Wednesday, January 30, 2013

01/31/2013 (Thursday - an 11/2 day)

Tune in to your natural intuitive instincts today, for they should be strong.  Listen to that still, small voice within and know that you are one with Universal Intelligence.  There are no limitations to your connection other than the ones you place on yourself.  Meditation is good for opening up your channels to receive Divine Guidance.  It also sets your vibrational tone to a magnetic resonance that will put you in alignment with the good life you desire.

Angel Whispers:

Sing the praises of that which you want to bring into your life.  The more you beat the drum of how awesome it is and how much you will enjoy having it, the more your vibration matches it.  Cut out pictures, write a detailed description of it, imagine what you would do with it, tell people how excited you are about it, visualize it, and.... above all, give thanks for it in advance.  Know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is on its way to you now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

01/30/2013 (Wednesday - a 1 day)

You may feel very independent today and driven to take charge.  Your ideas seem to be sound and could make a big difference.  That take control attitude can move things forward and inspire you to seek something with more leadership opportunities for your future.  This could, in fact, be a turning point for you.

Angel Whispers:

Breath is life, but it can be so much more.  When you are tense, you can follow your breath as it moves in and out, as way to relax.  Focusing on your breath and slowing it, deepening it, can move you quickly into meditation.  Envisioning your breath as pure, healing light, moving into each and every cell in  your body and cleansing it of impurities or toxins will actually improve the condition of your cells.  Counting your breaths and being aware of how deep you are breathing is an excellent way to fall asleep at night.  Deep breathing can actually lower your blood pressure.  So, consider your breath a tool and give it your attention often.

01/29/2013 (Tuesday - a 9 day)

You feel compelled to take care of things left undone today.  Honor that inner push to completion and push through.  Was one of your New Year's resolutions to get some volunteerism into your life.  Today would be a great day to get that on your calendar.  It will never happen if you don't plan it into your schedule.

Angel Whispers:

Giving is receiving.  Yes, if you want to receive love, give love.  If you want to have friends, be a friend.  If you want money, give money.  If you want consideration, be considerate.  If you want more energy, expend the energy necessary to build your strength and stamina.  Learn to ask for what you want.  Be specific.  Don't settle for less.  When you ask God, believing, then you will receive.  The important part is learning to ask and then to be grateful, in advance, for that which is coming.

Monday, January 28, 2013

01/28/2013 (Monday - an 8 day)

You expect everyone to apply themselves and give their all to whatever job or project you are involved in.  You can be very unhappy with the results if you don't recognize that you may not all be measuring them with the same measuring stick.  Not everyone has the same abilities or capabilities.  Your idea of the best and someone else's may be very different.  Perfection is nonexistent so learn to give credit for the effort put in and do your best not to criticize.

Angel Whispers:

Give thanks for your financial wellbeing whenever you have an opportunity to receive money or spend it.  Bless your money when you pay your bills and expect to see that money come back to you multiplied and magnified.  Be cautious about the word you use when referring to money.  If you hear yourself saying, "I can't afford______.", change that statement to something more positive, such as, "I don't choose to spend my money in this way, at this time."  Rather than to think you can't afford something, remind yourself that you have different priorities for your money at the moment.  Remember that the world is full of money and you choose to be open to receive your share of it.  Money can, and will, come to you from many directions when you develop a friendly relationship with it.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

01/27/2013 (Sunday - a 7 day)

The essence of this day is spirituality, devotion and Divine love.  Tune into the fact that you are never alone.  You are surrounded by angels who are waiting for you to call on them to help or support you in any manner.  You are surrounded by people who love you and want only the very best for you.  God is in every atom in the Universe and Divine Intelligence is constantly available to you.  There is absolutely nothing that you cannot accomplish if it is in alignment with your soul's purpose.  Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation of this truth.  It will enrich your life and give you strength and courage.

Angel Whispers:

You live in an era of endless information.  If you want to become an expert on almost any subject, it is possible to do so.  Education and knowledge are power.  Learn to teach yourself about the things that interest you.  As you expand your mind you open your life to many new opportunities.  You are never too old to learn and, in fact, learning will keep you (and your mind) younger, longer.  Whether you decide to take college courses on the internet or simply expand your vocabulary by leaning a new word every day, you are exercising your brain and keeping yourself mentally fit.  A good mind is a terrible thing to waste.  Learn something new this week.

01/26/2013 (Saturday - a 6 day)

The weekend begins and you will want to take care of some of the aesthetic issues around your home.  Breathe some new life into your space by rearranging and repurposing.  You may not even have to spend money to freshen up a room or two.  Try changing accessories from one room to another.  Involve a friend or family member in your project and see how much fun you can have.  Not only will you improve the appearance of your surroundings, but you can have a bonding experience as well.

Angel Whispers:

Do you want more love in your life?  Start being a love magnet by giving yourself some of the things you love the most.  Have a massage, soak in a tub, eat fresh strawberries, call your favorite friend on the phone, pet your pet, listen to your favorite mix of music, watch a great movie, remind yourself that you are loving and lovable.  You cannot expect someone else to love you if you don't love yourself.  Each loving thing you do, for yourself or others, opens you up to receive love more fully.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

01/25/2013 (Friday - a 5 day)

Think outside the box, take a new road, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone.  The five (5) energy is very much about freedom, change and transformation so utilize it to start a new trend in your life.  Friendship is the most important relationship for you today, so make sure to take some time  friends before the day is over.

Angel Whispers:

How do you treat your best friends?  Are you considerate of their feelings, their needs or their time?  It is important to treat yourself as considerately as you would your best friends.  You would never say something to your friend that would undermine their confidence or self worth.  Remember that the next time you hear that crafty little voice in your head berating you, telling you how stupid you are and what a mess you have made of your life.  You don't deserve that kind of harsh criticism.  You wouldn't take it from someone else and you should never allow it to become a part of your reality.  You have the power to stop that kind of inner criticism.

01/24/2013 (Thursday - a 4 day)

Get organized and work hard today to get the most bang out of your day.  You feel that pull to be more physical than usual, so you won't mind getting your hands dirty, if need be.  Your stamina is excellent and you should have enough energy to keep busy, even at the end of the day.  All in all, this should be a very productive day for all.

Angel Whispers:

Manifestation works best when you do the mental/spiritual work first, then willingly and joyfully take the steps necessary to reach your goals.  Doing the mental/spiritual work (visualization, affirmations, attitude of gratitude, etc.) first will set the tone for your manifestation.  Once that is done, you will be primed to receive the guidance that will lead you in the right directions.  You will be naturally guided to the right people, the perfect opportunities, the necessary materials, education and tools you will need along the way.  Each step will have an orderly progression, even if you can't see it at the time.  In retrospect you will see the magic in that progression.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

01/23/2013 (Wednesday - a 3 day)

It is mid-week, hump day, and there is still so much to be done.  Well, lighten up and work smart and easy instead of hard.  You will get more done and do it faster if you adopt this attitude today.  Talk to others involved in the same project and find their motivation so that you can marshall the forces and get their cooperation toward completion on any projects left undone.  Choose your words carefully and be a motivator, not a critic.

Angel Whispers:

To be loved is one of your most important desires.  You were born to learn about love through the experience of love in all of it's many forms.  Love of self, love of God, love of family, love of your things, love of your friends, love of your home, love of your pets, love of music and the arts, and on and on and on.  There is no end to the ways you can express and experience love.  If you want your life to become even more wonderful than it currently is, the best way is to offer up a heart-felt "Thank you, God.", every time you experience the sensation of love. The Law of Attraction will automatically bring you much, much more to love.

Monday, January 21, 2013

01/22/2013 (Tuesday - an 11/2 day)

Deep insights come to you today for this is a very high spiritual energy day.  You will be more open to receive them if you take a few moments to be calm, quiet and perhaps meditate for a few minutes.  At the very least, you will have a much calmer day.  You magnetically attract whatever you need...information, money, material things, the right books.  Ask the questions and expect the answers.

Angel Whispers:

When you are open to receive information from your guides or angels, it can come in a multitude of ways.  You focus on your question for a few moments, then release it and get on with  your day.  Perhaps you pass a store and see a sign you never noticed before, you decide to stop and check it out, inside you meet someone who just happens to drop the answer to your question into the conversation.   You know it is your answer because you got "God-bumps" when you heard it.  You are sitting in a restaurant and happen to overhear someone at the next table talking about the very thing you needed to know about.  Or, a book falls off the shelf in front of you and as you pick it up, it opens to a random (?) page and as you look down your attention falls on a passage that answers your question perfectly.  Coincidence?  Certainly not.  It happens all the time for those who expect to receive their answers.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

01/21/2012 (Monday - a 1 day)

Beginning the workweek with the powerful energy of the one (1) will get you off to a very good start.  The one (1) is direct, focused, self starting and motivated.  New ideas abound and the energy is high, so you should be very productive all day.  This is a great day to start new projects or to buy a new home of car.  People often start new relationships or jobs on a one (1) day

Angel Whispers:

Whether you love your life or you are feeling disappointed in it, you are reminded that you created it and now you can create it again.  By focusing on the things you love about your life, you are ultimately creating more of that.  To improve on the state of your life, it is important to be very grateful for the things that do work for you and then think about how nice it will be to have the things you want next.  Be sure that you avoid thinking about the things that you are unhappy about.  Just don't go there in your mind or in your conversations.  Gratitude is the key to your success.

01/20/2013 (Sunday - a 9 day)

Service is very important to you today.  Giving yourself to others just because it feels good and because  something needs to be done and you can do it will make you feel amazing.  Of course, the flip side of that coin is doing for others when it really doesn't feel good.  If this happens often, it is a wake up call to bring your attention to how you have set up your life in the area of service.  Service feels good.  Servitude feels bad.  Know the difference and choose service.

Angel Whispers:

Sometimes, the greatest gift you can give someone is simply to be mentally, physically and emotionally available to them in a time of need.  Being present, not judging or giving un-asked-for advice and being willing to genuinely listen can be huge.  If you have ever been in a very difficult situation and had people trying to tell you how you "should'a" done it, you will understand why quiet support is so valuable.  If you are asked for your advice, keep it positive and non-critical.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

01/19/2013 (Saturday - an 8 day)

The eight (8) energy is very conducive to handling all kinds of financial matters, so put that energy to work for you.  Balance your checkbook, work on your taxes, look into investment possibilities, shop the sales racks or make a major purchase while under this influence.  It will save you money.

Angel Whispers:

Everything in your life is a vibration and you vibrate better when you are happy.  Learn to recognize what you are vibrating to, so that you can be in a place of choice and guide your vibrations with care.  Find something that turns you on and vibrate to that for a while, then find something else equally appealing and focus on that.  Switch from one luscious thought to the next and avoid all worry or fear and especially any criticism (of yourself or anyone else).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

01/18/2013 (Friday - a 7 day)

Make this a quiet day, with plenty of time to contemplate the jobs at hand.  Let your mind work the puzzle and don't try to use the old "tried and true" solutions.  A new solution will come to mind and it will be much easier to work it out.  Meditation, yoga, quiet time, prayer and deep introspection are called for today.  Begin by picturing the perfect outcome and spend some quality time exploring this picture in infinite detail.  While you are doing this, your answer will come and you will be amazed at how very simple it is.

Angel Whispers:

Life is very simple and it takes the human mind to take this simplicity and turn it into the twisted, complex and exasperating creation most people make it.  When you have a problem, you search and search for an answer.  It is seldom what you think it is.  Next time you pray for God to help you to solve a problem, notice the simplicity of the answer.  Often, you pray for many things at once ... money, a new job, romance, more challenges to stimulate your brain, new friends.  You will be thinking that each aspect will need a separate answer.  However, the Universe will often answer all these with one solution.  Think of it as Universal Efficiency.

01/17/2013 (Thursday - a 6 day)

Today is a good day to tend to those aesthetic things that have been bugging you.  Visual order and symmetry are particularly essential for you as the six exerts it's influence.  Anything that seems to be out of balance, improperly placed or discordant in any way will really call your your attention and beg for an action to be taken.  Some of the things you have been trying to ignore now refuse to be invisible anymore.  Clean up, clear out, straighten and rearrange to your heart's content and you will be amazed at what a difference it makes in your mood and attitude.

Angel Whispers:

How long can you go without criticizing something or someone?  Challenge yourself to listen to the words that flow through your mind and right on out your mouth.  If you hear critical words issuing forth, part of the challenge could be to replace that critical thought or word with three positive, affirming statements regarding the same subject matter.  You may have to dig for that, but you can do it.    Perhaps you could pay a quarter fine for each critical statement you make.  This might be easier if you have a partner to take the challenge with you.  You can call each other on slip ups.  This could be a life changing challenge because you don't realize how often you criticize and castigate, and what a difference it will make in your life when you get rid of these negatively charged statements.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

01/16/2013 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

This is a good day for breaking down barriers and climbing out of any ruts you have dug for yourself.  Start the day with a mantra to boost your confidence and raise your self esteem.  Tell yourself about who you really are; powerful, talented, determined and experienced enough for anything you choose to do.  You have everything you need to succeed.  If you truly believe that you are ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities, now is the time to go for it.  Sell yourself to the powers that be.  You can do it!

Angel Whispers:

Your desires cause Source Energy to flow through your body/mind/spirit, creating ever new life experiences.  Being complacent will only diminish your energy and limit your life force.  The bigger the desire, the more energy it will bring into your experience  but even the smallest desire can propel you forward.  Cultivate desires, reach for them, celebrate them and be conscious about the kinds of desires you choose to give your attention to for you are creating your world.

01/15/2013 (Tuesday - a 4 day)

Time to get focussed and down to business.  The four (4) is about hard work, discipline, constructive effort and tending to the wellbeing of your body.  Exercise, a long walk, and sticking to a healthy food regimen will feel very good to you today.  The efforts you make now will have long range benefits.  Budgeting your time, energy and money are especially rewarding.

Angel Whispers:

Those things your mother told you are often very true.  "A friend in need, is a friend indeed."  "A penny saved is a penny earned."  "You have the same shoes to get glad in that you had to get sad (or mad) in."  (Yes, it's back to choices again.)  "There is no time like the present to _______."  "Life is too short to waste it on ________."  "Can't never could do anything."  What are some of the truisms that you mother told you?  Did you pay heed to them?  Do you pass them along to your own children?  What have you learned that you would use as your own personal truism?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

01/14/2013 (Monday - a 3 day)

This work week begins on a light note, so engage your sense of humor and dust off your best communication skills.  What you have to say may be received better when it is delivered with kindness and a positive attitude.  This is a good day to make important phone calls, write in your journal, sing along with the radio, or any other kind of emoting you can get into.  But, whatever you decide to do, be sure you can have some fun today.

Angel Whispers:

Throw yourself into the pursuit of happiness, all day...every day.  The more joyful moments you can put together in a day, the healthier, happier, more prosperous you will be.  When you are in that joyful state, you become magnetic to good things.  The endorphins and other good chemicals your body produces when you are joyful are very healing.  Being happy has some very nice side effects.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

01/13/2013 (Sunday - an 11/2 day)

Eleven (11) is a very spiritual number and opens the pathways for you to communicate with your own angels, spiritual teachers and Divine Guidance.  For clearer communication, try meditation or prayer.  Ask, knowing that you are going to receive an answer, then listen with all your senses.  Sometimes you will receive a message as a vision, an inner knowing, or a feeling so profound that you cannot ignore it.  Often the answers are subtle but clear.  You may overhear your answer in someone else's conversation or on tv.  Your job is to expect the answer and trust that you will be aware when it comes.

Angel Whispers:

Life is about choices and you make hundreds of them every day.  You can only think one thought at a time and you have both the power and the responsibility to make your choices count.  What you choose to think about consistently, becomes the truth about your life.  Often you make your choices by default, by listening to the news or what others have to say.  You can choose to have faith rather than fear, choose love and forgiveness over hate, choose to lift up rather than to tear down.  The Universe will support whatever choices you make, so make them carefully.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mystery errors!

In the last few days, I have published my posts with every confidence that you would receive them as planned.  For some reason, three of this weeks posts have now appeared in my log as "drafts" and did not actually post.  My sincere apologies to those of you who read Angel Whispers regularly.  I will be very watchful, in future, to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Thanks for following this labor of love,

01/12/2013 (Saturday - a 1 day)

Wherever you go, whatever you do today, show up as the person you most want to be.  Be strong, be honest, be kind, be loving, be confident.  Be present wherever you are for the person you are with.  Be aware of your surroundings and appreciate them for what they are.  Be patient with yourself and others.  The only race you are in is the human race, so slow down and enjoy your day.

Angel Whispers:

If you don't like the way your life looks right now, take a deep breath and begin again.  Think better thoughts, speak more powerful words, love more fully, forgive more freely.  Your job, as the re-creator of your life, is to dig for buried treasure.  Dig for the nuggets that are the true riches of your life.  (Your incredibly resilient body, your amazing mind, the ability to love and to dream...for example.)  As you dig these up and polish them carefully they become more precious and more plentiful through your attention and focus.  Keep only these true gems and throw the rest in the "you are the past and I'm leaving you right there" pile.  Refuse to pick up any of that old negative stuff again.  Move forward into a new day and a much improved blueprint for the life you choose to live.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

01/10/2013 (Thursday - an 8 day)

Put your best foot forward and endeavor to be the best that you can be.  Success is the name of the game and it does take some concentration and dedication.  Take care of finances early in the day so they won't be forgotten in the business of the rest of the day.  Be very conscious of your surroundings and the clues they are giving you about where you are in relation to your goals.  Expect the best (from yourself and others) and you will get much, much more than when you expect the worst.

Angel Whispers:

You cannot create a joyful, successful, fulfilled, healthy, prospering life by complaining about everything you can think of that isn't working for you right now.  You will only create more of the same.  This is what The Law of Attraction (a law which is in effect 100% of the time) is all about.  You cannot criticize anything and expect that to create anything but something else you will want to criticize.  Wellbeing can only be created from a stream of wellbeing.   Put yourself in that stream and stay there.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

01/09/2013 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

This is a day to use your cognitive skills to the fullest.  Meditate, read, write, plan, study, memorize, problem solve or even day dream, but stay in your head more than in your body.  This energy requires a certain amount of time alone in order to do these things without interruptions.  Keep that mind a well oiled machine by giving yourself some mental challenges to stimulate the brain.

Angel Whispers:

When you find yourself worrying about "whatever is the latest personal crisis", stop it as quickly as you notice that you are doing it.  Ask yourself how it would look if this situation were to resolve itself in a perfect way.  You don't have to know how that will happen, you just have to imagine that it has.  Once you get the image in your mind of that perfect outcome, , , study the details of it and then simply say, "Thank you God, for this or something better.  So be it."  This is a practice that can be revisited again and again, fine tuning your images, waiting quietly for a revolution.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

01/08/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

Romance and passion are significant in your day today.  What are you passionate about?  Make sure you have time to spend on that before day is done.  Your responsibilities may be many, but remember that fueling your emotional engine will give you energy for the long haul.  You can't serve others from an empty bucket, so be sure to replenish yourself first.  When you do what you love, it never feels like work.

Angel Whispers:

Filling your mind and heart with beautiful images is one of the best ways to keep yourself on an even keel throughout your day.  Keep beautiful things or pictures of those things close at hand so that they can lift your spirits at any given moment.  If you are trying to create a joy-filled, successful, fruitful
life, you must keep yourself in the upper register of feeling more than 50% of the time.  If one (1) is the lowest (deepest despair) and ten (10) is the highest (infinite joy), you want to be at a five (5) or greater.  Keep track of your feeling register through the day and if you notice that you are below a five (5), find a way to bring yourself up.  Recite your gratitude list, play happy music, sing, dance, look at something gorgeous, spend time with someone you love, eat something decadent, give/get a great hug, pay someone a genuine compliment, or do any of a million things that will bounce you back up into the higher range.  This becomes easier and easier with practice and produces rapidly improving results.  Try it and see.

Monday, January 7, 2013

01/07/2013 (Monday - a 5 day)

Break down some barriers in your life today.  Refuse to be limited or held back in any way.  This is a time to "toot your own horn" for no one knows your capabilities, experiences and interests as well as you do.  Don't wait for someone else to promote you. . . . do it yourself.  This is not a time to hide your light under a barrel.  It is time for you to SHINE!

Angel Whispers:

Flexibility is valuable, whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or financially speaking.  You must be willing to change quickly, when need be, to be able to take advantage of the best opportunities available to you.  Always give yourself a little "wiggle room" so that you are free to come in early or stay late (or whatever is called for).  Be willing to see all sides of things and to explore all the nuances and shades of gray.  You will be amazed at how much more successful you become and how much less stress is involved in your life.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

01/05/2013 (Saturday - a 3 day)

Today will be a day filled with fun, friends and great conversation.  Throw yourself into the mix and enjoy yourself.  Words are very important today and carry more weight than usual.  Be sure you are clear and specific in your vocabulary.  Words have power...they can hurt or heal, hide or expose, encourage or defeat.  Keep your words positive so that you are always creating from a place of love and joy.

Angel Whispers:

Laughter is one of the most healing sounds in the Universe.  Do your best to laugh several times a day, to keep your health and wellbeing in check.  We don't have enough genuine comedians in our everyday world.  If you need to laugh and you don't have a funny friend to call, check out the comedies on Netflix or watch a few minutes of You Tube videos.  The incredible elixir of good chemicals that are produced by your brain/body when you laugh has amazing healing powers.  Choose to hook into these biochemical responses as often as possible.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

01/04/2013 (Friday - an 11/2 day

The year is young.  There is plenty of time to "find yourself".  Look to your friends and family, co-workers and neighbors, to see how they "see" you.  We are all mirrors for each other, so don't be afraid to ask these people what kind of person they see when interacting with you.  You will probably be amazed to find that most everyone will be willing to share and that they see a much better you than you do.  You tend to focus on your shortcomings, your flaws,  rather than your successes.  If someone says something derogatory, just say, "Thanks.  I'll work on that."

Angel Whispers:

Life begins anew each day.  You can either continue to re-create the same old life or choose to make different choices, make better statements, tell better stories about your life.  You can look in new directions, meet new people who will open up your world to new ideas and opportunities.  You can decide to educate yourself, teach yourself to use new skills.  You can choose to eat better, get more exercise, quit smoking/drinking/procrastinating/etc.  Make these decisions and then do something about them.  Begin a new life today.  Make it the one you have always wanted.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

01/02/2013 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

Generosity, humility and a desire to make a difference for others will push you to do the unexpected today.  When the opportunity presents itself, don't over think, over analyze or talk yourself out of acting on the impulse to help.  You will know what, how and when to do your good deed.  Trust that there is magic afoot guiding your actions.  Just go with the flow and let it happen.

Angel Whispers:

Reach out to an elder in your neighborhood, church or community and take the time to listen to their stories.  Giving your full attention is a priceless gift that can brighten a day, encourage interaction or uplift a valuable soul.  In return you may learn something about the history of your community and even make a new friend.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1/01,2013 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

How very auspicious to begin 2013 on an eight (8) day with it's emphasis on success and accomplishment.  This will get the year started off on a very good note.  Success often comes from having a good plan and following it to completion, so start with your 2013 intentions list and visualize each and every item on that list as if it were already accomplished.  Picture yourself (in great detail) exactly where you want to be this time next year.  Rejoice in the fact that you are not alone in accomplishing these goals/ have God, The Universe and all your angels to support you at every turn.  The hardest part is deciding what that future is going to look like and making a commitment to that image.

Angel Whispers:

This is a fresh start day, beginning a new month and a new year.  Give it your all.  Embrace the potentials ahead of you.  Expect yourself to grow, to prosper and to be more you than you have ever been before.  When you start with a good, clear plan and vision you are half way there.  Give yourself complete permission to succeed at whatever you endeavor to do.  Once you have stated your intentions in no uncertain terms, it is time to "Let go and let God."  Your results will amaze you.


The six (6) energy which will be affecting you throughout 2013 is about relationships, the home, family, groups and values, but it is especially about self harmony.  You will notice right away that things that you have been coping with, hiding under the proverbial carpet and refusing to deal with will now become too much to ignore.  If things are not in alignment with your soul's goals they will become so significant that you must act.  Although this may seem difficult at the beginning, when you follow through with changing them or eliminating them altogether, your life will be significantly better.  Don't be surprised if you decide to cut off relationships that no longer work for you.  Just remember that if things seem to be in chaos on the surface, your soul knows what is best for you and is leading you to that which is truly right for you now.  You may fall in love, mend relationships or end them this year.  You have a strong desire to improve the aesthetics of your home or office.  Family plays the pivotal role throughout this year.  People often buy or sell homes or move into a new residence in a six (6) year.