Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
My deepest apologies to all my readers. I am on vacation in Cloudcroft, NM, and assumed that I would be able to easily continue writing Angel Whiapers. However I barely have phone service here in the mountains. I will return home on Sunday and will joyfully get back on track. Forgive me for the inconvenience.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
06/25/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)
This may be the beginning of your work week, but it is an especially good day to work on completing projects or tasks. Nine (9) brings you the energy of completion, wholeness, fullness and finality. You will feel an increase in your own energy level as you check these tasks off your to-do list. It will also open your mind to creative new projects for your near future.
Angel Whispers:
What you believe about any person, thing or activity dictates how it/they will play out in your life. If you believe that you are fat, no amount of dieting or exercise will keep weight off of you. You will have to change your concept of yourself from fat to slim before you can successfully lose the weight. If you believe that you are poor (or just not rich enough), then when you receive extra money something will always come along to take it away from you. You must learn to perceive money as your friend and see yourself as a magnet to money to change the way money works for you. The good news is; you can choose what you want to believe about every subject that will ever come up. Choose thoughts that prosper, heal and expand your possibilities.
Angel Whispers:
What you believe about any person, thing or activity dictates how it/they will play out in your life. If you believe that you are fat, no amount of dieting or exercise will keep weight off of you. You will have to change your concept of yourself from fat to slim before you can successfully lose the weight. If you believe that you are poor (or just not rich enough), then when you receive extra money something will always come along to take it away from you. You must learn to perceive money as your friend and see yourself as a magnet to money to change the way money works for you. The good news is; you can choose what you want to believe about every subject that will ever come up. Choose thoughts that prosper, heal and expand your possibilities.
06/24/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)
Eight is the number of excellence, so expect nothing but the best from your day. Give it your all. Reach for the stars and you will come away with stardust, at least. When you give your very best, the people around you tend to do their best, as well.
Angel Whispers:
As you look through your closet to get dressed, take a moment to see if there is anything you could give to charity. Think of it as fine tuning your wardrobe. If you haven't worn it in 6 months, pass it along to someone who can enjoy it right now. Your donation or gift could allow someone else the opportunity to put together an outfit that could help them look good for a job interview or something else significant.
Angel Whispers:
As you look through your closet to get dressed, take a moment to see if there is anything you could give to charity. Think of it as fine tuning your wardrobe. If you haven't worn it in 6 months, pass it along to someone who can enjoy it right now. Your donation or gift could allow someone else the opportunity to put together an outfit that could help them look good for a job interview or something else significant.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
06/22/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)
Matters of the heart take priority today, so look to your relationships and make sure that all is well. Say what needs to be said, feel what you feel and be honest with yourself most of all. This is not a day to avoid those things you have been shoving under the carpet, trying to avoid dealing with whatever it is that doesn't work. Deal with it now and it won't trip you up in a bigger way later on.
Angel Whispers:
No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can find something of beauty to appreciate. When you perceive and then appreciate beauty, it uplifts your soul and releases healthy chemicals into your system. These chemicals create a healthier body and a happier mental attitude. Assignment: challenge yourself to quickly find something of beauty in every room or space you enter. Train your mind to pick out that beauty where ever you are. Don't forget to say "Thank You, God!" for all the beauty you find each day, and notice the improvement in the quality of your life.
Angel Whispers:
No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can find something of beauty to appreciate. When you perceive and then appreciate beauty, it uplifts your soul and releases healthy chemicals into your system. These chemicals create a healthier body and a happier mental attitude. Assignment: challenge yourself to quickly find something of beauty in every room or space you enter. Train your mind to pick out that beauty where ever you are. Don't forget to say "Thank You, God!" for all the beauty you find each day, and notice the improvement in the quality of your life.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
06/21/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)
Five (5) asks you to find a new way to explore your experience. Try something new to eat, drive down a street you usually pass by, talk to someone you don't other words, broaden your horizons. Drag yourself, forcibly if necessary, from your comfortable rut and open yourself to greater possibilities. At the very least, it will make for a fun day.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel the need for change, it is usually the Universe offering you an opportunity to experience something new that is more in alignment with the thoughts you are currently thinking. Law of Attraction says that "what you think is what you get." So, make it a practice to think thoughts that lead you in the direction you choose to go.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel the need for change, it is usually the Universe offering you an opportunity to experience something new that is more in alignment with the thoughts you are currently thinking. Law of Attraction says that "what you think is what you get." So, make it a practice to think thoughts that lead you in the direction you choose to go.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
06/20/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)
Today is a good day for looking into your finances, balancing your checkbook, cleaning out your purse or wallet, putting some money into your savings account or anything related to feeling secure financially. While taking care of these fiscal responsibilities, don't be surprised if you find money you didn't know you had.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel a little disjointed, disoriented or slightly off kilter, take a few minutes to get yourself grounded. Go outside, stand near the straightest tree you can find and lean your back against it. Take several deep, cleansing breaths while envisioning your back as straight as the tree and your roots running as deep as the tree's roots. Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the center of the earth through the bottoms of your feet and up your legs, through your spine, up through your scalp and then arching above you like the canopy of the tree. This should balance and energize you. Give thanks for your strength, stamina and focus. When you feel done, you may want to turn around and hug the tree for sharing it's energy with you.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel a little disjointed, disoriented or slightly off kilter, take a few minutes to get yourself grounded. Go outside, stand near the straightest tree you can find and lean your back against it. Take several deep, cleansing breaths while envisioning your back as straight as the tree and your roots running as deep as the tree's roots. Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the center of the earth through the bottoms of your feet and up your legs, through your spine, up through your scalp and then arching above you like the canopy of the tree. This should balance and energize you. Give thanks for your strength, stamina and focus. When you feel done, you may want to turn around and hug the tree for sharing it's energy with you.
Monday, June 18, 2012
06/19/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)
Spirits are high, but emotions may be a bit erratic, so be kind in your communications. This is a good day to practice giving genuine compliments. So often we notice that someone looks nice or has done an especially good job, but we don't get around to commenting on it. Make sure it comes from your heart or it won't ring true to the receiver. You could "make" someone's day, and it will make you feel better, too.
Angel Whispers:
Being creative is a singularly human trait. We all came into the world with creativity built in. Unfortunately, as we reach the age of 8-10, we become self-critical and no longer draw, paint, sculpt or create for the sheer fun of it. We begin to compare our work to others and find ourselves lacking. Soon, we give it up all together. However, being creative is a gift of great value. Give yourself permission to do something creative today and promise yourself that you will just enjoy doing and will not criticize yourself or your work.
Angel Whispers:
Being creative is a singularly human trait. We all came into the world with creativity built in. Unfortunately, as we reach the age of 8-10, we become self-critical and no longer draw, paint, sculpt or create for the sheer fun of it. We begin to compare our work to others and find ourselves lacking. Soon, we give it up all together. However, being creative is a gift of great value. Give yourself permission to do something creative today and promise yourself that you will just enjoy doing and will not criticize yourself or your work.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
06/18/2012 (Monday - a 11 day)
Let Spirit guide you as you begin your week. Intuition can help you to navigate unexpected currents in the flow of your day. Breathe. Focus on your breath. Let your inner guidance speak to you and trust what you hear. The more you practice listening to the "wee small voice" in your ear, the easier it will be to relax and allow yourself to follow the inner inclinations. After seeing how successful this can be, you will quickly relax and allow this to help you often and naturally.
Angel Whispers:
Whether you are religious or not, prayer can be a very powerful force in your life. Your prayers can look and sound any way you are comfortable with. There isn't really a firm right or wrong way to pray. Speaking to God as if He/She is your very best friend, (who will listen to your every word and love you anyway), is a casual but very effective form of prayer. Ask, KNOWING that your prayer is heard and will be answered in Divine Timing. It has been said that the most powerful prayer is simply, "Thank you, God." If you don't think you know how to pray, this would be a good place to start.
Angel Whispers:
Whether you are religious or not, prayer can be a very powerful force in your life. Your prayers can look and sound any way you are comfortable with. There isn't really a firm right or wrong way to pray. Speaking to God as if He/She is your very best friend, (who will listen to your every word and love you anyway), is a casual but very effective form of prayer. Ask, KNOWING that your prayer is heard and will be answered in Divine Timing. It has been said that the most powerful prayer is simply, "Thank you, God." If you don't think you know how to pray, this would be a good place to start.
06/17/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)
Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!
This is a take charge kind of day. Be number one (1)! Ask for what you want and don't quit until you get it. Most of the time you are considering what someone else may want or need and putting yourself second....or maybe a distant last. Just because you intend to get what you want doesn't mean that the other person can't do the same. It may require negotiation, cooperation and a plan, but it can be done.
Angel Whispers:
Begin this week with some TLC for the most important person in your life. That would be YOU. If you don't take good care of yourself, you cannot hope to take good care of the people you love. Spend some time in simple contemplation and ask your body what it needs to be at its peak health. Perhaps it wants better sleep, deeper relaxation, more water, different foods, more affection and appreciation. A massage might provide relaxation and also feed some skin hunger. Promise yourself that you will do your best to provide what your body needs, and yes, put yourself first.
This is a take charge kind of day. Be number one (1)! Ask for what you want and don't quit until you get it. Most of the time you are considering what someone else may want or need and putting yourself second....or maybe a distant last. Just because you intend to get what you want doesn't mean that the other person can't do the same. It may require negotiation, cooperation and a plan, but it can be done.
Angel Whispers:
Begin this week with some TLC for the most important person in your life. That would be YOU. If you don't take good care of yourself, you cannot hope to take good care of the people you love. Spend some time in simple contemplation and ask your body what it needs to be at its peak health. Perhaps it wants better sleep, deeper relaxation, more water, different foods, more affection and appreciation. A massage might provide relaxation and also feed some skin hunger. Promise yourself that you will do your best to provide what your body needs, and yes, put yourself first.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
06/16/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)
The nine (9) is about selfless service, above all else. Don't be surprised to find that you are called upon to help someone in need. There is great soul satisfaction in service, so give it your best shot. Do it because you care for the person or the cause. Do it because it feels good to do it. If it doesn't feel good, you have fallen into the "lesson" side of service, which is servitude, which never feels good. The important thing here is to be able to determine which side of the lesson you are on, going in. For many, this is the most important and most oft repeated lesson in life. Good luck with that.
Angel Whispers:
Self forgiveness is vastly important in your road to self fulfillment. Guilt is almost completely non-productive and therefore, wasted energy. It is amazing how much self-loathing the human psyche can carry around, with little awareness of its existence. Holding anger and guilt against yourself holds you away from your Source Energy. The most you are removed from Source, the less energy you have, the less recuperative powers you have and the less love you can receive from others. God doesn't judge you, but completely forgives you for anything you do, and loves you completely, no matter what. You know where those pockets of self doubt, anger and guilt are. Pull them out and forgive yourself for all of them. You will soon see vast improvement in all areas of your life.
Angel Whispers:
Self forgiveness is vastly important in your road to self fulfillment. Guilt is almost completely non-productive and therefore, wasted energy. It is amazing how much self-loathing the human psyche can carry around, with little awareness of its existence. Holding anger and guilt against yourself holds you away from your Source Energy. The most you are removed from Source, the less energy you have, the less recuperative powers you have and the less love you can receive from others. God doesn't judge you, but completely forgives you for anything you do, and loves you completely, no matter what. You know where those pockets of self doubt, anger and guilt are. Pull them out and forgive yourself for all of them. You will soon see vast improvement in all areas of your life.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
06/15/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)
Bring your expertise to the table today, as what you know can make the difference between success and failure. Your focus is clear and you know what needs to be done. Trust your knowledge and take a leadership role and move forward with confidence. Be sure to acknowledge those who are able contributors to the effort at hand. Remember, people tend to work harder for a compliment or acknowledgment than for money.
Angel Whispers:
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." You have heard this statement a million times. This is a good day to remind yourself just how true it actually is. No matter how many mistakes you "think" you have made in your past, that is exactly what they are....past mistakes. Leave them in the past. Choose your future, beginning right now. Ask, believing, and you shall receive. Believe that you can have, in fact deserve to have, everything your heart desires. It begins today.
Angel Whispers:
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." You have heard this statement a million times. This is a good day to remind yourself just how true it actually is. No matter how many mistakes you "think" you have made in your past, that is exactly what they are....past mistakes. Leave them in the past. Choose your future, beginning right now. Ask, believing, and you shall receive. Believe that you can have, in fact deserve to have, everything your heart desires. It begins today.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
06/14/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)
Today's energy is very internal and analytical and asks you to go within and "think about it". Seven (7) is a mental number and requires some quiet time to allow you to use your intuition and mental processes. The seven also loves to solve puzzles and problems and has even been know to create problems to solve when there is none. So, avoid this dilemma by pondering some of life's major questions or literally work the cross word puzzle or play a computer game in your spare time.
Angel Whispers:
When people ask how you've been, be prepared with a great positive answer. Whatever you do, do not tell them anything about your aches and pains or anything unpleasant that may have happened recently. No matter what is actually going on in your life, this is an opportunity to create your new reality. Utilize the Law of Attraction and speak words of potential, of prosperity, of opportunities abounding, Especially speak words of joy and appreciation. That person will go away holding a positive image of you and your success. The Law of Attraction is in effect 100% of the time, so you don't want anyone thinking about you in a negative way. Their energy, added to yours, will only make your negative story that much more negative. Do them a favor and do not allow them to recite their own tales of woe in return. Learn to change the subject, for your good and theirs.
Angel Whispers:
When people ask how you've been, be prepared with a great positive answer. Whatever you do, do not tell them anything about your aches and pains or anything unpleasant that may have happened recently. No matter what is actually going on in your life, this is an opportunity to create your new reality. Utilize the Law of Attraction and speak words of potential, of prosperity, of opportunities abounding, Especially speak words of joy and appreciation. That person will go away holding a positive image of you and your success. The Law of Attraction is in effect 100% of the time, so you don't want anyone thinking about you in a negative way. Their energy, added to yours, will only make your negative story that much more negative. Do them a favor and do not allow them to recite their own tales of woe in return. Learn to change the subject, for your good and theirs.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
06/13/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)
Today is about relationships, all kinds of relationships. You are not in this world alone and it is important for you to fine tune old relationships, create new ones and, sometimes, let go of the ones that don't work any more. Put some energy into the ones that work for you now. Spend actual time with the people who are significant to you today. Listen, communicate, participate and be fully present when you do.
Angel Whispers:
One of the greatest gifts you can give to another human being is your undivided attention. Unfortunately, it has increasingly become a rare gift, indeed. Undivided means that you are not distracted by other people, the television, running down your mental to-do list, planning what you want to say rather than actually listening to what is being said to you. It requires listening with both your ears and your heart and responding without criticism or judgement.
Angel Whispers:
One of the greatest gifts you can give to another human being is your undivided attention. Unfortunately, it has increasingly become a rare gift, indeed. Undivided means that you are not distracted by other people, the television, running down your mental to-do list, planning what you want to say rather than actually listening to what is being said to you. It requires listening with both your ears and your heart and responding without criticism or judgement.
Monday, June 11, 2012
06/12/2012 (Tuesday - a 5 day)
You got the week started off with some planning, hard work and discipline. Today, you stick with the plan, but you increase the fluidity with which you work your plan by adding some humor and a little ingenuity. Think a bit outside the box. Reach for the stars. Give it your best shot, but have fun doing it. This is going to be a very productive week.
Angel Whispers:
There are choices in everything you do. You either make them consciously or by default. You choose to do your best or to barely slide by. You choose to have integrity, or not. You choose to feel guilty or not. You choose to own your own power....or not. If you are wanting to be fit, do you follow your diet and exercise plan, or not? When you are unhappy in your circumstances, do you look for alternatives to make things better, or not? Do you hang out with the kind of people who are living the kind of life you want for yourself, or with people who keep living in the same rut you are familiar with? You cannot change your life unless you change the choices you are making every day. Choose stronger, more powerful words for your conversations. Choose love. Choose life. Choose prosperity and joy.
Angel Whispers:
There are choices in everything you do. You either make them consciously or by default. You choose to do your best or to barely slide by. You choose to have integrity, or not. You choose to feel guilty or not. You choose to own your own power....or not. If you are wanting to be fit, do you follow your diet and exercise plan, or not? When you are unhappy in your circumstances, do you look for alternatives to make things better, or not? Do you hang out with the kind of people who are living the kind of life you want for yourself, or with people who keep living in the same rut you are familiar with? You cannot change your life unless you change the choices you are making every day. Choose stronger, more powerful words for your conversations. Choose love. Choose life. Choose prosperity and joy.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
06/11/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)
Start the week with some physical activity. The four (4) is about the body, structure, budgets, foundations, discipline and being grounded. A good walk will get you off to a better day, so park as far from the door to work or the grocery store as possible, and/or climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Do something to improve organization both at home and work. If your car needs a wash, do it yourself. Gardening can be especially satisfying today. Tend to financial issues early in the day.
Angel Whispers:
Organize your wallet today. Arrange your money by denomination, put extra change in your piggy bank, file receipts and get rid of excess paper such as expired coupons, etc. As you are doing this, take the time to say THANK YOU, GOD! for being your Divine Supply, for all your financial blessings as well as blessings to come. When you show gratitude and respect for your money, you will attract more of it.
Angel Whispers:
Organize your wallet today. Arrange your money by denomination, put extra change in your piggy bank, file receipts and get rid of excess paper such as expired coupons, etc. As you are doing this, take the time to say THANK YOU, GOD! for being your Divine Supply, for all your financial blessings as well as blessings to come. When you show gratitude and respect for your money, you will attract more of it.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
06/10/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)
Today is a study in emotional responses to the various things that are playing out in your life. Sounds seem to play an important role in triggering these responses, whether it be sentimental or inspirational music, the sounds of children at play, bird song, a breeze rustling through the trees...they all tug at your heart strings. Don't be concerned, for this is a good thing. Being in touch with your feelings is not only good, but healthy. So, stay in touch and feel what you feel.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is that spark of God living at the center of your being. Using your creativity is one of the closest things to pure freedom you can experience in the human body. When you are allowing yourself to fully engage in creativity, in whatever form it takes on for you, there is no room in your mind for doubts, fear, recrimination, anger or any other negative emotions.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is that spark of God living at the center of your being. Using your creativity is one of the closest things to pure freedom you can experience in the human body. When you are allowing yourself to fully engage in creativity, in whatever form it takes on for you, there is no room in your mind for doubts, fear, recrimination, anger or any other negative emotions.
Friday, June 8, 2012
06/09/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)
The eleven (11) is the number of enlightenment, spirituality, magnetism, and charisma. That magnetism draws to you anything you will need to accomplish your goals. The charisma allows you to charm those around you into assisting you in bringing to fruition your highest desires. You feel blessed this day.
Angel Whispers:
Make this a day of sharing. Share your ideas, your insights, your love and appreciation. Share your abundance. Give of your time, knowledge and experience. The joy that comes from your charitable acts will far outweigh the time and energy it takes to do it. Your example will inspire others to do the same.
Angel Whispers:
Make this a day of sharing. Share your ideas, your insights, your love and appreciation. Share your abundance. Give of your time, knowledge and experience. The joy that comes from your charitable acts will far outweigh the time and energy it takes to do it. Your example will inspire others to do the same.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
06/08/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)
What you begin today will have a solid foundation and excellent opportunities for success. So, if you have a great idea, don't blow it off. Explore it a little, see what it really has to offer. Perhaps this is the beginning of something big. This is especially true where business is concerned. The one (1) is the instigator, the leader and is often the idea person, as well.
Angel Whispers:
In this day of computers, cell phones, texting, electronic banking, etc., you can literally do most of your business without picking up a pen or pencil. However, important imprinting is done on your neural pathways when you write, doodle or draw. Physically writing your to do lists, keeping a written calendar, hand writing thank you notes or letters or just keeping a pencil and paper around for notes and doodling will actually improve your brain function. Drawing is also good for the memory.
Angel Whispers:
In this day of computers, cell phones, texting, electronic banking, etc., you can literally do most of your business without picking up a pen or pencil. However, important imprinting is done on your neural pathways when you write, doodle or draw. Physically writing your to do lists, keeping a written calendar, hand writing thank you notes or letters or just keeping a pencil and paper around for notes and doodling will actually improve your brain function. Drawing is also good for the memory.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
06/07/2012 (Thursday - a 9 day)
Today is a day of completion, fulfillment and generosity. The nine (9) calls you to stick to the very end, make a difference and move forward with what you have learned from your experience so that you can teach it to others. You will have all that you need to do whatever needs to be done by you today, including the wisdom to do it well. You are blessed. Pass it along.
Angel Whispers:
Opportunity is everywhere and it is up to you to decide whether to grab it and run or pull out your list of reasons why you couldn't do it anyway. It is all about choice. Your life is made up of millions of choices, large and small. Are you making your choices from a place of faith and joy, or from a place of fear and doubt? Choose to make choices today that will shape your life in healthy, positive ways. Choose to be strong, to be loved, to be victorious, to be successful, to be a power for peace. Make your choices consciously, not habitually. Be proactive. Know your own mind. Choose your dream, not someone else's.
Angel Whispers:
Opportunity is everywhere and it is up to you to decide whether to grab it and run or pull out your list of reasons why you couldn't do it anyway. It is all about choice. Your life is made up of millions of choices, large and small. Are you making your choices from a place of faith and joy, or from a place of fear and doubt? Choose to make choices today that will shape your life in healthy, positive ways. Choose to be strong, to be loved, to be victorious, to be successful, to be a power for peace. Make your choices consciously, not habitually. Be proactive. Know your own mind. Choose your dream, not someone else's.
06/06/2012 (Wednesday - an 8 day)
Things that have to do with business, money and success are well aspected today, due to the energy of the eight (8) day. If you think of yourself as a success and project yourself with confidence, you will find that things tend to go your way. Stretch yourself and take on new challenges at work, take the lead and find others who are willing to work with you for a common goal. Great strides can be made today.
Angel Whispers:
You have many talents which you haven't taken the time to discover yet. Where there is interest, talent lies. Explore where your interests take you. Finding those hidden or undeveloped talents could bring you great joy, enlightenment and satisfaction if you are willing to pursue them. What does interest you? Art, music, theater, languages, food, travel, etc.?
Angel Whispers:
You have many talents which you haven't taken the time to discover yet. Where there is interest, talent lies. Explore where your interests take you. Finding those hidden or undeveloped talents could bring you great joy, enlightenment and satisfaction if you are willing to pursue them. What does interest you? Art, music, theater, languages, food, travel, etc.?
Monday, June 4, 2012
06/05/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)
The seven (7) is calling for you to set aside some quiet time for introspection, meditation, inspiration or just plain old day dreaming. Giving yourself this time and participating in these kinds of activities (or actually non-activities) can bring great rewards. Consider it time to fine tune your mind, open yourself to inner communication and relieve stress. Besides, too many people around will drive you a little nuts anyway.
Angel Whispers:
The downside of the seven (7) is a tendency to worry and fret, usually over things that do not matter much. Remember today, that worry is completely wasted and detrimental energy. The Law of Attraction says that whatever it is you are focussing on is what you will get more of. Worry is focussed energy. Whatever you are worried about can only get worse the more you worry about it. Catch yourself in the act of worry. Immediately stop and ask yourself what would be the "best case scenario". Challenge yourself to find one and then to spend some quality time visiting that scenario. You will be amazed at how quickly you can turn any situation around by using this technique.
Angel Whispers:
The downside of the seven (7) is a tendency to worry and fret, usually over things that do not matter much. Remember today, that worry is completely wasted and detrimental energy. The Law of Attraction says that whatever it is you are focussing on is what you will get more of. Worry is focussed energy. Whatever you are worried about can only get worse the more you worry about it. Catch yourself in the act of worry. Immediately stop and ask yourself what would be the "best case scenario". Challenge yourself to find one and then to spend some quality time visiting that scenario. You will be amazed at how quickly you can turn any situation around by using this technique.
06/04/2012 (Monday - a 6 day)
Love and romance are in the air today. Open your heart and let it in. Be fearless and express your feelings to those you love and even those that you just genuinely like. Words of love and appreciation should flow with ease throughout the day. The expression of love is actually quite important on any 6 day.
Angel Whispers:
Very often, feelings not expressed will wind up stuck in your body and will eventually cause physical as well as emotional pain. Stiffness, inflammation and soreness can be an indication of pockets of feelings that need to be released. Eventually, they will become more and more toxic and cause actual disease. The easiest way to deal with these pockets is to actually communicate those feelings in an appropriate way to the appropriate person. If you have buried them deep enough that you don't know what they are, you could try meditation or massage. In both these cases it would behoove you to ask for guidance from your inner source to reveal them to you and also to help you to release them.
Angel Whispers:
Very often, feelings not expressed will wind up stuck in your body and will eventually cause physical as well as emotional pain. Stiffness, inflammation and soreness can be an indication of pockets of feelings that need to be released. Eventually, they will become more and more toxic and cause actual disease. The easiest way to deal with these pockets is to actually communicate those feelings in an appropriate way to the appropriate person. If you have buried them deep enough that you don't know what they are, you could try meditation or massage. In both these cases it would behoove you to ask for guidance from your inner source to reveal them to you and also to help you to release them.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
06/03/2012 (Sunday - a 5 day)
Today's five (5) calls for movement, travel, change and lots of people. Get out and about, do something you don't usually do and take a friend or friends along to help you enjoy it. Don't be surprised if you find yourself trying to sell people on the latest thing you are excited about. While you are at it, toot your own horn a bit. Let people know what you are really good at. They would probably never know if you don't tell them.
Angel Whispers:
Charisma comes from being comfortable in ones own skin, accepting yourself and loving who you are. When you do, energy pulses out of you and makes you glow. Others are attracted to this energy and glow and are drawn to you like a magnet. When you are talking, people listen because they sense that you are special and have something important to say. And, there you have it. Charisma.
Angel Whispers:
Charisma comes from being comfortable in ones own skin, accepting yourself and loving who you are. When you do, energy pulses out of you and makes you glow. Others are attracted to this energy and glow and are drawn to you like a magnet. When you are talking, people listen because they sense that you are special and have something important to say. And, there you have it. Charisma.
06/02/2012 (Saturday - a 4 day)
The four (4) asks you to get physical today. Do something to move your body, expend some energy, exercise, do a little yard work...or a lot. Go dancing! Take a long walk in the cool of the morning or the early evening. Get in touch with nature, enjoy the very air that you breathe. Any and all of these things will be very healing and reconnect you with your body. Remember that you are a soul residing in a body and it is the soul that shapes the body.
Angel Whispers:
Without breath there is no life, and yet humans often fall into a habit of very shallow breathing. When your breath is shallow, you can't feel anything deeply (physically, mentally or emotionally). You are depriving yourself of healing energy, oxygen and pure joy. Perhaps you learned your shallow breathing techniques as a way to feel less pain, fear or sorrow but it also keeps you from feeling love and happiness. Practicing deep breathing will provide more energy, more mental clarity, a healthier body and a better metabolism. Try it. You will like it.
Angel Whispers:
Without breath there is no life, and yet humans often fall into a habit of very shallow breathing. When your breath is shallow, you can't feel anything deeply (physically, mentally or emotionally). You are depriving yourself of healing energy, oxygen and pure joy. Perhaps you learned your shallow breathing techniques as a way to feel less pain, fear or sorrow but it also keeps you from feeling love and happiness. Practicing deep breathing will provide more energy, more mental clarity, a healthier body and a better metabolism. Try it. You will like it.
Friday, June 1, 2012
06/01/2012 (Friday - a 3 day)
Rhythm and music enhance your energy today. Fine tune your mood, increase your stamina and boost your creativity by choosing the right genre of music for each activity during your day. Pay attention to how your body feels when you are listening to different types of music. You can learn a lot about what your body wants by being aware of how certain tones and rhythms move you.
Angel Whispers:
Love yourself and the world will love you, too. Love who you are and how you are with people. Love all of yourself, warts and all. Love yourself enough to forgive yourself for anything that feels lacking. When you have pain, forgive yourself and pour love into the painful area. Soon you will feel a lessening of the pain, a soothing of the nerves and muscles. Massage your hands, feet and legs with a good oil which you have blessed by asking it to be filled with Divine Love. Essential oils are excellent for this.
Angel Whispers:
Love yourself and the world will love you, too. Love who you are and how you are with people. Love all of yourself, warts and all. Love yourself enough to forgive yourself for anything that feels lacking. When you have pain, forgive yourself and pour love into the painful area. Soon you will feel a lessening of the pain, a soothing of the nerves and muscles. Massage your hands, feet and legs with a good oil which you have blessed by asking it to be filled with Divine Love. Essential oils are excellent for this.
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