Communication is key today, as the influence of the number three (3) opens everyone up and lightens the energy a bit. The three also likes to sing and dance, so if the music is good and your toe is tapping, get up and move to the beat. Have a little fun and share your good mood with the people around you. Allowing yourself to be lighthearted is one of the most healing things you can do. Relax and let life happen for a change.
Angel Whispers:
If you choose to be closer to your angels and guides, it is important to clear up a few things first. You can start by practicing being present in your life. Several times a day, when you move from one space to another, take some deep breaths and analyze whatever smells you perceive. What is the light like compared to the space you just left. What does that tell you? Can you perceive any energy in the room? Could you describe what you see and feel to someone else. Try to remember what you have seen in the space and describe it to yourself. You will find, at the end of the day, that you have a much stronger awareness of where you have been, what you have experienced and how you feel about the day. In essence, you are training your mind to be more observant. It will serve you well more often than you will know.
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