Wednesday, February 29, 2012

03/01/2012 (Thursday - another 9 day)

Today is a slightly different variation on the number nine (9), which is much more expressive and creative. As you continue to offer yourself to others as teacher, healer, problem solver, etc., you will find that stories from your past will come to mind. These stories may well be the perfect teaching device. Share what you learned from these experiences. It could be the perfect lesson for the person/s you tell it to. Share your wisdom, but not your judgement.

Angel Whispers:

Pessimism is a habit you simply not afford to keep. Every pessimistic thought you think is like a tiny pin prick hole that lets the air out of your balloon of energy and power. You can only keep your balloon full by filling it with positive thoughts and images. When your energy is high and clean, it attracts good things into your life and acts as a circle of protection which surrounds you and keeps you safe.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

02/29/2012 ( Wednesday - a 9 day)

This is a date we only see every 4 years, so make it count as a day to remember. Make a difference, in your life or someone else's. The energy of the nine (9) is benevolent, giving, caring, loving...and often long-suffering. Choose to be on the positive side of this energy today. Reach out and help. Lend a hand, an ear, a shoulder...whatever the Universe asks you to offer. Give freely, for what you put out, comes back, magnified & multiplied. Be the face of love today.

Angel Whispers:

Creativity is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind. Music, to sooth the soul or stir it to action. Art, to capture beauty, color, light and place and share it with the world. Words, to make us laugh or cry or believe. Dance, to free the soul with grace, beauty and fluidity. To use your own creative gifts is one of the greatest gifts you can give back to God, the Universe and mankind. To deprive yourself of expressing your creative self is...well, simply heart breaking.

Monday, February 27, 2012

02/28/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

Efficiency is your primary focus for today. Know what the goal is, make your plan of attack, set a timetable, and be willing to call in reinforcements to get the job done. It is important to keep track of the big picture while being aware of all the minute details too. If you set a clear agenda, others will follow your lead. If there are important financial decisions to be made, this is a good day to make them. Success is at hand.

Angel Whispers:

Reach for the stars, dream the big dream and create a life of joy and connection. If you only think of the commonplace, day-to-day, humdrum things in your life, you will surely get more of those things. Focus on the most incredibly wonderful things you can imagine. Be it a grand vacation on a fabulous cruise ship, a new home or car, an incredible love or job, you can create that just as easily as you create a ho-hum existence. Dream the dream...actively. Create a vision board with all the exciting things you want in your life. Look at it often. Notice when some of the things on your board start to manifest. Then, expect more so you can be more.

02/27/2012 (Monday - a 7 day)

This week should begin on a quieter note with the mental aspects of the number seven (7) giving you a drive to use your mind more than your mouth. This is a good problem solving day and ideas flow in ways that come together naturally. Your intuition is playing a part here. Expect to learn something new today.

Angel Whispers:

When you are feeling down and low, try the simple act of looking up. "Lift up thine eyes and see the Light." As you look up, take a deep breath and hold it for count of five. Do this several times. When you look up, you will automatically activate your two upper chakras. See if you can feel this movement inside your head. Repeat a powerful, positive mantra several times, such as "I am one with God." or "I am lifted up." If you can bring yourself to do this exercise outside in the fresh air, even better.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/26/2012 (Sunday - a 6 day)

The six is the number of the heart, love, romance, relationships. Let your heart take the lead today. Be with the people you love and make sure that they know that you do. Say the loving words that come from your heart, even if it is a little hard to express yourself. Listen to what your heart has to say and say it.

Angel Whispers:

Cherish your individuality. Be who you are and stop judging yourself. You are a creation of your own heart and mind, are still evolving. Each day, you are becoming more of what you think about, dream about, talk about. So, if you don't like who you see in the mirror, you have the ultimate power to change, by thinking more powerful, more loving, more exciting thoughts. Change is your nature. Cherish that and choose your next change intentionally.

Friday, February 24, 2012

02/25/2012 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Do something you LOVE today. Immerse yourself in it completely. Enjoy it to the fullest and notice how good it feels give yourself up to something that feels so good. Whether you are painting a painting or curling up with a good book, give your all to the experience. In the midst, give yourself a quick energy check. You will probably find that you have more energy than you had all week or perhaps you feel more relaxed than you have in a while. Nice, huh?

Angel Whispers:

If you want to feel good and live a good life, you must make some sacrifices. One of the first things you must give up is worry. Whether you are worrying about yourself or someone else, it is a useless buy costly activity. Worry is toxic and will only bring to you the very thing you are worrying about. Worry diminishes your energy, literally weakens your body systems and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is a very bad habit and must be rooted out and replaces with words and visions of health, happiness and success. Choose your thoughts carefully for each thought is a plan for the future.

02/24/2012 (Friday - a 4 day)

Are you feeling the press...Friday already, lots to do, so little time? So is everyone else. So, slow down, clear your thoughts, focus on the job at hand and harness the organized, productive energy of the four (4). You will be amazed how much you have accomplished by the end of the day. This would also be a very good day to consider an exercise program...and this time, actually do something about it. Four is very physical and can help you out with choosing and implementing a fitness plan.

Angel Whispers:

Turn off the television, the talk radio and the computer. Refuse to talk politics or the economy. All of these activities tend to throw you into a negative vortex which is not at all easy to get out of. If you want to do something, envision your local, state and federal governments working in harmony and handling all programs with ease and grace. Bless them with wisdom and a hearty budget to work from. Keep your vision positive at all times. Doing this consistently will be far more effective than simply casting your vote on election day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

02/23/2012 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Today is a day of communication and emotion....or, perhaps, emotional communication. If there is something that needs to be said, saying it today may help you to say it with more heart, eloquence and honesty than on another day. The number three (3) rules the emotions and communication, so don't be afraid to, at last, reveal your true emotions. On a lighter note, the three can also be playful, charming, quixotic, creative, communicative, fun and friendly. So, make it a fun day.

Angel Whispers:

Take time to feel your closeness to God and your angelic counterparts. Close your eyes and open your mind...feel their presence in your life and in your space. They are as close as your breath, as constant as your heartbeat. They would move heaven and earth to secure your happiness. They will never forsake you or let you down in this or any other way. You can begin a dialog with your angels by sitting quietly and meditating on a single question. Make a habit of sitting in the grass, holding your mind open to listen for the answer. Write down whatever comes.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

02/22/2012 (Wednesday - an 11 day)

This is another of those very significant days, numerological speaking. The Master numbers in numerology are 11, 22 and 33. The eleven (11) is the spiritual seeker, searching for Light and truth. The twenty-two (22) is the spiritual healer, putting spiritual principle together with the material world to create ideas/things much bigger than the normal man. The thirty-three (33) has evolved to the spiritual teacher, sharing Higher Wisdom with the masses. Today, we have the influences of both the eleven and twenty-two. Significant things can happen for you today. Be open to receive Divine Guidance, whether it be from a dream, a book, shared wisdom from a friend or from your own Angel Whispers.

Angel Whispers:

You are deserving of love...physical, emotional, spiritual and unconditional love. It is your birthright. Even on your worst day, you are filled with love. Your very being is the essence of love. You are one of God's gifts to the earth and mankind and one of your main purposes for being born into this earth plane is to experience love in all of it's forms. All of your experiences are brought to you as opportunities to learn to express and experience love.

02/21/2012 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

This day is all about you. The one (1) is so self directed, self motivated, centered in the self and laser focused that you can harness that energy and seemingly move mountains. Everyone seems to be busy with their own projects and prospects. Using this energy will carry you far, as you work your way through your to-do list for this week.

Angel Whispers:

Do you ever feel alone? Some people seek that feeling, finding it very peaceful and good for listening to their own inner voice. However, if feeling alone isn't a happy feeling for you, be assured that you are never truly alone. You are surrounded by a legion of angels who watch over you and are capable of helping you in a multitude of ways. They are waiting for your command. Go ahead, ask for something. Do you need a question answered? Ask and you shall receive. You will be amazed at how quickly you find your lost item.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

02/20/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)

Selfless service is the purpose of the nine (9) influence today. You will have many opportunities to offer your services as you move through your day. It usually feels good to be needed, so this probably won't be too hard to take. However, one of the main lessons of the nine is learning to recognize the difference between service and servitude. Service is something you want to do...for whatever reason. Servitude is what happens to you when you don't set clear boundaries about just how much you are willing to do. Service feels good. Servitude feels bad. Simple as that. The choice is yours.

Angel Whispers:

Love is the answer to almost every question. Love doesn't judge. Love doesn't criticize. Love is patient and kind. People who are causing you (and often themselves) pain, do so because they are not in alignment with Divine Love. They don't love themselves or they haven't learned the joys of unconditional love for themselves and others. You cause paint for yourself in the same way. When you know someone well enough to understand why they do what they do, it is much easier to love and accept them. Simply stated: to know is to love.

02/19/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)

Saturday may have been a little quieter than you had planned, but your energy today will be much more productive. The eight (8) energy is high, focused, aggressive and fine-tuned. You are full of ideas, plans for future projects. Your insights will guide you to better ways to accomplish previous goals. Success is your reward for being in tune with today's powerful energy.

Angel Whispers:

You have heard people say, "If I'd known I would live so long, I would have taken better care of myself." It is not too late to take better care of your body. Start today and you can quickly turn around some things and have a positive impact on others. Prioritize. Are there bad habits you need to get rid of? Smoking, drinking, bad food choices? You don't have to do it all in a day. Start by deciding which is the most important behavior to change. Next, write down your goals and why you want to change. Then, find a partner you can be accountable to. (Perhaps you can help them in a similar way.) Give yourself a time line for completion. Change one part of the habit in the first week, then change another part when you are more comfortable with your first change. Reward yourself for each success. Write down your progress. If you make a wrong choice, promise yourself you will immediately make a better one. Little by little you can change your habits and become a healthier, happier you.

Friday, February 17, 2012

02/18/2012 (Saturday - a 7 day)

The seven (7) is a very mental and spiritual number. It loves to think, to dream, to analyze, to study and requires some valuable quiet time to do so. Give yourself permission to kick back with a good book or work a crossword puzzle, therefore giving your brain/mind some exercise so that it doesn't have to create a problem to solve. It doesn't have to take up your whole day, but you will be glad you took the time.

Angel Whispers:

When you are in a conversation with someone, there is a vibrational cord that runs between you. You could see it, but you usually won't (unless you have trained your eyes), but many times you can actually feel it vibrating between you. Becoming aware of this vibrational frequency can open up new awarenesses. Is the vibration smooth and clear or rough with gaps in it? Does it lift you up or pull you down? Does it feel good, or does it leave you feeling down or fractured? With awareness, you can make choices that will affect the outcome of your communications.

02/17/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)

Early in the day, you find yourself thinking of things you want to do to make your home or garden more appealing or functional. Perhaps you can't get a start on it until the weekend, but having a good plan is key to accomplishment. Organizing or re-arranging may be part of that plan. Having a clear picture of how you want it to be will help you to muster the momentum necessary to push through and get the job done. Make a list and enlist some help from family or can always bribe them with food and beverages. Make it a project party weekend.

Angel Whispers:

Ask BELIEVING and you shall receive. This is our promise to you. The key here is believing that you deserve to have what you ask for. When you are saying your affirmations, can you feel yourself actually receiving your request? Do you truly believe this will happen for you? Reach for that feeling "as if" it had already happened. Once you achieve that feeling, the manifestation of your goal is very near at hand. Speak your affirmations with gusto, energizing the words with emotion and inflection, as this will get you in touch with that feeling of success very quickly.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

02/16/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)

Lighten up and refresh yourself after yesterday's hard work. Congratulate yourself on work well done. Today you can get your accomplishments through trying a new approach. Think outside the box and do old things in new ways for some positive results. Get out of that rut and blaze new trails. It will be both stimulating and educational. Expect the unexpected and don't be afraid to step out of your normal ways of doing things. Let your intuition guide you to your new direction.

Angel Whispers:

Are you waiting to hear words of appreciation and support from someone who doesn't know about your expectations? Rather than being angry or resentful about not getting what you want, it may be time to educate them about your needs or to find a way to get it from another source. Remember the Law of Attraction? That which is like unto itself, is drawn. Speak the words you want to hear to someone who genuinely deserves to hear them, knowing that what you put out WILL come back to you. Or, simply speak them to yourself. In either case, the objective is to keep your focus on the appreciation and support you choose to have. Visualize yourself hearing these words being spoken to you by various people. Soon, you will be hearing those very words coming to you from every direction. Give thanks NOW that it is so.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

02/15/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

Everything works better today if you add the element of physical discipline to it. The four (4) rules the physical realm and so is very down to earth. Utilize this focussed, determined, hard working energy to accomplish your goals for the day. Make a to-do list and keep it at your fingertips so that you can mark off every item as soon as you have completed it. No matter what obstacles you run into, just gut up and push through to success.

Angel Whispers:

Keep your focus in the now and on the near future. If you are carrying around the burden of your past mistakes and disappointments, you will have very little success at creating a new future as you will keep dragging the old experiences out to compare with your now and it will usually not work with your new plans for the future. Seeing what didn't work in your past can completely defuse any good momentum you may have accumulated. Keep your eye on the prize, remind yourself that you are a winner.

02/14/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Communication is key today, as the influence of the number three (3) opens everyone up and lightens the energy a bit. The three also likes to sing and dance, so if the music is good and your toe is tapping, get up and move to the beat. Have a little fun and share your good mood with the people around you. Allowing yourself to be lighthearted is one of the most healing things you can do. Relax and let life happen for a change.

Angel Whispers:

If you choose to be closer to your angels and guides, it is important to clear up a few things first. You can start by practicing being present in your life. Several times a day, when you move from one space to another, take some deep breaths and analyze whatever smells you perceive. What is the light like compared to the space you just left. What does that tell you? Can you perceive any energy in the room? Could you describe what you see and feel to someone else. Try to remember what you have seen in the space and describe it to yourself. You will find, at the end of the day, that you have a much stronger awareness of where you have been, what you have experienced and how you feel about the day. In essence, you are training your mind to be more observant. It will serve you well more often than you will know.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

02/13/2012 (Monday - an 11 day)

Your dreams and aspirations play an important role today, as the eleven (11) brings a spiritual influence into play. In all your actions today, you need to come from a place of high integrity with sincere regard to your own Life Purpose. Are the activities you have lined up today really in alignment with this purpose? Is your soul satisfied with your choices? Are you working for the money, for the service you can provide or for the pure love of doing what you do best? You move forward on the game board of life if you can say that you are happy doing what you do. If is time to learn ways to love what you do or make some new choices.

Angel Whispers:

Have you tried the gratitude list yet? If not, now is the perfect time to do it. Find a small notebook that is easy to carry with you. Do your best to write something new in it every day, something you are truly grateful for. Keep adding new things. Make it a daily challenge to find something you haven't noticed before. These must be things you can feel genuine gratitude for, not something you just give lip service to. Whenever you are feeling low, pull out your list and read it to remind yourself just how very much you have to be grateful for. Before you go to sleep at night, remind yourself of the specific things you appreciated that day. You will find that the longer your list grows and the more often you re-read it, the better your life will get. It is a natural law...the Law of Attraction.

02/12/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Today you feel somehow renewed, refreshed and ready to begin again. You have shaken off the stress of the last week and recognize in yourself and others, the resilience of the human spirit. Look around you and see the miracles of life happening in every direction. Take time to count your blessings. Give thanks for the miracles of friendship, family, love, health/healing, regrowth, prosperity, etc. Notice how determined Mother Nature is to thrive. Even after the devastation of fires, floods or drought, better weather brings renewal....always.

Angel Whispers:

Before your feet touch the floor in the morning, stretch, breathe deeply and say a prayer of thanksgiving for the wonderful day you intend to have. Set the tone for your day before it begins. Ask for an opportunity to be of service, to be a vehicle for good, to inspire others to live a full and happy life. It will only take a moment of your time and by the time you are finished, your energy will be squared away and ready for the day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

02/11/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)

The benevolence of the number nine (9) will bless you today. Everyone is feeling more generosity of spirit, so there is enough help and consideration to go around. This is a good weekend to play with your friends, as you should all be feeling very open-hearted and in a fairly good humor. Don't be surprised if someone needs your advice in an important matter. Trust your inner voice to give you the right response.

Angel Whispers:

When you are feeling joy, contentment, love, pleasure, comfort, freedom, happiness, it is in your best interest to share those feelings with others. By speaking about them, you amplify them and create more of the same or better, and you lift the vibrational energy around you. You will be leading by example. On the other hand, if someone is telling their tales of woe about how unhappy, unfulfilled, broke, sick, lonely, miserable they are, you can also lead by example by refusing to buy into that energy. Change the subject, offer a positive viewpoint, suggest something fun to do or simply walk away. By refusing to participate in a negative rant, you have chosen to set your own vibrational tone to health, happiness and prosperity. This is indeed a fine example to set. One that will serve you well.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

02/10/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)

This is a good day to take care of anything related to business, commerce or finances. Work on your income taxes, balance your bank statement, take a good look at your investment program. The eight (8) is about success, and the symbol for success in the modern world is usually money. Paying attention to the financial side of your life today could give you some new incentives for doing what you do best.

Angel Whispers:

Charity begins at home. Your house is most likely full of perfectly good things that you are quite unlikely to use again in the foreseeable future. All these things are holding energy in reserve for that time when you actually do use them. This energy could be used in so many ways. This captive energy can manifest as physical fatigue, mental sluggishness or blocked financial flow. Take some time to ferret out the "stuff" that is blocking your good and determine when and how you are going to dispose of it. Whether it is going to the Goodwill or being neatly packed and put away for later, opening yourself up to other possibilities will certainly bring you blessings galore.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

02/09/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)

If you are feeling frazzled or harried today, you may need a dose of solitude to bring things back to order. The seven (7) requires a good bit of quiet or alone time, to scrutinize or analyze the things going on around you in order to put them into some logical form in your mind. To regain some sense of tranquility and sanity, just take a quick walk in the open air or take the phone off the hook and close the door for a few minutes of meditation. It won't take long to clear your head and you will feel better the rest of the day.

Angel Whispers:

Your time is like money, you must be very careful how you spend it. You need time for your physical, hygiene, exercise and sleep. Each one of these refreshes your body/mind/spirit in its own way and is therefore necessary for a healthy, happy system. Make sure you get the best you can in each category so that your body will thrive. Keep in mind that an excess of any of these items will be as harmful as not having enough. Balance is the key.

02/08/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

Six (6) is the number of balance and harmony, relationships, beauty, charm, and the home. The six is also a wise consultant, has a good eye for design and placement and loves to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for home or office. Today, no matter where you are, you feel drawn to lend a helping hand and make a difference for someone in need.

Angel Whispers:

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. No matter how good or bad your life has appeared to be up until now, you can choose differently. Practice listening with your heart so that you can actually feel the relevance of the words you are running through your mind or mouth. Do they feel like truth? Do they feel like something you want to be living tomorrow or next year? Do they sound like words that honor who you want to be and what you want to do with your life. If they are on the right track. If they don' can choose better words and aim your life in a happier, healthier, more prosperous direction.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

02/07/2012 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

Take a light and easy approach to everything today. Try something new, show what you know, apply a little humor in a tight situation or just get out in the open so you can breathe and think your way through it. The five (5) is the number of the natural born salesman, so use that energy to sell your ideas and influence others. It may require you to take a different route, but you can arrive at your chosen destination in plenty of time. Put a smile on your face and sell yourself.

Angel Whispers:

Breathe life into your vision of your future. Take a deep breath in, to the count of seven. Hold your breath and focus on your vision (as if it were already so), for another count of seven. Exhale completely for another count of seven and envision all perceived blockages being blown out on your breath. Do this for at least seven times. When you find tension in your body throughout your day, do this same exercise until you feel relaxation again. Expect positive, noticeable results.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

02/06/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)

Four is the number of discipline and hard work. It brings you the energy of an organized mind, a desire to get things done, a love of working with your hands and moving your body. Four is a great influence to begin the work week. Get that to-do list out and whittle it down. The momentum you build today will carry you through the week.

Angel Whispers:

Thoughts are things. They are a road map for your future. What you think is what you get. Science says that you can only think one thought at a time. Choose what that thought will be. Think success, think health, think love, think prosperity, think happiness. When anything other than that slips into your mind and/or your mouth, CHOOSE to cast that thought out and reach for something better. Make sure your thoughts create a road map that leads to a happy, healthy, successful, love filled life.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

02/05/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Sing a song, write a poem, say your prayers, tell a joke, give a speech or just speak eloquently with your friends, on any subject that interests you. Communication is the realm of the number three (3) and the best communication comes from your heart. Great conversations will happen today. Make sure you participate and enjoy the "gift of gab".

Angel Whispers:

We are surrounded by sound. Much of it is what is considered "white noise" and we have learned to ignore or absorb it without conscious recognition. Unfortunately, a lot of that extraneous noise muffles our inner voice, our guidance from within. It requires some discipline to quiet the noise, (by turning off the television, the stereo or radio, the computers, etc.), or by learning to meditate in order to lift your consciousness above the noise, into the realm of spirit. Finding that quiet place, whether it is in meditation or out in the country, is one of the most efficient ways to relieve stress and renew the spirit. Turn off the noise and turn on your Self.

02/04/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)

As you move into the weekend, the eleven (11) energy could turn you within for some self-exploration. Perhaps something you have read or seen has brought up some questions you'd like answered. Find a place to sit quietly and breathe for a few moments. Hold the questions in your mind and listen to the silence while expecting to hear an answer to your specific question. The more you EXPECT to receive answers, the sooner and more accurate your answers will be.

Angel Whispers:

When your desire is strong, it is summoning energy through you. Energy that will help you create your future. Once you have pin-pointed the location for your session, sit quietly and enjoy thinking about your desire, nourishing it, fine tuning the details, feeling the joy you will have when your desire is accomplished. Notice that as you follow your wish, your inner ear gets clearer and your desire escalates. Be sure to leave room so that your subconscious mind will fill in blanks you didn't even know were there. The bigger your dreams are, the more prosperity and longevity and health you will be building into your life.

Friday, February 3, 2012

02/03/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)

It may be the end of the work week, but it feels like new beginnings today, due to the influence of the number one (1). You feel like looking forward and planning for the future. Your energy should be high and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Expect to have some great ideas to share, as problem solving is well aspected. Put some of that good mental energy to use by planning a great weekend.

Angel Whispers:

Set some short-term goals today. Make them achievable, but with some challenge. Make a contract with yourself to accomplish these goals within a reasonable time-line. Keep your list close at hand so that you can mark off each achievement as soon as possible. As you mark each item off, find a way to celebrate your success. Literally....celebrate each one. Whether it is a mental high five, congratulating yourself out loud or dropping coins/cash in a jar for a later cumulative celebration, you are training your mind to acknowledge your accomplishments and expect rewards for them. As you train yourself in this way, your subconscious will begin to bring you more and more successes to celebrate. The Universe will support you in the same way. The more you expect success, the more success you will have.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

02/02/2012 (Thursday - a 9 day)

Your natural sense of generosity and fair play are amplified by the same traits in the number 9
today. What an exciting day. Give yourself to the tasks at hand, but remember that there are people who are seeking your kindness and understanding. Your wisdom abounds and can really make a difference for your fellow workers.

Angel Whispers:

It is very important for you to get your proper amount of sleep in order to maintain your body systems. You already know that your body is in healing mode while you sleep. A prayer of blessing before you go to bed will up the anti on the healing activity that will occur while you are sleeping. Drink plenty of water, as well, to keep your body hydrated.