Another eleven (11) day and the veil is thin so that your angelic guides and teachers can speak to you and you are more apt to hear their messages. Your intuition is strong and you may find that you remember some of your dreams today. If so, it would be good to write down your impressions of them. Much can be revealed through your dreams. Deep breathing, yoga, meditation or a long walk could help you with this.
Angel Whispers:
You can pre-pave your day or any activity, communication or event so that the results are as you choose them to be. Simply take a moment to state exactly how you want it to go. Some call this creating an ideal scene. Be very specific in your descriptions, keep them positive and give thanks for Divine assistance. Once you do this, pay close attention to how things work throughout the day. You will be amazed at how perfectly things will play out in accordance to your pre-paving. This is a tool that should come readily to hand, every day.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
04/30/2012 (Monday - a 3 day)
You are starting your work week with the creative energy of the three (3) to call on, as well as its emphasis on communication. The blessing here is that if something important or difficult needs to be said, you will be able to think it through creatively to find the optimal way to convey your message so that it will be received as you would like. Perhaps it calls for a little humor or coming at the subject from a new direction. Let your creative genius out of the box and see what fun it is to play with it.
Angel Whispers:
Speaking of creative communications, you can teach yourself to be a more positive thinker and speaker. First, you will tell your subconscious mind that you want to be very aware when you are being negative in your thoughts or words. Then, when you hear your thoughts going in a negative direction, you will rephrase your thoughts, immediately, into something much more positive. For example, when you think, "I can't afford that.", you could say something like, "I'm not choosing to spend my money in that way right now." Or, "I have other financial priorities, at the moment." Can you feel the difference in the power of your words? Try turning other negatively charged statements into something more positive and powerful. Remember, your words are your wand.
Angel Whispers:
Speaking of creative communications, you can teach yourself to be a more positive thinker and speaker. First, you will tell your subconscious mind that you want to be very aware when you are being negative in your thoughts or words. Then, when you hear your thoughts going in a negative direction, you will rephrase your thoughts, immediately, into something much more positive. For example, when you think, "I can't afford that.", you could say something like, "I'm not choosing to spend my money in that way right now." Or, "I have other financial priorities, at the moment." Can you feel the difference in the power of your words? Try turning other negatively charged statements into something more positive and powerful. Remember, your words are your wand.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
04/29/2012 (Sunday - an 11 day)
Divine Duality is the energy of this day. Eleven (11) is the number of the spiritual seeker, the Light Bearer, the student of Life. As you are one with God, God is One with you. This IS the truth of who you are. Your intuition will be very strong today. Try to put this powerful aspect to good use as you maneuver through your day. Ask, and you shall receive. So, take time to actually ASK for guidance, intercession, protection or anything else that you might need right now. Just remember to ask, believing that you will receive. Bye the way, the believing part is very important.
Angel Whispers:
Miracles are happening all around you, every day. Big miracles, tiny miracles, but miracles non the less. Watch for them, add them to your gratitude list, tell people about them. They are given to you to strengthen your belief in your own connection to God and your angels. The more you recognize them for what they are, the more amazing your life will become.
Angel Whispers:
Miracles are happening all around you, every day. Big miracles, tiny miracles, but miracles non the less. Watch for them, add them to your gratitude list, tell people about them. They are given to you to strengthen your belief in your own connection to God and your angels. The more you recognize them for what they are, the more amazing your life will become.
04/28/2012 (Saturday - a 1 day)
Spring is here and the one (1) invites you to begin something new, start new projects, or plant something in the soil. Plants can tell you a great deal about the way you are caring for yourself. If they are thriving, you probably are too. If they are suffering, you are likely not giving them or yourself enough time and attention. Whether it is a small plant for your windowsill, a larger house plant or a complete garden, plant, water, nurture and groom it. As you do so, remind yourself that your plant is a symbol of your health and well being. Keep it healthy and you will thrive, as well.
Angel Whispers:
"Talk is cheap." You can talk your way to better health, prosperity, romance, creativity, etc. However, it has to be words consciously spoken, dedicated to the truth (as you choose it to be) and backed up by the power of emotion and positive feelings. The cost of negative talk is very high. Negative talk can cost you money, health, relationships. So, talk away, but always talk about the good things in your life, your wonderful friends and family, the smooth traffic and the beautiful weather. Leave pessimism behind and embrace your concept of wholeness, prosperity, love and excellent health. Choose your words carefully because what you focus on is what you get. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
"Talk is cheap." You can talk your way to better health, prosperity, romance, creativity, etc. However, it has to be words consciously spoken, dedicated to the truth (as you choose it to be) and backed up by the power of emotion and positive feelings. The cost of negative talk is very high. Negative talk can cost you money, health, relationships. So, talk away, but always talk about the good things in your life, your wonderful friends and family, the smooth traffic and the beautiful weather. Leave pessimism behind and embrace your concept of wholeness, prosperity, love and excellent health. Choose your words carefully because what you focus on is what you get. So be it.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
04/27/2012 (Friday - a 9 day)
Nine (9) is the number of completion, wholeness and endings. Not only is it the end of the work week, but the end of a cycle of days, so you will find yourself involved with finishing up projects and preparing for new ones to begin. Check on your progress through current activities and make sure that you have crossed your "i's" and dotted your "t's". Adding a little something extra at the finish line will make your satisfaction level soar. Give it your all.
Angel Whispers:
Abraham ( says, "Never face reality unless your reality is everything you want it to be." If your reality is anything less that satisfactory, don't settle for less than you want it to be. You are, at all times, exactly where your thought processes have brought you to. To change your reality, you must change your thoughts and also your words. You must break that old habit of "telling it like it is". Start "telling it like you choose for it to be." Speak only the truth you want to live.
Angel Whispers:
Abraham ( says, "Never face reality unless your reality is everything you want it to be." If your reality is anything less that satisfactory, don't settle for less than you want it to be. You are, at all times, exactly where your thought processes have brought you to. To change your reality, you must change your thoughts and also your words. You must break that old habit of "telling it like it is". Start "telling it like you choose for it to be." Speak only the truth you want to live.
04/26/2012 (Thursday - an 8 day)
Perfectionism rides high on the eight (8) energy today. Although perfection is never truly achieved, it does lead you to strive for the best, from yourself and others. You seem to be in a "take charge" mood and can get irritated if someone else happens to be leading in a way that doesn't live up to your expectations, you should consider offering your capable assistance. Perhaps leadership is a role you would be comfortable with. Stretch yourself and see where it will take you.
Angel Whispers:
Look around you at the beauty of nature in its Springtime finery. Fill your senses with the sights and sounds of Spring. Hear the gentle breezes blowing through the trees, listen for the sound of children playing, laughter nearby, birdsong, the humm of distant traffic. Sit outside, if possible, so that you can actually allow the sun to shine on your skin. Sit quietly and let the stress of the day slip away. This will rejuvenate you body, mind and spirit. Look around you and make a list of the things you have to be grateful for.
Angel Whispers:
Look around you at the beauty of nature in its Springtime finery. Fill your senses with the sights and sounds of Spring. Hear the gentle breezes blowing through the trees, listen for the sound of children playing, laughter nearby, birdsong, the humm of distant traffic. Sit outside, if possible, so that you can actually allow the sun to shine on your skin. Sit quietly and let the stress of the day slip away. This will rejuvenate you body, mind and spirit. Look around you and make a list of the things you have to be grateful for.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
04/25/2012 (Wednesday - a 7 day)
Your mind and intuition are in charge today. Utilize these aspects of the seven (7) to get the most out of your day. Listen with more than just your ears, see with more than your eyes. Your extrasensory perception will come in very handy in the workplace and at home. Pay close attention to those subtle impressions that speak volumes to the intuitive self. If you use the insights you perceive in this way, you can be several jumps ahead of those who don't.
Angel Whispers:
What you love strengthens you and what you dislike weakens you. Knowing this, it is important to learn to find something to love (or appreciate) in even the most unloveable things or people. Rather than criticize that which you feel makes you unhappy, challenge yourself to find at least one thing (but preferably three) that you can appreciate, enjoy, respect, etc. Then, focus your attention on that thing you can love to the exclusion of those things you don't like. You will be amazed at the difference in the way you think and feel and the kinds of opportunities that will come into your life.
Angel Whispers:
What you love strengthens you and what you dislike weakens you. Knowing this, it is important to learn to find something to love (or appreciate) in even the most unloveable things or people. Rather than criticize that which you feel makes you unhappy, challenge yourself to find at least one thing (but preferably three) that you can appreciate, enjoy, respect, etc. Then, focus your attention on that thing you can love to the exclusion of those things you don't like. You will be amazed at the difference in the way you think and feel and the kinds of opportunities that will come into your life.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
04/24/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)
Today is much more about the relationships around you than the work you do. The six (6) is all about the heart, the relationships between the colors, people, things that surround you. You may feel extra sensitive today and your emotions could worn be on your sleeve a bit. It is perfectly okay. It just means that you are in tune with the energies of the day. If something feels like it is rubbing you the wrong way today, take heed. It may be time to consider making a change to cure the rub. On another day, you could have probably ignored it, but then it would only rub more as time goes on. Take care of it soon.
Angel Whispers:
You are a unique and significant member of the family of man. Who you are matters, now and always. The contributions that you make to the family dynamic are priceless and perfect. Your thoughts (and focus) have brought you to this time and place so that you could be happy, fulfilled, loved. If you do not, at this moment, feel all these things, it is time to think new thoughts which will take you to the place you believe these feelings will reside. Or, you could choose to be happy, fulfilled and loved, right where you stand. You are that powerful. Law of Attraction will honor whichever choice you make. Always has....always will.
Angel Whispers:
You are a unique and significant member of the family of man. Who you are matters, now and always. The contributions that you make to the family dynamic are priceless and perfect. Your thoughts (and focus) have brought you to this time and place so that you could be happy, fulfilled, loved. If you do not, at this moment, feel all these things, it is time to think new thoughts which will take you to the place you believe these feelings will reside. Or, you could choose to be happy, fulfilled and loved, right where you stand. You are that powerful. Law of Attraction will honor whichever choice you make. Always has....always will.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
04/23/2012 (Monday - a 5 day)
Five (5) is the number of freedom and change, flexibility and travel. Expect change today, in fact, welcome it into your life. Growth comes through a willingness to change, to stretch your own boundaries, to leap forward into new territory. This week, embrace the changes coming into your life and call them good. After all, you are the one who gets to define every thing in your experience. Name it good, claim the good and good it shall be. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
Shine a light into the dark corners of your life and call forth whatever lurks there, to be analyzed, categorized, defined and cast out, if need be. Most of the dark, scary things we keep hidden in our subconscious, wind up being much less scary in the broad light of day. Ask your angels to help you to clean out and clear out your monsters, now. The longer they stay in the dark, the scarier they become.
Angel Whispers:
Shine a light into the dark corners of your life and call forth whatever lurks there, to be analyzed, categorized, defined and cast out, if need be. Most of the dark, scary things we keep hidden in our subconscious, wind up being much less scary in the broad light of day. Ask your angels to help you to clean out and clear out your monsters, now. The longer they stay in the dark, the scarier they become.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
04/22/2012 (Sunday - a 4 day)
Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but today you feel the need to create a sense of order in your space, so don't be surprised if you work very hard. From balancing your checkbook to cleaning out the garage or your closet, satisfaction comes from cleaning, clearing, organizing and re-organizing. On a day like this, the purely physical feels like a spiritual pursuit. Physical work frees the mind to listen to those Angel Whispers in YOUR head.
Angel Whispers:
Devotion is a beautiful word, and when applied to your life can bring your great rewards. You can be devoted to your spiritual beliefs, to charitable pursuits, to your family and friends, or to protecting the planet. When you devote your time, energy, vision and money to a specific purpose you become one with that purpose. You expand yourself and the purpose is expanded by you. Win, win. To devote yourself to something or someone, you must come out of yourself and be something more, bigger, better. Yes, devotion is a beautiful word.
Angel Whispers:
Devotion is a beautiful word, and when applied to your life can bring your great rewards. You can be devoted to your spiritual beliefs, to charitable pursuits, to your family and friends, or to protecting the planet. When you devote your time, energy, vision and money to a specific purpose you become one with that purpose. You expand yourself and the purpose is expanded by you. Win, win. To devote yourself to something or someone, you must come out of yourself and be something more, bigger, better. Yes, devotion is a beautiful word.
04/21/2012 (Saturday - a 3 day)
Use your imagination to get through the day with the optimum results. Three (3) is the number of imagination, creativity, spontaneity, artistic ability and communication. The three likes to think outside the box, go from the gut, get a little emotional and do things in new ways. All in all, it can be a very fun day. Or, maybe a little chaotic, but sometimes chaos stretches us to find new ways to solve old problems. Give it a try.
Angel Whispers:
When you want something that you do not have, thinking about how you do not have it will only push it further away. If you want something, you must spend time thinking about what you are going to do with it when it comes, what color you want it to be, how it will improve your life, how good it will feel to have it. Think about it "as if it were already so". Give thanks for having it, be grateful for it, love it. Spend time collecting pictures of your "thing". Post them where you can see them several times a day. You are imprinting it onto your brain. Keep it positive and expect to receive it. Prepare a place for it. It will be yours.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
04/20/2012 (Friday - an 11 day)
Today will be a day of mending fences, smoothing waters and generally working on creating a sense of peace in your surroundings and relationships. Due to the intuitive component of the eleven (11) energy which affects us today, you find it easy to see both sides of each question. This gives you a different perspective on the questions/issues at hand. Compromise becomes key to the solution/s and you can be a primary negotiator.
Angel Whispers:
When you learn a life lesson that will transform your experience, it would be excellent if you would share your observations about what you have learned with someone younger than yourself. Talking about it will cement your understanding of the lesson you learned, in your own mind. It will also give the younger person some insight into how important it is to seek the lessons in your experiences, trials and tribulations. What they learn from you may, one day, help them to avoid your mistakes.
Angel Whispers:
When you learn a life lesson that will transform your experience, it would be excellent if you would share your observations about what you have learned with someone younger than yourself. Talking about it will cement your understanding of the lesson you learned, in your own mind. It will also give the younger person some insight into how important it is to seek the lessons in your experiences, trials and tribulations. What they learn from you may, one day, help them to avoid your mistakes.
04/19/2012 (Thursday - a 1 day)
Take the direct route toward your goal today. With laser-like, single minded purpose, you can make major headway and achieve maximum success. Even if you haven't planned well, the one (1) energy available today will carry you through and help to make strong decisions and/or revisions, as needed. Make it a good day.
Angel Whispers:
Laughter is often the best medicine for whatever ails you. Even the most serious situations can be eased with the application of sufficient humor. So, be the purveyor of good tidings and tell that joke you've recently heard, in order to lift the atmosphere and shift the energy. Lighter hearts are more open to healing energy.
Angel Whispers:
Laughter is often the best medicine for whatever ails you. Even the most serious situations can be eased with the application of sufficient humor. So, be the purveyor of good tidings and tell that joke you've recently heard, in order to lift the atmosphere and shift the energy. Lighter hearts are more open to healing energy.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
04/18/2012 (Wednesday - a 9 day)
Nine is a very benevolent number, full of love and a desire to help those in need. People turn to you for your well thought out advice today. You know that you have an answer that will bring some kind of relief or help. Don't be afraid to share your wisdom and experience. We all teach each other. As they say, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
Angel Whispers:
Where ever you are, God is. Where ever you are, love is...for God is love. There is never a lack of love, for God is never separated from you except in your own mind. The very air you breathe is God's essence. You cannot run far enough or hide deep enough to get away from God's love. You are never alone and you are loved beyond measure. (No matter how good or bad you think you might have been.)
Angel Whispers:
Where ever you are, God is. Where ever you are, love is...for God is love. There is never a lack of love, for God is never separated from you except in your own mind. The very air you breathe is God's essence. You cannot run far enough or hide deep enough to get away from God's love. You are never alone and you are loved beyond measure. (No matter how good or bad you think you might have been.)
Monday, April 16, 2012
04/17/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)
Financial planning and business pursuits are well aspected today. After all, eight (8) is the number of success. Its influence will help you to do your very best and also to get more done by delegating authority, finding the perfect person/s to do the part of the job that you can't or don't have time to do. Invest in your future today, as the rewards could be considerable if you have planned well.
Angel Whispers:
Source Energy (God, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence) is always available to you. There is never any separation between you and Source. Even when you don't believe in a higher power, Source believes in you. It is your job to be aligned with Source Energy. When you are, life flows smoothly, you are happy, healthy and prospering and you feel loved. When you are not aligned with Source, life sucks, money is tight, difficulties abound and you are bombarded with unpleasant people. Gratitude, appreciation, love and selfless service naturally align you with your Source. Criticism, jealousy, resentment, anger and other negative emotions take you out of alignment. You can choose how you are going to spend your life and how you are going to react to your life's experiences. Choose carefully.
Angel Whispers:
Source Energy (God, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence) is always available to you. There is never any separation between you and Source. Even when you don't believe in a higher power, Source believes in you. It is your job to be aligned with Source Energy. When you are, life flows smoothly, you are happy, healthy and prospering and you feel loved. When you are not aligned with Source, life sucks, money is tight, difficulties abound and you are bombarded with unpleasant people. Gratitude, appreciation, love and selfless service naturally align you with your Source. Criticism, jealousy, resentment, anger and other negative emotions take you out of alignment. You can choose how you are going to spend your life and how you are going to react to your life's experiences. Choose carefully.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
04/16/2012 (Monday - a 7 day)
Begin this week with "a song and a prayer". Carry the joy and fun of the weekend with you into your weekdays. Count your blessings until your heart feels full of light, then send that light to show you the way. Rejoice and follow your bliss. Let your spirit be your guide, as that is exactly what a seven (7) day is all about.
Angel Whispers:
It is said that the more connections you have to people (or even animals), the healthier your life will be and the longer you are likely to live. As you age, it is especially to create and nurture connections to improve your quality of life. This requires coming out of your self and making the effort to talk to your neighbors, your bank tellers, cashiers, your mailman/woman, or that you join groups to support your interests. Becoming a volunteer at a church, hospital or charitable organization could enrich your life and make some new friends. Make the effort to look at the name tags of the service people you meed (cashiers, waiters, tellers, attendants), call them by name and make a comment, try to remember their name for the next time they serve you. Frequent the best of them. Make connections. Be healthy....body, mind and spirit.
Angel Whispers:
It is said that the more connections you have to people (or even animals), the healthier your life will be and the longer you are likely to live. As you age, it is especially to create and nurture connections to improve your quality of life. This requires coming out of your self and making the effort to talk to your neighbors, your bank tellers, cashiers, your mailman/woman, or that you join groups to support your interests. Becoming a volunteer at a church, hospital or charitable organization could enrich your life and make some new friends. Make the effort to look at the name tags of the service people you meed (cashiers, waiters, tellers, attendants), call them by name and make a comment, try to remember their name for the next time they serve you. Frequent the best of them. Make connections. Be healthy....body, mind and spirit.
04/15/2012 Oooops!
I am so sorry that I jumped past 04/14/2012. My youngest daughter and her family arrived Friday to help me celebrate my 70th birthday. Somehow, when I sat down to write Angel Whispers near midnight, I wrote for the 15th. Please accept my apologies and know that I was a little discombobulated having my wonderful family with me. Re-read the post for the 15th and you will be right on track. The 14th is already gone and I know that the post will fit better than it did yesterday.
Today, my wonderful children shocked me with an incredible surprise birthday party in my neighbor's (and dear friends) beautiful back year. It has been an amazing day and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
Today, my wonderful children shocked me with an incredible surprise birthday party in my neighbor's (and dear friends) beautiful back year. It has been an amazing day and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
04/15/2012 (Saturday - a 6 day)
This is the day to take care of things around the house, the aesthetics of your home, and your relationships. Make it a family weekend where everyone has a project which will improve your living situation. That could include anything from cleaning out the garage to shopping for spring clothes for the kids to buying flowers for the yard. Familial cooperation is a blessed thing.
Angel Whispers:
You can only create a beautiful future from a joyful, happy, appreciative space in your heart. You can't grow success from thoughts of failure. Fear will shut down your manifestation in a split second, so you must guard your mind and mouth ferociously to keep those old, faded doubts and fears from sabotaging your now dream. Feed your mind powerful images of you receiving just exactly what you are dreaming of. Have a ready (positive) statement whenever your energy is lagging, so that you can pick yourself right back up again. Believe in the future you want.
Angel Whispers:
You can only create a beautiful future from a joyful, happy, appreciative space in your heart. You can't grow success from thoughts of failure. Fear will shut down your manifestation in a split second, so you must guard your mind and mouth ferociously to keep those old, faded doubts and fears from sabotaging your now dream. Feed your mind powerful images of you receiving just exactly what you are dreaming of. Have a ready (positive) statement whenever your energy is lagging, so that you can pick yourself right back up again. Believe in the future you want.
Friday, April 13, 2012
04/13/2012 (Friday - a 4 day)
The four (4) is very disciplined, hardworking but can, in more negative moments, be somewhat rigid. Rigidity is not always a bad thing, as we think of determination and strength, but can often limit us if we are not willing to bend to new ideas or possibilities. The trick is to ride somewhere in the middle of that inflexible/flexible scale. Be firm in your beliefs, but open to new ways of thinking. The better way may be somewhere between the two.
Angel Whispers:
When things happen to test your faith, remember that everything is about choice. Choice creates your world, day by day, moment by moment. The choice is always about where you are going to put your focus and attention. Are you going to fall into the pit of fear, overwhelmed by seeming circumstances, allowing the bellows of that fear to fan the flame of defeat? Or, are you going to choose to see an alternative, as clear as a bell in your mind and to fan that flame into success? The choice is always yours. Choose right. Choose now.
Angel Whispers:
When things happen to test your faith, remember that everything is about choice. Choice creates your world, day by day, moment by moment. The choice is always about where you are going to put your focus and attention. Are you going to fall into the pit of fear, overwhelmed by seeming circumstances, allowing the bellows of that fear to fan the flame of defeat? Or, are you going to choose to see an alternative, as clear as a bell in your mind and to fan that flame into success? The choice is always yours. Choose right. Choose now.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
04/12/2012 (Thursday - a 3 day)
Now you are over the hump (Wednesday) and you can lighten up a little today. There is much to do, but the pressure is lessened and you can take a breath. Your sense of humor kicks in and there is laughter around you. Crank the music up, tap your toes or sing along, but let the rhythm move you. Life is too short to feel stodgy, so get your groove on.
Angel Whispers:
Water is essential to all life on Earth. When you are dehydrated, your entire system suffers. Sometimes, when you think you are hungry or tired, you merely need to rehydrate. Drink good, clean, pure water throughout your day. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables which have a high fluid content. Avoid excess sodium. If you crave salt, make it a quality sea salt and use it sparingly. Good water will quench your thirst where sodas and alcoholic beverages lead to more imbalance. As important as it is to drink plenty of good, clean water, it is equally important to do your part to preserve the water supply for the future of the planet. Drink consciously.
Angel Whispers:
Water is essential to all life on Earth. When you are dehydrated, your entire system suffers. Sometimes, when you think you are hungry or tired, you merely need to rehydrate. Drink good, clean, pure water throughout your day. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables which have a high fluid content. Avoid excess sodium. If you crave salt, make it a quality sea salt and use it sparingly. Good water will quench your thirst where sodas and alcoholic beverages lead to more imbalance. As important as it is to drink plenty of good, clean water, it is equally important to do your part to preserve the water supply for the future of the planet. Drink consciously.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
04/11/2012 (Wednesday - an 11 day)
Today, you may feel your angels very close to you, close enough to hear if you will open to them. Ideas, inspiration quietly seep into your mind and expand your dreams and goals. Future possibilities seem very near at hand. Can you, will you embrace them and see what wonders they can lead you to? Say yes. Say yes!
Angel Whispers:
Your angels love you beyond anything the human mind can conceive. God loves you even more. No matter how lonely, isolated, frustrated, harried you may feel, if you could be aware of the waves of love that are streaming to you every minute, you could relax and know that all will be well. There is nothing for you to fix, nothing for you to worry over, nothing to fear. Love surrounds you and protects you from all that you have feared in the past. Now, you must learn to let that unconditional love guide your steps and lift your heart. All is well.
Angel Whispers:
Your angels love you beyond anything the human mind can conceive. God loves you even more. No matter how lonely, isolated, frustrated, harried you may feel, if you could be aware of the waves of love that are streaming to you every minute, you could relax and know that all will be well. There is nothing for you to fix, nothing for you to worry over, nothing to fear. Love surrounds you and protects you from all that you have feared in the past. Now, you must learn to let that unconditional love guide your steps and lift your heart. All is well.
04/10/2012 (Tuesday - a 1 day)
Try something new today. Stretch yourself, learn new skills, set new goals. The one (1) is all about new beginnings, so this is a good time to start a new enterprise. This is also a good time to practice your leadership skills and taking the initiative in your workplace. This is the beginning of a growth period for you and many things will change around you to make room for that growth.
Angel Whispers:
The more you push against something, the stronger it gets. You give strength to it by focussing on unhappy you are about its existence. The more you think about it, focus on it, the bigger it gets. Rather than talk about how bad it/he/she is, spend your time thinking about how it would be in your perfect vision, if that were doing/being how you like it. Hold that image, nurse it, feed it, love it. Soon, the part you did not like will no longer be an issue.
Angel Whispers:
The more you push against something, the stronger it gets. You give strength to it by focussing on unhappy you are about its existence. The more you think about it, focus on it, the bigger it gets. Rather than talk about how bad it/he/she is, spend your time thinking about how it would be in your perfect vision, if that were doing/being how you like it. Hold that image, nurse it, feed it, love it. Soon, the part you did not like will no longer be an issue.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
04/09/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)
As you move through your day, the nine (9) will ask you to find a way to be of service. In doing your job, ask yourself how and who it serves. If you don't come up with a good enough answer, you need to look into alternative ways to make a difference. Could you volunteer for a charitable cause, help a neighbor in need or cheer up a friend? Whatever you give will come back to you, many fold.
Angel Whispers:
Life is sorely lacking without love. Whether it is love of a spouse, a parent, a child, a colleague or a friend, love blesses you both in multitudes of ways. It heals you in both the giving and receiving of love. If you are looking at a beautiful sunset over the hills, feel that great elevation that comes from allowing yourself to experience such grandeur. Every single thing that you allow yourself to feel love and appreciation for will bring you greater good.
Angel Whispers:
Life is sorely lacking without love. Whether it is love of a spouse, a parent, a child, a colleague or a friend, love blesses you both in multitudes of ways. It heals you in both the giving and receiving of love. If you are looking at a beautiful sunset over the hills, feel that great elevation that comes from allowing yourself to experience such grandeur. Every single thing that you allow yourself to feel love and appreciation for will bring you greater good.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
04/08/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)
HAPPY EASTER! Today, it is important to look at the perfection that is your life. It is exactly as you created it. All the good things, you created. All the bad things, you created. The good news is; you can choose to create it in whatever better form you want. It will require being focussed on what you do want and not the things you don't want. It can be done. YOU can do it.
Angel Whispers:
You are unique and deserving of great love and affection. No one in the world is exactly like you. How you perceive life is completely different from everyone you know. No one can duplicate you or will ever by even close to who you are. So, don't be comparing yourself and your spiritual beliefs with everyone else. Yes, you are unique, and the Universe loves your life just that way.
Angel Whispers:
You are unique and deserving of great love and affection. No one in the world is exactly like you. How you perceive life is completely different from everyone you know. No one can duplicate you or will ever by even close to who you are. So, don't be comparing yourself and your spiritual beliefs with everyone else. Yes, you are unique, and the Universe loves your life just that way.
Friday, April 6, 2012
04/07/2012 (Saturday - a 7 day)
Seven (7), being very introspective, analytical and intuitive is calling for some quiet time for thinking, dreaming and planning. After the chores and the yard work are done, find a nice place to curl up with a book, or or pull out that novel you were going to write, do a crossword puzzle. Let your mind have a day to do the things it loves to do. Who knows what wonders will come of that? Just worries allowed.
Angel Whispers:
Give your mind a challenge when you are feeling bored, frustrated, frazzled or fearful. Give it an assignment, a problem or puzzle to solve. State the objective, set a deadline and expect to get your result. You will be amazed at how quickly your mind will bring you the answer. Within hours, or a few days, you will see or hear the answer you were seeking. It may come in a dream, an overheard conversation, a tv segment, a book you pick up or a literal sign on a wall. When it comes, you will know that your consciousness manifested the answer, clearly and concisely, just as you asked.
Angel Whispers:
Give your mind a challenge when you are feeling bored, frustrated, frazzled or fearful. Give it an assignment, a problem or puzzle to solve. State the objective, set a deadline and expect to get your result. You will be amazed at how quickly your mind will bring you the answer. Within hours, or a few days, you will see or hear the answer you were seeking. It may come in a dream, an overheard conversation, a tv segment, a book you pick up or a literal sign on a wall. When it comes, you will know that your consciousness manifested the answer, clearly and concisely, just as you asked.
04/06/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)
The influence of the six (6) will encourage you to take a look at your surroundings. Is there anything you have been wanting to do to bring more balance and harmony to your space? If so, it is time to get on with it. Picking up and cleaning up may help, but if the aesthetics are wrong you may have to move furniture, buy some paint and really make a difference.
Angel Whispers:
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You've heard this before and will doubtless hear it again. But, have you really given it some serious thought? You cannot change anything that has already happened, and tomorrow never comes, so what you do with today....really counts. If you make each day the very best you can make it, the rest of your life will look pretty good. Make it what you want it.
Angel Whispers:
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You've heard this before and will doubtless hear it again. But, have you really given it some serious thought? You cannot change anything that has already happened, and tomorrow never comes, so what you do with today....really counts. If you make each day the very best you can make it, the rest of your life will look pretty good. Make it what you want it.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
04/05/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)
Flexibility is important today as things may not go in the direction you expected. Go with the flow and know that you will wind up where you need to be if you practice patience. Sometimes, when you think you have gotten off the track, you discover something special that you would have missed otherwise. Be willing to talk about your talents or abilities, as self promotion is also well aspected today.
Angel Whispers:
Being angry, resentful, hateful, critical or skeptical are all toxic attitudes. You cannot create something you want while indulging in these manners of thought. Often, these thought patterns are habitual. You may have learned them from your parents or family members. The more you dwell in negative thoughts, the more you will notice that the people you meet are in alignment with those very ideas. You will attract people who resonate to your own vibration of negativity. When you run toxic thoughts through your system, your body suffers. The cure is simply to choose better thoughts.
Angel Whispers:
Being angry, resentful, hateful, critical or skeptical are all toxic attitudes. You cannot create something you want while indulging in these manners of thought. Often, these thought patterns are habitual. You may have learned them from your parents or family members. The more you dwell in negative thoughts, the more you will notice that the people you meet are in alignment with those very ideas. You will attract people who resonate to your own vibration of negativity. When you run toxic thoughts through your system, your body suffers. The cure is simply to choose better thoughts.
04/04/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)
Today is one of those "get down to business" days. Four (4) likes discipline, hard work and accomplishment and doesn't like to tolerate distractions, so it should be a good day to get your to-do list checked off. Get organized, get busy and make things happen. Four energy is strong and doesn't quit until the end. In order to keep this type of energy flowing it is best to do something physical every hour or so. Get up and move around, take a brisk walk or do some stretches. It will keep your mind clear as well.
Angel Whispers:
The good thing about discovering something that you don't like is that it gives you a clearer indication of what you do like. It isn't always easy to know what you want, but you always seem to know what you don't want. Count that as a blessing. Contrast is the great way-shower. What is the opposite of that thing that you don't want, don't like? When you identify that thing, you must turn your back on that thing you don't want and focus, as clearly and often as possible, on the thing you do want. Think about the good, talk about it, dream about it, feel it being yours. Love the very idea of having that thing, knowing that you deserve to have it. Soon, it will be yours.
Angel Whispers:
The good thing about discovering something that you don't like is that it gives you a clearer indication of what you do like. It isn't always easy to know what you want, but you always seem to know what you don't want. Count that as a blessing. Contrast is the great way-shower. What is the opposite of that thing that you don't want, don't like? When you identify that thing, you must turn your back on that thing you don't want and focus, as clearly and often as possible, on the thing you do want. Think about the good, talk about it, dream about it, feel it being yours. Love the very idea of having that thing, knowing that you deserve to have it. Soon, it will be yours.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
04/03/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)
Let creativity reign today. The three (3) influence of this day says that you must be in touch with your emotions in order to create fully. You must be willing to feel exactly what you feel, with no reservations, no holding back. If you are feeling joy, then let yourself laugh out loud, sing at the top of your lungs, dance around your desk and hug the first person you see. If you are feeling sad, grab a pen and paper and write about it, let the tears flow and really examine why you are feeling this way. Find a way to put these feelings into something creative, like art, music, poetry or dance. You will feeeeeel much better if you express your feelings.
Angel Whispers:
Pray for someone you love. Pray for someone you don't even know. Pray for yourself. Pray for the planet. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. Develop your own style of prayer, something that feels as comfortable as talking to your best friend. It doesn't need to be formal or follow someone else's pattern. It just needs to be communication between you and God, between you and your angels. Ask, believing, and ye shall receive. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
Pray for someone you love. Pray for someone you don't even know. Pray for yourself. Pray for the planet. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. Develop your own style of prayer, something that feels as comfortable as talking to your best friend. It doesn't need to be formal or follow someone else's pattern. It just needs to be communication between you and God, between you and your angels. Ask, believing, and ye shall receive. So be it.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
04/02/2012 (Monday - an 11 day)
All the potential in the Universe is available to you today. All you have to do is align yourself with the potential that best suits you and your goals and dreams. This is the beginning of a new week, a new month and a new quarter. Start with a fresh attitude and perspective. Look back at the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Are they still relevant? Do you need a little course correction to get you back on track? Analyze it and make adjustments today for great results.
Angel Whispers:
Do you need more love in your life? Doesn't everybody? To get love, you must be willing to give love. The good news is that it doesn't matter where you are giving love, because the more you give, the more you get. It can come from any direction, not just the direction you are giving in. You can love your dog, your plants, your family or the postman, and the more you speak love, feel love, share love...the more open you become to receiving the kind of love you most want. Love how beautiful the wildflowers are, how blue the sky is, how you get goosebumps when you hear someone phenomenal sing. Love yourself most of all. Love the very idea of love and build a dream around it. Love that you are uniquely lovable.
Angel Whispers:
Do you need more love in your life? Doesn't everybody? To get love, you must be willing to give love. The good news is that it doesn't matter where you are giving love, because the more you give, the more you get. It can come from any direction, not just the direction you are giving in. You can love your dog, your plants, your family or the postman, and the more you speak love, feel love, share love...the more open you become to receiving the kind of love you most want. Love how beautiful the wildflowers are, how blue the sky is, how you get goosebumps when you hear someone phenomenal sing. Love yourself most of all. Love the very idea of love and build a dream around it. Love that you are uniquely lovable.
04/01/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)
New ideas assail you, bringing you excitement and new energy. Whether your new idea has solved an old problem or sent you off in a new direction, you feel motivated to move forward on it quickly. A one (1) day is great for new beginnings. Tasks you start today will be completed quickly.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you think to ask for Divine Assistance for yourself or your loved ones? Do you start your day with a request for angelic guidance and protection through your day? Or, do you rush forward to attack your day on your own? "Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you." These are promises you can rely on. Especially if you insert the word "believing" into each sentence. The believing is your part of the equation. Leave the rest of it up to God.
Angel Whispers:
How often do you think to ask for Divine Assistance for yourself or your loved ones? Do you start your day with a request for angelic guidance and protection through your day? Or, do you rush forward to attack your day on your own? "Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you." These are promises you can rely on. Especially if you insert the word "believing" into each sentence. The believing is your part of the equation. Leave the rest of it up to God.
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