Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
We're back!
Deepest apologies for our absence these last few days. Due to an internet connection problem and a family member in the hospital, there was no opportunity to remedy the problem. Fortunately, our family member is rapidly on the mend after open heart surgery and life is getting back to normal. If you missed Angel Whispers, please "like" on Facebook or comment on this message. It is very reassuring to know that we are being read and appreciated. Thanks.
02/28/2013 (Thursday - a 9 day)
Put your heart in whatever you do today and make sure that your own area of service is part of the action. Keep in mind that there is a very fine line between service and servitude. How do you know which side of the line you are on? Service feels good, servitude feels bad. It is as simple as that. You can apply this same barometer to other areas of your life as well. Good feels good and bad feels bad. If you are in pain, you are doing (or thinking) something that is bad for you. Make it your primary objective to find out what isn't working for you and get back into that good feeling place, ASAP.
Angel Whispers:
What you believe becomes the truth in your life. You can change your beliefs and thus, change your life. There are so many choices and they are all available to you. Choose a belief system that really works for you. If you believe that you are rich, riches of all kinds will find their way into your life. The belief comes first, results follow. If you look closely at your current life, you can see very clearly what you have believed about yourself and life.
Angel Whispers:
What you believe becomes the truth in your life. You can change your beliefs and thus, change your life. There are so many choices and they are all available to you. Choose a belief system that really works for you. If you believe that you are rich, riches of all kinds will find their way into your life. The belief comes first, results follow. If you look closely at your current life, you can see very clearly what you have believed about yourself and life.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
02/24/2013. (Sunday - a 5 day)
Friendship is highly significant to the five (5) energy you are living with today. It is important to spend time with your best friends and to evaaluate what makes each one a true friend. What do you value in them? Are you an equal friend to them? An even more important question might be; are you your own best friend? Do you value yourself as you do others? Do you treat yourself as well as you do friend and family? If not . . . What are you going to do about it?
Angel Whispers:
To live a complete life you must learn to be flexible, bend with the wind, go with the flow. You must learn to know when it is time to change directions or cast off a relationship or job that is no longer for your highest good. You can no longer stick with something just because you started there or because others expect you to. Be strong enough to follow where your inner guidance is leading you. Dragging your feed will only limit your possibilities.
Angel Whispers:
To live a complete life you must learn to be flexible, bend with the wind, go with the flow. You must learn to know when it is time to change directions or cast off a relationship or job that is no longer for your highest good. You can no longer stick with something just because you started there or because others expect you to. Be strong enough to follow where your inner guidance is leading you. Dragging your feed will only limit your possibilities.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
02/23/2013. (Saturday - a 4 day)
Discipline is called for today. This would be a good weekend to get serious about that diet or exercise program you have been talking about. Or,perhaps you have been putting off doing personal paperwork like getting ready for taxes, balancing your checkbook or cleaning the garage or your junk drawer.
Angel Whispers:
The things you do to improve your body will benefit every aspect of your life. From eating well to exercise and taking your vitamins, sleeping well to removing stress from your life, you are enriching and enlivening your life force. Don't take your core health for granted. . . .be proactive about keeping your health and wellbeing. Make the kind of life choices, on a daily basis, that will strengthen your core energy. Remember that the power of the word is an incredible tool to use in your endeavor to create the best health and life. Speak words of praise and gratitude to your organs and cells and watch them respond with greater efficiency. (This is The Law of Attraction in action.)
Angel Whispers:
The things you do to improve your body will benefit every aspect of your life. From eating well to exercise and taking your vitamins, sleeping well to removing stress from your life, you are enriching and enlivening your life force. Don't take your core health for granted. . . .be proactive about keeping your health and wellbeing. Make the kind of life choices, on a daily basis, that will strengthen your core energy. Remember that the power of the word is an incredible tool to use in your endeavor to create the best health and life. Speak words of praise and gratitude to your organs and cells and watch them respond with greater efficiency. (This is The Law of Attraction in action.)
Thursday, February 21, 2013
02/22/2013. (Friday -a 3 day)
Three is the number of communication, emoting, expressing your feelings. First, you have to know what those feelings are. Movement is a good way to get in touch with how you feel. Walk, run, dance, exercise...but move until you feel what you feel. Once you get to that feeling place, you will know what needs to be said, when, and to whom. Set the intention that it will happen and then relax enough to play. That will be your big reward for being in touch with your inner self.
Angel Whispers:
Wherever you go, you take yourself with you. So, you must make peace with that inner being (soul) that is always with you. You could try listening, with great expectation, to the still, small voice within. Learn to recognize that voice and heed it's call. Pay attention and be willing to act on whatever it asks of you. The more you practicing this form of communication, the better and easier it will become.
Angel Whispers:
Wherever you go, you take yourself with you. So, you must make peace with that inner being (soul) that is always with you. You could try listening, with great expectation, to the still, small voice within. Learn to recognize that voice and heed it's call. Pay attention and be willing to act on whatever it asks of you. The more you practicing this form of communication, the better and easier it will become.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
02/21/2013 (Thursday - an 11/2 day)
This day can bring you opportunities to acquire deep spiritual wisdom, or at least to learn a lesson or two from your inner guidance. Set the intent, early in the day, to really listen for messages from your inner world. You may find a new personal guru or a book chock full of wisdom. In either case, you will be blessed and will learn something of real value.
Angel Whispers:
Every event in your life is an opportunity to learn to be a better human being. As you experience each new opportunity you make choices that will predict the direction of your future. There are no real mistakes, for each choice will lead you toward something you have imagined, visualized, feared or in some way focused on for a significant amount of time. Life is a culmination of habitual thinking and speaking. You can be in charge of those habitual thoughts, ___ or simply allow your life to flow along on the river of public opinion and media coverage.
Angel Whispers:
Every event in your life is an opportunity to learn to be a better human being. As you experience each new opportunity you make choices that will predict the direction of your future. There are no real mistakes, for each choice will lead you toward something you have imagined, visualized, feared or in some way focused on for a significant amount of time. Life is a culmination of habitual thinking and speaking. You can be in charge of those habitual thoughts, ___ or simply allow your life to flow along on the river of public opinion and media coverage.
02/20/2013 (Wednesday - a 1 day)
Set some very strong intentions for your immediate future today. Be clear, be optimistic, be in control. The one (1) likes new beginnings and inspires forward motion. Make the most of this energy today and back it up with a list of important to-do's and a good time line. Feel your independence and be proud of your own personal strength.
Angel Whispers:
Life is good when you remember that you are number one in your own life. You are, indeed, the most important person in your life. If you don't take care of you, no one else will. The more you make sure your needs are met, the more the Universe will support your efforts and will bring you blessings you may have never expected. Self respect is more than a simple phrase, it is a life necessity.
Angel Whispers:
Life is good when you remember that you are number one in your own life. You are, indeed, the most important person in your life. If you don't take care of you, no one else will. The more you make sure your needs are met, the more the Universe will support your efforts and will bring you blessings you may have never expected. Self respect is more than a simple phrase, it is a life necessity.
Monday, February 18, 2013
02/19/2013 (Tuesday - a 9 day)
Your charitable nature is highlighted today and you will have opportunities to make a difference for someone you know. Perhaps you offer a generous listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or some well thought out advice. Don't worry, if you happen to be in need there will be someone close at hand to help you, as well.
Angel Whispers:
An excellent mantra for improving your life is; My life is wonderful and it just keeps getting better and better. It is powerful and non-specific so that it can apply to every area. Whether you can believe it or not in the beginning, if you will use this affirmation faithfully, especially when you are feeling down, worried or afraid, it will change your life. (This is the old "fake it until you make it" routine, but it still works.)
Angel Whispers:
An excellent mantra for improving your life is; My life is wonderful and it just keeps getting better and better. It is powerful and non-specific so that it can apply to every area. Whether you can believe it or not in the beginning, if you will use this affirmation faithfully, especially when you are feeling down, worried or afraid, it will change your life. (This is the old "fake it until you make it" routine, but it still works.)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
02/18/2013 (Monday - an 8 day)
The eight (8) will ask you to re-examine your definition of success today. Of course, success is seen differently in various areas of your life. Often you are measuring your success, or lack of it, by an outdated yardstick. If so, you may still be trying to succeed in an area that no longer applies. Analysis can tell you where extra energy may need to be exerted and where you can re-direct your resources for better results.
Angel Whispers:
You often give more energy to your failures than to your successes. It is human nature to do so. If this is true of you, it may leave you feeling unworthy. A good way to change this faulty behavior is to add an area to you daily calendar to list your accomplishments as they happen. Even simply marking through the tasks you have completed on your to do list can give you a visual to remind you, at days end, that you have actually accomplished quite a lot. If something significant has knocked you off your planned schedule, be sure to note that as well, so that you don't forget it's significance and blame yourself for falling short. Make a habit of reading this list of successes every day. Enjoy the process of making your list. You will have a much more accurate picture of who you are when you are looking at success rather than failure or lack.
Angel Whispers:
You often give more energy to your failures than to your successes. It is human nature to do so. If this is true of you, it may leave you feeling unworthy. A good way to change this faulty behavior is to add an area to you daily calendar to list your accomplishments as they happen. Even simply marking through the tasks you have completed on your to do list can give you a visual to remind you, at days end, that you have actually accomplished quite a lot. If something significant has knocked you off your planned schedule, be sure to note that as well, so that you don't forget it's significance and blame yourself for falling short. Make a habit of reading this list of successes every day. Enjoy the process of making your list. You will have a much more accurate picture of who you are when you are looking at success rather than failure or lack.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
02/17/2013 (Sunday - a 7 day)
Do your best to make this a quiet, thoughtful day. Avoid crowds, if possible, so that you might preserve that feeling of tranquility and peace. This is a good day to read or study, meditate or do things that soothe you. The rest you get by following this path will serve you well throughout the coming week.
Angel Whispers:
You were born with a natural sense of knowing what is right for you and your soul purpose. However, well meaning adults, wanting to keep you safe from harm, have taught you to fear and thus, you have learned to suppress this natural guidance system. It would be good for you to try to get back in touch with that part of you that "knows" and can guide you on your life journey. You can learn to hear and to trust that inner voice that is a part of that natural guidance system. With practice you can re-access that knowing.
Angel Whispers:
You were born with a natural sense of knowing what is right for you and your soul purpose. However, well meaning adults, wanting to keep you safe from harm, have taught you to fear and thus, you have learned to suppress this natural guidance system. It would be good for you to try to get back in touch with that part of you that "knows" and can guide you on your life journey. You can learn to hear and to trust that inner voice that is a part of that natural guidance system. With practice you can re-access that knowing.
Friday, February 15, 2013
02/15/20113 (Friday - a 5 day)
You may bend the rules, but don't break any laws today. This day is about stretching your limits and bringing down barriers. You are ready to move beyond your own limitations and you can really feel it now. Tell people who you are and what you are capable of. Put your best on the line and be proud.
Angel Whispers:
Limitation is something you create by believing you are less than you actually are. When you feel that awful stuck feeling, start with some deep breathing and move on to some visualization/affirmations and speak words of power and success. "Fake it until you make it!" Once you shift the energy within, you will see different results very quickly. Remember that the Law of Attraction is in effect 100% of the time, so focus on what is right about you and not on your perceived limitations.
Angel Whispers:
Limitation is something you create by believing you are less than you actually are. When you feel that awful stuck feeling, start with some deep breathing and move on to some visualization/affirmations and speak words of power and success. "Fake it until you make it!" Once you shift the energy within, you will see different results very quickly. Remember that the Law of Attraction is in effect 100% of the time, so focus on what is right about you and not on your perceived limitations.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
02/14/2013 (Thursday - a 4 day)
The physical feelings of love and affection play an important role in your experience today, You will work very hard to let the people you love know what they mean to you. Valentine's Day is renowned for it's reputation for romance and everywhere you look there are reminders that "love is in the air". Go with the flow and take advantage of this opportunity to express your feelings to those who are important to you.
Angel Whispers:
There are many kinds of love, but no matter what form it takes it is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. You will do almost anything possible to protect and nurture the people, places and things you love.. Those feelings of love may morph into something that looks like passion, protectiveness, patriotism, etc. Love can make you feel 10 feet tall and incredibly powerful, or small and vulnerable. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give or receive. Love makes life worth living.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
02/13/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)
Do something a little wild and wacky today to express the inner child who still lives inside you. Expression is the name of the game today, whether you choose to sing, dance, write a poem, climb a tree, turn summersaults in the grass or just have a deep conversation with someone who listens to a different drummer. Often, there a too many things left corked up inside. This is a good day to let them out and set them free.
Angel Whispers:
Laughter is a great healer and even on our darkest days, we are capable of laughter which, of course, lets some light into our darkness. You can actually plan in a good laugh when you need one. Talk to someone who you know is funny and ask them to tell you their latest joke or funny story. Watch America's Funniest Home Videos, or Google funny videos and you will find a wealth of the funniest things you have ever seen. Check out "babies laughing". While you are at it, pick out your favorites and share them with your friends and family. Everybody needs a good belly laugh as often as possible. You will know that you are making the world a happier place.
Angel Whispers:
Laughter is a great healer and even on our darkest days, we are capable of laughter which, of course, lets some light into our darkness. You can actually plan in a good laugh when you need one. Talk to someone who you know is funny and ask them to tell you their latest joke or funny story. Watch America's Funniest Home Videos, or Google funny videos and you will find a wealth of the funniest things you have ever seen. Check out "babies laughing". While you are at it, pick out your favorites and share them with your friends and family. Everybody needs a good belly laugh as often as possible. You will know that you are making the world a happier place.
Monday, February 11, 2013
02/12/2013 (Tuesday - an 11/2 day)
Be very clear about what you want, envision it, and be aware that your vibration is attracting it to you today. You are literally magnetic to the things you need/want. . . if you can hold the image clearly and believe that you deserve to have it. Simple, right? The vibrational energy of the 11/2 makes it so today. Just keep yourself in tune with the vibration of what you want. The Law of Attraction (which creates your world all the time) is working overtime for you today. Keep it positive and just watch what happens. Expect the best, always.
Angel Whispers:
"Ask and ye shall receive." This promise was made to you and is always kept. You "ask" by your vibrations, your words, the visions you keep running through your mind. Unfortunately, you quite often vibrate to what the world around you is telling you, rather than what you want to create for yourself. You watch the news and then worry about the economy, the flu epidemic, the rising cost of gas, the government and what they are doing to your country, global warming, etc., etc, etc.. However, if you look at the truth of your immediate life (and remember that now is all there is), you will see that you probably don't have the flu, you have money in the bank, you have a roof over your head and there is enough gas in your car to get you wherever you need to go today. Count your blessings so that they will magnify and multiply, instead of focusing your energy on worry. You will feel better, eat better, sleep better and have a much better life.
Angel Whispers:
"Ask and ye shall receive." This promise was made to you and is always kept. You "ask" by your vibrations, your words, the visions you keep running through your mind. Unfortunately, you quite often vibrate to what the world around you is telling you, rather than what you want to create for yourself. You watch the news and then worry about the economy, the flu epidemic, the rising cost of gas, the government and what they are doing to your country, global warming, etc., etc, etc.. However, if you look at the truth of your immediate life (and remember that now is all there is), you will see that you probably don't have the flu, you have money in the bank, you have a roof over your head and there is enough gas in your car to get you wherever you need to go today. Count your blessings so that they will magnify and multiply, instead of focusing your energy on worry. You will feel better, eat better, sleep better and have a much better life.
02/11/2013 (Monday - a 1 day)
If you got rid of all those left over projects yesterday, you should be able to start the new week off with more energy and focus. The strategy for today should be "first things first". Start with the most important job and take care of it while you are fresh. Then, proceed to the next most important job. Keep your eye on the time, schedule your day and stick to it. The accomplishments you make today will bring you extra satisfaction and start your week off on a very good note.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you put yourself first on the list of people/things to take care of? If you don't do this daily, you are losing ground daily. You should be your number one priority, always. That doesn't mean that you shirk your responsibilities to others or that you should behave in a selfish way. It means that you start the day by setting boundaries, acknowledging what you meed to get out of the day, forming a plan for how to do that and honoring your own long, mid and short term goals. Once you take care of yourself, you will have much more time and energy to take care of others, as well. You cannot give from an empty bucket, so make sure you keep your bucket full.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you put yourself first on the list of people/things to take care of? If you don't do this daily, you are losing ground daily. You should be your number one priority, always. That doesn't mean that you shirk your responsibilities to others or that you should behave in a selfish way. It means that you start the day by setting boundaries, acknowledging what you meed to get out of the day, forming a plan for how to do that and honoring your own long, mid and short term goals. Once you take care of yourself, you will have much more time and energy to take care of others, as well. You cannot give from an empty bucket, so make sure you keep your bucket full.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
02/10/2013 (Sunday - a 9 day)
Completion is the order of the day, today. What have you left undone that is congesting or limiting your energy? Can you do something about it today? When you make plans, a certain amount of energy is held for the completion of that plan. If you don't finish it, the energy continues to be on hold. Eventually, if you have enough uncompleted projects you will feel exhaustion, congestion or depression. If you can't complete these projects, find someone else who will or simply and firmly state your intention not to do it so that the energy can be released.
Angel Whispers:
Nothing feels as good as giving or receiving love. Doing so increases all those feel good chemicals in your brain, which in turn will cause healing and revitalization of your body. Create that delicious cocktail of chemicals by consciously seeking to give or receive love. Do something you love to do, create something, pet your dog or cat, call your best friend/s, listen to your very favorite music, cook (or eat) some soul food, drive with the windows down, watch a sunset or sunrise, plant something in the earth that will grow and bring you joy and/or sustenance. Laugh with someone special. Love WHATEVER you do, no matter what.
Angel Whispers:
Nothing feels as good as giving or receiving love. Doing so increases all those feel good chemicals in your brain, which in turn will cause healing and revitalization of your body. Create that delicious cocktail of chemicals by consciously seeking to give or receive love. Do something you love to do, create something, pet your dog or cat, call your best friend/s, listen to your very favorite music, cook (or eat) some soul food, drive with the windows down, watch a sunset or sunrise, plant something in the earth that will grow and bring you joy and/or sustenance. Laugh with someone special. Love WHATEVER you do, no matter what.
Friday, February 8, 2013
02/09/2013 (Saturday - an 8 day)
This is a day to diligently pursue success in your chosen field. Do you need to educate yourself, promote yourself, bring down barriers to your forward motion, find support for your goals? Set the intention to achieve your success, visualize it being the story of your life and don't let anyone talk you out of it. Everyone's definition of success is different, so don't judge yourself or compare yourself with anyone else. You get to choose what success looks like to you. Go on . . . make it happen.
Angel Whispers:
When you must work with others on a project or job, you can only set expectations for yourself. It will only cause you pain when you expect others to use the same yardstick for measuring performance that you do. You have different experiences, education, skill sets and motivation. Learn to acknowledge when someone is doing their best, even if it isn't the same best you expect of yourself. When you let them know that you appreciate their efforts, they will work even harder for you the next time.
Angel Whispers:
When you must work with others on a project or job, you can only set expectations for yourself. It will only cause you pain when you expect others to use the same yardstick for measuring performance that you do. You have different experiences, education, skill sets and motivation. Learn to acknowledge when someone is doing their best, even if it isn't the same best you expect of yourself. When you let them know that you appreciate their efforts, they will work even harder for you the next time.
02/08/2013 (Friday - a 7 day)
This should primarily be a very mental/spiritual day. If you are surrounded by people, noise and too much activity it will wear on your nerves and exhaust you. A few minutes alone for some deep breathing and perhaps some meditation will set you right again. If you are normally a social butterfly, this may feel strange, but don't let it throw you. You will be back to normal tomorrow.
Angel Whispers:
You can train your brain. Your subconscious is a blank canvas and what you see, hear and say most often becomes your belief system. When you believe something it becomes your own truth and your subconscious will set about creating your experience to match your beliefs. If you that money is scarce then no matter how much money that comes your way will be counterbalanced by extra expenses that keep you feeling poor. If you believe that God is the Source of your supply and you deserve to have plenty of money for all your desires, the Universe and your subconscious will bring amazing opportunities for you to find money, win money, save money, be gifted with money, etc., etc., etc.
So, train your brain to believe in the best life has to offer and your worthiness to receive and enjoy it.
Angel Whispers:
You can train your brain. Your subconscious is a blank canvas and what you see, hear and say most often becomes your belief system. When you believe something it becomes your own truth and your subconscious will set about creating your experience to match your beliefs. If you that money is scarce then no matter how much money that comes your way will be counterbalanced by extra expenses that keep you feeling poor. If you believe that God is the Source of your supply and you deserve to have plenty of money for all your desires, the Universe and your subconscious will bring amazing opportunities for you to find money, win money, save money, be gifted with money, etc., etc., etc.
So, train your brain to believe in the best life has to offer and your worthiness to receive and enjoy it.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
02/07/2013 (Thursday - a 6 day)
Love and romance are the order of the day, so don't be surprised if you are feeling a bit emotional or sensitive. Things of beauty seem to touch you more. You feel affection and appreciation for the people around you. You could get a little misty watching one of those great Super Bowl commercials. This is natural and just offers you a chance to be more in touch with your emotional self.
Angel Whispers:
Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. However, you often find it difficult to love things you don't understand. Rather than judge instantly, it would be good to take the time to get to know all the whys and wherefores, the details of what makes something or someone tick. It is much easier to forgive when you truly understand why something is the way it is. Knowledge is also power and will serve you well if you take the time to gather it.
Angel Whispers:
Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. However, you often find it difficult to love things you don't understand. Rather than judge instantly, it would be good to take the time to get to know all the whys and wherefores, the details of what makes something or someone tick. It is much easier to forgive when you truly understand why something is the way it is. Knowledge is also power and will serve you well if you take the time to gather it.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
02/05/2013 (Tuesday - a 5 day)
Todays energy is light and easy, full of fun and good humor. Live, love, laugh and be happy could be your mantra for the day. You have a desire to do things differently, take a new road, hop out of your rut and enjoy the people around you. Check out a new place to go for lunch. You can have fun and get your work done, too. Make it a good day.
Angel Whispers:
Music is full of magic and can soothe your soul and lift your energy or mood almost instantly. Music touches your emotions like nothing else. Make yourself a selection of your favorite happy music to play in your car or in your mp3 player while you are working out. Make another one of your all time best inspiring songs, the ones that make you feel like a better person and bring tears to your eyes and goosebumps, too. Choose pieces that remind you of the best things in life. Keep them handy for when you need a quick mood changer. Be proactive and use them often.
Angel Whispers:
Music is full of magic and can soothe your soul and lift your energy or mood almost instantly. Music touches your emotions like nothing else. Make yourself a selection of your favorite happy music to play in your car or in your mp3 player while you are working out. Make another one of your all time best inspiring songs, the ones that make you feel like a better person and bring tears to your eyes and goosebumps, too. Choose pieces that remind you of the best things in life. Keep them handy for when you need a quick mood changer. Be proactive and use them often.
Monday, February 4, 2013
02/04/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)
Pay special heed to your vocabulary today, as communication is at the heart of the energy of a three day. Your words are your wand. What you say, is what you get. The Law of Attraction is always in action and says that what is like unto itself is drawn. For this reason, it is essential that you criticize nothing and no one. Be especially careful not to criticize yourself. This will take a great deal of watchfulness, but it can be done and can even become a habit of thought and speech, if you choose to take on such a challenge. When/if you do, you will see your world changing right in front of your eyes and changing for the better.
Angel Whispers:
A good mantra or affirmation to use often is: Life is good and it just keeps getting better and better. It is very general and can apply to every aspect of your life. Say it often and say it with feeling. At some point you will realize that this is now very true. You can even use it as a prayer for loved ones: Your life is good and it just keeps getting better and better. This is a powerful statement and can work miracles in your life or someone else's.
Angel Whispers:
A good mantra or affirmation to use often is: Life is good and it just keeps getting better and better. It is very general and can apply to every aspect of your life. Say it often and say it with feeling. At some point you will realize that this is now very true. You can even use it as a prayer for loved ones: Your life is good and it just keeps getting better and better. This is a powerful statement and can work miracles in your life or someone else's.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
02/03/2013 (Sunday - an 11/2 day)
Being in touch with that inner connection to the Divine is what the energy of the 11/2 call for today. Whether you go to church, read an inspirational book or take time to meditate, your soul will be much happier if you spend some time in these or similar activities. You will feel the release of inner tensions you may not have even been aware was there. Some call it peace.
Angel Whispers:
You scurry around, working hard to accomplish your list of "to do's" in your prescribed time frame, whipping yourself into a frenzy until you are tied in knots. In actuality, you often get the most accomplished when you find a smooth, even pace and keep your mind focused on one thing at a time. When you ask your angels to help you to complete your accomplishments list, you will find that many of your items seem to do themselves, with little effort on your part. Ask, and you shall receive . . . that is the promise, but ask you must.
Angel Whispers:
You scurry around, working hard to accomplish your list of "to do's" in your prescribed time frame, whipping yourself into a frenzy until you are tied in knots. In actuality, you often get the most accomplished when you find a smooth, even pace and keep your mind focused on one thing at a time. When you ask your angels to help you to complete your accomplishments list, you will find that many of your items seem to do themselves, with little effort on your part. Ask, and you shall receive . . . that is the promise, but ask you must.
02/02/2013 (Saturday - a 1 day)
This is another idea day, so be watchful for them. It is one thing to have a great idea, and another to actually do something with that idea. Keep a notebook at hand so that you can write down those flashes of inspiration and whatever thoughts you have about putting them all into action.
Angel Whispers:
Since today is the first day of the rest of your life, it is also a great day to start acting as if you were already living the life you've always wanted. Make it fun, be creative and get into it with all the energy you can. You can make a game of it, that you can play any time you want. The more real you make it, the sooner your subconscious mind will embrace it and set to work to actually create that life for you.
Angel Whispers:
Since today is the first day of the rest of your life, it is also a great day to start acting as if you were already living the life you've always wanted. Make it fun, be creative and get into it with all the energy you can. You can make a game of it, that you can play any time you want. The more real you make it, the sooner your subconscious mind will embrace it and set to work to actually create that life for you.
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