Today you must be flexible, go with the flow and accept change as the norm. Five (5) is also about freedom and change, self promotion, friendship. Put these wonderful characteristics together and thrive. Stretch yourself, try something new and make this a fun day.
Angel Whispers:
Reach for the biggest goal you can think of and refuse to allow complacency to get a grip on your life. Contentment comes with gratitude and recognizing all the incredible things that you have right now, but it should be coupled with desire and anticipation for the next good thing. Those glimpses of future good or greater achievements bring the energy and drive to move forward. You want to always be striving for the next thing that excites you and keeps your dreams alive.
Angels have spoken to me most of my life, guiding, teaching and protecting me. This blog will give them a broader audience to speak to, and will include a daily numerology guide as well as a brief "Angel Whisper" to bless your day.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
07/31/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)
This is not a day for pushing the river or fighting with the externals of life. The seven (7) is internal, introspective, intuitive, analytical and seeks quiet so that you can think and utilize these wonderful characteristics. Meditate, read, study, day dream, problem solve....let your mind be the work horse today. The ideas that come to you today could springboard you to a whole new level, with excellent possibilities.
Angel Whispers:
Body, mind and spirit, humans love music. It soothes the savage soul, uplifts us and can both calm us down and pick us up. Choose your music selections carefully. Make sure that you are listening to upbeat, inspirational and/or happy music. Listen to the words and determine whether they are something you want to give power to. Words set to music have much more power than words simply spoken. If you want an affirmation to be especially effective, find a catchy tune and turn it into a song you can sing all day.
Angel Whispers:
Body, mind and spirit, humans love music. It soothes the savage soul, uplifts us and can both calm us down and pick us up. Choose your music selections carefully. Make sure that you are listening to upbeat, inspirational and/or happy music. Listen to the words and determine whether they are something you want to give power to. Words set to music have much more power than words simply spoken. If you want an affirmation to be especially effective, find a catchy tune and turn it into a song you can sing all day.
7 internal,
new ideas,
positive words,
powerful words,
set your affirmations to music,
07/30/2012 (Monday - a 6 day)
Today it is important to look at your relationships and determine what your place is in each of them. What you are looking for is a sense of balance and harmony in them. If you are always the giver in your relationship, what you can do to see that you are also receiving something you value. Of course, you could find that you are usually the receiver in a relationship. Find a way to give to the relationship so you will feel more comfortable. In either case, your relationship will improve.
Angel Whispers:
When you make God and your own guardian angels your friends, you will never need to feel alone again. Talk to Them as though were standing next to you in your room. Ask for guidance on any subject and expect to receive an answer. Keep a small notebook where you can write down all your correspondence with them. Reading back on them later will amaze you.
Angel Whispers:
When you make God and your own guardian angels your friends, you will never need to feel alone again. Talk to Them as though were standing next to you in your room. Ask for guidance on any subject and expect to receive an answer. Keep a small notebook where you can write down all your correspondence with them. Reading back on them later will amaze you.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
07/29/2012 (Sunday - a 5 day)
The five (5) energy is offering you an invitation to lighten up and have a little fun. Relaxation, play, travel, spending time with friends, experiencing new sights and sounds...these are important activities for today. Start the day with the anticipation of something light hearted and joyful. Get out of your rut and have a great day. Make it a day you will remember for years to come.
Angel Whispers:
You cannot be in alignment with Source Energy if you are thinking thoughts that feel bad. Your job is to keep plugged into that Source as much as is humanly possible. It doesn't happen by accident and nobody can do it for you consistently. Of course, there are people who tend to make you feel better than others, who make you laugh a lot, but even they may have an off day or just not be available when you want to feel good. So, you must learn to look for things that do make you happy, that make your heart sing, that uplift you. When things get tough, search for that thought that makes you feel better. Choose to focus on that uplifting thought rather than any thoughts that bring you down. Choose your way back into Source Energy.
Angel Whispers:
You cannot be in alignment with Source Energy if you are thinking thoughts that feel bad. Your job is to keep plugged into that Source as much as is humanly possible. It doesn't happen by accident and nobody can do it for you consistently. Of course, there are people who tend to make you feel better than others, who make you laugh a lot, but even they may have an off day or just not be available when you want to feel good. So, you must learn to look for things that do make you happy, that make your heart sing, that uplift you. When things get tough, search for that thought that makes you feel better. Choose to focus on that uplifting thought rather than any thoughts that bring you down. Choose your way back into Source Energy.
Friday, July 27, 2012
07/28/2012 (Saturday - a 4 day)
"Let the games begin!" The Olympic Games are a prime example of four (4) energy. Diligence, discipline, determination, repetition, practice, hard work. These are all attributes of the four. See if you can excel by adopting some of these characteristics into your day. At the very least, get out for a good long walk, a swim or a work out at the gym. Your body will thank you.
Angel Whispers:
You have heard that old adage, "It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.", haven't you? This is very true if you are trying to attract good things into your life, as well. If you strive to have a pleasant temperament, appreciating the good things you already have in your life, loving the people around you, enjoying your work, you are naturally magnetic to more of those good things. The Law of Attraction will take care of that for you. The same would be true if you are constantly complaining about all the things that are wrong with your life. What you focus your attention on is what you get.
Angel Whispers:
You have heard that old adage, "It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.", haven't you? This is very true if you are trying to attract good things into your life, as well. If you strive to have a pleasant temperament, appreciating the good things you already have in your life, loving the people around you, enjoying your work, you are naturally magnetic to more of those good things. The Law of Attraction will take care of that for you. The same would be true if you are constantly complaining about all the things that are wrong with your life. What you focus your attention on is what you get.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
07/27/2012 (Friday - a 3 day)
Besides being a number of communication, emotion and expression, the three (3) is also the number of manifestation. Something you have wanted to receive is here at last. Recognize that you made it happen, you attracted it to you. If you did it once, you can do it many times. You had the vision, you held that vision and you kept it positive and allowed it to come to you. Congratulations.
Angel Whispers:
Joy is the order of the day, so keep it light and spend time with people who make you laugh and be happy. Choose joy as the major vibration you will be attuned to throughout the day. Play delightful, happy music with a beat that makes your feet move. Sing along with the radio in your car. Wear your favorite color and buy yourself some flowers. Make it a good day.
Angel Whispers:
Joy is the order of the day, so keep it light and spend time with people who make you laugh and be happy. Choose joy as the major vibration you will be attuned to throughout the day. Play delightful, happy music with a beat that makes your feet move. Sing along with the radio in your car. Wear your favorite color and buy yourself some flowers. Make it a good day.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
07/26/2012 (Thursday - an 11 day)
Let go and let God. Turn loose of the reins today and allow spirit to guide your steps. The eleven (11) energy is asking you to trust your own inner voice and your natural connection with Divine Intelligence. That part of you that is the pure essence of God will always lead you in the right direction and protect your path....if you will allow it to. Practice that trust today.
Angel Whispers:
Living with the attitude of gratitude is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself. It keeps you in a state of grace, from which all blessings flow. To block out all the negative chatter that is bombarding you from the television, the newspaper, the radio and people all around you, recite your gratitude list throughout the day. When people are telling you what is wrong with the world or with their lives, find a way to change the subject to something more positive or politely leave the conversation. (Not always easy, but essential.) Tell people about the good things in your life and so your best to keep the negative stuff to yourself. Talk about how happy you are, how lucky you feel, how blessed you are, how much love you feel for your family and friends, how beautiful your day is. Pay genuine compliments to every person you meet or talk to. When someone compliments you, and they will, take it into your heart and own it, feel it, embrace it. Remember that the most powerful prayer you can say is, "Thank you, God."
Angel Whispers:
Living with the attitude of gratitude is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself. It keeps you in a state of grace, from which all blessings flow. To block out all the negative chatter that is bombarding you from the television, the newspaper, the radio and people all around you, recite your gratitude list throughout the day. When people are telling you what is wrong with the world or with their lives, find a way to change the subject to something more positive or politely leave the conversation. (Not always easy, but essential.) Tell people about the good things in your life and so your best to keep the negative stuff to yourself. Talk about how happy you are, how lucky you feel, how blessed you are, how much love you feel for your family and friends, how beautiful your day is. Pay genuine compliments to every person you meet or talk to. When someone compliments you, and they will, take it into your heart and own it, feel it, embrace it. Remember that the most powerful prayer you can say is, "Thank you, God."
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
07/25/2012 (Wednesday a 1 day)
Your intentions should be very clear today. "This... is what I plan to do and how I plan to accomplish it. I will let nothing deter me. I take charge of my day and forge ahead, fully armed for success." This kind of attitude or stance will build momentum as the day progresses and you will be able to maintain your resolve if you keep your intention clearly in focus throughout the day.
Angel Whispers:
Greet each day with love in your heart and gratitude on your lips. If you will begin your day with a recital of the things you are most grateful for, you are setting the tone for receiving more of the same. Of course, the same is true if you are reciting all the things that don't work in your life. You will be setting the tone for more things that don't work for you. Life is a series of choices. Make them consciously and keep them positive.
Angel Whispers:
Greet each day with love in your heart and gratitude on your lips. If you will begin your day with a recital of the things you are most grateful for, you are setting the tone for receiving more of the same. Of course, the same is true if you are reciting all the things that don't work in your life. You will be setting the tone for more things that don't work for you. Life is a series of choices. Make them consciously and keep them positive.
07/24/2012 (Tuesday - a 9 day)
The nine (9) likes to complete things and tie them up neatly. Although it is early in the week, there are many things that are nearing completion in your life. Make an effort to finish up at least one project today, if not more. The personal satisfaction of doing so will be immense.
Angel Whispers:
Today is a good day to look into and re-evaluate your goals. Some have already come into fruition, some are nearly there, but some have fallen by the way side. How do you feel about that? Was it your intention to cast them off, or did life intervene and take your attention away from them? Are they worth another look? If not, release them consciously and commit to something else. Acknowledge your successes and completions and then write your goals down again to establish a new intention.
Angel Whispers:
Today is a good day to look into and re-evaluate your goals. Some have already come into fruition, some are nearly there, but some have fallen by the way side. How do you feel about that? Was it your intention to cast them off, or did life intervene and take your attention away from them? Are they worth another look? If not, release them consciously and commit to something else. Acknowledge your successes and completions and then write your goals down again to establish a new intention.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
07/23/2012 (Monday - an 8 day)
Begin the week by paying attention to your finances first. Balance the checkbook, pay bills, make out a budget, donate unused items to a charity or sell them out right, put some money in savings. Eliminate unnecessary waste in your budget. Tending to these items will get your week off to a good start and could actually make a difference in your finances over the long haul.
Angel Whispers:
When you spend your money, send it on its way with a blessing. "Thank you, God, for this money which I send out with love, knowing that it will return to me ten-fold or more. I am grateful for all financial blessings." When you worry about money you block the flow of money to you. When you resent having to pay a bill or spend money in ways you don't like, you also block the natural flow of money to you. When you bless your money and give thanks for it, you open the floodgates to your good.
Angel Whispers:
When you spend your money, send it on its way with a blessing. "Thank you, God, for this money which I send out with love, knowing that it will return to me ten-fold or more. I am grateful for all financial blessings." When you worry about money you block the flow of money to you. When you resent having to pay a bill or spend money in ways you don't like, you also block the natural flow of money to you. When you bless your money and give thanks for it, you open the floodgates to your good.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
07/22/2012 (Sunday - a 7 day)
Whether you go to church, meditate, read something inspiring or simply sit quietly with your thoughts, the seven (7) is inviting you to attune yourself to your spiritual nature. Prayer and meditation open you up to the wisdom of the Universe and the support of a multitude of angels. "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you." This is God's promise to mankind. So be it.
Angel Whispers:
God is everywhere around you. Everything that your eye falls on, no matter whether you perceive it to be good or bad, carries the essence of God within it. If you call on the good (God) within even the most horrendous person/place/thing, that good with show itself to you. Claim the good and the good is yours. Trust that God knows how to bring it to you, and to do it in Divine Right timing.
Angel Whispers:
God is everywhere around you. Everything that your eye falls on, no matter whether you perceive it to be good or bad, carries the essence of God within it. If you call on the good (God) within even the most horrendous person/place/thing, that good with show itself to you. Claim the good and the good is yours. Trust that God knows how to bring it to you, and to do it in Divine Right timing.
Friday, July 20, 2012
07/21/2012 (Saturday - a 6 day)
Make time for family activities today. Six (6) is the number of relationships and family is where we learn our first and most important lessons about them. Whether you were born into your family, adopted, or have created your own family this is where you learn to love, to cherish, to forgive.
Angel Whispers:
To know is to love. Life is sweet when those that know you best, love you anyway. . . warts and all. True friendship is a gift and a blessing that lasts a lifetime and should be cherished, nurtured and protected at all times. It requires a commitment of time, energy and effort, but more that anything else, it requires communication. How many true friends do you have? Give thanks for each and every one of them. Not enough? Ask God to bring you one. Remember . . . to have a friend, you must be a friend.
Angel Whispers:
To know is to love. Life is sweet when those that know you best, love you anyway. . . warts and all. True friendship is a gift and a blessing that lasts a lifetime and should be cherished, nurtured and protected at all times. It requires a commitment of time, energy and effort, but more that anything else, it requires communication. How many true friends do you have? Give thanks for each and every one of them. Not enough? Ask God to bring you one. Remember . . . to have a friend, you must be a friend.
07/20/2012 (Friday - a 5 day)
It is time to shake it off, loosen up and have some fun. Five (5) wants you to be flexible and willing to see a new point of view. Life is what you believe it is, so stretch a little and believe your life can be bigger, better, more than you have experienced in the past. No one else can do it for you. They can only encourage you or be a way-shower for you.
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes when life is in a rut and feeling a little tedious it is time to try something different. Do something you have never done, eat something you have never tasted before, talk to a total stranger, drive a different way to work, wear something you haven't worn in a long time or buy something new in a color you don't usually choose. Break it up, shake it up, wake it up. Life is too short to live in a rut!
Angel Whispers:
Sometimes when life is in a rut and feeling a little tedious it is time to try something different. Do something you have never done, eat something you have never tasted before, talk to a total stranger, drive a different way to work, wear something you haven't worn in a long time or buy something new in a color you don't usually choose. Break it up, shake it up, wake it up. Life is too short to live in a rut!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
07/19/2012 (Thursday - a 4 day)
You will probably want to keep your nose to the grindstone today, as the four (4) wants to get lots accomplished and may push you in that direction. So, choose a task and get busy. You will enjoy the sense of value that comes with the effort. You may also feel compelled to do a bit of organizing and prioritizing, as well.
Angel Whispers:
Each day, as you choose how to live your life, make it a happy day. If you are experiencing happiness in your now often enough, you will be living a happy life. Your choice is everything. Before you put your feet on the floor each morning, tell yourself that this is going to be a happy day, a day filled with people you love, work you love to do and opportunities for growth in whatever area you choose. Giving yourself such a command sets the tone for your day and the Universe will line you up with just such a day. Try it and see.
Angel Whispers:
Each day, as you choose how to live your life, make it a happy day. If you are experiencing happiness in your now often enough, you will be living a happy life. Your choice is everything. Before you put your feet on the floor each morning, tell yourself that this is going to be a happy day, a day filled with people you love, work you love to do and opportunities for growth in whatever area you choose. Giving yourself such a command sets the tone for your day and the Universe will line you up with just such a day. Try it and see.
07/18/2012 (Wednesday - a 3 day)
Words are always important, but especially on a three (3) day. The three is about communication, emoting, emotion and how you express that emotion. Your expression could be through the written or spoken word or through art, theater, music. Remember, words have power so use them carefully.
Angel Whispers:
Find something today that brings you joy. Consider joy like taking your will keep you healthier and happier and will bring more joyful people to your doorstep. Birds of a feather, flock together. Given the choice, your body/mind/spirit will always choose joy, which is your natural state. When you are experiencing joy, you are at one with God. Your joy opens the doors to all good things. When you are in joy, your aura glows like a mighty beacon, attracting those things you are choosing and focussing on. Choose wisely and keep yourself in that joyful state of being as much as possible.
Angel Whispers:
Find something today that brings you joy. Consider joy like taking your will keep you healthier and happier and will bring more joyful people to your doorstep. Birds of a feather, flock together. Given the choice, your body/mind/spirit will always choose joy, which is your natural state. When you are experiencing joy, you are at one with God. Your joy opens the doors to all good things. When you are in joy, your aura glows like a mighty beacon, attracting those things you are choosing and focussing on. Choose wisely and keep yourself in that joyful state of being as much as possible.
Monday, July 16, 2012
07/17/2012 (Tuesday - a 2 day)
Today you seek balance and harmony, beauty in your surroundings and congenial company. The aesthetics of the world around you are extra important to you and you may find yourself compelled to straighten that crooked painting, rearrange pillows, move that chair to a better alignment in the room. Perhaps these kinds of things don't normally bother you, but today they are significant. Just go with it.
Angel Whispers:
You are ever the seeker and today, enlightenment can come your way. Remain open to it, body, mind and spirit. Ask the question, listen for the answer, trust that you will hear what you need to hear for this moment in time. Meditate or do some simple deep breathing exercises. When you ask the question with pen in hand, you are telling the Universe that you are seriously awaiting the answer. Write down whatever comes to you, whether it makes sense to you or not. By doing so, you are teaching yourself to be receptive and prepared to receive. With time and practice, you will be amazed at the answers you receive.
Angel Whispers:
You are ever the seeker and today, enlightenment can come your way. Remain open to it, body, mind and spirit. Ask the question, listen for the answer, trust that you will hear what you need to hear for this moment in time. Meditate or do some simple deep breathing exercises. When you ask the question with pen in hand, you are telling the Universe that you are seriously awaiting the answer. Write down whatever comes to you, whether it makes sense to you or not. By doing so, you are teaching yourself to be receptive and prepared to receive. With time and practice, you will be amazed at the answers you receive.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
07/16/2012 (Monday - a 1 day)
It is good to start the workweek on a one (1) day. Focussed, directed, in charge, full of ideas and with enough energy to get it all done. Start the week with a clearly defined plan for achieving your goals and try adding in some accountability to a co-worker, friend or relative.
Angel Whispers:
If someone were to ask you who the most important person in your life is....would it be you? For most of you, the answer would be no. In fact, you might fall rather far down the list. In your quest to be loved and appreciated, you somehow came to the conclusion that you had to put everyone else before yourself. This is the exact opposite of the truth. Until you learn to know yourself and make sure that your needs are adequately met, you will have little to give to the ones you love. Once you learn to love and respect yourself, you will find that others love and respect you more. It works.
Angel Whispers:
If someone were to ask you who the most important person in your life is....would it be you? For most of you, the answer would be no. In fact, you might fall rather far down the list. In your quest to be loved and appreciated, you somehow came to the conclusion that you had to put everyone else before yourself. This is the exact opposite of the truth. Until you learn to know yourself and make sure that your needs are adequately met, you will have little to give to the ones you love. Once you learn to love and respect yourself, you will find that others love and respect you more. It works.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
07/15/2012 (Sunday - a 9 day)
This day should be filled with people you love. Nine (9) is the number of selfless service, service to mankind. So, if you feel compelled to help someone today, it is in alignment with the energy of the day and you will feel better if you go ahead and do it. Love abounds for you today...give as good as you get.
Angel Whispers:
There is nothing that you will encounter in this life that you are not equipped to handle. The important thing to remember is that in every situation, it is your reaction, not the action itself that will make the difference. Always be looking for the part of every situation that feels the best, that feels right. Keep it positive, bless it with love and Light, claim the good in it and move on. If something happened yesterday, leave it there. Today is always a new day, yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come. Now is the only time you have, so make the most of it.
Angel Whispers:
There is nothing that you will encounter in this life that you are not equipped to handle. The important thing to remember is that in every situation, it is your reaction, not the action itself that will make the difference. Always be looking for the part of every situation that feels the best, that feels right. Keep it positive, bless it with love and Light, claim the good in it and move on. If something happened yesterday, leave it there. Today is always a new day, yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come. Now is the only time you have, so make the most of it.
Friday, July 13, 2012
07/14/2012 (Saturday - an 8 day)
Today, you should be running on all cylinders, working at peak capacity. Everything seems to work together...body/mind/spirit. Bundle that energy up and apply it to the most important tasks. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish when everything is lined up right. Make it work for you.
Angel Whispers:
You are all that you need to be. Everything is within you, but it is up to you to let it come out. Along the line, you may have picked up some negative ideas about yourself and your abilities. It is time to throw those ideas away and accept that you are a child of God, perfect for the purpose you came to achieve. Your inner being will guide you to that purpose when you get out of your own way and listen to that inner voice. You will be drawn to develop the right skills, meet the right teachers, be in the right place at the right time. It will all come to you, in Divine Timing and Divine Order.
Angel Whispers:
You are all that you need to be. Everything is within you, but it is up to you to let it come out. Along the line, you may have picked up some negative ideas about yourself and your abilities. It is time to throw those ideas away and accept that you are a child of God, perfect for the purpose you came to achieve. Your inner being will guide you to that purpose when you get out of your own way and listen to that inner voice. You will be drawn to develop the right skills, meet the right teachers, be in the right place at the right time. It will all come to you, in Divine Timing and Divine Order.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
07/13/2012 (Friday - a 7 day)
Find a quiet place to do what you do today. Seven (7) is a very internal, analytical, mental and intuitive energy and requires some quiet time to function at it's best. This is a good day to solve problems, balance your checkbook, read or write a report, study something that interests you. What you learn today will stay with you for a long time.
Angel Whispers:
Harness the power of your subconscious mind and your incredible imagination. When you visualize something, especially in great detail, your body/mind/soul reacts to your vision as if it were actually so. Speaking affirmations has the same effect, especially with repetition. So, describe your dream or goal, as if it is already so, in infinite detail. Tell people about it, write it down, day dream about it, but always with the deepest knowing that it is yours to create. Keep it positive, make it real.
Angel Whispers:
Harness the power of your subconscious mind and your incredible imagination. When you visualize something, especially in great detail, your body/mind/soul reacts to your vision as if it were actually so. Speaking affirmations has the same effect, especially with repetition. So, describe your dream or goal, as if it is already so, in infinite detail. Tell people about it, write it down, day dream about it, but always with the deepest knowing that it is yours to create. Keep it positive, make it real.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
07/12/2012 (Thursday - a 6 day)
This is a day when you will want to be close to the ones you love and nurture your relationships. Six (6) is about love, marriage, romance, the heart and family. Life is best when your family is happy, healthy, safe and prospering. Cherish the ones you love and, above all, let them know that they are important to you. Don't assume that they know how you feel. A card, an email, a quick phone call or a warm hug are all easy to do take very little time, and reap big rewards.
Angel Whispers:
When life seems tough and you feel weary and dreary, your cup is half empty, it is time to get out that gratitude list and read it once again. See if you can find something, anything, to add to it now. Look around and find something beautiful to be thankful for, someone who has been nice to you, good advice you heard or just the sound of birds singing outside your window. If reading it to yourself doesn't lift your spirits enough, try reading it to someone else and then listen to their gratitude list. You will lift each other up and even without know it, your uplifted energy will affect others around you vicariously. Like the pebble in the pond, your efforts of reaching for joy will affect the world.
Angel Whispers:
When life seems tough and you feel weary and dreary, your cup is half empty, it is time to get out that gratitude list and read it once again. See if you can find something, anything, to add to it now. Look around and find something beautiful to be thankful for, someone who has been nice to you, good advice you heard or just the sound of birds singing outside your window. If reading it to yourself doesn't lift your spirits enough, try reading it to someone else and then listen to their gratitude list. You will lift each other up and even without know it, your uplifted energy will affect others around you vicariously. Like the pebble in the pond, your efforts of reaching for joy will affect the world.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
07/11/2012 (Wednesday - a 5 day)
I know that you worked hard yesterday, so today the five (5) asks you to lighten up, breathe a little easier and allow the breathe of Life to dance through your soul. Look around you and appreciate all that you see. Know that what you see has purpose and so is good. Judge not. Just appreciate that you are exactly where you are intended to be at this moment, and you will never be in this exact place or moment again.
Angel Whispers:
It is your purpose in life to experience joy. Joy is the essence of God radiating through you and then out into the world. Joy brings you health, love and prosperity. Whenever you feel joy, your life expands, your health improves and you are in alignment with your purpose. When you consciously align yourself with that which brings you joy, not only do you improve your own life consciously, but every life around you. Your aura glows with such beauty and power when you experience joy that it permeates the very earth beneath your feet. Joy heals, nurtures, strengthens, and prospers. Choose joy now.
Angel Whispers:
It is your purpose in life to experience joy. Joy is the essence of God radiating through you and then out into the world. Joy brings you health, love and prosperity. Whenever you feel joy, your life expands, your health improves and you are in alignment with your purpose. When you consciously align yourself with that which brings you joy, not only do you improve your own life consciously, but every life around you. Your aura glows with such beauty and power when you experience joy that it permeates the very earth beneath your feet. Joy heals, nurtures, strengthens, and prospers. Choose joy now.
Monday, July 9, 2012
07/10/2011 (Tuesday - a 4 day)
This should be a down and dirty, get it done, productive work day. The four (4) is very physical, disciplined, hard working and down to earth. These attributes can benefit you today. Whatever the job is that needs to get done, you can dig deep and muster the energy needed to get it done. For an energy boost, put your bare feel in some green grass and draw some of that powerful Mother Earth energy up through the souls of your feel and all the way up your body. Awesome!
Angel Whispers:
You are only one person, but when you make an intention to do something you are joining your energy with everyone else who has made the same intention. The power of that conjoined energy can be amazing. No matter how unusual you may think you are, there are others who are very much the same. Choose carefully which pool of energy you want to contribute to. Whether you see them or not, you are not alone.
Angel Whispers:
You are only one person, but when you make an intention to do something you are joining your energy with everyone else who has made the same intention. The power of that conjoined energy can be amazing. No matter how unusual you may think you are, there are others who are very much the same. Choose carefully which pool of energy you want to contribute to. Whether you see them or not, you are not alone.
07/09/2012 (Monday - a 3 day)
There is so much going on today that you may get slightly overwhelmed. Be flexible and willing to regroup when necessary. Communication is especially important in the midst of chaos. It is vital to be clear and concise as you give directions or make decisions. Clear your mind by playing soothing music while you work.
Angel Whispers:
Love is everywhere and available to you whenever you need it. A very powerful mantra is, "I am love, I love and I am loved." Speak these words to yourself as you are doing some deep breathing. In moments you will begin to feel a warmth around your heart and someone, even someone unexpected, will express their love for you.
Angel Whispers:
Love is everywhere and available to you whenever you need it. A very powerful mantra is, "I am love, I love and I am loved." Speak these words to yourself as you are doing some deep breathing. In moments you will begin to feel a warmth around your heart and someone, even someone unexpected, will express their love for you.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
07/08/2012 (Sunday - a 2 day)
The two (1) is about balance and harmony and gives you the opportunity to see both sides of the coin. You feel open to all possibilities and may have a difficult time making a decision today, as you hate to give up the things you don't choose. For today, just pretend you can have it all and put off the decisions until tomorrow.
Angel Whispers:
This is a good day to take care of aesthetic things. Pick up, clean up, straighten up and give everything a good shine. Buy or create something new for your home or office. Flowers add a nice touch and bring nature inside, along with a touch of color and romance. Put on some good music and enjoy your space, wherever it might be. A little love and appreciation also add to the energy and create a glow of warmth to your surroundings.
Angel Whispers:
This is a good day to take care of aesthetic things. Pick up, clean up, straighten up and give everything a good shine. Buy or create something new for your home or office. Flowers add a nice touch and bring nature inside, along with a touch of color and romance. Put on some good music and enjoy your space, wherever it might be. A little love and appreciation also add to the energy and create a glow of warmth to your surroundings.
Friday, July 6, 2012
07/07/2012 (Saturday - a 1 day)
The one (1) is about new beginnings, taking control and being in charge. It is important that you feel that you are holding the reins of your life. Set some new goals, write them down and make a plan as to how you will reach them. Be willing to dream big and expect successful results. Whatever you begin today will have an excellent foundation.
Angel Whispers:
It is important to take a few moments, each day, to call your own. Make this time be about looking into your own mind and heart to discover your true feelings and desires. There is so much that you never take the time to explore and so often you listen to what others think about you. Find your own truth. Own your own feelings. You are a magnificent child of God and there is no limit to what you can achieve...if you believe.
Angel Whispers:
It is important to take a few moments, each day, to call your own. Make this time be about looking into your own mind and heart to discover your true feelings and desires. There is so much that you never take the time to explore and so often you listen to what others think about you. Find your own truth. Own your own feelings. You are a magnificent child of God and there is no limit to what you can achieve...if you believe.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
07/06/2012 (Friday - a 9 day)
Be thoughtful, thankful and reverent today, for you have everything you need to succeed at your chosen goal. The nine (9) is complete and you are too. Trust this and you will be able to draw to you all the wisdom, information, tools and people you need. There is no lack or limitation that can stand in your way....if you believe.
Angel Whispers:
Everywhere around you is abundance. No matter the weather, the economy, there is growth everywhere you look. Take the time to find some joy in seeking that abundance. When your attitude is full of gratitude, that abundance will show itself to you. When you are pessimistic, doubtful or fearful, you will only see lack and limitation. Life is a series of choices. Choose abundance, love, growth, health and success.
Angel Whispers:
Everywhere around you is abundance. No matter the weather, the economy, there is growth everywhere you look. Take the time to find some joy in seeking that abundance. When your attitude is full of gratitude, that abundance will show itself to you. When you are pessimistic, doubtful or fearful, you will only see lack and limitation. Life is a series of choices. Choose abundance, love, growth, health and success.
07/05/2012 (Thursday - an 8 day)
If you enjoyed celebrating your freedoms yesterday, today is a good day to secure them for the future. Buy savings bonds, open a savings account, buy or sell stock, take a look at the state of your estate. The eight (8) is very much about financial security, success and perfection. Use this energy to get a strong start toward a healthy financial future.
Angel Whispers:
Take a look at what you value most in your life. Health and well being? Your oneness with God? Your family and friends? These should come very high on your list, followed by things material, physical or financial. If you want more of any of these, spend some quality time in gratitude daily. The more appreciation you feel for the good things in your life, the more of those good things you will receive in the future.
Angel Whispers:
Take a look at what you value most in your life. Health and well being? Your oneness with God? Your family and friends? These should come very high on your list, followed by things material, physical or financial. If you want more of any of these, spend some quality time in gratitude daily. The more appreciation you feel for the good things in your life, the more of those good things you will receive in the future.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
07/04/2012 (Tuesday - a 7 day)
In the midst of your Fourth of July celebrations, the seven (7) asks you to take some time out to contemplate your freedoms and your faith. Whether you meditate, pray or journal your thoughts about the life you lead, be sure to give thanks for all your blessings, especially your loved ones. Send special prayers of gratitude to the soldiers who have given so much to secure our freedom.
Angel Whispers:
Day dream a bit today, to cultivate and nourish the dream you want to manifest. Spend time in contemplation of that person, thing or situation. Picture it in graphic detail, as if it is already so. Play with the images of what you want. See yourself experiencing that thing, in infinite detail, savoring it completely. Tell someone how wonderful it will be when you have already manifested it and are enjoying sharing it with your friends and family. Make it real in your mind and heart and it will soon be real in your life. It is a law....the Law of force 100% of the time.
Angel Whispers:
Day dream a bit today, to cultivate and nourish the dream you want to manifest. Spend time in contemplation of that person, thing or situation. Picture it in graphic detail, as if it is already so. Play with the images of what you want. See yourself experiencing that thing, in infinite detail, savoring it completely. Tell someone how wonderful it will be when you have already manifested it and are enjoying sharing it with your friends and family. Make it real in your mind and heart and it will soon be real in your life. It is a law....the Law of force 100% of the time.
Monday, July 2, 2012
07/03/2012 (Tuesday - a 6 day)
You may be called on today to share your wisdom. Six (6) energy is wise and loves to share, to help and to motivate. Utilize this energy to help where it is needed, but the important thing to remember is that you don't answer the question before it is asked. If you do, you may be perceived as a busy-body. Rest assured, when the question IS asked, you will have the answer. Trust it.
Angel Whispers:
Give your love fully and freely, for the sheer joy of loving. It may feel risky to open yourself up for possible rejection, but giving yourself in such a way will attract to you a matching equivalent of love. Tell the people who are important to you just how important they are. Tell the people that you admire that you admire them...and why. Offer a genuine "thank you" to those who have helped you in any way. Expressing these things will set up a vibrational signal that will attract great love, help and appreciation to you. Law of Attraction says that what you send out will come back, magnified and multiplied. Be very careful to "send out" vibrations that will bring back what you want.
Angel Whispers:
Give your love fully and freely, for the sheer joy of loving. It may feel risky to open yourself up for possible rejection, but giving yourself in such a way will attract to you a matching equivalent of love. Tell the people who are important to you just how important they are. Tell the people that you admire that you admire them...and why. Offer a genuine "thank you" to those who have helped you in any way. Expressing these things will set up a vibrational signal that will attract great love, help and appreciation to you. Law of Attraction says that what you send out will come back, magnified and multiplied. Be very careful to "send out" vibrations that will bring back what you want.
Angel Whispers is back after a brief recess
Again, I apologize for the absence of Angel Whispers over the last week. I hope you missed us and are glad about our return. If you are reading us on Facebook, please "like" us there and share us with your friends.
It is good to be home. Thanks for your patience.
It is good to be home. Thanks for your patience.
07/02/2012 (Monday - a 5 day)
The five (5) reminds us that change is inevitable and asks that we be willing to embrace the changes that come into our lives and learn from them. When we resist change, it becomes much more difficult to fine the blessings that come with change. Life is ever expanding and requires change to do so. Seek the good in every new experience.
Angel Whispers:
If there is something in your life that you do not like, remove your focus from that thing and put it onto the thing that you do want. What you resist, persists. Focus consciously on the things that bring you joy, fulfill you, encourage you, uplift you and enrich your life. When you find yourself focusing on things that make you angry, depressed, discouraged and hopeless, take the conscious step of redirecting your focus, as quickly as possible, to the opposite of those things. The choice and the responsibility of where you focus is yours.
Angel Whispers:
If there is something in your life that you do not like, remove your focus from that thing and put it onto the thing that you do want. What you resist, persists. Focus consciously on the things that bring you joy, fulfill you, encourage you, uplift you and enrich your life. When you find yourself focusing on things that make you angry, depressed, discouraged and hopeless, take the conscious step of redirecting your focus, as quickly as possible, to the opposite of those things. The choice and the responsibility of where you focus is yours.
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