Think things new, refreshing, innovative and out of the box. The influence of the one (1) will encourage you to explore new ideas, stretch yourself and create from a different point of view. With this energy afoot, even old can become new again. Expect the best and have some fun with it.
Angel Whispers:
When you are creating from a joyful state of mind, the energy sticks to your images very quickly and manifests with ease. From this state you leave the struggle out of the equation. So, it would behoove you to cultivate that joyful, grateful attitude as often as possible in order to create the happy, healthy, prosperous future you desire. The more often you choose to maintain that joy, the better your life looks and feels day by day.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
11/29/2012 (Thursday - 9 day)
November is almost over and you may find this a good day to evaluate your success (or lack of it) regarding your goals for the year. In either case, you have learned a great deal through your experiences. Look closely to see which of these lessons will serve you well in the New Year. Begin now to construct your plans, goals and intentions for 2013.
Angel Whispers:
Giving brings its own rewards. What you give to others, whether it be your time, energy, money, advice, assistance or simply your presence, should make you feel good. If it doesn't, then you are giving for the wrong reasons. Be ever watchful for that fine line between service and servitude. Be strong enough to draw that line firmly, with clear intention, so that you will know when you have crossed over into a bad feeling territory. When you know you have crossed that line, it is your responsibility to yourself and all concerned to set it straight.
Angel Whispers:
Giving brings its own rewards. What you give to others, whether it be your time, energy, money, advice, assistance or simply your presence, should make you feel good. If it doesn't, then you are giving for the wrong reasons. Be ever watchful for that fine line between service and servitude. Be strong enough to draw that line firmly, with clear intention, so that you will know when you have crossed over into a bad feeling territory. When you know you have crossed that line, it is your responsibility to yourself and all concerned to set it straight.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
11/27/2012 (Wednesday - a 7 day)
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and a stomach bug Angel Whispers has been offline for a week. Deepest apologies for the lapse.
This is a perfect day for introspection and analysis, problem solving of any kind. Start off by stating clearly what you wish to know, ask for some guidance and then find some quiet time to meditate, read, contemplate, etc. Your information or answer may come in the most unusual manner, out of the blue, so to speak. Enjoy the process and trust your guidance.
Angel Whispers:
There is no time like the present to create a happy, healthy, successful future. It will be helpful if you have a good idea what you want that future to look and feel like. Give yourself permission to have all your dreams come true. Now, write it out as if you were telling your life story from that future perspective. Describe it in exquisite detail just as you want it to be. See it as if it were indeed already so. Read this description daily in order to keep your focus on what you want, instead of what is currently going on around you. The more you focus on this image, the faster the Universe will line it up for you. The more love you pour into this image, the faster it will manifest for you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
11/20/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)
This is a genuine "count your blessings" day. Spend some quality time going over your gratitude list to amp up your energy. Give of yourself, for in giving come some of life's greatest rewards. Your word for the day might be benevolence. When you have achieved that glow that comes with gratitude, bask in it for a moment and then project that energy onto the most important thing you want to create for your future. Now, release it and go do something fun. From this space, creation is very rapid, easy and brings excellent results.
Angel Whispers:
When you see someone who appears unhappy, troubled or to be having difficulty, ask for a blessing to be bestowed on them. Don't be tempted to dictate what that blessing should be, just ask for the blessing most appropriate for them, at this time. When you ask, they will receive. It must be so. When someone is doing something you don't like, remind yourself to ask a blessing for them, also. You will be changing the energy...for you, them and the world at large. It is a powerful thing to do, to bless someone.
Angel Whispers:
When you see someone who appears unhappy, troubled or to be having difficulty, ask for a blessing to be bestowed on them. Don't be tempted to dictate what that blessing should be, just ask for the blessing most appropriate for them, at this time. When you ask, they will receive. It must be so. When someone is doing something you don't like, remind yourself to ask a blessing for them, also. You will be changing the energy...for you, them and the world at large. It is a powerful thing to do, to bless someone.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
11/19/2012 (Monday - an 8 day)
This is a good day to take care of things financial in nature. Look at your savings, your investments and how your plans for long term security are holding up. If you have made plans for these things, good. If you haven't, this is an excellent time to investigate the possibilities. It is not too late to start planning for a happy, successful future.
Angel Whispers:
Do you know what success looks like to you? Have you clearly defined it for yourself? Can you hold a picture of it in your mind for several minutes at a time? If you can, you are well on your way to that success. If you can't, it is time to create that picture and spend some quality time embellishing it, nurturing it and breathing life into it. Take charge and make those decisions yourself, for yourself.
Angel Whispers:
Do you know what success looks like to you? Have you clearly defined it for yourself? Can you hold a picture of it in your mind for several minutes at a time? If you can, you are well on your way to that success. If you can't, it is time to create that picture and spend some quality time embellishing it, nurturing it and breathing life into it. Take charge and make those decisions yourself, for yourself.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
11/18/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day)
This is a very mental, spiritual day. Take advantage of this seven (7) energy to access the deeper parts of your self, explore your intellect, practice using your intuition or study something important to you. You will make great headway in all these activities. Even though there may be many things going on around you, your mental processes will be very active. If you are lucky enough to have a quiet day, read a book, meditate or spend a little time with a great day dream.
Angel Whispers:
Even the smallest choices have significant influence on your life. Thus, it is extremely important that you make your choices consciously and not by default. Ask yourself if the choices you are making are enriching your life, moving it toward your goals or are they diluting the strength of your goal and undermining your resolve. Does this choice lift you up or let you down? Be aware and choose carefully.
Angel Whispers:
Even the smallest choices have significant influence on your life. Thus, it is extremely important that you make your choices consciously and not by default. Ask yourself if the choices you are making are enriching your life, moving it toward your goals or are they diluting the strength of your goal and undermining your resolve. Does this choice lift you up or let you down? Be aware and choose carefully.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
11/16/2012 (Friday - a 5 day)
It is time to look at things from a new perspective. If you have been evaluating things from an intellectual point of view, try accessing your emotional barometer. If you have been thinking in a linear way, be a little more abstract in your thinking. When your brain feels like mush from thinking too hard, for too long, it is time to get up and go for a walk, talk to someone else, think about something else for at least 30 minutes. You will come back to it with fresh eyes and a breakthrough will happen.
Angel Whispers:
"Whistle a Happy Tune", "Don't Worry, Be Happy", "Make Someone Happy", or any of hundreds of other happy tunes can turn your energy from sad to glad in a matter of moments. What are your favorite happy tunes? Make yourself a playlist of them, a happy mix, and keep them handy for just those times when you feel down, sluggish, irritable, irascible, grumpy, tired or somehow less than stellar. Keep a copy of it in your car so that you can give yourself an energy boost whenever you drive. Happy thoughts = better energy = better health = a better life. Why not?
Angel Whispers:
"Whistle a Happy Tune", "Don't Worry, Be Happy", "Make Someone Happy", or any of hundreds of other happy tunes can turn your energy from sad to glad in a matter of moments. What are your favorite happy tunes? Make yourself a playlist of them, a happy mix, and keep them handy for just those times when you feel down, sluggish, irritable, irascible, grumpy, tired or somehow less than stellar. Keep a copy of it in your car so that you can give yourself an energy boost whenever you drive. Happy thoughts = better energy = better health = a better life. Why not?
11/15/2012 (Thursday - a 4 day)
This is a good day to take care of things related to physicality, structure, foundation, security and work. The four (4) is disciplined, organized and hard working, so this energy should carry you through the day with enough strength and stamina to handle whatever comes your way. Take care of the physical things first and then move on to the rest.
Angel Whispers:
Contentment is comfortable, even satisfying, and everybody needs a taste of it now and then. However, contentment wants to stay as it is, avoid change and maintain the status quo. Satisfaction is similar, but more productive. Being satisfied, with a desire for more, has the element needed to create forward movement. Desire is a key element in growth on all levels of being. The stronger the desire, the faster the manifestation of that desire.
Angel Whispers:
Contentment is comfortable, even satisfying, and everybody needs a taste of it now and then. However, contentment wants to stay as it is, avoid change and maintain the status quo. Satisfaction is similar, but more productive. Being satisfied, with a desire for more, has the element needed to create forward movement. Desire is a key element in growth on all levels of being. The stronger the desire, the faster the manifestation of that desire.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
11/14/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)
This should be a lighten up, feel good day. On a three (3) day even work can feel like fun, especially if you work at something you love to do. Communications are important, so utilize this energy to speak your truth, say what needs to be said and to pass along some genuine compliments where deserved. Reading can be especially fulfilling today, as well. If you are a writer, words should flow like water and in a form that brings you joy.
Angel Whispers:
When you want to create something new, start from a place of deep appreciation for what you already have. As you revel in the uplifting feeling of that appreciation, project that joy onto whatever you choose to create/manifest. Wrap the new thing in the same feelings of delight you have for the very best things in your life. End your segment of attention on this manifestation with a simple, "Thank you, God."
Angel Whispers:
When you want to create something new, start from a place of deep appreciation for what you already have. As you revel in the uplifting feeling of that appreciation, project that joy onto whatever you choose to create/manifest. Wrap the new thing in the same feelings of delight you have for the very best things in your life. End your segment of attention on this manifestation with a simple, "Thank you, God."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
11/13/2012 (Tuesday - an 11/2 day)
This is a day about duality, peace and harmony in your relationships of all kinds. You are literally a tuning fork, vibrating at a frequency that manifests things very quickly today. Be sure to keep your thoughts and words as positive as possible so that you manifest things you want, rather than the opposite. You could attract vital information you have been seeking, meet someone who feels like an old friend, gain deeper understanding about Life. It should be a very good day.
Angel Whispers:
Love is something you give yourself. The more you give, the more will come all forms and from all directions. If you want more love in your life, it must begin with you. Take a good look at your life. Do you do the kinds of things for yourself that you often do for the people you love? Do you speak to yourself kindly, or is your inner dialog about shame and blame, mostly critical in nature? Only you can change this dialog. Start your day with words of appreciation and kindness toward yourself. Find something to love, every time you look in a mirror. It will show throughout the day, in the way that people speak to you and relate to you. The more love you give yourself, the more love will be mirrored back to you.
Angel Whispers:
Love is something you give yourself. The more you give, the more will come all forms and from all directions. If you want more love in your life, it must begin with you. Take a good look at your life. Do you do the kinds of things for yourself that you often do for the people you love? Do you speak to yourself kindly, or is your inner dialog about shame and blame, mostly critical in nature? Only you can change this dialog. Start your day with words of appreciation and kindness toward yourself. Find something to love, every time you look in a mirror. It will show throughout the day, in the way that people speak to you and relate to you. The more love you give yourself, the more love will be mirrored back to you.
Monday, November 12, 2012
11/12/2011 (Monday - a 1 day)
Ah, it is so nice to start the work week on a one (1) day, with its focus on new beginnings. This will be a great day to begin new projects, take control of your environment and move forward. You feel strong in your intentions and have great follow through today, not letting anything distract you from your goals. Whatever you start today will have good "legs" under it to carry it to fruition.
Angel Whispers:
Fall is a good time to reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Are you still on track? How do you feel about them now? Do you need to make some minor (or even major) course corrections? You still have time to accomplish them, if you re-focus, set a time-line and pump your energy up to get moving again. Of course, Life may have intervened and shown you a course of action more in alignment with your life purpose. In that case, give thanks that your earlier goal has brought you to a better realization, release it and move on. Don't carry regrets or guilt over choosing to change directions. Each step along the way has purpose and can act as a building block toward your ultimate goal.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
1)1/11/2012 (Sunday - a 9 day
The nine (9) is about service to mankind, selfless service in fact. Perhaps today would be a good day to see what you can do to help those who lost so much to Hurricane Sandy. Send money, if you can, or find a charitable organization who is collecting clothes and household items. You know that there are things you haven't used in a really long time. Let it go. Even the smallest gifts can make a big difference to people who have lost everything. While you are giving, be grateful for the fact that you are healthy, happy and whole, that your family is safe.
Angel Whispers:
If you are waiting for someone wonderful to come along, who will make you happy, you may never be happy. It is not anyone else's job to make you happy. That is your job. Fortunately, it is also your choice. You are the only one who can choose where you will focus your attention, whether your words are powerful yes words and how you choose to react to every occurrence in your life. Choose happiness, joy, fulfillment, good health, prosperity, love, friendship....choose all the good things you want in your life and then go to work aligning yourself with those things. Be a discriminating speaker and thinker.
Angel Whispers:
If you are waiting for someone wonderful to come along, who will make you happy, you may never be happy. It is not anyone else's job to make you happy. That is your job. Fortunately, it is also your choice. You are the only one who can choose where you will focus your attention, whether your words are powerful yes words and how you choose to react to every occurrence in your life. Choose happiness, joy, fulfillment, good health, prosperity, love, friendship....choose all the good things you want in your life and then go to work aligning yourself with those things. Be a discriminating speaker and thinker.
Friday, November 9, 2012
11/10/2012 (Saturday - a 8 day)
Prepare to be wowed. Good things come to you today. Expect the best and be willing to give your best, as well. If you are shopping, you will save quite a bit on your purchases. This would be a good time to invest in your business, buying books or taking workshops to enhance your skills. What you set in motion today will carry the successful eight (8) vibration through to the end. Plan well now for future results.
Angel Whispers:
There are two sides to every coin. It is up to you to determine whether you will perceive that coin as positive (heads) or negative (tails). If something comes into your life in a negative way, you can choose to turn it into something positive. Claim the good in everything. Everything! When you do, the Universe will line up to help you to transform it into something that will yield it's good up to you. Claim the good and keep expecting the change to come.
Angel Whispers:
There are two sides to every coin. It is up to you to determine whether you will perceive that coin as positive (heads) or negative (tails). If something comes into your life in a negative way, you can choose to turn it into something positive. Claim the good in everything. Everything! When you do, the Universe will line up to help you to transform it into something that will yield it's good up to you. Claim the good and keep expecting the change to come.
11/09/2012 (Friday - a 7 day)
This could be a relatively quiet Friday, as the seven (7) is very introspective, analytical and studious. It is more of a thinking day than a doing day, a good day for solving problems or doing a lot of paperwork. Give yourself plenty of alone time so you can explore your inner (mental) landscape. Spend some quality time in meditation, appreciation or prayer.
Angel Whispers:
Cherish the time you get to spend alone. Make use of it as you would any valuable tool. When you are alone, without distraction, you can do the mental work required to align yourself with your goals and dreams. Quietly play some calming music or open the door or window so you can hear birdsong and sounds of nature. Do some deep breathing and slow stretching. Start by going over your gratitude list, choosing one particular item to focus on for today. When you feel that shift in energy toward joy, begin visualizing your goal or dream as already accomplished, complete and perfect. Give thanks for its fruition. Move on through your day with that joy and appreciation in your heart. It will be a good day.
Angel Whispers:
Cherish the time you get to spend alone. Make use of it as you would any valuable tool. When you are alone, without distraction, you can do the mental work required to align yourself with your goals and dreams. Quietly play some calming music or open the door or window so you can hear birdsong and sounds of nature. Do some deep breathing and slow stretching. Start by going over your gratitude list, choosing one particular item to focus on for today. When you feel that shift in energy toward joy, begin visualizing your goal or dream as already accomplished, complete and perfect. Give thanks for its fruition. Move on through your day with that joy and appreciation in your heart. It will be a good day.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
11/08/2012 (Thursday - a 6 day)
Put a little romance into your life today. Wear something that makes you feel especially attractive. Buy a single flower for someone who is important to you. Consider having dinner someplace with a romantic atmosphere, even if you do it just for yourself. Spend time compiling a mental list of the very best qualities you know of the people you come in contact with. When you consciously attune yourself to the best in others, they will unconsciously do the same for you.
Angel Whispers:
"Count your blessings. Count them, one by one." The old nursery school song is a good mantra for your day. As you count your blessings you are activating or reactivating the energy that brought them into your life to begin with. When you want to attract something new, the best stance is one of appreciation. Bring up a deluge of gratitude for what you already have and flood that energy into the vision of what you want to manifest. Be in joy now, with excitement about what is next.
Angel Whispers:
"Count your blessings. Count them, one by one." The old nursery school song is a good mantra for your day. As you count your blessings you are activating or reactivating the energy that brought them into your life to begin with. When you want to attract something new, the best stance is one of appreciation. Bring up a deluge of gratitude for what you already have and flood that energy into the vision of what you want to manifest. Be in joy now, with excitement about what is next.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
11/07/2012 (Wednesday - a 5 day)
Five (5) is the number of freedom and change. No matter what you think of the outcome of the election, today you can decree (for yourself and the country) that this election will truly bring freedom and change to the land. Your vote counted, whether your party won or not. Your voice was heard. Promise yourself that you will "see", in your mind where all things are created, prosperity and peace, cooperation between parties, growth in our economy, jobs for everyone. Remember, the Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you get. Give thanks that you live in a country where you can vote. Cast an even stronger vote by envisioning, daily, the good things that government can do for you as a citizen. Refuse to give more strength to the things you do not like. Complaining only gets you more of what you are complaining about. Be the creator of freedom and change in your world today!
Angel Whispers:
Visualization is a form of prayer, full of power to create. Spending more time visualizing the perfect outcome of your desire or project will bring greater results than the actual physical work you do to fulfill it. As you visualize, pay attention to your emotions regarding your vision, your mission. If you feel uplifted, joyful, excited and energized, you are in alignment with your vision. If you feel doubtful, overwhelmed, sad, and your energy is low, you need to work on changing yourself or changing your vision. For you are definitely not in alignment with your dream. Perhaps there are words you are speaking during your day that negate your dream. Find them and cast them out. You can do it.
Angel Whispers:
Visualization is a form of prayer, full of power to create. Spending more time visualizing the perfect outcome of your desire or project will bring greater results than the actual physical work you do to fulfill it. As you visualize, pay attention to your emotions regarding your vision, your mission. If you feel uplifted, joyful, excited and energized, you are in alignment with your vision. If you feel doubtful, overwhelmed, sad, and your energy is low, you need to work on changing yourself or changing your vision. For you are definitely not in alignment with your dream. Perhaps there are words you are speaking during your day that negate your dream. Find them and cast them out. You can do it.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
11/06/2012 (Tuesday - a 4 day)
Four (4) is very disciplined, determined and hard working with very strong energy and stamina. Take advantage of this energy today to power through whatever you have to do. Sometimes this energy seems to give you the blinders you need to keep you from getting distracted by the things going on all around you. Your motto for today might be "just do it".
Angel Whispers:
Trust yourself as no other. Your inner voice, when you trust and follow it, will always lead you in the right direction. The problem is, you often think your conscious mind is wiser than that inner voice. It is your job to learn to distinguish the difference between them. Your subconscious/soul/God-connection will never lead you wrong. If the voice you hear is deprecating, whiny, complaining, negative or fearful, you are listening to your conscious mind. Listen for that much more positive, encouraging, uplifting voice instead.
Angel Whispers:
Trust yourself as no other. Your inner voice, when you trust and follow it, will always lead you in the right direction. The problem is, you often think your conscious mind is wiser than that inner voice. It is your job to learn to distinguish the difference between them. Your subconscious/soul/God-connection will never lead you wrong. If the voice you hear is deprecating, whiny, complaining, negative or fearful, you are listening to your conscious mind. Listen for that much more positive, encouraging, uplifting voice instead.
Monday, November 5, 2012
11/05/2012 (Monday - a 3 day)
This week starts with the lively, friendly and creative energy of the three (3). Expect to enjoy your day and the people around you. You may find yourself slightly emotional, being moved by the beauty of nature, inspiring words, music or the laughter of children. Appreciate those emotional moments as they indicate that you are truly in the now, present and ready for anything. Conversations may have great impact throughout the day. Keep your eyes and ears open.
Angel Whispers:
Love is everywhere and it awaits you're openness to it. Appreciation is akin to love, so if you feel that you don't have enough love in your life, try filling those lonely spaces with thoughts and feelings of appreciation. The more appreciation you feel and express, the more magnetic you are to love. Start by looking in the mirror and seeing a person worthy of great love. Speak words of love to that image in the mirror. The more you can love yourself, the more others will love you in return.
Angel Whispers:
Love is everywhere and it awaits you're openness to it. Appreciation is akin to love, so if you feel that you don't have enough love in your life, try filling those lonely spaces with thoughts and feelings of appreciation. The more appreciation you feel and express, the more magnetic you are to love. Start by looking in the mirror and seeing a person worthy of great love. Speak words of love to that image in the mirror. The more you can love yourself, the more others will love you in return.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
11/04/2012 (Sunday - an 11 day)
Eleven (11) is the number of your spiritual self, your connection to the Divine, your intuitive self. So, today is a day for opening yourself up to all spiritual possibilities. Allow yourself to be fed by your rich inner world, that part of your being at the center of every cell, that is pure God energy. Feed your soul by spending time in contemplation, meditation, prayer or deep appreciation of God's gifts in your life. Ask for guidance and then really listen to that wee, small voice within for the answer.
Angel Whispers:
Your angels are always with you. Their job is to watch over you, guide you, protect you and nurture you in all ways. However, when you don't believe in their existence, refuse to listen to their inner advice even when they show you signs in multiple ways, you make it hard for them to do their jobs. Once you learn to communicate with them, take the time to ask for their guidance and protection, you will find a tremendous resource at your beck and call. Whether you ask them to find you a perfect parking spot or a new job, an ideal mate or new friends, a source of additional money or answers to physical concerns, they will never let you down. Their job is to serve you. Your job is to ask and then to listen.
Angel Whispers:
Your angels are always with you. Their job is to watch over you, guide you, protect you and nurture you in all ways. However, when you don't believe in their existence, refuse to listen to their inner advice even when they show you signs in multiple ways, you make it hard for them to do their jobs. Once you learn to communicate with them, take the time to ask for their guidance and protection, you will find a tremendous resource at your beck and call. Whether you ask them to find you a perfect parking spot or a new job, an ideal mate or new friends, a source of additional money or answers to physical concerns, they will never let you down. Their job is to serve you. Your job is to ask and then to listen.
Friday, November 2, 2012
11/03/2012 (Saturday - a 1 day)
Newness abounds on a one (1) day, so reach higher, dig deeper, stretch wider and release more quickly in your search for the newness that you seek. There is no limit to the opportunities that are waiting for you to align with. Remember, if it feels right, feels good, you are in alignment with it. If it feels bad, it is bad. This is no time to convince yourself that something fits when it doesn't. Don't settle! Hold out for the very best.
Angel Whispers:
If you are looking for the best medicine for whatever ails you, just remember that a good belly laugh will release more endorphins than any pain medication you can reach for. Think thoughts of the most fun days you have every had, the best movies you've ever seen, the most loved you have ever felt. Slather yourself with the feelings of wellbeing that arise when you hold these thoughts in your mind. Each time you do, you are erasing pockets of inflammation. Keep yourself from causing more inflammation by dragging negative thoughts. Be the watchdog over your mouth and your mind.
Angel Whispers:
If you are looking for the best medicine for whatever ails you, just remember that a good belly laugh will release more endorphins than any pain medication you can reach for. Think thoughts of the most fun days you have every had, the best movies you've ever seen, the most loved you have ever felt. Slather yourself with the feelings of wellbeing that arise when you hold these thoughts in your mind. Each time you do, you are erasing pockets of inflammation. Keep yourself from causing more inflammation by dragging negative thoughts. Be the watchdog over your mouth and your mind.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
11/02/2012 (Friday - a 9 day)
Compassion and selfless service are the order of the day. While dwelling in a state of absolute gratitude for all the good things in your life, consider offering a helping hand to those who are experiencing loss and destruction due to the storms in the north east. Pick a charity that you trust, volunteer your time, energy, money or expertise and see what kind of difference you can make in the world. Even the smallest gifts can help.
Angel Whispers:
Your generosity of spirit is one of the greatest gifts you have to offer. When you listen, with no judgement, you lift up the other person's spirit. Change the focus from a tale of woe to possibilities form success. Offer solutions, not roadblocks or limitations. Keep it positive. If you have heard the same story over and over again, offered your best, and seen no change, it may be time to turn away and help someone else who is actually willing to change. Value yourself enough to recognize when you are casting pearls. . . , well, you know.
Angel Whispers:
Your generosity of spirit is one of the greatest gifts you have to offer. When you listen, with no judgement, you lift up the other person's spirit. Change the focus from a tale of woe to possibilities form success. Offer solutions, not roadblocks or limitations. Keep it positive. If you have heard the same story over and over again, offered your best, and seen no change, it may be time to turn away and help someone else who is actually willing to change. Value yourself enough to recognize when you are casting pearls. . . , well, you know.
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