Responsibility, home and service are the influences the number six (6) brings to you today. You want to resolve problems in the world around you so that you can find comfort for yourself and others. You seek harmony and a peaceful atmosphere. Investments are made in your home so as to maintain it's value. You pay great attention to detail so that the aesthetics of your surroundings please you. You enjoy the company of others and find yourself giving wise council (just make sure that council was asked for).
Angel Whispers:
Open your arms and your heart to friends and family now. What you give of yourself will be returned manyfold. Nurturing others is a way of nurturing yourself. If you are feeling needy, give what you need; love, trust, compassion, forgiveness, understanding.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
The flexibility of the number five (5) is yours today. Stretch yourself....both mentally and physically. Reach for something you have never attained before. Explore new places. D0 something that feels a little frivolous or flirty. Spend time with your best friends. Today would be a good day to plan a vacation. Even a day-cation can get you out of the doldrums brought on by the heat of the summer.
Angel Whispers:
Each breath you take is a new beginning. No matter what your past looks like, no matter what mistakes you think you have made, no matter how unworthy you may feel....with your next breath you may choose to change it all. With each new breath, you may choose to create your life anew. As long as you are still breathing, there is hope for every dream you ever had, every goal you have set. To change what you don't like about your life, you must begin to see it with new eyes. See what you want your life to be and turn your head away from any seeming evidence that it is anything other than what you choose. Keep your focus on the parts of your life that you do like, and especially the ones you love. Speak your new truth to yourself in the mirror both morning and evening. Give thanks for all the good things you already have and know that in doing so, you are creating more of the same. Life is good. Cherish it.
Angel Whispers:
Each breath you take is a new beginning. No matter what your past looks like, no matter what mistakes you think you have made, no matter how unworthy you may feel....with your next breath you may choose to change it all. With each new breath, you may choose to create your life anew. As long as you are still breathing, there is hope for every dream you ever had, every goal you have set. To change what you don't like about your life, you must begin to see it with new eyes. See what you want your life to be and turn your head away from any seeming evidence that it is anything other than what you choose. Keep your focus on the parts of your life that you do like, and especially the ones you love. Speak your new truth to yourself in the mirror both morning and evening. Give thanks for all the good things you already have and know that in doing so, you are creating more of the same. Life is good. Cherish it.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Today is influenced by the conservative, disciplined, hard working number four (4). You, and most everyone you know, may have been a little flighty and uncentered yesterday, but your head is on a bit straighter now. You can feel the energy coursing though your body in a direct and more focussed way. Your body actually likes to feel you moving, working, walking, dancing or whatever you find to do to move it around. It feels so good that you may decide to start a new diet and exercise program. Any such plans begun today will have a pretty fair chance of succeeding. It will require discipline and hard work, but that is what the number 4 is all about. Go for it!
Angel Whispers:
Your body needs more than some questionable food, a little water and a few hours of restless sleep to thrive. If you will learn to pay attention to the way body talks to you, it will guide you to the right kinds of food and drink, rest and relaxation it needs. Feed your soul as you feed your body. Take time to wiggle your toes in the cool morning grass, take deep cleansing breaths and listen to the sounds of nature all around you. Become one with Nature for a few moments each day and it will renew your body, mind and spirit. It costs nothing to be completely present in your environment, yet it can bring you many benefits, Be kind to your body and it will be kind to you.
Angel Whispers:
Your body needs more than some questionable food, a little water and a few hours of restless sleep to thrive. If you will learn to pay attention to the way body talks to you, it will guide you to the right kinds of food and drink, rest and relaxation it needs. Feed your soul as you feed your body. Take time to wiggle your toes in the cool morning grass, take deep cleansing breaths and listen to the sounds of nature all around you. Become one with Nature for a few moments each day and it will renew your body, mind and spirit. It costs nothing to be completely present in your environment, yet it can bring you many benefits, Be kind to your body and it will be kind to you.
How am I doing?
I was just checking out my blog and re-read this morning's post. In retrospect, it couldn't have been more right on! My emotions have been all over the place, all day long. They have gone from sheer glee, to total irritation and right back again. My big plans for accomplishing things today did, indeed, go right out the window. Thank God, tomorrow is a new day and one I know will be productive, energetic and more organized. Surely, I will get my to do list checked off then. Whew! I hope your day went better than mine.
I would love to hear how these forecasts have been working for you. Comments are appreciated.
I would love to hear how these forecasts have been working for you. Comments are appreciated.
The quixotic energy of the three (3) will play with you today. Set the tone for your day with your choice of music for your drive to work. Wear something that makes you feel especially good. You want to keep the mood positive, as you could slide into the pity pot if you aren't careful. Your emotions are on the sensitive side today, so choose to be upbeat and happy. You are easily distracted, so do what you can, let your creativity flow and enjoy the day and know that you will have a much better workday tomorrow.
Angel Whispers:
The beauty of being a human being is that you have the richness of emotion to flavor your experience. You can be deeply moved by the beauty of a sunset, the grandeur of a special piece of music, the taste of an incredible dessert or the touch of a loved one. You have the gifts of laughter and tears which allow you to express your emotions as no other creature on the earth can. You are indeed blessed for you can feel joy and love.
Angel Whispers:
The beauty of being a human being is that you have the richness of emotion to flavor your experience. You can be deeply moved by the beauty of a sunset, the grandeur of a special piece of music, the taste of an incredible dessert or the touch of a loved one. You have the gifts of laughter and tears which allow you to express your emotions as no other creature on the earth can. You are indeed blessed for you can feel joy and love.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The illuminating energies of the master number eleven (11) will enlighten you today. You find yourself asking the deeper questions of life. Perhaps a book comes to hand that holds some of the answers. Or, you overhear a conversation at the next table with just the answer you were looking for. Seek and ye shall find, as the saying goes. Keep your eyes and ears open for inspiration or guidance. Listen to that still, small voice within. Answers are everywhere.
Anger Whispers:
Your mind may seem to take off on flights of fancy today. Enjoy the ride. Mull over the grand dreams you created yesterday. Try them on for size. Embrace them as you play with them in your mind. This is all part of the creative process. As you allow the images of these dreams, fulfilled, to flow through your mind, your emotions will tell you whether this is a fit for you or not. If it feels good, keep it. If it feels good, but you are uncomfortable in some way, ask yourself why. If it feels bad and isn't a fit for you, cast it out and create a newer version that does feel right. Your image may need to be tweaked a bit. Hone your creation until it fits you like a glove....and know that when your vision feels like home to you, it will more quickly come to be a reality.
Anger Whispers:
Your mind may seem to take off on flights of fancy today. Enjoy the ride. Mull over the grand dreams you created yesterday. Try them on for size. Embrace them as you play with them in your mind. This is all part of the creative process. As you allow the images of these dreams, fulfilled, to flow through your mind, your emotions will tell you whether this is a fit for you or not. If it feels good, keep it. If it feels good, but you are uncomfortable in some way, ask yourself why. If it feels bad and isn't a fit for you, cast it out and create a newer version that does feel right. Your image may need to be tweaked a bit. Hone your creation until it fits you like a glove....and know that when your vision feels like home to you, it will more quickly come to be a reality.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
How nice it is to start the week off with one (1) energy. Business is important, new projects, new ideas and new directions are the name of the game today. Take charge, be in control, lead the troops. Even if it is not your natural thing, you will like the way it feels today. Have fun with it. Be confident or at least act that way. If this IS your nature it will feel great to be yourself and get lots of things done just the way you like. Have a great day!
Angel Whispers:
Dream a big dream today. Your Angels will help you accomplish your dreams whether they are large or small, so make it a grand one today. All you must do is ask for our help. Then be prepared for success. See your dream as reality, talk about it as if it is already here. Expect to see progress, to receive ideas and insights that lead you to your perfect outcome. Hold this vision close to your heart. Enjoy the process. Often, the journey is as important as the destination.
Angel Whispers:
Dream a big dream today. Your Angels will help you accomplish your dreams whether they are large or small, so make it a grand one today. All you must do is ask for our help. Then be prepared for success. See your dream as reality, talk about it as if it is already here. Expect to see progress, to receive ideas and insights that lead you to your perfect outcome. Hold this vision close to your heart. Enjoy the process. Often, the journey is as important as the destination.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The order of the day is selfless service. The nine (9) influence is always very strong and felt as a desire to make a difference in your life or someone else's. Being a "genuine" listener is one of the best ways to be of service. Someone is sure to share a concern, a problem or a need with you today. Be present for them, offer your understanding and an insight (if one should present itself to you). This is also a day to finish projects, cleanup loose ends and look forward to the next plan.
Kindness requires some time, thoughtfulness and willingness to give of yourself. It can be a kind word, a smile, a simple helping hand, but it does require your presence of mind. Every time you offer yourself in kindness you are planting a seed of connection that will ultimate. It is said that the more connections you have, the longer and more healthier your life will be. The reward for kindness is joy. The joy may not come from where you expect, but you can expect it none the less.
Kindness requires some time, thoughtfulness and willingness to give of yourself. It can be a kind word, a smile, a simple helping hand, but it does require your presence of mind. Every time you offer yourself in kindness you are planting a seed of connection that will ultimate. It is said that the more connections you have, the longer and more healthier your life will be. The reward for kindness is joy. The joy may not come from where you expect, but you can expect it none the less.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but with the powerful eight (8) energy affecting you today, you will probably be determined to finish up whatever project you have going on. You have that need for accomplishment that gets you up and moving. Spend your time wisely, be efficient and maybe you will get a little of that rest in before day is done after all.
Angel Whispers:
You are enough. You are the best. You are loved. You can do whatever you want or need to do. This is what your angels want you to know about yourself. No self criticism allowed today. Bask in the love and beauty that surround you. Often we see you being so critical of yourself and what you haven't done or haven't been that you can't possibly see the truth about who you are and what you have actually accomplished. If you ask the people around you to describe you, you would be amazed to hear how much more they value you than you value yourself. You ARE enough. You ARE the best. You CAN do anything. You are God's child so you will always be loved.
Angel Whispers:
You are enough. You are the best. You are loved. You can do whatever you want or need to do. This is what your angels want you to know about yourself. No self criticism allowed today. Bask in the love and beauty that surround you. Often we see you being so critical of yourself and what you haven't done or haven't been that you can't possibly see the truth about who you are and what you have actually accomplished. If you ask the people around you to describe you, you would be amazed to hear how much more they value you than you value yourself. You ARE enough. You ARE the best. You CAN do anything. You are God's child so you will always be loved.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thank you
Although I have only been posting to this blog for just over a week, I have been getting the most amazing compliments and observations from readers. Most everyone who has contacted me has said that they found it to be more valid to their personal lives than their astrology guide for the day. Wow! Numerology has served me so well for decades that I knew it would be applicable to just about everyone, but it is really good to have personal corroboration. It is such a pleasure to wake up, excited about writing Angel Whispers. If you enjoy reading my blog and think of friends who would also enjoy it, please forward it to them.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for a reading, please leave me a message in comments on this blog with your contact information. I will get back to you very quickly. Or, you can email me at
Thanks for reading,
If you would like to schedule an appointment for a reading, please leave me a message in comments on this blog with your contact information. I will get back to you very quickly. Or, you can email me at
Thanks for reading,
Allow the intuitive power of the seven (7) to guide you for the best results today. Expect a quieter, more internal mood with a desire to learn something significant. People may not communicate well, but if you ask a question you will probably get a detailed, knowledgeable, well thought out answer. Ake some time to meditate or day dream, whichever is your style. The point is to quiet your mind and allow yourself to get in touch with your inner self. Do not allow worry to foul this inner dialog. Keep it positive and pay attention to your own whispers. You may learn something important.
When you feel especially stressed, try this simple exercise. Close yor eyes, if possible, and picture yourself in a small boat on a gentle stream, lying back comfortably on luxurious pillows. The slow current gently rocks the boat and you enjoy the peaceful rhythm, the light breeze on your skin, the sounds of birdsong and the rustling of that breeze through the trees. Drop your hand into the water and allow the cool motion of the water to soothe you. Dappled light falls on your eyelids and you allow your mind to drift and your breath to slow. In the time it takes to put yourself into this image fully, your stress level will plummet, your muscles will unclench, your respiration will change and you will be able to think more clearly. You can accomplish this exercise while in conversation with others, with your eyes wide open. If this image doesn't float yournboat, choose one that does.
When you feel especially stressed, try this simple exercise. Close yor eyes, if possible, and picture yourself in a small boat on a gentle stream, lying back comfortably on luxurious pillows. The slow current gently rocks the boat and you enjoy the peaceful rhythm, the light breeze on your skin, the sounds of birdsong and the rustling of that breeze through the trees. Drop your hand into the water and allow the cool motion of the water to soothe you. Dappled light falls on your eyelids and you allow your mind to drift and your breath to slow. In the time it takes to put yourself into this image fully, your stress level will plummet, your muscles will unclench, your respiration will change and you will be able to think more clearly. You can accomplish this exercise while in conversation with others, with your eyes wide open. If this image doesn't float yournboat, choose one that does.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Influenced by the domestic number six (6), this is a good day to take care of issues relating to your home or your relationships. If you know what the problem is, it will be much easier to correct it. Your tendency may have been to sweep this under the rug so that you don't have to deal with it but at some point it will trip you up anyway. Shine the light of day on this issue today and you can make great headway toward a resolution. Take your focus away from what doesn't work and put it on what would feel better. Once you clearly decide what you do want, a solution will appear.
Life is so much easier when you discover the truth about the world you live in. It is ruled by one Universal Law, the law of attraction. Period. That which is like unto itself is drawn. Your job is to create the life you want. Period. You must take the time to explore the world around you to see what excites you and then magnetize yourself so that person, place or thing is drawn to you. the Law of Attraction will bring you what you think or speak of most. So, breathe life into your creation by dreaming of it, touching it, tasting it, envisioning it as yours now. Ask, believing, and you will receive. It is so.
Life is so much easier when you discover the truth about the world you live in. It is ruled by one Universal Law, the law of attraction. Period. That which is like unto itself is drawn. Your job is to create the life you want. Period. You must take the time to explore the world around you to see what excites you and then magnetize yourself so that person, place or thing is drawn to you. the Law of Attraction will bring you what you think or speak of most. So, breathe life into your creation by dreaming of it, touching it, tasting it, envisioning it as yours now. Ask, believing, and you will receive. It is so.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The quixotic number five (5) will bless your activities today. The number five is about freedom, change, flexibility and friendship. Approach your work with a playful attitude. Find a new route to the most familiar everyday places, taste something new, wear something you usually save for special occasions. Befriend someone who is having a less than stellar day.
You are surrounded by angels and many of them are physical beings who are sharing your life space as family, friends, neighbors or co-workers. They are equally as important to the fullness of your life as the disincarnate angels you will rarely see. They often work hand in hand to bless you at just the right moments, bringing you encouragement, motivation, support, a shoulder to lean on or a helping hand when you most need it.
You are surrounded by angels and many of them are physical beings who are sharing your life space as family, friends, neighbors or co-workers. They are equally as important to the fullness of your life as the disincarnate angels you will rarely see. They often work hand in hand to bless you at just the right moments, bringing you encouragement, motivation, support, a shoulder to lean on or a helping hand when you most need it.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The energy of the powerful number 4 prevails today. Four is disciplined, determined, hard working, physical and strong. Utilize these attributes to get the most out of your day. Stay on course, stick to your budget, your diet and/or your exercise plans. If you are feeling frustrated, confused or depressed, do some stretches and deep breathing, take a walk outside for some fresh air and find some actual physical work to do. The endorphins you produce will keep your body, mind and spirit humming for the rest of the day.
You are a spirit, living in a body, directed by your mind. Always remember that you are, first and foremost, a spiritual being. You are forever connected to God by the bonds of your very creation. God is within you, closer than the air you breathe. You cannot separate yourself from God, except in your own mind. When you hear yourself breathing, you are hearing the breath of God. Meditate on your breath and see where it will take you and what wonders await you.
You are a spirit, living in a body, directed by your mind. Always remember that you are, first and foremost, a spiritual being. You are forever connected to God by the bonds of your very creation. God is within you, closer than the air you breathe. You cannot separate yourself from God, except in your own mind. When you hear yourself breathing, you are hearing the breath of God. Meditate on your breath and see where it will take you and what wonders await you.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The numerological influence of this day is the magical number three (3). This number is the first of the emotional numbers and is fun, creative and communicative. Music, art, writing and acting are well aspected. Frivolous behavior is not unexpected. Emotional expression, from laughter to tears, are natural and may, indeed, be a blessing. If you are not on the positive side of this number you could be irritable, moody and feel like you are on the outside, looking in. Don't expect to get a lot of work done (unless your work is of a creative nature), this day is more conducive to play.
Being able to access the emotions is the gift that humans were given that separates them from other creatures. Many humans seek control over life by sublimating their emotions, yet it is the heart that speaks most truthfully. Your head will tell you what you "think" you should do, be or have but your heart will show you the truth of what you really need or what your soul wants for you. Finding a balance between head and heart would serve you well.
Being able to access the emotions is the gift that humans were given that separates them from other creatures. Many humans seek control over life by sublimating their emotions, yet it is the heart that speaks most truthfully. Your head will tell you what you "think" you should do, be or have but your heart will show you the truth of what you really need or what your soul wants for you. Finding a balance between head and heart would serve you well.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Email subscription
Please notice the new gadget that says to submit email address. I believe that if you put your address in there you will receive the new post every day. Here's hoping, anyway.
The energy of the day is 2, a day of peace and tranquility, so expect people to be easier to get along with as long as you don't require them to make important decisions. Pay attention to the details. The things you need will come to hand easily today, especially information or things you are collecting. You feel magnetic to right things, ideas and people. Conflicts can be solved that may have been difficult for some time.
Find a quiet, peaceful place to have lunch with a friend or with your Self. Keep the conversation positive and take a few moments to share what you are grateful for in your relationship. You will be much more energized than just fed, as you will be feeding your soul as well as your body. This good energy will make the rest of your day go more smoothly and could literally last for days.
Find a quiet, peaceful place to have lunch with a friend or with your Self. Keep the conversation positive and take a few moments to share what you are grateful for in your relationship. You will be much more energized than just fed, as you will be feeding your soul as well as your body. This good energy will make the rest of your day go more smoothly and could literally last for days.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Governed by the number 1, today is all about you. One is about new beginnings, independence, being in control. Suggest that everyone spend some time doing their own thing, if possible. Plan out your week, start a new project, organize your personal spaces and spend some time visualizing your goals as complete. If you don't have any current clear goals, make some today.
Today is especially good for taking an "inner inventory". Sit quietly and look within. Personal power is gained by knowing who you are, what you want, what you need and who you want to become. Keep this positive. Acknowledge your strengths, your accomplishments and make a list of the things you are grateful for. Ask for guidance from your Divine counterparts, your angel brigade, and begin listening for your own whispers.
Today is especially good for taking an "inner inventory". Sit quietly and look within. Personal power is gained by knowing who you are, what you want, what you need and who you want to become. Keep this positive. Acknowledge your strengths, your accomplishments and make a list of the things you are grateful for. Ask for guidance from your Divine counterparts, your angel brigade, and begin listening for your own whispers.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
This can be the beginning of a very nice weekend. Today's influence is 9, which is about completion, fullness, selfless service. Friendliness, tolerance and emotional availability are prevalent, which should make everyone more charitable, generous and in touch with their feelings. Plan an activity that allows you to be involved with community efforts or activities. Take a walk and say "Hello!" to your neighbors or even perfect strangers. Do something to help others. Smiles will be abundant today.
Is there a dream you gave up on that still calls to you from the back of your mind? Could the abilities you have gained since you set that dream aside bring new life to it? Your dreams will guide, motivate and expand your horizons. day-dreaming can be a very productive activity, and you can do it anywhere. Remember that your angels will help you flesh out those dreams if you will just ask for their assistance.
Is there a dream you gave up on that still calls to you from the back of your mind? Could the abilities you have gained since you set that dream aside bring new life to it? Your dreams will guide, motivate and expand your horizons. day-dreaming can be a very productive activity, and you can do it anywhere. Remember that your angels will help you flesh out those dreams if you will just ask for their assistance.
Friday, July 15, 2011
The influence today is 8, which is all about business, making decisions, accomplishment and seeking perfection. Remember, there is no such thing as perfection, though we all seek it. Make your to-do list, keep it reasonable and be sure to mark off each accomplishment so that at end of day you can acknowledge your successes. Delegate some authority to get the bigger jobs done. Co-operation is inspired by compliments rather than criticism. Today is great for making decisions about money matters.
Multitudes of angels are at your service at every moment of your life. Each one of you is surrounded by our love and guidance and only need to open be to remembrance to see where you have been guided, protected or blessed at key moments throughout your life. To ask is to receive. Key here is the asking.
Multitudes of angels are at your service at every moment of your life. Each one of you is surrounded by our love and guidance and only need to open be to remembrance to see where you have been guided, protected or blessed at key moments throughout your life. To ask is to receive. Key here is the asking.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
7/14/2011 Day one.....
Numerology has been a useful tool for me for over 40 years. I check to see what the subtle energies of each day will bring to me and try to make note of how those energies play out through my day. I want to offer you this simple guide to see if it will benefit you, too. I will do the work and you can just enjoy the message.
Today is influenced by the number 7. Seek a more peaceful atmosphere, somewhere conducive to quiet contemplation. This would be a very good day to catch up on research or study you may have been putting off, as your mind is begging to learn something new. If the traffic is heavy, consider taking an alternate route where you can appreciate your surroundings. Deep breathing and meditation benefit you greatly today. Your intuition is strong and your dreams may be revealing tonight.
ANGEL WHISPER: Take a moment to turn within, relax your body, mind and spirit. Deep breaths and good water nourish your cells and give you more energy. You will get more done and your mood will improve. The moment you take will change the profile of your day. Pay someone a well deserved compliment.
Today is influenced by the number 7. Seek a more peaceful atmosphere, somewhere conducive to quiet contemplation. This would be a very good day to catch up on research or study you may have been putting off, as your mind is begging to learn something new. If the traffic is heavy, consider taking an alternate route where you can appreciate your surroundings. Deep breathing and meditation benefit you greatly today. Your intuition is strong and your dreams may be revealing tonight.
ANGEL WHISPER: Take a moment to turn within, relax your body, mind and spirit. Deep breaths and good water nourish your cells and give you more energy. You will get more done and your mood will improve. The moment you take will change the profile of your day. Pay someone a well deserved compliment.
angel whispers,
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