Monday, October 17, 2011

10/18/2011 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

Live, love, laugh and be happy. These are all five (5) energy directives. Lighten up today and enjoy your life. Freedom is a good concept to explore today. Get out of the box, don't just think out of the box, though that is good, too. Take a different approach to the usual problems and projects. You will be delighted with the results.

Angel Whispers:

Laughter reduces stress and fills your body with good chemicals that nurture and fortify your body. You could even say laughter is healing. From a chuckle to a genuine belly-laugh, laughter is uplifting, so choose to spend time with the people most likely to make you laugh. Tell someone your favorite joke or a funny story so that you can participate in making others laugh. You can choose, at any given moment, to set the tone for your life. Choose laughter, choose health, choose happiness, choose love....choose life.

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