them develop, right before your eyes.
Angel Whispers:
Everywhere you look is a new opportunity, something new for you to learn, someplace new for you to go. Joyously go forth and explore as many of these possibilities as you dare. With each experience, you will learn more and more about yourself. Self-knowledge is self-empowering. There are no limits other than those you place on yourself. Ask for your angels to help you in every scenario you can think of and then step back and watch them develop, right before your eyes.
Monday, April 8, 2013
04/08/2013 (Monday - a 9 day)
Nine is about completion and endings, selfless service and service to mankind. Perhaps, starting this week with an idea of how you want it to end will carry you forward powerfully. Hold the image of your completion in your mind and allow the Universal Energies to move you inexorably to it. This is manifestation at its best.
Angel Whispers:
The attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have in creating the perfect life you dream of. Nothing good can come from an attitude of pessimism, lack or fear. Remember that the most powerful prayer of all is said to be: "Thank you, God." Let this be your constant mantra, surrounding you with Divine Love and Light. Even when you think you don't have a thing in the world to be grateful for, be thankful for life itself with all the potential in the world just waiting for you to align with it. THANK YOU, GOD! So be it.
Angel Whispers:
The attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have in creating the perfect life you dream of. Nothing good can come from an attitude of pessimism, lack or fear. Remember that the most powerful prayer of all is said to be: "Thank you, God." Let this be your constant mantra, surrounding you with Divine Love and Light. Even when you think you don't have a thing in the world to be grateful for, be thankful for life itself with all the potential in the world just waiting for you to align with it. THANK YOU, GOD! So be it.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
04/07/2013 (Sunday - an 8 day)
Energy is good for making large decisions and important plans today. Financial planning is especially well aspected. You may luck into some great sales or significant price reductions on something you have been planning to buy soon. Take advantage of this now as it is probably time sensitive. Ideas pay off, you feel lucky in many ways and if you look around you will see that you are truly blessed.
Angel Whispers:
Expect the best and don't settle for less. This is a good mantra for you now. Set your expectations high and know that you are deserving of the success you seek. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Hold the vision of your goal or dream firmly in your mind, with the full expectation of receiving it. Give thanks, in advance, for it's accomplishment. "Thank you, God, for this or something better. So be it."
Angel Whispers:
Expect the best and don't settle for less. This is a good mantra for you now. Set your expectations high and know that you are deserving of the success you seek. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Hold the vision of your goal or dream firmly in your mind, with the full expectation of receiving it. Give thanks, in advance, for it's accomplishment. "Thank you, God, for this or something better. So be it."
Friday, April 5, 2013
04/06/2013 (Saturday - a 7 day)
You may want a little horizontal time today, some time to kick back and recuperate from a busy week. Quiet is required to process the events, ideas and emotions of the week. Avoid crowds, if possible, and be kind to yourself while you cogitate. If you take the time for self-examination, you will probably find that you have learned a significant Life lesson and it would be good to write it down so that you don't have to learn it all over again later.
Angel Whispers:
More about self-examination. Many people avoid this process as it may cause change and some degree of discomfort. Change is a natural part of growth and life is all about growing to meet your full potential. Or, not. Your choice. You can do it now, or later. Now is good. The thing to remember is that, if you make a change you don't can always change it again. A healthy life is not stagnant.
Angel Whispers:
More about self-examination. Many people avoid this process as it may cause change and some degree of discomfort. Change is a natural part of growth and life is all about growing to meet your full potential. Or, not. Your choice. You can do it now, or later. Now is good. The thing to remember is that, if you make a change you don't can always change it again. A healthy life is not stagnant.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
04/05/2013 (Thursday - a 6 day)
Relationships are everything today. We all have them, we all want them, but we don't always know what to do with them. The important thing to remember is that a good relationship must have balance and harmony, give and take, something for everyone. Are you getting what you need from your current relationships? Perhaps it is time to make some changes (and that doesn't necessarily mean giving up the relationship). Know what your needs are and don't be afraid to ask for them to be met. Reciprocation would be good, too.
Angel Whispers:
Love is in the air, all around, everywhere. It is your job to find it, open yourself to it, appreciate it and nurture it. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love, your deserve love and you have a great deal of love to give in return. There are all kinds of love, not all of them romantic in nature. Self love comes first, for if you can't love you...who can? Self nurturing is an essential life skill. If you are looking for someone outside yourself to make you happy, and that is your definition of love, you will never find it. Your happiness is your own responsibility and choice. The happier you make yourself, the more people you will have in your life who absolutely adore you.
Angel Whispers:
Love is in the air, all around, everywhere. It is your job to find it, open yourself to it, appreciate it and nurture it. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love, your deserve love and you have a great deal of love to give in return. There are all kinds of love, not all of them romantic in nature. Self love comes first, for if you can't love you...who can? Self nurturing is an essential life skill. If you are looking for someone outside yourself to make you happy, and that is your definition of love, you will never find it. Your happiness is your own responsibility and choice. The happier you make yourself, the more people you will have in your life who absolutely adore you.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
04/03/2013 (Wednesday - a 4 day)
Discipline is called for today. A good focus word for the day would be strength. What are your best strengths? How can you put them to use today? Strength of character, physical strength, strength of conviction? Hard work and stamina may be required to get through the "must do's" on your list. Those same qualities will also serve you well when the work day is done and there is time to play.
Angel Whispers:
When you have a plan it is easier to tell whether you are making progress or not. When you set goals, be sure to establish a time line with a beginning, a middle and an end and what your expected accomplishments will be throughout. Tracking your progress will, hopefully, be encouraging and keep you on track. Build in a certain amount of flexibility so that you can take advantage of opportunities that come up unexpectedly. As you set your intentions and begin your forward movement, the Universe will begin to assist you in ways you could not have perceived. Wiggle room can be a good thing.
Angel Whispers:
When you have a plan it is easier to tell whether you are making progress or not. When you set goals, be sure to establish a time line with a beginning, a middle and an end and what your expected accomplishments will be throughout. Tracking your progress will, hopefully, be encouraging and keep you on track. Build in a certain amount of flexibility so that you can take advantage of opportunities that come up unexpectedly. As you set your intentions and begin your forward movement, the Universe will begin to assist you in ways you could not have perceived. Wiggle room can be a good thing.
04/02/2013 (Tuesday - a 3 day)
Do something fun, or even frivolous, today. Relax and enjoy whatever the day brings you. Don't be surprised if you feel a bit emotional and find that many things touch your heart and soul. The smallest things fill your heart with joy. A beautiful sunset, a baby's laughter, a Hallmark commercial, someone's story of triumph over difficulties, the sheer joy of being with your friends or family. Cherish these moments. They will add great value to the story of your life.
Angel Whispers:
It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Learn to look for the beauty in all things, large and small. When you need to de-stress, relax by looking for something in your immediate surroundings that is truly beautiful and then sit in appreciation of that beauty for a few minutes. Dust motes in a ray of sunlight, a rainbow cast on the wall by a prism, the intricate designs in a leaf or flower...the smallest thing can bring you intense pleasure if you focus on it long enough to clear your mind of needless chatter, worry and such.
Angel Whispers:
It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Learn to look for the beauty in all things, large and small. When you need to de-stress, relax by looking for something in your immediate surroundings that is truly beautiful and then sit in appreciation of that beauty for a few minutes. Dust motes in a ray of sunlight, a rainbow cast on the wall by a prism, the intricate designs in a leaf or flower...the smallest thing can bring you intense pleasure if you focus on it long enough to clear your mind of needless chatter, worry and such.
Monday, April 1, 2013
04/01/2013 (Monday - an 11/2 day)
Your intuition is very strong today, whether you would normally be aware of it, or not. Try to pay attention to the things going on inside your head. Hear the angel whispers, expect to get an inner nudge or to "know" what you need to know. Intuition can be a very powerful force, a natural force, in your life. Read up on it and see if you can't open yourself up to it. God speaks to those who listen.
Angel Whispers:
You can be a force for peace on this earth. The pathway toward that global peace is to find it in yourself, first, and then live so gloriously in that peace that others will want to emulate you. The first step is to choose peace within yourself and once you feel it, you guard it with your life. Be the voice of reason, be the calm influence in a crowd. Look for that spark of peace in others and fan it into an inferno of peacefulness. Refuse to allow discord into your life. Choose peace now.
Angel Whispers:
You can be a force for peace on this earth. The pathway toward that global peace is to find it in yourself, first, and then live so gloriously in that peace that others will want to emulate you. The first step is to choose peace within yourself and once you feel it, you guard it with your life. Be the voice of reason, be the calm influence in a crowd. Look for that spark of peace in others and fan it into an inferno of peacefulness. Refuse to allow discord into your life. Choose peace now.
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