Friday, March 30, 2012

03/31/2012 (Saturday - a 3 day)

Saturdays are made for play, and that is exactly what the three (3) wants you to do today. Let your creative self guide you toward something fun as well as interesting. Laughter should be a major part of your plan for the day, so spend some time with the people who usually make you the happiest. Try your hand at something new, like cooking an exotic recipe or repurposing an old piece of furniture. Creativity is key to getting the most out of this day.

Angel Whispers:

When was the last time you took the time to tell your parents/siblings/children/friends/neighbors or co-workers how much you appreciate them and why? Days, weeks, months and years rush by and you stay so busy and/or pre-occupied that you just assume that these important people in your life know how you feel about them. Criticism comes easier to the tongue, sometimes, than praise. But, remember that "what you bless, blesses you and what you curse, curses you". All human beings hunger for appreciation and acknowledgement. Make it your spiritual practice to find something nice to say to someone (if not everyone), every day. Your life will be enriched by the practice, as will the people who receive your praise.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

03/30/2012 (Friday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) asks you to "be still and know that I Am God." Today should be a relatively quiet day, good for contemplation, meditation and spiritual seeking. When negativity surrounds you, be still, and know that you are one with God. God resides in every cell of your being, for you are made of God-stuff. Keep yourself centered in this knowingness and all manner of chaos will dissolve around you. Don't talk about it. Just be still and know.

Angel Whispers:

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a bad mood the traffic is terrible, people are rude or inconsiderate to you, everything that could go wrong, generally does? When you are in a good mood, your body feels better, you see beautiful things around you, people are nice to you and good things just seem to happen to you. You could choose the kind of mood you are going to be in and attract better things. Try putting together a mix of all the happy songs you can think of and make sure you have copies of it at home, at work, and in the car. Play it often. It can be a primary mood changer. It is very hard to maintain a bad mood when you are listening to happy music. It will also remind you that you are choosing the tone of your day.

03/29/2012 (Thursday - a 1 day)

The one (1) asks you to move forward, take charge and be the leader you may not always want to be. It is easy to step back and allow someone else to be in charge, but if you do, you can't complain about the direction or results that person gets from their choices. If you want something different, you may need to step up and do something different.

Angel Whispers:

Your body is a marvel of Divine Engineering. It moves when you think about moving, breathes without your conscious thought, processes the food you eat into energy, gives you pleasure, shows you that something is wrong by giving you pain. It responds to touch, even your own touch. It responds to the emotional level as well as the physical one. It is reasonable to believe that the human body can be healed by conscious words and thoughts. So, choose your words carefully and remember to bless each body part as you give yourself a bath or shower. Love it as if it were a treasure beyond measure. It is.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

03/28/2012 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

The energy of the nine (9) is about abundance and completion, about wholeness and generosity. There is a softness, a gentleness that permeates the day. You have a great warmth for your fellow man and may feel a strong need to offer your help or advice. Love is everywhere and your heart is full.

Angel Whispers:

It is springtime and everywhere you look there is something beautiful to see. Not only is growth happening in nature, it is happening in your life. Gratitude is a wonderful way to set the tone for growth that is smooth and gentle. So, look around and really SEE the beauty around you, take it in and experience it fully. Add this to your gratitude list and know that your complete awareness of this will bring much more of it into your life in the near future. Thank you, God.

Monday, March 26, 2012

03/27/2012 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

Take stock of your best qualities and skills and put them out for the world to see today. The eight (8) influence will bring to the fore, your executive abilities and put them to good use. Take a leadership role, step up, and while you are doing so, be aware of your feelings. You may find that leadership feels better than you thought. If not....well, that is a good thing to know as well.

Angel Whispers:

It is a good thing to establish a powerful and positive relationship with money. First, it is important to recognize what your feelings are about money and worth. How do you feel when you have to balance your checkbook, pay your bills, give gifts, pay your taxes? Are you comfortable, or filled with worry or fear? Are you confident that there will be plenty for all you need, or is money always a struggle for you? Once you determine how you feel about money, you can begin to make it what you would want it to be. Create a vision board with pictures of money or the things that money can buy. At the top, write, "Thank you God, for this or something better." Whenever you feel angst about money, give thanks for all that you have had and all that you have yet to receive. Keep all negative thoughts...of any kind...from dwelling in your heart and mind. Any "better thought" will do.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

03/26/2012 (Monday - a 7 day)

Rest your body, after the busy weekend, and let your mind do the work. This is a very mental day, being influenced by the introspective qualities of the seven (7). Analyze the situation, make a plan and work out a priority list and schedule. You can follow this for the rest of the week. You may need to put in some study time to learn some new skills to support your project. You are quite capable of learning whatever you need to know.

Angel Whispers:

Prepare a list of "better thoughts" which you can use when you fall into a pattern of negative or fear thinking. It can be a list of things you love, people you care about, poems or songs you remember the words to or anything that will remind you to think happier, healthier more prosperous thoughts. Keep this list close at hand so that you can pull it out, at a moments notice, to shift the energy and move you back into receiving mode, attuned to Source energy. With very little practice you can shift the energy in a matter of minutes. The result of being in tune with Source energy is a much more flexible, fruitful, joyful life. A life of your choice.

03/25/2012 (Sunday - a 6 day)

The aesthetics of a place mean everything to you today. Things that are out of place, crooked pictures on the wall, stains on the carpet, colors that clash...the things you rarely notice, are like fingernails on a blackboard in this moment. The truth is that you crave balance and harmony in your relationships and perhaps you have been stuffing some feelings that need to be spoken about. As long as you refuse to communicate about the things that are bothering you, these little nuisances will rub against your tender senses. Wanna talk about it?

Angel Whispers:

Friendships bring you opportunities to learn about relationships in ways you can easily accept. If you treated your parent/child/spouse with the kind of generosity of spirit that you offer to your best friends, there would be healing all around. Friendship is one of the greatest gifts we can offer each other. With a friend, we are more willing to be understanding, forgiving, and we are more likely to listen and learn. Apply friendship to your closest relationships and see if you can resolve the issues that have been bothering you.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

03/24/2012 (Saturday - a 5 day)

You can relax and celebrate all the good work you accomplished this week. The influence of the five (5) is calling you to travel a new road, spend time with friends, laugh and play, promote yourself in a new way and, in general, celebrate life. Five is about travel, flexibility, freedom and friendship. It is always nice when the five (5) shows up on the weekend and prompts you to have a good time. Bring your whole self to the party and enjoy it completely.

Angel Whispers:

When you want something in your life that you don't currently have, you must first separate yourself from the wanting of the thing, the lack, the absence of it. You must get in touch with how it would/will feel to have it, use it, love it. When you can actually feel the joy of having it, it will quickly appear. As long as you are focused on the lack of this thing, you have erected a wall around yourself which will effectively keep it at bay. Thoughts of lack create more lack. Thoughts of plenty create more of everything. Being in a state of gratitude opens you up to receive. This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Friday, March 23, 2012

03/23/2012 (Friday - a 4 day)

The end of the work week is here already. So much to do, so little time. The discipline of the four (4) is pushing you to get it all done so you can enjoy the weekend. Your energy should be high today and with the drive toward completion pushing you forward, you will most likely meet your goals. Start with a plan and don't deviate from it. Your determination will pay off.

Angel Whispers:

Your body will tell you what it wants or needs, if you will just listen to it. Today, it wants to stretch, to move more and to do some physical work or exercise. Drink plenty of clean water and eat foods with a high water content. Dehydration can make you feel exhausted and cranky. Take a walk and feel the satisfaction of being in nature, hearing the birds singing, feeling the breeze on your face and watching new growth bursting out everywhere. Body, mind and spirit will appreciate your efforts.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

03/22/2012 (Thursday - a 3 day)

Music is one of the most powerful means of communication because it touches our emotions so deeply. On a three (3) day, you are often more attuned to music than on other days. So, sing in the shower, crank up the radio in the car and sing, listen to a different genre of music on your iPod. This is one of those days when your emotions seem to be close to the surface and this is a good thing. Pay attention to what those feelings are telling you.

Angel Whispers:

Being human comes with a creative component which will enrich your life exponentially, if only you will access it on a somewhat regular basis. A key part of that creativity is imagination. In fact, the more you learn to play with your imagination, the more creative you will become. Using your imagination (the ability to imagine) to see images in your mind, to string together words and phrases in ways that are pleasing to your ear and your heart, to design a room or a whole building, can not only expand your world but perhaps the whole world. The sky is the limit...or maybe your imagination can take you even further than that. Creativity is a natural ability that is God Given to the human race. Everyone has it, but sadly, not everyone uses it. Don't be that sad one.

03/21/2012 (Wednesday - a 2 day)

Cooperation is the name of the game today as the two (2) seeks peace, harmony and balance for all. This is a good day to gather information, explore possibilities and consider the practicality of both sides of the issues, but it is better to save the actual decision making for another day. Today you see the potential of both sides of the equation and really hate to give up things on either side. Tomorrow, you can talk about it and then make your final decision on Thursday. It will work out better for all concerned.

Angel Whispers:

Be very cautious when offering advice to others without them actually asking for your wisdom. Of course, you can see clearly what they seem unable to grasp, but until they ask, don't tell. The most powerful thing you can do is to turn them over to Spirit and hold a vision of the perfect outcome for this scenario. Adding your energy to theirs will make them stronger, but you must give it freely and allow Spirit to guide them to a right solution.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

03/20/2012 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

The independence of the one (1) gives you the focus and drive to be in control, be a leader. Recognize that you have your own areas of expertise and you know how to utilize them for the enrichment of the whole. Trust your own inner guidance and wisdom. Know that you know. Be confident and take the lead. Let your light shine today.

Angel Whispers:

Your whole purpose, in any given moment, is to be in alignment with Source Energy. When you are in alignment with Source Energy you feel joyful, buoyant, radiant and alive. You know that you are in the right place doing exactly what you need to do. When you are out of alignment, you feel uncomfortable, tired, out of sorts, fearful, maybe even angry. Learn to recognize those beautiful moments when you are in alignment with Source. Notice what you are doing, who you are with, what kind of thoughts you are thinking, so that you can find your way back to that alignment again. Thought has everything to do with you being in that space. You cannot think a negative, hurtful, angry thought and be in that state of alignment. You cannot be out of alignment when you are thinking thoughts of love, hope, gratitude and appreciation, forgiveness. Choose your thoughts carefully for they shape your life.

Monday, March 19, 2012

03/19/2012 (Monday - a 9 day)

The nine (9) is the number of completion and wholeness. It IS complete. When you are vibrating to the energy of the nine, you have everything you need to accomplish what you have set out to do. If you notice that things are drawing to a close, be it cycles, relationships, jobs or projects, remember that when one thing ends, it opens the door for something new to begin. To reach out for that new beginning, you must be willing to release what is now finished. Take what you have learned from one to help you with the next.

Angel Whispers:

If you want to learn how to receive fully and quickly, you must set aside worry, fear, resentment, anger and doubt. You are at your most receptive when you are feeling joy, contentment, love and appreciation. You can cultivate that state of mind by going over your gratitude list or talking about all the things that you love about your life. Go on a rampage of appreciation and you will find the sweet spot that will activate your receiving mode. Set the tone and then joyfully think about that thing you want to add to your life, knowing that it is already on its way to you. Say a little prayer of thanksgiving and move on, fully expecting that it is already yours.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

03/18/2012 (Sunday - an 8 day)

Whatever you decide to do with your Sunday, do it with excellence. Give it your all. Expect the very best from yourself. Put extra thought and time into it and hone your skills, so that you can feel the satisfaction of having done it right. Reap joy from the whole experience. This applies to absolutely any activity you choose to occupy yourself with. Whether you are preparing a meal, doing a bit of spring cleaning, planning a trip, going to church or just hanging with your family, bring your whole consciousness to the experience. It will be a gift to all concerned, especially you.

Angel Whispers:

Take a break from criticism for the day. Tell your subconscious mind that you want to be vividly aware when you are being critical, of yourself or any other person, place or thing. You can choose a signal from your subconscious, such as a tingle or a heightened awareness of sound that will alert you to your criticism. The challenge is: for every critical statement you think or say, you must immediately replace that with three positive statements about the object of your criticism. For more awareness you could consider journaling about the experience. Who was your most often target? How did it feel to search for 3 positive statements to counteract your careless negative words? One day is a mere taste, but if you want profound change try a 21 day commitment.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

03/17/2012 (Saturday - a 7 day)

There may be a lot going on in your town this weekend, but a big part of you would rather just stay home and do something quiet like reading a book or hanging out in your back yard, enjoying this spring-like weather. If you do wind up going out with friends or family, you can always enjoy the people watching. Don't over think your decision whether to go or stay...just go with the flow. You will enjoy it, either way. Relax...that is what weekends are for.

Angel Whispers:

What do you tend to worry about most? Money, health, relationships, career? You can tell which area of your life you worry about the most because that is the area that is the biggest mess. Because you worry about it! You focus on all the things that you think could or have gone wrong. You bring up all the information you have gathered that re-enforces your belief that some calamity is going to happen. You recount all the things that you think are pointing to that eventuality. Then, when something happens that looks like your prediction, you throw up your hands and say,"I knew that would happen!!" Of course, you created it. The Law of Attraction never fails. What you think is what you get. It is time you learned to think up something better. When you find yourself in your old pattern of worry, remind yourself to think a better thought. Any thought will do, as long as it is about something you like, something you would want more of, something you are grateful for.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

03/16/2012 (Friday - a 6 day)

Let your heart be your guide today. The six (6) relates to love, hope, relationships, family and home, so these are the important areas for you to work in. Communication is doubly important during this period. Honest, heart-felt conversations can set a new tone and create a more healing atmosphere where your most difficult relationship is concerned. Say what needs to be said, gently, rather than saying what you think the other person wants to hear.

Angel Whispers:

At this given moment, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Every thought, word and action has brought you to this perfect place. If you were supposed to be somewhere else, you would have followed different thought paths, spoken different words and acted in a different manner. Once you truly understand this concept you can begin to choose more carefully in order to create a future that is what you dreamed of. The power is in your hands, the choices are yours. Go for it.

03/15/2012 (Thursday - a 5 day)

Flexibility is key today, as you find that the solid plans you made now need to be changed. Not, to fear, you can handle it. Five (5) energy actually supports change and, in fact, encourages it. In making your plans you determined what you really want to have happen, clarified your desire and eliminated any obstacles in your way. Now, you can approach the goal from a different direction and (because of your awareness) see success more quickly. Congratulations.

Angel Whispers:

It is important that you find ways to focus your attention on the goals you are planning to achieve. It can be as simple as keeping a journal, making lists, carrying cards with your goals printed on them, or as complex as creating a vision board. Keep a small notebook handy, so that you can write your affirmations and then read them as you get up in the morning and again when you are going to bed. You will be amazed at how quickly your goals become manifest. So be it,
my friends, so be it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

03/14/2012 (Wednesday - a 4 day)

The energy of the four (4) makes you grounded in the physical side of life today. You crave movement, a plan to follow, something physical to do. While your hands are busy, your mind is free to explore possibilities, play with new scenarios, find a new solution to an old problem. If possible, get your hands dirty and put your back into something. By day's end, you should feel a certain rejuvenation and emotional recovery.

Angel Whispers:

Almost one quarter of the year has already sped past. It is time to revisit your intentions for the New Year....again. Are you on track to accomplish what you set out to do? Does that goal still feel important to you? Have you found ways to expand on the goal? Does it still feel relevant? Do you need someone to be accountable to, in order to keep yourself motivated? Do you need to restructure your timetable? Congratulate yourself if you have kept yourself on course. If not, you can always set new goals for the rest of the year. Just keep moving forward.

Monday, March 12, 2012

03/13/2012 (Tuesday - a 3 day)

Turn the music up and put your dancing' shoes on! This is going to be a day for kicking up your heels and celebrating the very fact that you are alive and all the potential in the world is at your fingertips. You are the creator of your world, through your thoughts, words and actions. Keep your words positive and your vision clear so you may have your dreams. Enjoy this day to the max! Life is as good as you make it.

Angel Whispers:

There may be people around you who bring you down with their pessimism. Perhaps you are used to it and make concessions for their negative attitudes or behaviors because they have been in your life for a long time, or they play a significant role in your life. Realizing that this negative energy will pull you off course or diminish your own energy. You can choose to limit your exposure to these people, so that your creation is calm, clean, and clear. Create from a place of strength.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

03/12/2012 (Monday - an 11 day)

There are two sides to every coin, and the eleven (11) helps us to see both sides and to explore our own duality. Today, it is good to realize that you are not only a human being, but also (and more importantly) a spiritual being. Your intuition will play an important role in your experience and will help you to recognize and appreciate both sides of each situation you find yourself in. It will also help you to realize that there are no right or wrong decisions here, only choices that may each bring different, but no less important outcomes. Trust yourself, and make it a good day.

Angel Whispers:

Claim the good in every situation and no matter how dire it appears to be, you can gain something good from the experience. Claiming the good puts your focus on the better outcome, the more positive outlook, the saving grace. If you claim it, the good must show itself, and it must come to you. Claim the good in all things and watch as your good life just gets better and better.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

03/11/2012 (Sunday - a 1 day)

As we begin a new week, armed with the directness and focus of the one (1), we are encouraged to begin again, renew our efforts, and push forward. There is a determination to make this a better week and accomplish greater things. With this drive comes new ideas, full blown and fleshed out in your mind. What they need is action. Be willing to explore them and follow through. The results could amaze you.

Angel Whispers:

Forgiveness is an act of love so profound that it can transform anything. If something is causing you pain, mental, physical or emotional, love yourself enough to forgive both the person, event or situation and yourself. At first, you may only be able to say the words of forgiveness but not feel it in your heart. Keep saying those words and each time they will become more true, until one day you realize that you have truly forgiven and the pain is gone.

Friday, March 9, 2012

03/10/2012 (Saturday - a 9 day)

Are you holding on to anger, resentment, frustration, judgement or hurt feelings? If you are, the nine (9) asks you to let those feelings go, to focus on more positive aspects of your life and to forgive whatever brought these feelings into your sphere to begin with. Placing your attention on them will only cause you pain, both emotional and physical. Imagine how free and cleansed you would feel if you didn't hang on to them. Forgiveness is a powerful healing tool. Use it.

Angel Whispers:

Your words are your wand. They create your world and all your experiences. When you praise something, you are telling the Universe that you want more of that. When you complain about something, focusing on something you don't like, the Universe hears that you want more of that, too. If you want your life to be full of joy, you must speak more words about the things that make you joyful. Go on a rant of appreciation and just wait for all the great things that will come into your life, very soon.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

03/09/2012 (Friday - an 8 day)

Take a few minutes to check over your bank accounts, balance your checkbook, pay bills, perhaps open a new savings account. The eight (8) energy is about success and the symbol for success in our current society is money. If there are decisions to be made regarding your finances, this is the day to do it. This would also be a good day to evaluate your progress toward your goals for the year. Do you need to do some course correcting? Do it today.

Angel Whispers:

Your angels are so close that you can almost see them right now. When you are in a quiet place, you can probably hear a slight murmur or humming, with an occasional word or phrase that you can actually pull out. Acknowledge that you are listening and write down any words you hear. They may or may not make sense to you, but you are conditioning your mind to receive messages from your angels. Have a running conversation with them while you are showering, or driving. Soon, you will feel comfortable and then it will become easy for you to ask questions and receive answers.

03/08/2012 (Thursday - a 7 day)

This is a quieter day, best spent with more mental than physical pursuits. Seven (7) is very intuitive, inquisitive, introspective and internal. The positive side of this energy can come in the form of bursts of inspiration, great new ideas or insight into situations previously not understood. The negative side is a tendency to worry overmuch about the least little things. Try to find a middle ground today and genuinely enjoy the marvelous workings of your mind.

Angel Whispers:

The human mind is a marvel to behold. It can develop physical dexterity, learn languages, solve puzzles, write books, paint paintings, create all kinds of music, or reach for the stars. Your mind (brain) runs the incredibly complex workings of your entire body, with little or no help from your conscious mind. Because of the way your mind works, you are able to communicate, to analyze, to influence others. There is no end to the things the human brain/mind can do. Unfortunately, it can also process information incorrectly, worry incessantly, overanalyze, argue, distrust and make mistakes. It is human, after all. Fortunately, it can also forgive, forget and experience the wonders of love.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

03/07/2012 (Wednesday - a 6 day)

They say that the more connections you have, the longer and healthier your life will be. The six (6) is the number of relationships and its influence today will draw your focus to the most important relationships in your life. You strongly desire to have them close and to communicate with them in meaningful ways. Follow through with this desire and you will each be blessed.

Angel Whispers:

Life is not always easy and we learn some of our most important life lessons during difficult times. Often, upon looking back on these difficulties, we see that the gifts we gained from the experience are some of the most important gems of our lives. "Into each life, some rain must fall." Without rain there is no growth, no flowering. Claim the good in your darkest hours and the clouds will soon lift to show you even greater good in the future.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

03/06/2012 (Tuesday - a 5 day)

The five (5) say to "live, love, laugh and be happy". There is a lightness to your day, even if you have much to do and little time to do it in. Friendship is especially well aspected today, so make time for a quick lunch or dinner with your best friends. Laughter is good medicine and will energize your activities.

Angel Whispers:

Color affects you on many levels. Certain colors are calming or relaxing, while others are energizing and exciting. Color therapy can be very effective as a healing technique. If you are feeling listless or tired, try dressing in a clear red or a bright turquoise to lift your spirit, and thus your energy. Pay attention to your own reaction to color in your surroundings. See if you can pinpoint the color that resonates with you the most, energetically. Incorporate that color in your wardrobe and decor and see if it affects your mood and energy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

03/05/2012 (Monday - a 4 day)

Today is a day for putting down foundations, building and growing things. Order and organization are important for accomplishing this. Adopt a plan, gather your materials and get going. Your physical energy should be strong enough to complete your tasks. If your goal requires physical rather than mental activity, you will enjoy it all the more.

Angel Whispers:

You are a soul with a body which is shaped by your thoughts and choices throughout your lifetime. Your body is a representation of your soul and actually a receptacle for your essence. Your soul experiences life through the faculties of your mind and body. Your existence on Earth is for the purpose of your soul's growth. Throughout your physical existence you remain "one with God". In the school of life, there are no mistakes...just choices that lead you in one direction or another.

03/04/2012 (Sunday - a 3 day)

Communicating is the name of the game today. Perhaps there is someone you have been meaning to call recently. Do it today. Life gets so busy and complicated that we never seem to have the time to keep in touch with those at a distance from us, whether that distance is a world away or just across town or down the street. Take a little time today to reach out and reconnect. You will be very glad you did.

Angel Whispers:

Life can change in an instant, so it is important that you live each moment to the fullest. Live in a state of reverence for each day, each friend, each experience you have. Love your life and your life will open up for you with more for you to love. Cherish your loved ones, your home, your job and the very air that you breathe. "Thank you, God, for all that I have and all that I have yet to receive." (Even God likes to be appreciated.)

Friday, March 2, 2012

03/03/2012 (Saturday - an 11 day)

Your intuition is strong today and you are magnetic with the Divine energy of the eleven (11) influence. So, approach the day as if it were a meditation, a quiet walk and talk with God. Ask for Divine assistance in the areas of your life that feel less than successful. Ask, KNOWING that you will receive that assistance. Trust that your words are heard. Believe that you are worthy of God's help. Listen for your own Angel Whispers. You are in good hands.

Angel Whispers:

Love is one of the greatest healing factors in the universe. Combining visualization with love makes them both more powerful. In your mental tool kit, keep a bottle of crystal clear oil labeled "Oil of Love". When you are treating a situation or person, mentally pour some of this oil into your hand and begin to massage where ever the pain or lack my be. See all tension and blockage breaking up and letting go. See the most positive outcome possible and then give thanks to God for making it so.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

03/02/2012 (Friday - a 1 day)

Take the road less traveled today and be the trail blazer who finds a better way. The one (1) is an independent thinker, a leader, at its best when placed in charge. Having someone trying to tell you what to do or how to do it may rankle a bit, for you feel that you have a system or plan that works better. For the sake of peace, be agreeable and then do it the way you choose. If it doesn't work as you thought, at least you will have learned something. On this one day, it seems that everyone wants to be in charge. Remember, this too shall pass.

Angel Whispers:

If you don't already have a small notebook in your purse or brief case, then get one that you will keep close at hand at all times. This will be your gratitude journal. Set an intention to add something to it each and every day and to read it several times a week. The purpose of this journal is to be an immediate reminder of all the great things in your life when you are feeling down. When you are depressed, distressed, aggravated, annoyed, tired, angry...pull out your journal and read your gratitude list until you feel the energy shift. Put the negative thoughts away and choose to focus on good things. your body, mind and spirit will thank you.