Tuesday, January 8, 2013

01/08/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

Romance and passion are significant in your day today.  What are you passionate about?  Make sure you have time to spend on that before day is done.  Your responsibilities may be many, but remember that fueling your emotional engine will give you energy for the long haul.  You can't serve others from an empty bucket, so be sure to replenish yourself first.  When you do what you love, it never feels like work.

Angel Whispers:

Filling your mind and heart with beautiful images is one of the best ways to keep yourself on an even keel throughout your day.  Keep beautiful things or pictures of those things close at hand so that they can lift your spirits at any given moment.  If you are trying to create a joy-filled, successful, fruitful
life, you must keep yourself in the upper register of feeling more than 50% of the time.  If one (1) is the lowest (deepest despair) and ten (10) is the highest (infinite joy), you want to be at a five (5) or greater.  Keep track of your feeling register through the day and if you notice that you are below a five (5), find a way to bring yourself up.  Recite your gratitude list, play happy music, sing, dance, look at something gorgeous, spend time with someone you love, eat something decadent, give/get a great hug, pay someone a genuine compliment, or do any of a million things that will bounce you back up into the higher range.  This becomes easier and easier with practice and produces rapidly improving results.  Try it and see.

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