Sunday, December 30, 2012

12/31/2012 (Monday - a 3 day)

It is New Year's Eve and the energy of the three (3) it is time to celebrate, socialize and have some fun. Three is also the number of communications and emotions, so if there is something that has been burdening you or particularly worrisome, get it out...say it in person or write it down and burn it (to release it) so that you do not carry it into the brand new year.  Forgiveness is one of the most powerful ways to release energy, so whether you need to forgive yourself or someone else, do it today.

Angel Whispers:

At the end of the year is a good time to remind yourself that "today is the first day of the rest of your life".  Nothing ever stays the same because it is next to impossible to re-create exactly the same thing over and over again.  You may create something similar from following old thought patterns, patterns of speech or habitual behaviors.  The good news is that you can change any or all of these things in a moment with a decision to choose a better way.  What habits would you have to change to create a successful, happy, healthy, prosperous and beloved you in 2013?

12/30/2012 (Sunday - an 11/2 day)

The eleven/two (11/2) energy is as down to earth or as spiritual as you want to make it.  You feel that pull to align yourself with another, whether that be human or Divine.  We are all looking for ourselves and often it is easier to recognize that self in the mirrors our partners show to us.  Being in relationships is what this energy is all about, so don't try to hang out by yourself today, ... it just won't work.  Wrap yourself up in the warmth of a lover, a friend or your family and give them your very best.

Angel Whispers:

Peace, balance and harmony are especially important today.  Spend some time in meditation or prayer to utilize and amplify this energy.  Sit for a few moments in a ray of sunlight feeling the warmth on your skin and imagining what blessings it is providing for your body, mind and spirit.  Feel it relax your body, illuminate your mind and lift your spirit.  Be one with the sun.

Friday, December 28, 2012

12/29/2012 (Saturday - a 1 day)

If you have thought about creating new family traditions, today is a perfect day to plan them out and put them into action.  The one (1) is about ideas, plans, taking charge and new beginnings.  Anything done with repetition, purpose and links to your emotions can become a tradition, even the simplest things.  These new traditional acts can work for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or any other special occasion.  Be creative and have fun.

Angel Whispers:

Although the year is winding down to its close, it is not too late to search through your activities to find that one special thing that will make this a remarkable year.  Make a list of your accomplishments, large and small.  Those things you didn't get done can be put on your 2013 to-do list...or not.  Did you create new relationships this year?  Did you hone a new skill?  Did you make a difference for someone?  Can you count 2012 as a win?  Don't forget that some of the smallest things you have done may carry the greatest weight in someone else's eyes.  Who made  your life special this year, and how?  Spend these last few days of the year working on your gratitude list.  The more you are grateful for this year, the more there will be to be grateful for next year.  Law of Attraction makes it so.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/28/2012 (Friday - a 9 day)

It is the end of the work week and almost the end of the year and the energy of the nine (9) will help you complete anything that is left hanging.  It feels good to check off the items on your to-do list.  You really appreciate that feeling of accomplishment and how it gives you impetus to move forward with new ideas for next week's list.  Be thinking of significant items for your New Year's intentions list.  Remember that intentions are stronger than resolutions and have much more life and power in them.

Angel Whispers:

When you give of yourself in selfless service, you are bringing yourself closer and closer to Source Energy.  You are in alignment with that which is innately good in you and mankind and resonating to your truest and highest self.  From that place of alignment you are able to create on the highest possible level.  The key is in recognizing how to put yourself in that aligned space as often as possible.  Giving freely of your time, energy, money or experience can be bring some of the richest rewards of all... love and appreciation.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12/27/2012 (Thursday - an 8 day)

There may be many ways for you to save money today.  After Christmas sales, returns, etc.  However, it is also a good day to take a look at your finances, your savings account, your credit cards and see where you can use your money more wisely in the new year.  If you see lost money on the floor or in the street, pick it up and give thanks for the Divine gift of prosperity.  Make a wish and drop it in your change jar.  Every little bit counts.

Angel Whispers:

When you work at what you love, it feels like love or even like play.  If you don't love your work, it always takes more energy, more perseverance, more dedication to make it through your days and weeks.  Finding what you love to do and how to add it to what you do for a living is truly a gift.  Are you stuck in a life or a job devoid of the things you love most to do?  If so, promise yourself that 2013 is the year that will change.  That old song about "If you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with.", just might be good advice.  Find something to love about whatever it is that you have to do.....and do it every day.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12/25/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

Merry Christmas!

Today is about love, in all its forms.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that we might have life and have it more abundantly."  As we celebrate the birth of that son, we are reminded that love is all important.  Love is faithful, love is kind and it uplifts us as nothing else does.  In every difficult situation, if you will look for some part of it to love, you will find your solution.  That solution may very well be accomplished through forgiveness and love makes that ever so much easier.  Love is  God expressing through you.  

Angel Whispers:

Without relationships, life would be much less full and colorful.  Your relationships are mirrors that show you who you are, what you want and where you need to grow.  Whether the relationship is family, friends or job related there must be balance, give and take, harmony, trust and appreciation for it to be healthy.  If it isn't working, look to see which of these attributes is missing or out of balance. Are you an equal partner? Can it be fixed?  Do you actually want to fix it?  If so, you will find an answer.  

Sunday, December 23, 2012

12/24/2012 (Monday - a 5 day)

This is Christmas Eve and the energy of the five (5) will make it a very fun and  festive one.  Spending time with friends and family, laughing, talking, eating good food, finishing up those last minute shopping requirements and remembering the reason for the season.  These activities are all in alignment with the five (5) energy you are dwelling in today.  Celebrate in the best way you know how, even if you are far away from home and family.  Love the ones you are with.

Angel Whispers:

The more joy and gratitude you express now, the more you are creating for your New Year.  The Law of Attraction makes it so.  If  you tend to be depressed during the holidays, consider making a commitment to making and reading you own gratitude list for the next two weeks.  Write it out, even if, in the beginning you can only think of small things.  Add something to it each day and be sure to read your list aloud as you wake up and when you get ready for bed.  You will be amazed in how many more things you will have gratitude for as each day goes by.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

12/23/2012 (Sunday - a 4 day)

Take care of all those last minute chores today, so that  you can enjoy the rest of the holidays with ease.  Physical stamina, determination and great organizational skills are typical strengths of the four (4) energy which is available to you today.  Put it to good use.  Crank that Holiday music up and get into the spirit.  You will enjoy your efforts and their results.

Angel Whispers:

Being grounded is a very good thing, especially when there is a lot of activity and commotion going on around you.  If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the things you are expected to do, take a few minutes to pull your resources together, raise your energy and eliminate any extraneous chores that can be deleted from your to-do list.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, focus your attention to the earth directly beneath you, breathe deeply and imagine drawing a pure white light up through your feet and straight up through your body and out the top of your head.  Feel that light pulsing through you, energizing and strengthening you.  This will recharge your batteries and allow you to do whatever needs to be done.

Friday, December 21, 2012

12/22/2012 (Saturday - a 3 day)

Let the rejoicing begin!  Your world may have changed in ways you won't even know for a while, but the end of the Mayan calendar seems to be falling into the same category as Y2K.  Lots of hoopla and no end of the world in sight.  The three (3) loves to play, so consider having a grand "Beginning of the New World" party.  Celebrate, and then begin watching for the changes that came in the night, subtle though they may be.

Angel Whispers:

The masters of the Universe are pouring great love upon you as this period of enlightening begins.  You will come to know yourself better and thus to understand your fellow man better than ever before. You will be able to see the inner pain that causes bad behaviors so that you can more easily forgive and reach out to help.  You will find it easier to forgive yourself, as well.  As you learn to love yourself more, it becomes second nature to love people around you.3

12/21/2012 (Friday - an 11/2 day)

To cover your bases, (today is the end of the Mayan calendar which some people think predicts the End of the World) you might want to spend your day in a very spiritual mode, in contemplation of what you will do if it turns out that the End of the World didn't happen.  It is suggested that this date actually ushers in a new era of greater love, kindness, joy and service.  Doesn't that sound better than the alternative?

Angel Whispers:

In the spirit of the Season of Giving, consider going beyond gifts for your family and friends and make a donation to the charity of your choice Donate your time to Habitat for Humanity, volunteer to serve at a soup kitchen or take a gift to an elderly neighbor.  You could make a donation to a Hurricane Sandy Fund or take coats or blankets to a local homeless shelter.  Whatever you do will make you feel better for having shared your good with those less fortunate.  Happy Holidays.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12/20/2012 (Thursday - a 1 day)

This is a day for things new and renewed, fresh, clean and unadulterated.  This may require that you step away from your usual approach to problem-solving, creating, etc.  Throw out the rule books and come at it from a new perspective.  Challenge yourself.  Be prepared to be astounded at what you come up with.  You could re-define success as you have known it.

Angel Whispers:

It is time to begin telling some new stories....about your past, present and future.  Instead of telling the stories of when you failed, lost, were betrayed or hurt, look back and find some stories about how you survived and thrived.  Instead of telling people why you think you can't do things, begin telling them about how you are going to do them, in spite of everything.  Instead of complaining about what you don't have or how bad you feel, start talking about the good things in your life and how much better you feel.  Every story you tell re-creates itself in some form or other.  Speak only of love, joy, success, happiness, gratitude, plenty and excellent health.  Be the creator of your incredibly happy, successful future.

12/19/2012 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

Selfless service is the name of the game today.  Giving because the giving feels good and someone needs to do it.  You recognize a need and fill it.  With your talents, you can make a difference for many people, but helping even one will bless your day as much as it will the person you help.  Remember, the term is "selfless service", so give with an open hand and heart.

Angel Whispers:

What you send out comes back magnified, multiplied, heaped up and running over, so make sure that you are sending out good.  Send praise and appreciation, love and jubilation.  Give compliments,  acknowledgements and encouragement.  Recognition is often one of the greatest gifts of all.  People feel uplifted when you remember their name and something about them.  It tells them that you value them and took the time to be fully present when last you met.  Never hesitate to give a heartfelt, genuine compliment or acknowledgement.  Do it daily, for best results.

Monday, December 17, 2012

12/18/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

Put your best foot forward today, for there are many opportunities to excel and be successful.  Take care of whatever financial responsibilities you may have lingering as the year comes to a close.  Decisions you make now could have a strong influence on how you handle money issues over the next several months.  Do it right.

Angel Whispers:

Seeing your goals as fully accomplished and successful is one of the best ways to manifest them.  Flesh out those images with as much detail as you can conjure up.  Breathe life into them.  Feel what it will be like to have accomplished them.  Give thanks, in advance, for their fruition.  Act as if it is already so.  Find a symbolic act to perform that would represent how you would be when your goals are complete.  You will be amazed at the speed these acts will add to your manifestation.

12/17/2012 (Monday - a 7 day)

Begin this week with some quiet time to set your intentions for the activities to come.  Make a plan and be sure to include some time to show your appreciation to those around you who make your life the work of art that it is.  Be grateful for both the blessings and the challenges you experience, for each have brought you to where you are today.  You are exactly where you were intended to be, so be glad and prepare for the next step.

Angel Whispers:

You are the essence of love, the out-picturing of the grace of God that flows through every cell in your body, every moment of every day.  When you remember that this is who you truly are and rest in that knowledge, this is when your life runs smoothly and miracles happen.  There is nothing that God, the Father, would not do for His beloved child.  All you must do is be open to receive each blessing as it comes.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12/16/2012 (Sunday - a 6 day)

This is a good time to evaluate whether your personal or business goals are in harmony with your soul's goals.  If you find things difficult, stuck in nowhere gear, lacking forward movement, they probably are not.  As previously stated (perhaps many times) good feels good and bad feels bad.  If you are struggling, there is bound to be something out of alignment and it is up to you to ferret it out.  Using this scale (good=good, bad=bad) you should be able to find the area that is causing the problem very quickly.  Once you discover it (or them) you have a much better chance of finding a solution.  Finding balance and harmony will be part of the answer.

Angel Whispers:

You are an incredibly powerful matter how much or how little you think of your own abilities and character.  You have within you the power to create and change worlds.  Through your thoughts, words and actions, you can change lives (including your own).  Unfortunately, you often give your power away to those who do not use it for your good.  The most important thing to remember is that you are a god, in your own right, creator of your own universe, with the power to turn that creation on a dime.  If there is something you don't like about your life, remember who you are and choose to find the way to change it.  With that decision made, a solution will come, for the Universe is standing at the ready to help you accomplish what you choose.

Friday, December 14, 2012

12/15/2012 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Saturday is a time to spend with friends, check out a new restaurant, play games, travel a new road and in general...have a good time.  Five (5) is about freedom and change, travel and self promotion, sales ability.  The relationships of most importance today are your friendships.  We cherish our friends and often treat them with much more consideration and concern than we do our family.  Perhaps today is a good day to look into why that may have happened in your life, and what you can do about that.

Angel Whispers:

Stretching, balance, deep breathing and movement are great ways to loosen up your body, whether in a formal class or on your own.  This will, in turn, release stress from your body and make it feel better, look better and last longer.  Dancing is another wonderful activity which can open your eyes to your natural rhythm and the simple joy of movement.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/14/2012 (Friday - a 4 day)

If there are physical tasks that need attention, today is the day to take care of them.  Your physical reserves and your determination are strong and your body is craving movement and challenge.  You are not alone in this flow of energy, so it will be easy to call on others to help you complete the task.  You find it easy to stay the course to the end.  Completion can be very gratifying for all concerned.

Angel Whispers:

Your body is  talking to you all the time and it would behoove you to learn to understand what it is trying to tell you.  It will indicate to you when you need sleep, however you may often ignore this particular message.  It will request food, even specific types of food.  This, too, is easily ignored in favor of your favorite fast food or snack.  It will tell you when it is stressed, tired, dehydrated, undernourished, too sedentary, unfulfilled, overworked, etc.  If you bother to ask, it will also give you clues as to what it would take to make it feel happy and healthy.  This is what cravings are for.  Develop a dialog with your body and see what it has to teach you about it and yourself in general.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/13/2012 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Well, eat, drink and make merry for the energy of the three is light, creative, emotional and loves to have fun.  Have you heard any good jokes lately.  Today is the perfect day to see if you can retell the joke/s and see what kind of response you get.  Laughter is healing and puts you in alignment with Source Energy.  When you feel the lightness that comes with a good laugh, lightly drop that goal or dream that you most want to manifest into that energy and let it go.  Laugh, drop, release.  That is what makes it work so quickly.  Let it go and say "Thank you, God."

Angel Whispers:

Be in love with your life, no matter what it looks like on the surface.  It is what it is because of the thoughts, words and actions you focused on in the past, so it is what you asked for.  If you don't think you asked for the circumstances and conditions you see around you today, you did.  You asked by focusing on thoughts of lack, fear, criticism, cynicism, etc.  The good news is that you can start re-creating your life today, into the picture you hold most dear.  Love your dream for the future, see it as if it is already so and tell your story about that bright future as often as you possibly can.  You will begin to see things begin to change, to line up with that picture, almost immediately.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/12/2012 (Wednesday - an 11/2 day)

This is a day to explore the treasures of balance, harmony, union and partnership.  It seems that all you have to do today to attract something is to think about it and suddenly, there it is or some aspect of it appears.  You think of someone and they call, you wonder about something and an answer comes right away.  You feel that magnetism and magic drawing good things your way.  Give thanks and just keep visualizing, in infinite detail, the very things that you want the most.  Just be sure you are visualizing them as if they were already in your possession.

Angel Whispers:

There is so much beauty and good all around you, but often you are so mired down in the muck of lack, loss, delay and defeat that you can't see it.  The best way out of that muck is to begin searching for the first thing you can find that is good and/or beautiful.  Put your attention on that one thing and glory in its perfection until you begin to feel better, then find one more thing to match it.  Force yourself to look away from the doom and gloom and to seek the Light and Love that are everywhere present around you.  The light will ultimately push the darkness away.  This is a Universal Law, always in effect.  Trust in that.

12/11/2012 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

Fresh new ideas are rampant and exciting today.  Grab one and make something of it.  Do something old in a new way.  Walk a new path and refresh your perspective by doing so.  This will breathe new life into something that may have become stale or uninteresting.  Even the things you do habitually can become fresh if you force yourself out of the rut of habit.

Angel Whispers:

There is nothing more important than that you feel good.  When you feel good, Source Energy is pouring through your every cell.  In that feel good place, you are creating at a very high, clean, clear level.  Things come to you very quickly and with beautiful precision.  Love, appreciation and gratitude are the quickest route to feeling good.  If there is a choice, always choose the one that is the closest to joy.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

12/10/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)

Monitor where you are on the "service/servitude" scale today.  This time of year it is easy to get overloaded with things to do.  Remember, service feels good and servitude feels bad.  You can either learn to say no to things that don't feel good.  OR, you could simply choose to feel good about whatever you have committed to do and just enjoy the holidays.

Angel Whispers:

If you can stand in a place of mining your days for nuggets of good, from that place you will be creating even better tomorrows in the most natural way possible.  Where ever you are, look around you to see what you can find to enjoy.  Even the smallest things count.  When you begin to search for these things, you will automatically see more and more joyful things everywhere you look.  Fill your mind and heart with memories of little jewel-like moments, kind words, lovely music, laughter, beautiful people, gorgeous scenery, birdsong, children playing, exquisite sunsets, delightful desserts, mouth-watering aromas, the voice of a loved one, great sex....well, you get the idea.  When you fill your mind with these nuggets of joy, there is no room left for doubt, fear, anger, lack, resentment, dissatisfaction, etc.  Mine consciously, live well.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

12/09/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)

Today would be a good day to look at your financial plan for the holidays.  It could save you a good deal of consternation later if you are clear about what your limits are now.  If you don't already have a plan then make one and stick to it.  Post it somewhere where you will see it often, so that you won't get sidetracked by holiday ads and sales.  Remember that some of the best gifts are the ones you make with agile hands and a loving heart.

Angel Whispers:

Light up your life with the gift of love.  Make sure that you spend some quality time with the people you love the most.  Spend time doing the things you most love to do.  Schedule it in and honor the schedule...don't let anything come between you and your loved one or beloved activity.  You deserve this infusion of love.  It will permeate every thing you will do.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/07/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)

Today, you take your responsibilities especially seriously.  Whether you are feeling the weight of them or the joy of having them, home and family are your main priority.  You enjoy doing things that improve the look or feel of your home.  You love spending time with your loved ones, friends or family.  As long as you are feeling all this love, you may as well express it.  Love and appreciation are good things.

Angel Whispers:

Supercharge yourself and raise your energy by doing things that feel good.  Laugh, sing, dance, let the sun shine on your face, wiggle your toes in the grass, pet your favorite furry friend, get a massage, listen to your favorite upbeat music.  Wallow in a rampage of appreciation.  Savor the feeling of something icy cold as you drink it.  Touch things that activate your sensory perception.  All of these things will send an incredible cocktail of endorphins into your system, blessing every cell in your body, bathing you in an elixir of health.

12/06/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)

Five is the number of happiness, freedom, friendship, travel, sales, and self-promotion.  Keep the energy light and playful today.  Spend time with your best friends, or at least talk to them on the phone. Friendship is very important and can make even the darkest hour bearable.  Friends are the family you choose for yourself, the stars in your crown.

Angel Whispers:

To free yourself from stress, pull your eyes, ears and attention away from whatever it is you are doing and focus on your breath.  Breathe deeply, rhythmically, and out, in and out, in and out.  Do not let your mind wander away from your breathing.  Focus on how fully you can expand your lungs, how you can feel your body begin to relax more and more with each breath.  See your breath as a colored mist, filling every cell in your body with love, light and health.  If you will do this 2-3 minutes, you will find that you can begin to think more clearly, make better decisions, access your mental data more quickly.  Each time will become easier.  You remove your attention from the problem and the solution will appear.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/05/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

Do something physical today to utilize that wonderful four (4) energy.  Involve your muscles, break a sweat, stretch yourself and breathe as deeply as you can.  You want to feel grounded and secure, strong in your beliefs and powerful in your convictions.  This is an especially good accomplishment day which may joyously end in fatigue from jobs well done.  This is also a great day to get or give a good massage.

Angel Whispers:

You are surrounded by a legion of angels, waiting on your beck and call, ready to help you with any request.  There are angels to help you with your financial issues, your career, your love life, your health.  Want a great vacation?  Ask your travel angels to prepare a perfect vacation with glorious weather, excellent service and accommodations, at a perfect price.  Need a parking place? Ask your angels to always provide you with premier parking.  Need information?  Ask for it.  Need protection or support?  Ask for it.  Need a sign?  Ask for it.  Nothing happens until you ask.  And, don't forget to say thank you when you receive what you ask for.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/04/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

The energy of the three (3) is about words, communication, emotions and manifestation.  How you use your words will predict what you will manifest.  Words have extra power today, so be very conscious in their tone and intent.  Speak words from the heart and make sure that they are positive and kind.  Words of disrespect, criticism or complaint will taint even the best intentions.  Word of praise, appreciation and  love will create with greater power and manifest more quickly.

Angel Whispers:

How do you know if you are on track to create the life of your dreams?  Simply.  If what you are doing feels good, you are.  If it doesn't, you most certainly are not.  Good feels good and bad feels bad.  Your emotions are the perfect barometer for your success.  So, grab every chance you get to feel good, to embrace joy.  Always choose joy over sadness.  And, is a choice.

12/03/2012 (Monday - an 11/2 day)

As you start this week, pay very close attention to how you fit or rank in all your relationships.  Are you on an equal footing?  Or, are you always the one who gives in to keep the peace?  There should always be give and take in a relationship, but very often one or the other person takes control and doesn't easily let go.  Relationships are about balance, harmony, friendship and love.  What can you do to make sure that you are an equal partner?

Angel Whispers:

Lift your spirits today with the music of the season.  Let the strains of your favorite Christmas songs motivate you and get you into the holiday activities.  Remember the reason for the season and promise yourself that you will give thoughtfully and responsibly.  Consider how you can keep your family traditions alive and well.  Or, make some new ones.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

12/02/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)

Plan ahead, begin a new project and take control of your work life.  Be proactive and make sure that your ideas are heard and implemented.  You have a strong sense of what is needed for the fulfillment of the entire project, from beginning to end.  Make it your "baby" and nurture it throughout.  Success is in your hands as long as you take charge and do it right.

Angel Whispers:

When you truly understand the power in your words, you will put away sarcasm and put down humor forever.  Words that are cutting to others, cut you as well.  When you criticize others, your words will come back against you.  Being pessimistic and negative only diminishes your energy and makes you look small.  Fortunately, you can turn that around by adopting a more positive attitude and language and by blessing everyone you meet.  Remember, what you bless, blesses you.  What you curse, curses you.  Simple Law of Attraction in action.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

12/01/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)

Another nine day (9) gives you more time to ruminate on the joys and sorrows of 2012.    Life is what you make it, so spend some time appreciating the year that you created.  Find the riches, the blessings, the best of the best and celebrate them all.  Give yourself credit for the good that you have done.  Truly love all the good things in your life, for that will ensure that you create even more of the same next year.  Set your intentions to turn this year's frowns upside down.

Angel Whispers:

Selfless service is the purpose of the nine.  It asks you to find ways to give of yourself.  Take some time today to be of service.  Whether you offer a shoulder to lean on, a hand with a friend's project, a shift at a soup kitchen or to make a donation to help people who are still suffering after Hurricane Sandy.  It doesn't have to take up your whole weekend, but you will be blessed in the doing.