The number nine (9) is about selfless service, service to mankind. This would be a good time to volunteer for an organization you trust and believe in. Offer your time, your money, your expertise or your physical presence to make a difference. Looking around your world, you can see that there are many, many people who are much less fortunate than yourself. Take a few cans to a food bank, clean out your closet or garage and find things to take to a charitable group or roll up your sleeves and volunteer at Habitat for Humanities. You will feel better and will be a good example, too.
Angel Whispers:
Are you ready to receive your "dreams come true"? Have you already given thanks for it, as if it is already so? Have you visualized it, written about it in your journal, told a friend about it, cut out pictures of your heart's desire? If you haven't done these things you may NOT be ready for fruition. Have you given yourself permission to have what you want? It is entirely okay for you to have everything you want and more. Remember, what you have and more of that will come to you, quickly and powerfully. Be ready. So be it.
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