The tendency today is to be overly picky about details, seeking a level of perfection seldom found. Go ahead, be sure you have dotted your i's and crossed your t's because it will make you feel more secure. However, don't let your exactitude trip you up by taking your eye off the big picture. In some cases, speed can be equally as important as precision. See if you can't find a way to have them both.
Angel Whispers:
Are you spending time breathing life into your dreams and goals? Your job is to know what you want. Often, knowing clearly what you don't want helps you to define it. Journaling is an excellent way to clarify this. Once you know, you must believe that it can be yours. (If you discover that you have worthiness issues, continue the journaling to work them out.) Now, gather all your forces together to nurture the vision, own the dream. See yourself with it, touch it, taste it, smell it. Practice believing it can and will be yours. Love the vision. Make space in your life for its manifestation.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
01/31/2012 (Tuesday - a 1 day)
The common thread for everyone today is independence. You want to have your own way and may find it irritating to discover that almost everyone else feels the same way and may not be feeling very cooperative about doing things your way. Diplomacy may be needed to get what you want, but it will be well worth the effort. You could discover something about yourself that you never really noticed before. This little revelation could be worth it's weight in gold.
Angel Whispers:
If there is someone who always seems to rub you the wrong way, try this treatment to change the energy between you. Each time you think about this person (or actually see them) take a moment to observe your reaction. Choose to gain a new perspective on them. Have a mental conversation with them that goes exactly as you would want it to. Ask your angels to pre-pave your communication so that you both feel comfortable and simpatico. Greet this person, soul to soul, and expect to find something good in them that you never knew or noticed before. Each time you practice this, you will notice your connection becoming stronger and stronger. Soon there will be no more rub.
Angel Whispers:
If there is someone who always seems to rub you the wrong way, try this treatment to change the energy between you. Each time you think about this person (or actually see them) take a moment to observe your reaction. Choose to gain a new perspective on them. Have a mental conversation with them that goes exactly as you would want it to. Ask your angels to pre-pave your communication so that you both feel comfortable and simpatico. Greet this person, soul to soul, and expect to find something good in them that you never knew or noticed before. Each time you practice this, you will notice your connection becoming stronger and stronger. Soon there will be no more rub.
01/30/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)
End January on a high note. Use the energy of the nine (9) to help you finish up incomplete projects, make a plan for February and wrap up any loose ends. Take a look back at those New Year's Intentions and see how you are doing. There may be areas where you need to look at recommitting or to recognize that some things just do not need to be done by you after all. If so, then consciously release that energy and let it go.
Angel Whispers:
Was one of your intentions to live a more conscious life? How are you doing with that? There are so many things distracting us that it is often hard to stay focussed and attentive to what is going on in body and mind, or to be truly present when in conversation with others. You can start at the beginning of your day by taking a few deep, deep breaths before you get up. While breathing, start at the top of your head and bless every part of your body, noticing how each part of your body feels, how you feel emotionally. Give thanks for the perfect functioning of your body and mind and ask for guidance for your day. (This can also be done very effectively in the shower.) Set your intention to be clear and present throughout the day. Make this a ritual and you will soon see transformation happening in your life.
Angel Whispers:
Was one of your intentions to live a more conscious life? How are you doing with that? There are so many things distracting us that it is often hard to stay focussed and attentive to what is going on in body and mind, or to be truly present when in conversation with others. You can start at the beginning of your day by taking a few deep, deep breaths before you get up. While breathing, start at the top of your head and bless every part of your body, noticing how each part of your body feels, how you feel emotionally. Give thanks for the perfect functioning of your body and mind and ask for guidance for your day. (This can also be done very effectively in the shower.) Set your intention to be clear and present throughout the day. Make this a ritual and you will soon see transformation happening in your life.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
01/29/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)
Sunday may be supposed to be a day of rest, but today you are in high gear, determined to get things done. The efficiency of the eight () will certainly help you to prioritize and maximize your energy. By day's end you can be proud of the quality of work you have accomplished. Things that have been dragging behind are now complete and you can breathe a sigh of relief.
Angel Whispers:
You often beat yourself up for the things you haven't done or haven't done well, to the point that you lose track of the things you have succeeded at. We suggest that when you fall into this negative habit of thinking, you "catch yourself in the act", so to speak. Each time you hear yourself indulging in self-castigation, charge yourself with replacing those negative thoughts with praise for at least three things you know you do or have done well. Remind yourself that you always do more right than wrong, you learn from your mistakes and your good intentions will lead you to more success in the future. Always leave a thought session like this on a positive note.
Angel Whispers:
You often beat yourself up for the things you haven't done or haven't done well, to the point that you lose track of the things you have succeeded at. We suggest that when you fall into this negative habit of thinking, you "catch yourself in the act", so to speak. Each time you hear yourself indulging in self-castigation, charge yourself with replacing those negative thoughts with praise for at least three things you know you do or have done well. Remind yourself that you always do more right than wrong, you learn from your mistakes and your good intentions will lead you to more success in the future. Always leave a thought session like this on a positive note.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
01/28/2012 (Saturday - a 7 day)
You have had a busy week. Take some down time to recoup your energies and refresh your mind. The seven (7) wants to be quiet, read, study, analyze, process, learn, meditate. If you can't devote your entire day to the quieter side of life, at least make sure you have an hour or so that you can genuinely rest. Your body, mind and spirit will reward you when you do.
Angel Whispers:
You are an ever-changing, ever-growing being on a journey of evolution that will take you down many paths in your lifetime. Each experience brings with it a set of potential lessons for you to choose from. Your choices determine the make-up of your life, but you don't have to make all those decision/choices alone. You are never truly alone. You are provided with a legion of angels who are yours for guidance, protection and inspiration. If you are at all conscious, you can feel their presence and if you are open to the possibility they will gladly communicate with you in dreams, hunches, or flashes of inspiration. Develop a habit of listening to your own Angel Whispers.
Angel Whispers:
You are an ever-changing, ever-growing being on a journey of evolution that will take you down many paths in your lifetime. Each experience brings with it a set of potential lessons for you to choose from. Your choices determine the make-up of your life, but you don't have to make all those decision/choices alone. You are never truly alone. You are provided with a legion of angels who are yours for guidance, protection and inspiration. If you are at all conscious, you can feel their presence and if you are open to the possibility they will gladly communicate with you in dreams, hunches, or flashes of inspiration. Develop a habit of listening to your own Angel Whispers.
Friday, January 27, 2012
01/27/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)
Today you must pay close attention to your relationships with people, your job, your self and your God. The six (6) is truly the relationship number and will always bring you opportunities to look at, analyze and actually work on the most important relationships of the moment. You have a heightened awareness of how you feel in your different roles with others. Are you an equal partner here? Are you getting what you need? Are you allowed to give in ways that feel appropriate? Are you honored and respected? If the answer is no to any of these questions, it is time to do something about it.
Angel Whispers:
The creative spirit is very strong today and you will find great pleasure in music, theater, the arts and crafts, writing or singing, decorating your home, office or garden. Aesthetics mean a lot to you, so go with the flow and spiff up your place a little. The things you have around you represent special people, memories and your current tastes. These things make you feel grounded, centered and at home in your space. Picture your home/office, filled with a glowing white light of Divine Protection. Decree that "Good and only good can come to me now." And, it is so.
Angel Whispers:
The creative spirit is very strong today and you will find great pleasure in music, theater, the arts and crafts, writing or singing, decorating your home, office or garden. Aesthetics mean a lot to you, so go with the flow and spiff up your place a little. The things you have around you represent special people, memories and your current tastes. These things make you feel grounded, centered and at home in your space. Picture your home/office, filled with a glowing white light of Divine Protection. Decree that "Good and only good can come to me now." And, it is so.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
01/26/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)
Your hard work yesterday paid off and now you can lighten up with the more whimsical, flexible energy of the five (5). Perhaps you can take time for lunch with friends or a drink with co-workers later in the day. Good conversation, laughter and good food are key components of a great five day. Try something different today, stretch your usual boundaries and explore new possibilities. Your rewards could come quickly.
Angel Whispers:
Your past can tell you a lot about your future. If you like how your past looks or feels, then continue doing what you have always done. If you don't like what you see behind you, determine to make different choices and act in ways that will lead you to something you want in your future. Decide that you will take a few minutes each day, envisioning your life as you want it. Hold that vision in exquisite detail, as if it were a memory of something you have already experienced. See it as if it is already so, knowing that it soon will be. Do not let any one else's words or actions dilute your enthusiasm for your dream/vision. Hone it, adding more details every day. Do not talk about it to people who would not understand or appreciate your dream.
Angel Whispers:
Your past can tell you a lot about your future. If you like how your past looks or feels, then continue doing what you have always done. If you don't like what you see behind you, determine to make different choices and act in ways that will lead you to something you want in your future. Decide that you will take a few minutes each day, envisioning your life as you want it. Hold that vision in exquisite detail, as if it were a memory of something you have already experienced. See it as if it is already so, knowing that it soon will be. Do not let any one else's words or actions dilute your enthusiasm for your dream/vision. Hone it, adding more details every day. Do not talk about it to people who would not understand or appreciate your dream.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
01/25/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)
Physical activity is good for a four (4) day. Do something to get organized. Pull out some things that need to be recycled, pack away out of season clothes & shoes, clean out a file drawer or any of a billion other odd jobs that will leave you feeling more in control of your life and your environment. Any of these jobs will satisfy that need to create a sense of order and balance.
Angel Whispers:
Make a list of the people you love and at least 3 attributes you love about them. Are these attributes you can develop in yourself? You probably already have them, to some extent, for like attracts like and you have already attracted these people into your life. Spend a few moments sincerely appreciating these people and give thanks for their presence in your experience. Your appreciation can be internal or you could actually reach out and share your thoughts with your friends and perhaps strengthen your bond with them.
Angel Whispers:
Make a list of the people you love and at least 3 attributes you love about them. Are these attributes you can develop in yourself? You probably already have them, to some extent, for like attracts like and you have already attracted these people into your life. Spend a few moments sincerely appreciating these people and give thanks for their presence in your experience. Your appreciation can be internal or you could actually reach out and share your thoughts with your friends and perhaps strengthen your bond with them.
Monday, January 23, 2012
01/24/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)
Art, music, theater, literature are all very highly aspected today by the creative, expressive aspects of the number three (3). It could be a very emotional day with a chance of tears and laughter. Be willing to express your truth today, for holding your feelings in will only allow them to fester and become toxic. However, it is best to take a few deep breaths first, center yourself and communicate your feelings in the most appropriate way possible. Say what needs to be said....but, burn no bridges.
Angel Whispers:
No one deserves your respect more than you do. The more you learn to respect yourself, your goals and dreams, your desires and your talents, the more respect you will receive from those around you. Learn to set boundaries that work for you and be willing to defend them whenever necessary. The same is true of your body. Learn to respect it, feed it properly, give it rest when needed, move it vigorously as often as possible, learn the language of your body so that it can tell you what it needs to function at its peak performance. Respect your emotional body, as well. Give yourself credit for feeling what you feel, whether it seems appropriate or not. Your emotions can be your guide. If something feels good, do it. If something feels bad, for whatever reason, then don't do it. Simple as that. Good feels good and bad feels bad. Respect that.
Angel Whispers:
No one deserves your respect more than you do. The more you learn to respect yourself, your goals and dreams, your desires and your talents, the more respect you will receive from those around you. Learn to set boundaries that work for you and be willing to defend them whenever necessary. The same is true of your body. Learn to respect it, feed it properly, give it rest when needed, move it vigorously as often as possible, learn the language of your body so that it can tell you what it needs to function at its peak performance. Respect your emotional body, as well. Give yourself credit for feeling what you feel, whether it seems appropriate or not. Your emotions can be your guide. If something feels good, do it. If something feels bad, for whatever reason, then don't do it. Simple as that. Good feels good and bad feels bad. Respect that.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
01/23/2012 (Monday - an 11 day)
Today it is especially important to listen to your inner guidance for the eleven (11) energy of the day is somewhat flighty and can pull you in both directions at once. Trust is the key word here. Trust that you can make the right decision at the right time. Trust that you are in alignment with your guidance. Trust that you will know what to do and when and how to do it. Trust that the Universe has a plan for you and you are strong and intuitive enough to follow it.
Angel Whispers:
We hear your inner arguments about the word "desire". Is it good or will it lead you astray? Be assured that desire is a very important guidance mechanism to help you move forward in your life. Desire can quickly and emphatically show you what feels good to you. It draws energy through you and pulls you forward. It is nearly impossible for you to be stagnant or inert when desire is in your heart. As soon as you recognize desire, you begin to put your creative powers to work to achieve that desire. Ideas flood into your mind, energy builds, you become more "you" than before. You stretch yourself, try new things, learn new skills. Always ask your inner guidance to keep you creating in a direction that is in alignment with your higher purpose. Ask for Divine Protection and guidance. Listen to both your head and your heart and you will not be led to something very special indeed.
Angel Whispers:
We hear your inner arguments about the word "desire". Is it good or will it lead you astray? Be assured that desire is a very important guidance mechanism to help you move forward in your life. Desire can quickly and emphatically show you what feels good to you. It draws energy through you and pulls you forward. It is nearly impossible for you to be stagnant or inert when desire is in your heart. As soon as you recognize desire, you begin to put your creative powers to work to achieve that desire. Ideas flood into your mind, energy builds, you become more "you" than before. You stretch yourself, try new things, learn new skills. Always ask your inner guidance to keep you creating in a direction that is in alignment with your higher purpose. Ask for Divine Protection and guidance. Listen to both your head and your heart and you will not be led to something very special indeed.
01/22/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)
Affirm your independence today, your right to choose what you want to do with your life. Sound like a tall order? It can be as simple as you are willing to make it. Choose something,...anything..., that you think will improve your life and then make a commitment to that one thing. Do you want to be free from debt, or freed from a bad habit like smoking or drinking? One day at a time, one choice at a time, one step at a time. It can be yours. Choose and commit. Choose again, and commit again. Until it is done.
Angel Whispers:
Do you pay attention to the things you are telling yourself, every day, about yourself? Do you actually hear the words you speak to yourself and others about you? Tell yourself that you will notice every time you think something about yourself today. Are there words like "I can't do this", "I never could do that.", or "I don't remember blah, blah, blah.", or "I can't afford that."? You are what you tell yourself you are. You are speaking or thinking a self-fulfilling prophesy. The good news is this; you can choose to change those statements into something that you will be happy about. "I'll remember that in a minute." "I'm learning to do that." "I'm doing very well right now." "I'm choosing to use my money for something else right now." These statements will create a much healthier mental attitude, and a much better outcome.1
Angel Whispers:
Do you pay attention to the things you are telling yourself, every day, about yourself? Do you actually hear the words you speak to yourself and others about you? Tell yourself that you will notice every time you think something about yourself today. Are there words like "I can't do this", "I never could do that.", or "I don't remember blah, blah, blah.", or "I can't afford that."? You are what you tell yourself you are. You are speaking or thinking a self-fulfilling prophesy. The good news is this; you can choose to change those statements into something that you will be happy about. "I'll remember that in a minute." "I'm learning to do that." "I'm doing very well right now." "I'm choosing to use my money for something else right now." These statements will create a much healthier mental attitude, and a much better outcome.1
Saturday, January 21, 2012
01/21/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)
Generosity is at a peak today, with the benevolent energy of the nine (9) blessing you in so many ways. You can't resist being of service to someone who is in a pinch and needs assurance, guidance or just a shoulder to cry on. Reach out. Your service may impact your schedule, but your heart and soul will be happy that you answered the call of duty.
Angel Whispers:
Watch your words like a hawk. Think before you speak. Be aware of the creative impact your words will have on your experience and the experiences of others. Your words are like wands and can make magic happen. You can use your words to empower or destroy, to uplift or belittle, to guide or misdirect. If you will make it your objective to keep yourself and everyone around you on a positive note, you will find a great sense of peace this weekend.
Angel Whispers:
Watch your words like a hawk. Think before you speak. Be aware of the creative impact your words will have on your experience and the experiences of others. Your words are like wands and can make magic happen. You can use your words to empower or destroy, to uplift or belittle, to guide or misdirect. If you will make it your objective to keep yourself and everyone around you on a positive note, you will find a great sense of peace this weekend.
Friday, January 20, 2012
01/20/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)
Taking care of business. This is the first priority for an eight (8) day. It is also a good time to promote yourself or your business, or even to expand your business. If you have a big decision to make soon, today would be the optimal time to do it. Everything seems to run along at a higher pace and efficiency is evident in all that you do. Make the most of this high caliber energy.
Angel Whispers:
There is power in knowledge. Knowing what you don't like helps lead you to find what you do like. Knowing who you are is key to knowing that you deserve the best, as a beloved child of God. To know is to love. Knowing where you have been makes it easier to know where you are going. Make it your purpose to be constantly learning more about yourself and your fellow man. Knowledge gives you strength. Never stop learning.
Angel Whispers:
There is power in knowledge. Knowing what you don't like helps lead you to find what you do like. Knowing who you are is key to knowing that you deserve the best, as a beloved child of God. To know is to love. Knowing where you have been makes it easier to know where you are going. Make it your purpose to be constantly learning more about yourself and your fellow man. Knowledge gives you strength. Never stop learning.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
01/19/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)
The mental/spiritual power of the seven (7) graces your day today. Pay attention to those little hunches, as they could lead you to something significant or important. Learning to trust your intuition is vital to living a well rounded life. Intuition is a much ignored, but very valuable part of the human package. Practice listening to the wee, small voice within. It can only improve your life.
Angel Whispers:
Living your life in a more conscious way can open you up to greater opportunities, better relationships, a much deeper connection with your surroundings. Living consciously means that you are fully present and aware of your experience more often than you are not. When you are in conversation with someone, you actually listen to what they are saying, as well as being aware of any visual or intuitive clues that might help you to understand that person more fully. When you enter a room, you take a second to become aware of everything around you, the temperature, the energy in the room, where the light is coming from, etc. You do the same when you step out into nature. When you drive, you give yourself fully to the task at hand. No day dreaming, texting or talking on the phone. You take time to communicate with your body, several times a day. What does your body need? Food, water, rest, movement, fresh air? Being conscious takes being focussed, but requires very little time to accomplish. The rewards for being conscious could be enormous. See just how conscious you can be today.
Angel Whispers:
Living your life in a more conscious way can open you up to greater opportunities, better relationships, a much deeper connection with your surroundings. Living consciously means that you are fully present and aware of your experience more often than you are not. When you are in conversation with someone, you actually listen to what they are saying, as well as being aware of any visual or intuitive clues that might help you to understand that person more fully. When you enter a room, you take a second to become aware of everything around you, the temperature, the energy in the room, where the light is coming from, etc. You do the same when you step out into nature. When you drive, you give yourself fully to the task at hand. No day dreaming, texting or talking on the phone. You take time to communicate with your body, several times a day. What does your body need? Food, water, rest, movement, fresh air? Being conscious takes being focussed, but requires very little time to accomplish. The rewards for being conscious could be enormous. See just how conscious you can be today.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
01/18/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)
Take care of domestic issues today, while you have the aid of the six (6) energy to help you. Do you have a relationship that needs tending or mending? Give it some attention today for good results. Treat yourself to some music that uplifts or inspires you...or just helps you get your groove on. Whistle while you work, sing in the shower or plug into your iPod while you work out. Music truly soothes the soul, so give yourself a little soul treatment today.
Angel Whispers:
One of the most important jobs you could assign yourself is "Encourager". You can give yourself a little pep talk, but more importantly, you can encourage the people around you. Make it your task to find something you admire about each person you communicate with, and comment on it. Give genuine compliments. Speak from your heart. You know that "what you put out, comes back". The more you encourage others, the more encouragement you will receive. Your words may come just at the right time to make a difference for someone....maybe even you.
Angel Whispers:
One of the most important jobs you could assign yourself is "Encourager". You can give yourself a little pep talk, but more importantly, you can encourage the people around you. Make it your task to find something you admire about each person you communicate with, and comment on it. Give genuine compliments. Speak from your heart. You know that "what you put out, comes back". The more you encourage others, the more encouragement you will receive. Your words may come just at the right time to make a difference for someone....maybe even you.
Monday, January 16, 2012
01/17/2012 (Tuesday - a 5 day)
Today should have a light-hearted, airy feeling, due to the influence of its five (5) energy. Your energy should be high, but not easily controlled, and you could find yourself wanting to be off the beaten path. Try something different, whether it be taking a new route to work, trying a new place to have your lunch or taking a new approach to an old problem. Your soul craves change today, so give in and try something new.
Angel Whispers:
Everything about your body is miraculous, including the fact that you have a brain/mind that can actually appreciate the wonders of itself. Since humans will do almost anything for appreciation, take every opportunity you can to observe and acknowledge the incredible complexity of your body. Feel your breath moving in and out. Notice the grace with which you move from place to place. Adore the way your hands pick things up, put them down. Caress something soft, silky or furry and glory in the sensation of it. Rub some lotion into your skin and relish the smell and touch. Look around you and give thanks for all that you can see. Tell your body, part by part, organ by organ, how much you appreciate how perfectly it works and how grateful you are to have such a wonderful body. Give thanks for the miracle that is you.
Angel Whispers:
Everything about your body is miraculous, including the fact that you have a brain/mind that can actually appreciate the wonders of itself. Since humans will do almost anything for appreciation, take every opportunity you can to observe and acknowledge the incredible complexity of your body. Feel your breath moving in and out. Notice the grace with which you move from place to place. Adore the way your hands pick things up, put them down. Caress something soft, silky or furry and glory in the sensation of it. Rub some lotion into your skin and relish the smell and touch. Look around you and give thanks for all that you can see. Tell your body, part by part, organ by organ, how much you appreciate how perfectly it works and how grateful you are to have such a wonderful body. Give thanks for the miracle that is you.
5 Freedom,
Sunday, January 15, 2012
01/16/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)
Did you make some New Year's resolutions that pertain to your body or your budget? Well, today is a good day to put in some real work in those areas. January is half over and if you have won more days than you lost, you are well on your way to fulfilling your resolutions. If it was the other way around, it is time to re-resolve. Think about the reasons you set these goals in the first place, and then gather up some discipline and start over.
Angel Whispers:
Take a good hard look at your life. It is what it is, not because the world just happened the way it did and messed up your life. There is no are where you are because of the choices you have made, day by day, for a long time. However, you can begin to make different choices today and your life will change in both grand and subtle ways. It truly is a game of averages. If you envision the life you want, more than 50% of the time, you will see more and more of that life. If you could change your vision to 70% positive, you would see the changes much more rapidly. One choice at a time. Create the life of your dreams.
Angel Whispers:
Take a good hard look at your life. It is what it is, not because the world just happened the way it did and messed up your life. There is no are where you are because of the choices you have made, day by day, for a long time. However, you can begin to make different choices today and your life will change in both grand and subtle ways. It truly is a game of averages. If you envision the life you want, more than 50% of the time, you will see more and more of that life. If you could change your vision to 70% positive, you would see the changes much more rapidly. One choice at a time. Create the life of your dreams.
01/15/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)
Communication is most important task of this three (3) day. Express your feelings in the most genuinely emotional way possible, whether it be with laughter or tears. Being able to communicate your emotions requires that you be in touch with them, not hiding them or pretending to feel something you think is more appropriate.
Angel Whispers:
Love is the most powerful energy on the planet. In particular, unconditional love. No matter how difficult the situation is, applying the "oil of love" to it will change the energy so that it will always find a resolution. This is not always easy, but it is always effective. Picture the person, place or thing surrounded in a beautiful glow of white light, Divine Light, and ask your angels to help you to concentrate on that light and see it penetrating every aspect of the situation. See only the Light. Release your judgement regarding the subject. Be willing to allow a Divine resolution, and give thanks for that resolution, now. Watch for the change to begin.
Angel Whispers:
Love is the most powerful energy on the planet. In particular, unconditional love. No matter how difficult the situation is, applying the "oil of love" to it will change the energy so that it will always find a resolution. This is not always easy, but it is always effective. Picture the person, place or thing surrounded in a beautiful glow of white light, Divine Light, and ask your angels to help you to concentrate on that light and see it penetrating every aspect of the situation. See only the Light. Release your judgement regarding the subject. Be willing to allow a Divine resolution, and give thanks for that resolution, now. Watch for the change to begin.
Friday, January 13, 2012
01/14/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)
Take all the time you need to handle the usual weekend chores, but make sure to take some time for contemplation and/or meditation today. Eleven (11) days are full of spiritual energy or a desire to follow a spiritual quest of sorts. If you have big "Life Questions", today is the perfect day to ask the questions and then revel in the answers. Your inner guidance is strong and clear, if you will just take the time to listen.
Angel Whispers:
When you are in a positive spiritual space, attuned to all that is good in life, you will be amazed at how smoothly your life works. You easily line up with great parking spaces, amazing coincidences, opportunities of every conceivable type, financial blessings, physical & etheric angels who offer you help at every turn. The more you stay in that positive spiritual space, the better and better your life will be.
Angel Whispers:
When you are in a positive spiritual space, attuned to all that is good in life, you will be amazed at how smoothly your life works. You easily line up with great parking spaces, amazing coincidences, opportunities of every conceivable type, financial blessings, physical & etheric angels who offer you help at every turn. The more you stay in that positive spiritual space, the better and better your life will be.
01/13/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)
You seem to be a wellspring of ideas today, if you are in touch and in tune with the one (1) energy of this day. Be sure and write some of them down. Be the instigator today, for the one likes to lead and not follow. Take charge, move forward, lead for a change. Your energy should be high and productive throughout the day. Give that "Rah, rah!" speech, even if it is only to yourself. Be a motivator.
Angel Whispers:
When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, there is incredible power in your being. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can recall times when you have felt this synchronicity, this connection, this electricity that almost shimmers along your skin. It is a very heady feeling, indeed. You could have this feeling all the time. All you have to do is give up whining, complaining, indulging in anger and frustration, criticizing anything or anybody, being jealous or resentful...and a few other things like this. Oh, and believe in your Divine Right to that connection and every other good thing in life. Simple, huh? Start speaking more words of praise and appreciation, quit telling your historical stories about how it didn't/couldn't/won't work. Thank God, every day, for the life you want to be living. Bless others. Then see how powerful you can be.
Angel Whispers:
When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, there is incredible power in your being. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can recall times when you have felt this synchronicity, this connection, this electricity that almost shimmers along your skin. It is a very heady feeling, indeed. You could have this feeling all the time. All you have to do is give up whining, complaining, indulging in anger and frustration, criticizing anything or anybody, being jealous or resentful...and a few other things like this. Oh, and believe in your Divine Right to that connection and every other good thing in life. Simple, huh? Start speaking more words of praise and appreciation, quit telling your historical stories about how it didn't/couldn't/won't work. Thank God, every day, for the life you want to be living. Bless others. Then see how powerful you can be.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
01/12/2012 (Thursday - a 9 day
The nine (9) energy of this day is often subtle, but always gracious, caring and especially giving. This is a good day to finish up projects that have been on the back burner for way too long. This cleaning up/clearing out kind of energy can really help you to decide what you need to keep and what needs to find a new incarnation elsewhere. This same energy applies to relationships you are hanging onto just because they have always been there, though it may no longer be serving you to keep them.
Angel Whispers:
Nobody is perfect. No matter how great someone may look, from your perspective, they could tell you a long list of imperfections they struggle with all the time. We are all just working to become better as we go along. If you can just keep your thoughts, words and actions positive for 50-60% of the time your life would be constantly improving. Keep a running total of your personal percentages and see if you can't improve your average a few days a week. Watch your life change for the better, almost immediately.
Angel Whispers:
Nobody is perfect. No matter how great someone may look, from your perspective, they could tell you a long list of imperfections they struggle with all the time. We are all just working to become better as we go along. If you can just keep your thoughts, words and actions positive for 50-60% of the time your life would be constantly improving. Keep a running total of your personal percentages and see if you can't improve your average a few days a week. Watch your life change for the better, almost immediately.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
01/11/2012 (Wednesday - an 8 day)
Reach for the stars today, for they are within your reach. The power of the eight (8) is at your command. Stretch your limits, blaze new trails, soar beyond your old boundaries. If you believe it can be, you can do it. This is a day to listen to your own inner voice of vision and shut out the voices of any nay-sayers. Give it your all and don't look back with any regrets. The biggest regret could come from doing nothing.
Angel Whispers:
Transition is that in-between word about change. You have made a decision that will lead you in a new direction, but you haven't fully turned the corner yet. You no longer want the old, and you haven't quite reached the new. Sometimes this feels like a limbo state. Just be patient with yourself and the situation. Put your attention on the new world and keep affirming to yourself that you are ready, willing and able to have this new consciousness. Do things, make decisions, dream dreams, as if you were already there. Quickly, you will see signs that you are assimilating the new lifestyle. So, embrace that transition for all it is worth, for it is a sure sign of good things to come.
Angel Whispers:
Transition is that in-between word about change. You have made a decision that will lead you in a new direction, but you haven't fully turned the corner yet. You no longer want the old, and you haven't quite reached the new. Sometimes this feels like a limbo state. Just be patient with yourself and the situation. Put your attention on the new world and keep affirming to yourself that you are ready, willing and able to have this new consciousness. Do things, make decisions, dream dreams, as if you were already there. Quickly, you will see signs that you are assimilating the new lifestyle. So, embrace that transition for all it is worth, for it is a sure sign of good things to come.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
01/10/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)
Take it within today. The influence of the seven (7) is very mental, intuitive, internal, spiritual and analytical. This is a good day to study something you are interested in, to do research, to meditate or to look deeply within to discover your inner depths. You will not be comfortable in crowds or highly social situations. Your most useful time is spent alone where you can think. Take advantage of this energy to commune with Spirit, or to simply pray.
Angel Whispers:
Your answer to all things should be love. Love is that Divine energy that breathes in your every cell. There is no separation between you and that Divine Love other that what you have chosen to put there. Love is your birthright. Love will show you the way out of any difficult situation. No matter how difficult things are, if you will look for something to love within it, a way will be revealed. Choose love in all things. Be love.
Angel Whispers:
Your answer to all things should be love. Love is that Divine energy that breathes in your every cell. There is no separation between you and that Divine Love other that what you have chosen to put there. Love is your birthright. Love will show you the way out of any difficult situation. No matter how difficult things are, if you will look for something to love within it, a way will be revealed. Choose love in all things. Be love.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
01/09/2011 (Monday - a 6 day)
Aesthetics are very important to the six (6), so today you may find yourself picking up, straightening up, shining up, sprucing up, weeding out, organizing your surroundings. The compulsion to do so is strong. Creating harmony and beauty in your outer sphere does the same for your inner sphere, as well. Go ahead, enjoy the process, but be sure you are playing in your own space and let everyone else handle their own.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is one of the great gifts bestowed on human kind. However, as you get older, you often put it away, as if it is somehow irresponsible to spend too much time doing creative projects. If you don't have a creative component to your job, you might go months or years without utilizing your creative energy. This is very sad, because unleashing your creative energy can fill you with joy and contentment that few other things can give you. It relaxes you, reduces stress, frees your mind, opens up areas of your brain that often bring in incredible ideas. This is because being creative, in whatever way pleases you most, engages a dance between your body, mind and spirit. In that creative state, you are closer to God than in any other activity other than prayer.
Angel Whispers:
Creativity is one of the great gifts bestowed on human kind. However, as you get older, you often put it away, as if it is somehow irresponsible to spend too much time doing creative projects. If you don't have a creative component to your job, you might go months or years without utilizing your creative energy. This is very sad, because unleashing your creative energy can fill you with joy and contentment that few other things can give you. It relaxes you, reduces stress, frees your mind, opens up areas of your brain that often bring in incredible ideas. This is because being creative, in whatever way pleases you most, engages a dance between your body, mind and spirit. In that creative state, you are closer to God than in any other activity other than prayer.
01/08/2012 (Sunday - a 5 day)
The flexibility of the number five (5) is especially helpful today as unexpected opportunities arise which may require a change of plans. Give yourself a little wiggle room so that you can take advantage of this/these opportunities. Change is very much a part of the five's repertoire so lighten up and roll with it. Today may also bring you a chance to "toot your own horn" to the right person at the right time. Stretch yourself and be willing to follow a new trail. At the very lease you will learn something.
Angel Whispers:
Sunday is a day to be an appreciator, someone who is present enough to be aware of the value of the everyday things in life. The things you appreciate and honor will grow and even multiply. (Law of Attraction - what you focus on expands.) It is often the smallest things in life that bring you the greatest pleasure. It takes a keen and sensitive awareness to perceive the true value in mundane things, but this awareness enriches your life. It also opens you up to receive much, much more.
Angel Whispers:
Sunday is a day to be an appreciator, someone who is present enough to be aware of the value of the everyday things in life. The things you appreciate and honor will grow and even multiply. (Law of Attraction - what you focus on expands.) It is often the smallest things in life that bring you the greatest pleasure. It takes a keen and sensitive awareness to perceive the true value in mundane things, but this awareness enriches your life. It also opens you up to receive much, much more.
Friday, January 6, 2012
01/07/2012 ( Saturday - a 4 day)
If you haven't gotten all the holiday decorations down already, today is a great day to do it. Four (4) is very physical, full of energy and loves to organize. Working hard actually seems to free your mind and opens thought pathways to something you hadn't come to before that can serve you very well. Whether you watch or participate in sports activities, you can enjoy them to the fullest. You throw yourself into everything you do today with your whole being. This is a good thing.
Angel Whispers:
Give your body some special attention, to show it how much you appreciate how wonderfully well it functions for you. When you eat, think about how the food you eat is going to benefit and nourish your body. Give thanks. When you walk, notice how good it feels to be able to move about and really participate in your world. Give thanks. Touch your skin, rub some nice lotion or potion into it and enjoy the very feeling of being touched. Give thanks. The more you lavish attention and appreciation on your body, the better it feels and the better it functions. Stretch yourself in every direction and enjoy how it feels to reach higher and wider. Give thanks. Give thanks for how perfectly your body functions, whether it does or not. Just keep giving thanks and watch it respond and reward you by feeling better and better. Yes, give thanks.
Angel Whispers:
Give your body some special attention, to show it how much you appreciate how wonderfully well it functions for you. When you eat, think about how the food you eat is going to benefit and nourish your body. Give thanks. When you walk, notice how good it feels to be able to move about and really participate in your world. Give thanks. Touch your skin, rub some nice lotion or potion into it and enjoy the very feeling of being touched. Give thanks. The more you lavish attention and appreciation on your body, the better it feels and the better it functions. Stretch yourself in every direction and enjoy how it feels to reach higher and wider. Give thanks. Give thanks for how perfectly your body functions, whether it does or not. Just keep giving thanks and watch it respond and reward you by feeling better and better. Yes, give thanks.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
01/06/2011 (Friday - a 3 day)
Everything seems to lighten up today, due to the playfulness of the three (3) energy. Even if you have important things to do, do them with a light hand and a sense of humor, not taking yourself or anyone else too seriously. You won't cross any lines of impropriety because you have a natural sense of rhythm that will guide you. Remember, sometimes laughter is the best medicine.
Angel Whispers:
If you feel down, depressed or despondent, remind yourself that it is not a forever thing. You can make choices that will lead you to a happier place. Good sleep and nutrition play a big part in how your brain functions, so do your best to have these. Being alone is probably not working for you, so reach out to a friend or family member. Watch some funny YouTube videos or go to a funny movie. Call your funniest friend. Get out and walk in the sunshine, listen to the bird song, breathe deeply and say "Thank you, God.", even if you don't know what you are giving thanks for. Give thanks that you CAN walk, CAN hear birds singing, CAN still breathe. It is all about choice and every single time you choose to move toward joy, the healthier your mental chemistry will be and the next choice will be easier, and the next....and the next. Choose joy, even when you barely remember what it feels like. Choose joy and joy will choose you.
Angel Whispers:
If you feel down, depressed or despondent, remind yourself that it is not a forever thing. You can make choices that will lead you to a happier place. Good sleep and nutrition play a big part in how your brain functions, so do your best to have these. Being alone is probably not working for you, so reach out to a friend or family member. Watch some funny YouTube videos or go to a funny movie. Call your funniest friend. Get out and walk in the sunshine, listen to the bird song, breathe deeply and say "Thank you, God.", even if you don't know what you are giving thanks for. Give thanks that you CAN walk, CAN hear birds singing, CAN still breathe. It is all about choice and every single time you choose to move toward joy, the healthier your mental chemistry will be and the next choice will be easier, and the next....and the next. Choose joy, even when you barely remember what it feels like. Choose joy and joy will choose you.
01/05/2012 (Thursday - an 11 day)
Today feels like it may be more comfortable if you reduce the high spiritual energy of the eleven (11) to the more mundane energy of the two (2), which is more about diplomacy, balance, harmony and duality than being on a spiritual quest. Of course, you could just vibrate to the higher energy and spend some time in deep meditation on contemplation. Either way is fine. The important thing to remember is that you are a magnet to whatever it is you need today. See it, love it, claim it.
Angel Whispers:
Your body/mind/spirit (all of you) wants more than anything to feel good, be happy, thrive. So, it is your job to find ways to make yourself blissfully happy. Each time you do, your body/mind/spirit will be filled with a delicious cocktail of chemicals that will vastly benefit your whole being. The more joy you create, the more life you will have and the healthier and happier you will be. A win-win situation, for sure.
Angel Whispers:
Your body/mind/spirit (all of you) wants more than anything to feel good, be happy, thrive. So, it is your job to find ways to make yourself blissfully happy. Each time you do, your body/mind/spirit will be filled with a delicious cocktail of chemicals that will vastly benefit your whole being. The more joy you create, the more life you will have and the healthier and happier you will be. A win-win situation, for sure.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
01/04/2012 (Wednesday - a 1 day)
It may be hump day (Wednesday), but it may feel like the week is just beginning. You are ready to jump into action, begin new projects or reach for something new. You feel very independent and almost sassy today. Make use of that great one (1) energy to get a lot accomplished. If you have a to-do list, you should make excellent progress on it today.
Angel Whispers:
There are days that just don't get off the ground the way you would like. It happens to everybody, no matter what the numerological or astrological indications are. It is actually a culmination of negative thoughts that have put a damper on your experience. Often you don't really realize that you have been thinking or speaking in negative terms, but a quick look at your day will tell you whether you are being positive or negative. You can change that energy on a dime if you will simply change your words, recognize the harm you were doing and slip into some works of encouragement and praise. Try it, you will love the results.
Angel Whispers:
There are days that just don't get off the ground the way you would like. It happens to everybody, no matter what the numerological or astrological indications are. It is actually a culmination of negative thoughts that have put a damper on your experience. Often you don't really realize that you have been thinking or speaking in negative terms, but a quick look at your day will tell you whether you are being positive or negative. You can change that energy on a dime if you will simply change your words, recognize the harm you were doing and slip into some works of encouragement and praise. Try it, you will love the results.
Monday, January 2, 2012
01/03/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)
You will be asked to share your wisdom today. Of course, you will know exactly what to say to resolve the issue and the vibration within you while doing so will tell you that you were in the right place at the right time. The nine (9) is a great teacher and loves to share and make a difference. Trust that wee small voice within, whether you are asking or someone else is.
Angel Whispers:
You are what you BELIEVE you are. Work on your belief systems. Create beliefs that support who you truly want to be or what you greatly want to experience. It may require some convincing but it can be done. Tell yourself you are capable, knowledgable, dependable, careful, loving, intelligent, hard-working, magical, _______, _________, ________, etc., enough to do, be or have whatever you want. Talk to yourself. Give yourself ample pep talks. Be your own cheerleader! If you focus enough on being/doing/having your dream come true to eliminate all that negative chatter in your mind, you will soon achieve your goals. BELIEVE in yourself and others will believe in you, too. Your ego might lie to you about your capabilities, but your soul will not. Your soul wants only the very best for you. Trust that.
Angel Whispers:
You are what you BELIEVE you are. Work on your belief systems. Create beliefs that support who you truly want to be or what you greatly want to experience. It may require some convincing but it can be done. Tell yourself you are capable, knowledgable, dependable, careful, loving, intelligent, hard-working, magical, _______, _________, ________, etc., enough to do, be or have whatever you want. Talk to yourself. Give yourself ample pep talks. Be your own cheerleader! If you focus enough on being/doing/having your dream come true to eliminate all that negative chatter in your mind, you will soon achieve your goals. BELIEVE in yourself and others will believe in you, too. Your ego might lie to you about your capabilities, but your soul will not. Your soul wants only the very best for you. Trust that.
1/02/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)
The excitement of the holidays is waning now and it is time to get back to work. The energy of the eight (8) will serve you well today. You will be working with a high level of efficiency and a strong drive to get everything accomplished within your time schedule. Success is yours, especially if you are willing to delegate a bit of authority to handle the details. This energy will give you a good start on the new year. Make the most of it.
Angel Whispers:
Love your fingers, love your toes, love the freckles on your nose. Love being who you are, for this is what you chose. If the you in the mirror isn't who you want to see, different choices are the key.
Choose to love everything about you, no matter what. Love your strengths and also your weaknesses. All of your life's experiences have created the you of today. Cherish those experiences and choose some new ones that will be more in line with who you think you want to be. Create that image with complete clarity in your mind first, then make choices that will lead you there. Choose to eat differently, move more, dress more like that new you would dress, choose a new hair style. Love the current you while creating an inner relationship with who you choose to be. You cannot create a different you from disliking things about yourself. You will only get more of those things you dislike. (Law of Attraction in action.)
Angel Whispers:
Love your fingers, love your toes, love the freckles on your nose. Love being who you are, for this is what you chose. If the you in the mirror isn't who you want to see, different choices are the key.
Choose to love everything about you, no matter what. Love your strengths and also your weaknesses. All of your life's experiences have created the you of today. Cherish those experiences and choose some new ones that will be more in line with who you think you want to be. Create that image with complete clarity in your mind first, then make choices that will lead you there. Choose to eat differently, move more, dress more like that new you would dress, choose a new hair style. Love the current you while creating an inner relationship with who you choose to be. You cannot create a different you from disliking things about yourself. You will only get more of those things you dislike. (Law of Attraction in action.)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
1/01/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
This is the beginning of a brand new year, pregnant with possibility. Did you set your intentions? This quiet, internal/mental seven (7) energy should help you to go within to commune with those intentions and inspire you to create a few more. Writing your intentions down and posting them somewhere they are visible to you several times a day, will help you to manifest them more quickly. If you can "see" your intention/goal accomplished and embrace the feeling of it as it will be, you will manifest it much more quickly. Dare to dream the ultimate dream and back that up with belief. It will soon be so.
Angel Whispers:
2012 will be a year of great change and it is your responsibility to make sure you are a positive part of that change. Choose what you want to leave behind with last year and what you want to create or bring forward into the new year. Know that you are the creator of your own reality and that with the Law of Attraction you can manifest anything you want. Be clear, concise, literal and above all believe in your creation. Visualize yourself achieving it and feel how it will feel when your goal is complete. Congratulate yourself on a job well advance. Claim your good and enjoy the process. It will be so. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
2012 will be a year of great change and it is your responsibility to make sure you are a positive part of that change. Choose what you want to leave behind with last year and what you want to create or bring forward into the new year. Know that you are the creator of your own reality and that with the Law of Attraction you can manifest anything you want. Be clear, concise, literal and above all believe in your creation. Visualize yourself achieving it and feel how it will feel when your goal is complete. Congratulate yourself on a job well advance. Claim your good and enjoy the process. It will be so. So be it.
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