Happy Labor Day Weekend! This is a day which is all about family, friends and your other most important relationships. Soak up the love, embrace the eccentricities, accept your differences and enjoy the weekend activities together. Make memories you will cherish. Tell stories of the great times you have had together in the past and make plans to make new memories for your futures. Have a great weekend.
Angel Whispers:
Family can be blood related or chosen. Each type of family will play a special role in your growth as a soul and a human being. They are each mirrors of your real self. You learned to be who you are from your family of origin. You learn to be who you want to be from your family of friends. Appreciate each for what they bring to you, for what they teach you and how they love you. We are all part of the family of Man, each a reflection of the God Source within. Be who you are. Love who you are. Love each person who helped get you to where you are today.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Friday, August 31, 2012
08/31/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)
You are ending the work week on a success note. You get a lot accomplished today, especially things that are related to finance. The energy is right to find money, save money or find excellent bargains. Know what you have to spend, do your research and you will be able to get much more for your money than you would have expected.
Angel Whispers:
How do you feel when you pay a bill, balance your checkbook or consider buying something you want or need? Your personal relationship with money is revealed in those feelings. Is you feeling about money expansive or limited? How often do you bless your money? Your job is not the source of your supply, God is. If you want to change your relationship with money, try this exercise. Pull out whatever amount of money you have on hand. Organize it with each denomination of bill together, $100's, $50's, $20's, $10's, $5's, $1's. Know, when you start your day, just how much money you have on hand. When you put your sorted money back in your wallet, bless it and declare that whatever money goes out from you today will return to you magnified and multiplied 10 fold. Send your money out with joy and appreciation, knowing that it will be coming back. Envision your blessing being passed along to anyone who touches that money.
Angel Whispers:
How do you feel when you pay a bill, balance your checkbook or consider buying something you want or need? Your personal relationship with money is revealed in those feelings. Is you feeling about money expansive or limited? How often do you bless your money? Your job is not the source of your supply, God is. If you want to change your relationship with money, try this exercise. Pull out whatever amount of money you have on hand. Organize it with each denomination of bill together, $100's, $50's, $20's, $10's, $5's, $1's. Know, when you start your day, just how much money you have on hand. When you put your sorted money back in your wallet, bless it and declare that whatever money goes out from you today will return to you magnified and multiplied 10 fold. Send your money out with joy and appreciation, knowing that it will be coming back. Envision your blessing being passed along to anyone who touches that money.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
08/30/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)
Reserve your more physical activities for another day and save your energy for more mental pursuits today. This is an excellent problem solving day. The intuition of the seven can lend insights you might have overlooked on another day. Gather information, study, read, meditate and enjoy some quiet time for introspection and/or analysis. Sometimes it is better to work smart, not hard.
Angel Whispers:
One of the best ways to get in touch with your inner guidance is to ask for signs. Think of a question and hold it in your consciousness for a time. You may come up with a number of options or solutions on your own. If so, ask your angels to give you a sign as to which option would be best for you to choose, at this time. Relax and rest assured that you will now be watchful for an answer. The answer could come from any number of directions. You might pick up a book an open to a page that tells you exactly what you want to know. You might hear a conversation in which your answer is revealed. Or, you might, literally, see a sign that points you in the right direction. The Universe is incredibly efficient and may present you with multiple signs within the next few hours or days.
Angel Whispers:
One of the best ways to get in touch with your inner guidance is to ask for signs. Think of a question and hold it in your consciousness for a time. You may come up with a number of options or solutions on your own. If so, ask your angels to give you a sign as to which option would be best for you to choose, at this time. Relax and rest assured that you will now be watchful for an answer. The answer could come from any number of directions. You might pick up a book an open to a page that tells you exactly what you want to know. You might hear a conversation in which your answer is revealed. Or, you might, literally, see a sign that points you in the right direction. The Universe is incredibly efficient and may present you with multiple signs within the next few hours or days.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
08/29/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)
There is the chance of romance in the air today. Keep your eyes and ears open, if you are in the market for a new love. If you have already found your love, spend this day finding ways to express that love in a romantic fashion. Flowers, candy, a nice card, a special dinner, some PDA, ... these are the tricks we pull out of the hat to express our romantic intentions. Have some fun with it today, for love is in the air.
Angel Whispers:
Have a love affair with yourself. Write down 10 things you love about yourself. Spend a little extra time in front of the mirror and give yourself more time for grooming, as if you were going out on a date with someone very special. (That would be you.) Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant and order your favorite meal...and dessert. You could take your best friend along to enjoy that dessert with you. Do the things you love to do and focus on the gratitude you feel for being able to enjoy these good things. You deserve love and that love must start with you.
Angel Whispers:
Have a love affair with yourself. Write down 10 things you love about yourself. Spend a little extra time in front of the mirror and give yourself more time for grooming, as if you were going out on a date with someone very special. (That would be you.) Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant and order your favorite meal...and dessert. You could take your best friend along to enjoy that dessert with you. Do the things you love to do and focus on the gratitude you feel for being able to enjoy these good things. You deserve love and that love must start with you.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
08/28/2012 (Tuesday - 5 day)
Take what you built yesterday and add to it by being more flexible and thinking outside the box. Stretch yourself a little today. Do something in a new way or reach a little higher than usual. The rewards from doing this can be awesome. This is also a very good time to spend with friends, laughing and enjoy anything that feels like kicking up your heels in joy.
Angel Whispers:
This moment is, literally, all that you have. You can only dream about your future or dwell on the past. In this incredible moment, all possibilities exist and are ready and waiting for you to reach out to them. However, in this delicious, red hot moment, you can be, do or have anything your heart desires.
Angel Whispers:
This moment is, literally, all that you have. You can only dream about your future or dwell on the past. In this incredible moment, all possibilities exist and are ready and waiting for you to reach out to them. However, in this delicious, red hot moment, you can be, do or have anything your heart desires.
Monday, August 27, 2012
08/27/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)
Start this week out with the plan and discipline of the four (4) to set the tone for a successful and productive week. Be willing to get your own hands dirty, if need be, to get the job done right. If you feel agitated or out of sync with others, go outside and find a quiet spot to ground yourself with Mother Nature. Put your feet on the earth, breathe in some fresh air, listen to the birds singing and imagine the Earth filling you with solid, usable energy. In a very few minutes you will be back on track.
Angel Whispers:
Your body is the residence of your soul and should be treated reverently and consciously. Your conscious mind is the intercessor between body and soul. You get to choose whether you are going to treat your body like a temple or a tent. Your body will always give you signals about what it needs to function at peak levels. When you heed those signals and give it the required amount of food, water, sleep and calm, etc., you experience optimum health. When you ignore it's needs, you get to experience fatigue, disease and stress in its many forms. Learn to listen to the language of your body and you will be rewarded.
Angel Whispers:
Your body is the residence of your soul and should be treated reverently and consciously. Your conscious mind is the intercessor between body and soul. You get to choose whether you are going to treat your body like a temple or a tent. Your body will always give you signals about what it needs to function at peak levels. When you heed those signals and give it the required amount of food, water, sleep and calm, etc., you experience optimum health. When you ignore it's needs, you get to experience fatigue, disease and stress in its many forms. Learn to listen to the language of your body and you will be rewarded.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
08/26/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)
The three (3) is about communication and today you want what you say to reflect well on you and who you choose to be. Speak of the good things in your life, the people you love and why you love them, the best experiences you have had and the ones you want to have. Speak clearly, kindly and keep your words positive. Choose your words carefully, for careless words can cause great pain.
Angel Whispers:
Every breath you take is a miracle. Every thought you think is a miracle, too. Each choice you make and word you speak is a magic wand which creates your future experience. Fortunately, you do not experience instant manifestation of your thoughts and words as that could be disastrous. Instead, there is a cumulative effect at work. One thought or word joins together with others that are like it. When you have accumulated enough like thoughts and you are a vibrational match to those thoughts, you have manifestation. Unfortunately, you often speak one thing while feeling the opposite, or vise versa. This slows down the process or can halt it all together. The trick is to keep your thoughts, words and feelings aligned with the thing you want to manifest.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
08/25/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)
Balance, harmony, duality and beauty are some of the influences of the incredible 11/2 energy. You won't want to be alone today, as you feel more comfortable having someone around to share your ideas, dreams and goals with. Don't plan to make any big decisions now. Insights that you have today may make it easier to make them later. How things look and feel seems to be much more important than usual, too. Just flow with it and see where you wind up.
Angel Whispers:
Love is one of the things that humans do best. It is our gift to the world. We love ourselves, our people, our pets, the planet and millions of other things. As long as we are in that loving mode, life is good. What we love, we cherish and take care of. We like to share what we love with others. Life expands. When we begin to doubt, to judge, to fear, life becomes more and more difficult. Life shrinks. Keep your life expanding by keeping your focus on the things in life that you do love.
Angel Whispers:
Love is one of the things that humans do best. It is our gift to the world. We love ourselves, our people, our pets, the planet and millions of other things. As long as we are in that loving mode, life is good. What we love, we cherish and take care of. We like to share what we love with others. Life expands. When we begin to doubt, to judge, to fear, life becomes more and more difficult. Life shrinks. Keep your life expanding by keeping your focus on the things in life that you do love.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
08/24/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)
Assert your independent nature today. Be a leader, take charge and be your own boss for the day. The decisions you make today can lead you in new directions and breathe new life into your work. Challenge yourself and see just how far you can go. This could be exciting.
Angel Whispers:
Your time is best spent, always, by seeking well being and maintaining it. Consciously choose the best possible thought in any given moment. If you find doubt, fear, sadness, or any negative emotions sneaking into your consciousness, boot it out as quickly as possible. Choose a mantra that you can use to chase these lesser thoughts away. Whistle a happy tune, tell a joke, listen to your happy mix, count your blessings, call someone who makes you laugh. Be proactive at chasing the blues away. Live the good life.
Angel Whispers:
Your time is best spent, always, by seeking well being and maintaining it. Consciously choose the best possible thought in any given moment. If you find doubt, fear, sadness, or any negative emotions sneaking into your consciousness, boot it out as quickly as possible. Choose a mantra that you can use to chase these lesser thoughts away. Whistle a happy tune, tell a joke, listen to your happy mix, count your blessings, call someone who makes you laugh. Be proactive at chasing the blues away. Live the good life.
08/23/2012 (Thursday - a 9 day)
Completion is the challenge of this day. Look at your to do lists and figure out how to actually mark off as many of the items there as you can. You may have noticed that there are a few items that keep getting pushed back to the back burner when you are running short of time or energy. Today is the day to pay attention to those items first and get them done. If you can't finish them off, find another way to get them off your list. Are they still important? Can someone else do them for you? The amount of energy you will recoup by getting them accomplished will well outweigh the energy it took to complete them.
Angel Whispers:
Practice paying compliments to people you see today. Genuine compliments, from the heart. Each time someone comes into your sphere, look at them and think about who they are and what you know about them. Find some attribute they possess that you can genuinely appreciate and tell them how you feel about them. Watch how they respond. Are they able to take it in and own it? Do they blow it off or buffer it with some self-deprecation? Do they reciprocate with a compliment for you? You are actually creating an energetic link with each person you compliment. These connections make you both healthier and happier.
Angel Whispers:
Practice paying compliments to people you see today. Genuine compliments, from the heart. Each time someone comes into your sphere, look at them and think about who they are and what you know about them. Find some attribute they possess that you can genuinely appreciate and tell them how you feel about them. Watch how they respond. Are they able to take it in and own it? Do they blow it off or buffer it with some self-deprecation? Do they reciprocate with a compliment for you? You are actually creating an energetic link with each person you compliment. These connections make you both healthier and happier.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
08/22/2012 (Wednesday - an 8 day)
The eight (8) insists that you bring your best self to every activity you undertake today. Success, perfection, professionalism and effectiveness are all attributes of this powerful number. Excellence is both needed and expected in every endeavor. Set your sights high and you will be well pleased with your results by days end.
Angel Whispers:
There is magic in believing. Whatever you believe you can do, you can. If you can hold a clear vision of what you want, believing it is yours...it must become a reality. Ask, believing, and you will receive. Seek, believing, and you shall find. Knock, believing, and the door shall be opened unto you. When you add the key word "believing" to each of these promises, it becomes much more powerful. Believe in your own success, worthiness, abilities. Believe in you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
08/21/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)
This is a day for quiet introspection, meditation and study, a day for using your mind. You find that you want to avoid noisy places and people so that you can enjoy your rich mental landscape. Pay attention to what you see there, as your intuition will lead you to new ways to deal with old problems and guide you toward new possibilities.
Angel Whispers:
Aspire to live a life of no regrets. Make your choices positive ones, based on the best information you have at the time. Once your choice is made, look only forward. If new informations leads you to make a new choice, learn what you can from your previous choice and know that it was the exactly what you needed to do to bring you to this present moment. In retrospect, you often find that the most valuable lessons in life come from what seemed to have been a wrong turn. Judge not. As long as you breathe, there is always an opportunity to make a better choice, next time.
Angel Whispers:
Aspire to live a life of no regrets. Make your choices positive ones, based on the best information you have at the time. Once your choice is made, look only forward. If new informations leads you to make a new choice, learn what you can from your previous choice and know that it was the exactly what you needed to do to bring you to this present moment. In retrospect, you often find that the most valuable lessons in life come from what seemed to have been a wrong turn. Judge not. As long as you breathe, there is always an opportunity to make a better choice, next time.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
08/20/2012 (Monday - a 6 day)
Six is the number of family and relationships, love and commitment. So, start this week by looking at your life and deciding which of these areas need your attention. It is very important to occasionally give yourself a report card, of sorts, to see how you feel you are measuring up in these departments. Be honest with yourself. If there is an area that needs work, this is a great day to do it.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself and others will be kind to you, also. Be critical and brutal with yourself and you can be sure that everyone else will treat you the same. You set the tone, each morning, for how your day will go. Look in your mirror and congratulate yourself on having another day to be in this world. Look directly into your own eyes in that mirror and smile as you say, "I love you, Me! This is going to be a great day." And, so it will be.
Angel Whispers:
Be kind to yourself and others will be kind to you, also. Be critical and brutal with yourself and you can be sure that everyone else will treat you the same. You set the tone, each morning, for how your day will go. Look in your mirror and congratulate yourself on having another day to be in this world. Look directly into your own eyes in that mirror and smile as you say, "I love you, Me! This is going to be a great day." And, so it will be.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
08/19/2012 (Sunday - a 5 day)
Relax, eat, drink and be merry for the five (5) energy wants you to re-energize yourself. Spend time with friends and family, check out a new restaurant, see a good movie or take a drive down a new road. The change of pace you have now, will energize you for the coming week. Make good choices and enjoy them, every one.
Angel Whispers:
Time and love heal all wounds. Give yourself a little breathing room from whatever is causing you pain or unhappiness. When you have some space, begin by forgiving all parties to the situation, including yourself. Think about how good it will feel when this whole situation is resolved. Envision a bubble of Christ Light surrounding everyone involved. KNOW that all is well and that you will receive a perfect outcome with God Speed and Divine order.
Angel Whispers:
Time and love heal all wounds. Give yourself a little breathing room from whatever is causing you pain or unhappiness. When you have some space, begin by forgiving all parties to the situation, including yourself. Think about how good it will feel when this whole situation is resolved. Envision a bubble of Christ Light surrounding everyone involved. KNOW that all is well and that you will receive a perfect outcome with God Speed and Divine order.
Friday, August 17, 2012
08/18/2012 (Saturday - a 4 day)
Make a plan for your weekend and then....stick to the plan. You have many things you want to get done, so start early and encourage family and friends to work with you. If there is heavy work to be done, the promise of food and drink could entice a work force. Make it fun and productive for everyone, and offer to reciprocate when needed.
Angel Whispers:
Pay close attention to your words today. When you are in the throes of a very physical project, it is easy to lose track of your communication skills. Words can be encouraging, inspiring, uplifting, motivating and soothing. Or, they can be cutting, hurtful, demeaning, critical, and even brutal. Be sure that you are aware of how the words you speak are going to be received by your audience and make them be words of help and healing, joy and encouragement. Make them count for something you can be proud of.
Angel Whispers:
Pay close attention to your words today. When you are in the throes of a very physical project, it is easy to lose track of your communication skills. Words can be encouraging, inspiring, uplifting, motivating and soothing. Or, they can be cutting, hurtful, demeaning, critical, and even brutal. Be sure that you are aware of how the words you speak are going to be received by your audience and make them be words of help and healing, joy and encouragement. Make them count for something you can be proud of.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
08/17/2012 (Friday - a 3 day)
Put on your "happy hat" and do something creative with your day. Start the day with a solid intention to make this a very joyous day, for yourself and those who get to have the pleasure of interacting with you. Look for the bright side in every situation. When you set a clear intention, you are pre-paving your day with the exact kind of energy you want your day to have. This is a good daily habit, too.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel stressed or challenged, take a short break and remove yourself from the situation for just a few minutes. Find something to appreciate in your environment, do a little deep breathing and tell yourself that the solution to your problem is coming to you now, with God Speed and Divine Order. Consciously release as much tension as you can from your body, drink some good water and know that when you return to your activity, the solution will come to you. Try giving thanks, in advance, for the quick resolution you seek.
Angel Whispers:
When you feel stressed or challenged, take a short break and remove yourself from the situation for just a few minutes. Find something to appreciate in your environment, do a little deep breathing and tell yourself that the solution to your problem is coming to you now, with God Speed and Divine Order. Consciously release as much tension as you can from your body, drink some good water and know that when you return to your activity, the solution will come to you. Try giving thanks, in advance, for the quick resolution you seek.
08/16/2012 (Thursday - an 11 day)
There is a Divine magnetism that envelops you today. Whatever you need seems to magically appear. It seems the Universe is listening in and knows what you want before you have even asked. You think of a question and the answer appears. This should be a very special day. There is kindness in the air and everyone is striving for as much harmony as possible.
Angel Whispers:
If you have relationships or situations that aren't seeming to work, this would be a good day to give them a special "treatment". Sit quietly and write down what it would look like for these to be highly effective and satisfying. Now, without judging what IS, put your whole imagination into seeing it as you want it to be. In fact, ignore how it really is and fully invest your senses in feeling the joy and satisfaction that you choose to have in these situations or relationships. Ask your angels to work with you to heal and renew, so that you can move forward or move on. Act as if it is already as you want it to be. Don't be surprised if you begin reaction to things in new ways, seeing things in a different light. As you hold this vision regularly, consciously, take note of even the slightest change for the better. Expect the best, always.
Angel Whispers:
If you have relationships or situations that aren't seeming to work, this would be a good day to give them a special "treatment". Sit quietly and write down what it would look like for these to be highly effective and satisfying. Now, without judging what IS, put your whole imagination into seeing it as you want it to be. In fact, ignore how it really is and fully invest your senses in feeling the joy and satisfaction that you choose to have in these situations or relationships. Ask your angels to work with you to heal and renew, so that you can move forward or move on. Act as if it is already as you want it to be. Don't be surprised if you begin reaction to things in new ways, seeing things in a different light. As you hold this vision regularly, consciously, take note of even the slightest change for the better. Expect the best, always.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
08/15/2012 (Wednesday - a 1 day)
This is a day to take charge of your business and be a leader, not a follower. You feel that inner push to excel, to improve on the status quo. Your ideas today can be quite innovative and stimulating. Be sure they are heard by the right ears. Stand up and be counted, use your unique energy to move things forward.
Angel Whispers:
There is energy all around you that can be harnessed for the purposes you choose. When you are in creative mode and in alignment with your creative ideas, that energy rushes to your aid. When you are clear about what you want, The Universe lines up all the materials, the information, the people, the opportunities for you to fulfill that desire. As long as you are in alignment with your desire, nothing can stand in your way. Stand in your perfect alignment and watch the magic of the Universe bring it all together in the most efficient way possible.
Angel Whispers:
There is energy all around you that can be harnessed for the purposes you choose. When you are in creative mode and in alignment with your creative ideas, that energy rushes to your aid. When you are clear about what you want, The Universe lines up all the materials, the information, the people, the opportunities for you to fulfill that desire. As long as you are in alignment with your desire, nothing can stand in your way. Stand in your perfect alignment and watch the magic of the Universe bring it all together in the most efficient way possible.
Monday, August 13, 2012
08/14/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)
The influence of the nine engages your philanthropic tendencies today. Give because you want to, not because you feel obligated to do so. Give from your heart and remember that sometimes giving your undivided attention is the greatest gift of all. What you do today can make a big difference. This is also a good day for completing projects and getting rid of things that no longer serve you.
Angel Whispers:
Find something that excites you and then make it your intent to get yourself in perfect alignment with that exciting thing. Each time you find something new to be excited about, to fall in love with, you are creating new life and new energy for yourself. When you quit finding new things to pull you forward in this way, you begin to diminish, to shut down. Rather than growing, you shrink and your life force weakens. Whether that exciting new thing is a relationship, a new car, an idea/philosophy, a vacation or a great new recipe, it will expand your life. Keep expanding, keep growing, keep living.
Angel Whispers:
Find something that excites you and then make it your intent to get yourself in perfect alignment with that exciting thing. Each time you find something new to be excited about, to fall in love with, you are creating new life and new energy for yourself. When you quit finding new things to pull you forward in this way, you begin to diminish, to shut down. Rather than growing, you shrink and your life force weakens. Whether that exciting new thing is a relationship, a new car, an idea/philosophy, a vacation or a great new recipe, it will expand your life. Keep expanding, keep growing, keep living.
08/13/2012 (Monday - an 8 day)
You are starting the week with the magnificent energy of the eight (8) which will attune you to success in all its forms. Stretch yourself, aim high, reach for the best of the best for all possibility is open to you now. You get what you expect, so start this week off with great expectations for success throughout the week. Marshall the forces and go for it!
Angel Whispers:
The thoughts you think, the words you speak and the visions you hold in your mind are creating your future. If you look at your life and it doesn't look the way you think it should, replay those thoughts, words and visions. You will find that you have been worrying, doubting, being in fear. You have been telling the story of what you don't like about your life to everyone you meet. To turn it around, you must think a better thought, tell a better story, imagine a better outcome and do it consistently until our outcome is a better life.
Angel Whispers:
The thoughts you think, the words you speak and the visions you hold in your mind are creating your future. If you look at your life and it doesn't look the way you think it should, replay those thoughts, words and visions. You will find that you have been worrying, doubting, being in fear. You have been telling the story of what you don't like about your life to everyone you meet. To turn it around, you must think a better thought, tell a better story, imagine a better outcome and do it consistently until our outcome is a better life.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
08/12/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day)
Your thoughts turn to things of a Higher nature today. The influence of the seven (7) will lend you heightened mental power, greater intuition and a tendency toward introspection. To utilize this energy to the best of your ability, make sure you have some quiet time for analysis and meditation. Be sure to write down whatever ideas come to you today, as they could have significance in your future.
Angel Whispers:
Mothers tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Words have power and when used carelessly or negatively, they can cause great damage. Not only might you hurt the person you are being rude or unkind to, but that negative energy will come back to you, multiplied and magnified. Harsh words will always cause you more pain than the person you aim them at. So, eliminate criticism and unkind words from your vocabulary and watch your world turn around...for the better.
Angel Whispers:
Mothers tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Words have power and when used carelessly or negatively, they can cause great damage. Not only might you hurt the person you are being rude or unkind to, but that negative energy will come back to you, multiplied and magnified. Harsh words will always cause you more pain than the person you aim them at. So, eliminate criticism and unkind words from your vocabulary and watch your world turn around...for the better.
Friday, August 10, 2012
08/11/2012 (Saturday - a 6 day)
This weekend begins with a desire to make your activities about home and family, especially those relationships that mean the most to you. If there are things left undone or unsaid, today the energy is high for taking care of them. Let your heart be your guide and be sure you express yourself clearly and kindly. A simple, "I love you.", might make all the difference in the world.
Angel Whispers:
Breath, something you take for granted, which should be your point of attention many times during your day. Needless to say, without breath, there is no life. But, do you know that how you breathe can affect your health, your energy, your vision, your metabolism and your emotional state and more? If you consciously start and end your day with several deep, cleansing breaths you can improve the overall quality of life. When you feel stressed or fatigued, do the same. While you are at it, you may want to consider the quality of the air in your home and car.
Angel Whispers:
Breath, something you take for granted, which should be your point of attention many times during your day. Needless to say, without breath, there is no life. But, do you know that how you breathe can affect your health, your energy, your vision, your metabolism and your emotional state and more? If you consciously start and end your day with several deep, cleansing breaths you can improve the overall quality of life. When you feel stressed or fatigued, do the same. While you are at it, you may want to consider the quality of the air in your home and car.
08/10/2012 (Friday - a 5 day)
Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. So if something isn't working for you....try a different approach. Think outside the box. Ask for help. Speak different words. (Try a more positive vocabulary!) Believe in yourself and know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Angel Whispers:
Speak to your body each time you feel anything other than good. Ask your body what it wants, or need, in order to feel better. Ask your body's forgiveness for feeding it poorly or not giving it enough rest. Ask for it's cooperation and guidance. When you do, you will find yourself actually craving just what the body needs. Bad habits become easier to overcome. You may actually wake up and want to go for a walk or run before breakfast. Having this conversation in the shower seems to work best. Give it a try.
Angel Whispers:
Speak to your body each time you feel anything other than good. Ask your body what it wants, or need, in order to feel better. Ask your body's forgiveness for feeding it poorly or not giving it enough rest. Ask for it's cooperation and guidance. When you do, you will find yourself actually craving just what the body needs. Bad habits become easier to overcome. You may actually wake up and want to go for a walk or run before breakfast. Having this conversation in the shower seems to work best. Give it a try.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
08/09/2012 (Thursday - a 4 day)
Set your intention, early, that you will stay grounded no matter what the day throws at you. Do some simple stretches and deep breathing before you start the day and be sure to feed yourself with an eye to good nutrition for vigor and vitality. If you take good care of your body, your body will take good care of you. Use the four's (4) physicality to handle any and all activities today. Let your body tell you what it wants.
Angel Whispers:
What you bless, blesses you. What you curse, curses you. Literally! Make sure that your day is filled with more blessings than curses and you will live an above average life. Choosing words of appreciation and love for everything in your life actually lifts your spirits, energizes your body and puts you in alignment with more good things to come. Everything means even those things that don't look too good on the surface. Dig deeper and find something to appreciate. Call the good forward, for there is a golden core in even the most difficult situations. In retrospect, you will note that some of your most valuable lessons and gifts came from the hardest challenges.
Angel Whispers:
What you bless, blesses you. What you curse, curses you. Literally! Make sure that your day is filled with more blessings than curses and you will live an above average life. Choosing words of appreciation and love for everything in your life actually lifts your spirits, energizes your body and puts you in alignment with more good things to come. Everything means even those things that don't look too good on the surface. Dig deeper and find something to appreciate. Call the good forward, for there is a golden core in even the most difficult situations. In retrospect, you will note that some of your most valuable lessons and gifts came from the hardest challenges.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
08/08/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)
Use the power of the three (3) to express yourself today. Words flow freely, ideas are generated, emotions ring true. While words are important, expression through movement, music and art are also very significant. This should be a whimsical, playful day, as well. Enjoy yourself and your friends, family and co-workers. Expressing yourself freely and honestly can be very freeing and restorative.
Angel Whispers
Seek joy in everything you do. When you are experiencing joy, or recounting a joyful story/memory, you are very closely in vibrational alignment with God. From this very high vibrational state you can create anything you want. When you are expressing anger, fear, resentment, dissatisfaction, or disappointment, you are removed from that vibrational state of grace and therefore are blocked from your desired creation, holding it back until you can get yourself realigned with your good. Remember this when you hear yourself regaling your friends with your tales of woe. Stop yourself in your tracks and change the tone of your conversation to something that is more positive and joyful. Notice how much looser and more relaxed your body becomes from simply changing your conversation.
Angel Whispers
Seek joy in everything you do. When you are experiencing joy, or recounting a joyful story/memory, you are very closely in vibrational alignment with God. From this very high vibrational state you can create anything you want. When you are expressing anger, fear, resentment, dissatisfaction, or disappointment, you are removed from that vibrational state of grace and therefore are blocked from your desired creation, holding it back until you can get yourself realigned with your good. Remember this when you hear yourself regaling your friends with your tales of woe. Stop yourself in your tracks and change the tone of your conversation to something that is more positive and joyful. Notice how much looser and more relaxed your body becomes from simply changing your conversation.
Monday, August 6, 2012
08/07/2012 (Tuesday - an 11 day)
The eleven (11) brings with it inspiration and increased intuition. Listen to that inner voice today for the best possible guidance. We are promised that if we ask, and we shall receive . . . so ASK already. You may also notice that you naturally attract things, people, information and opportunities under this influence. Make the most of it. Be sure and write down any inspiration you receive.
Angel Whispers:
You are in complete charge of creating the happiest possible life to live. No matter what is happening around you, you always have the power of choice on your side. In the midst of chaos, you can choose calm. Instead of fear, you can choose faith. In every situation, you can choose how you are going to react to it. Always choose the most positive outlook you can find. Then, infuse the situation with love, Light, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and any other positive attribute you have in your spiritual tool chest. To choose, positively, is a very powerful thing.
Angel Whispers:
You are in complete charge of creating the happiest possible life to live. No matter what is happening around you, you always have the power of choice on your side. In the midst of chaos, you can choose calm. Instead of fear, you can choose faith. In every situation, you can choose how you are going to react to it. Always choose the most positive outlook you can find. Then, infuse the situation with love, Light, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and any other positive attribute you have in your spiritual tool chest. To choose, positively, is a very powerful thing.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
08/06/2012 (Monday - a 1 day)
This is the beginning of a new work week, the beginning of a new cycle. Bring that new energy to your work, whatever it is. Open yourself to new ideas, new methods, new goals. Feel that "take charge" energy flowing through you, a feeling of power and strength. How would you like your week to look? Write it out, set the intention and take one step at a time to create it as you want it. You are POWERFUL . . . you are human, created in the likeness and image of the Divine. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
Ask, believing, and you shall receive. The key word here is "believing". If you can "see" it and believe that you can have it, that you deserve it, it will be yours. That thing that you want . . . do you really believe that you can create it? Do you believe that you deserve to have it? Do you KNOW that it is yours? Can you SEE yourself with it, utilizing it, loving it, sharing it with family and friends, doing whatever you intend to be doing with it. If you can see it, as if it is already so, it will soon be yours.
Angel Whispers:
Ask, believing, and you shall receive. The key word here is "believing". If you can "see" it and believe that you can have it, that you deserve it, it will be yours. That thing that you want . . . do you really believe that you can create it? Do you believe that you deserve to have it? Do you KNOW that it is yours? Can you SEE yourself with it, utilizing it, loving it, sharing it with family and friends, doing whatever you intend to be doing with it. If you can see it, as if it is already so, it will soon be yours.
08/05/2012 (Sunday - a 9 day)
The energy of the nine (9) wants you to make a difference today. If someone asks for your advice or help, take the time to listen and offer the wisdom of your experience. Your kindness could more important than you know.
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes the smallest choices make the biggest difference. When you are following your inner guidance (that wee, small voice within), you could choose to turn right rather than your usual left and avoid an accident, or discover something special. When you follow those inner nudges you are often in the right place at the right time for incredible opportunities and blessings galore. Ask for that guidance and then be sure to listen and respond when you get the message.
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes the smallest choices make the biggest difference. When you are following your inner guidance (that wee, small voice within), you could choose to turn right rather than your usual left and avoid an accident, or discover something special. When you follow those inner nudges you are often in the right place at the right time for incredible opportunities and blessings galore. Ask for that guidance and then be sure to listen and respond when you get the message.
Friday, August 3, 2012
08/04/2012 (Saturday - an 8 day)
Perfection is the word for the day. Give it your all, take your best shot, excel at whatever you do. So much can be accomplished today, especially if you gather your posse together and enlist their aid in reaching your goal.
Angel Whispers:
If you could learn to love your fellow man, your spouse, your neighbor or your children as unconditionally as your dog or cat loves you, life would be blissful indeed. They accept you, forgive you, love you and adore you no matter what.
Angel Whispers:
If you could learn to love your fellow man, your spouse, your neighbor or your children as unconditionally as your dog or cat loves you, life would be blissful indeed. They accept you, forgive you, love you and adore you no matter what.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
08/03/2012 (Friday - a 7 day)
Quiet time is important today, to meditate, pray, day dream, think, analyze and organize your mind. None of these activities can be done well when you are in the midst of chaos. Hide out, if need be, away from the maddening crowds, blasting music, incessant television noise, so that you can actually hear what is going on inside your own head. You might be amazed at the wonders you will find there.
Angel Whispers:
Everything is vibration. You, me, everything you can see. If you want to bring something into your life, you must be a vibrational match to that thing. If you want to get rid of something, you must stop being a vibrational match to that. Life is a simple as that. The hard part is learning how to be in alignment with what you do want (a vibrational match). In other words, love what you want and remove your attention, completely, from that which you do not want.
Angel Whispers:
Everything is vibration. You, me, everything you can see. If you want to bring something into your life, you must be a vibrational match to that thing. If you want to get rid of something, you must stop being a vibrational match to that. Life is a simple as that. The hard part is learning how to be in alignment with what you do want (a vibrational match). In other words, love what you want and remove your attention, completely, from that which you do not want.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
08/02/2012 (Thursday - a 6 day)
"Is your heart in it?" This is the question to ask yourself today. How are you spending your time? Are you doing what you do for the sheer love of doing it? Does it wake you up with excitement each morning? If not, how can you change that? Perhaps all it would take is an attitude adjustment to fall in love with your work again. Perhaps a bigger decision is required. Let your heart inform you.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you take time to look around and appreciate the beauty and grandeur around you? When you can completely focus on something in your "right now" moment, fully engrossed in the elegance of the color, the shape, the design of a flower, tree, landscape or work of art, you open the floodgates to pure Divine Energy. It is like plugging yourself in for a Divine re-charge. The key is being fully present, now, in your state of appreciation for your focussed item.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you take time to look around and appreciate the beauty and grandeur around you? When you can completely focus on something in your "right now" moment, fully engrossed in the elegance of the color, the shape, the design of a flower, tree, landscape or work of art, you open the floodgates to pure Divine Energy. It is like plugging yourself in for a Divine re-charge. The key is being fully present, now, in your state of appreciation for your focussed item.
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