Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/30/2011 (Friday - a 7 day)

Seven is always listening to the "wee small voice within". Learning to hear that voice will carry you far. It is that intuitive connection to the Divine which will always guide you rightly. Unfortunately, the seven is also very analytical and is prone to distrust. Remind yourself today that you CAN hear the voice within, it is your direct connection to your angels and you are ready for their guidance. Sometimes it is good to analyze, but don't fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis".

Angel Whispers:

Care must be taken to protect your innocent heart. You create such a beautiful light when your heart is open and you allow love to flow through you. Ask for Divine protection and guidance and then trust that you are receiving it. There is so much love and Light pouring in to you from every direction. Choose love, choose Light, choose joy. Your life will resonate to that choice and you will be blessed in ways perfect for you.

9/29/2011. (Thursday - a 6 day

The six (6) energy is a combination of creativity and communication, carefully wrapped around relationship. With this energy afoot, expect to have your focus drawn to your most significant ones, whether they be family, friends, lovers or co-workers. Allow the six to find new ways to "make it better". No matter what, speak from the heart today as the six is all about heart.

Angel Whispers:

Love will never find you if you are hiding behind that long list of things that are wrong with you. In fact, that list is mostly erroneous and will only bring you less love. Look in your mirror every morning and evening and look into your own eyes until you see something in them that is worth loving. God loves you,so why can't you? God forgives you everything,so why can't you? Look in that mirror and, "Good morning, Beautiful. I love you.". It may make you laugh and it may make you cry. Both reactions are perfect.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/28/2011 (Wednesday - a 5 day)

Five (5) energy is fast and free, full of fun and joy, flexible enough to accomplish amazing feats. Today you can reach for the stars! Find a friend to work with and you can achieve even more. Partnering is very well aspected and can maximize your energies. Make it a great day and try something you have never tried before.

Angel Whispers:

Expect the unexpected....always. Look for the unusual amidst the mundane and you will find treasures others will never see. Make service a part of your every day life and you will be the richer for it. These are just a very few ways to create a fulfilling life. Love yourself first and you will love your life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26/2011 (Monday - 3 day)

Today your sense of humor will be very helpful. Lighten the mood, if you run into conflict, and it will make everything work better for all concerned. When you lift the spirits of protagonists you improve their ability to see the situation from a new perspective and come to resolution more quickly. Keep the energy light and be sure to compliment the participants for being willing to seek a new solution.

Angel Whispers:

Life is one opportunity after another to experience love in ever changing ways. There is love in every situation you encounter. The lesson is to always be on the look out for that love. Whether it is a difficult relationship, lack, ill health, job or misunderstandings there is a seed of love for you to find. Look deep, look hard, but find it. In the game of life, love is what earns you points.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

9/25/2011. (Sunday - an 11 day)

Eleven (11) is the number of the spiritual seeker, so today you may find yourself with questions about Life and your place or purpose in it. When you ask you always get an answer, whether you recognize it or not. Expect to receive inner guidance and be ready to act on whatever you hear. The more willing you are to ask for Divine Guidance, the more quickly you will receive it.

Angel Whispers:

When you align yourself with Spirit you open the doors for miracles to happen in the most unexpected ways. Universal Intelligence (spirit) uses the most efficient means to bring your good to you. Amazingly, when you are asking for several very different things, Spirit may well bring all those things to you in one convenient, if surprising, package.

9/24/2011 (Saturday - a 1 day)

One (1) energy is self-starting, self-directing, self-motivating and on a less positive note, it can be self-absorbed. When the one is playing in your life, it is important to pay attention to what your inner self is trying to tell you. Self knowledge is a powerful thing. If you don't know yourself, how can anyone else understand you. Today, it would be advantageous to spend some time in meditation and/or self analysis.

Angel Whispers:

As important as self-knowledge is, self-love can be even more important. When you set goals for yourself, they will come to fruition much more quickly if you believe that you are worthy of achieving them. Listen to your inner "self talk" and if it is negative, make it your challenge to think of no less than three (3) things about yourself that are positive. Is your inner "jabber" loving, uplifting, positive or is it critical, mean-spirited, judgmental or unappreciative. Turning this kind of inner dialog is a poison in your system. Literally. Changing it can change your life experience in much less time than you would believe.

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23/2011 (Friday - a 9 day)

Compassion and completion are two of the powerful words associated with the number nine (9). Greeting the day with an open heart, love for your fellow man and a strong desire to be of service will serve you well today. When the opportunity for service arrives, make sure that you step up, even if it seems to be inconveniently timed. The rewards for your efforts will be far greater than the inconvenience incurred. The completion aspect means that whatever you need will be available to you if you seek it.

Angel Whispers:

To hesitate is to lose momentum. Hesitation means that you are unsure of your direction. It indicates that you are still unclear about your goals. The clearer you see your goals as complete, the easier it is to know what will lead you in their direction in any given moment. Keeping your eye on the goal, strong and true, will bring inspiration, confirmation, guidance and even luck. And, yes....momentum returns.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life is what happens along your journey

As the voice for Angel Whispers, I have a strong commitment to delivering them each and every day. However, I have been on vacation with two of my daughters and a granddaughter this week and my fear was realized last night when the hotel internet connection was down and I couldn't post! apologies for being tardy with today's post.

Enjoy your journey, and make it a good day!

With love,

9/22/2011 (Thursday - an 8 day)

The eight is about efficiency, perfection, success, money and business, but today is also influenced by the Master number twenty-two (22) which brings in the energy of the Divine. So, expect to hear about restructuring of major businesses or financial organizations, breakthroughs in medicine or science or other important events which either culminate or begin today. For you personally, this energy can amp up your drive to succeed, clue you into a great sale or allow you to make major headway on your career path. If you work hard today you can expect extraordinary results.

Angel Whispers:

What is your definition of success? If you don't have a clear picture of what it looks like, it is time you spent some time to flesh it out, define it, clarify it....make it real. Make sure your vision includes emotional success, physical well-being and time for spiritual development as well as the financial success and recognition in your chosen field. Does your vision of success include quality time for your relationships? If not, it may be very lonely at the top. True success comes from having a full, rich, well-rounded life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21/2011 (Wednesday - a 7 day)

Seven (7) can be a bit secretive, analytical and is over inclined to worry. If you notice that you are feeling a bit "internal" or "in your head", just give your brain a puzzle to work on, a problem to solve. The seven is very mental, not too social and needs to be challenged. Exercise that gray matter and perhaps you will learn something in the process. Tomorrow will be a much more external, social day.

Angel Whispers:

Telescoping your fears can only hurt you and will bring no positive results. This means you are focussing on that thing you fear, as if it were already real, and magnifying it so that it seems ever more real to you. You think about it, talk about it to everyone you know, imagine it in great detail. Any thought you give that much attention to is bound to come to fruition through the Law of Attraction. Are you sure this thought you are wrestling with is something you want? Probably not. If it isn't, find a thought that is in alignment with what you DO want and put your attention there. The result will be much more to your liking.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9/20/2011 (Tuesday - a 6 day)

Your sensibilities may be somewhat taxed today. Things don't seem to be as they should be. You have a desire to rectify some discord by bringing order into chaos. Your natural sense of harmony and how to create it will come to the fore and save the day. Fix what you can and leave the rest for another day.

Angel Whispers:

Rejoice in the simplicity of life. For it is the simple things in life that bring the greatest pleasures. The beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the pristine sound of birdsong, a child's laughter, the smell of bread baking, the touch of a loved one. These are the things that make your life rich and whole. Cherish them. Take some time to think of a few more of the simple things that make your own life worth living.

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19/2011 (Monday - a 5 day)

Flexibility is key today and the energy of the five (5) will definitely help. When the usual doesn't work, be willing to switch to a new strategy. Versatility may be required to get the job done. What you learn from this change up may create a new norm. The rewards will outweigh the irritation at having to step outside the box.

Angel Whispers:

You are beginning a new phase of your spiritual development. The energies around you are changing. To keep up with these changes you must be more in tune with your body/mind connection. Learn to listen or "feel" the messages through subtle changes in mood and sensitivity to touch and sound. It will take some practice, but developing this new sensitivity will greatly improve your perceptions and intuition.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

9/18/2011 (Sunday - a 4 day)

The physicality of the four (4) will serve you well today. Let your body tell you what it wants to do. Is it sports, dance, a long walk, a good workout or a nice Sunday afternoon nap? Learn to pay attention to the signals your body gives you about it's needs. Does it tell you when you have overworked or eaten? Does it want more water, more movement, more vitamins? If you learn to communicate with your body, it will tell you what will make it function better and be healthier.

Angel Whispers?

If you ask for blessings, you will receive them. You are blessed many times each day, but often you fail to notice them. Being aware of all the blessings that come your way and taking the time to ask your angels to give them to you and to your friends and family will enrich your life in ways you can't currently conceive. Give it a try. Bless someone special today.

9/17/2011 (Saturday - a 3 day)

The creative influence of the number three (3) will make for the beginning of a fun filled weekend. You feel the need to be with people who are cheerful, innovative and communicative. Choose an activity that challenges your creativity. Write, paint, sing, dance, garden, act, cook and do any or all of it with the people you love. Do something that makes you laugh out loud. Play! It will be good for you all.

Angel Whispers:

Laughter IS a healing compound. Good for the heart. Good for the soul. Good for the body. It will not only make you feel better, but will do the same for those who laugh with you and also the ones who hear your laughter. When was the last time you told a joke, tickled a child, saw a really funny movie? Well, that was just too long. Make it your intent to make someone laugh today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

9/16/2011 (Friday - a 2 day)

Two (2) almost always feels the need to be with other people. They cover themselves in others. This is a number requiring balance and teaching equality. It is about the relationship of one thing to another. Yin and yang. Light and dark. Sweet and sour. Good and bad. Today it is important to be aware of your relationship to the people around you. If you feel anything other than equal to the other, ask yourself why....and what are you going to do to bring the relationship into balance. You are only "less than" if you believe you are.

Angel Whispers:

As you look around your surroundings, choose three things that you feel love or appreciation for. Focus on these things and notice what it is that pleases you about each thing. Cherish them and then take a moment to offer genuine thanks for their presence in your life. Notice the warmth that fills your spirit during this process. This is a chemical bath for your cells, created by your brain, in response to the feelings of love and appreciation you chose to experience. Think of this exercise as a prescription for well being. Whenever you are feeling bad, choose to give yourself a dose of love.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/15/2011 (Thursday - a 1 day)

The one (1) is always thrilled with starting something new, creating a new way to do things or buying/receiving something new.  Today would be a good day to step out in a new way.  Do what you never thought you could do.  Prove something to yourself.  Dare to do one thing in a bigger way than you ever have before.  It could become the way you always want to step out in the future. 

Angel Whispers:

No one can stand in your way unless you allow them to.  If you feel blocked, take a deep look into your own psyche and sese where you are limiting your own forward movement.  What fear are you holding as a truth that stops you in your tracks?  Once you recognize it, challenge it.  Ask your angels for their help in removing this block and any others they would like to show you.  You may be amazed at how erroneous those fears actually are.  Once they have been exposed to the light of truth, they will begin to diminish quickly. 

9/14/2011 (Wednesday - a 9 day)

The nine (9) is giving, caring and service minded. The gift of giving is a gift you give to yourself. As good as it feels to give, it is also important to learn how to be a good receiver as well. To deny the gift is to deny the giver....and none of us like to be denied. Today is a good day to practice both sides of giving.

Angel Whispers:

Every experience is a two-sided coin, containing both good and bad, gain and loss, success and failure. Every experience offers you a choice. Do you see the glass half full or half empty? Can you find the good in it or are you blinded by the bad? Are you willing to learn from your experience and turn it into something does work in your world. The more you choose to see the positive in your experiences, the more positive experiences will be drawn to you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/13/2011 (Tuesday - an 8 day)

Eight (8) is the number of material plane success, efficiency, executive ability, perfectionism and the symbol of success, which is in most societies, money. Take care of financial obligations today, allow your personal talents to be spotlighted, move to the head of the pack, rally the forces to get the job done. You may be surprised to see how good it feels to be a leader instead of a follower. Try it on for size, it may suit you. Act "as if" you are already the success you want to be.

Angel Whispers:

Your imagination is one of your greatest assets for achieving success. It can take you anywhere, show you anything, create something new, recreate something old, teach you, guide you, entertain you and so much more. When you set your goals for success, unleash your imagination and follow where it leads you. Every man-made thing you can see was once created by someone's imagination. There is no limit to where your imagination can take you. Give yourself permission to day dream regularly. To day dream is to engage your imagination.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/12/2011 (Monday - a 7 day)

The empathy of the number seven (7) may have left you feeling a bit somber after hearing and seeing all the memorials on the 10th anniversary of 9/11/2001. Spend a little time today in gratitude that you did not lose your own life in that event. Send up prayers for those who did and the ones who were left behind. Embrace all the good things in your life, give thanks for them and all you have yet to receive. It is time to move forward. Tomorrow is another day.

Angel Whispers:

There is so much love that is being poured onto your Earth, every minute of every day. All you have to do to be a recipient of that love is to open your heart and mind to receive it. There is more than enough love to go around. If you have difficulty in loving yourself, you will also have difficulty in receiving love from your angels and/or the people in your life. Remember, give time and attention to the things you want most. Give what you want to receive. Be the kind of friend you want to have.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11/2011 (Sunday - a 6 day)

Six is the number of family love, the homemaker, the Earth Mother. Remember that love has nothing to do with controlling someone or something. One of the greatest lessons about love is that we must allow our loved ones to live their own lives, to make their own mistakes, no matter how much we would like to protect them. How else will they learn and grow? Don't be the one who says, "I told you so!". Be the one who is there, no matter what. Love endures.

Angel Whispers:

Many people are looking back at the events of 9/11/2001 today. They are looking back with sadness and forward with fear. Remember that you are always where you are supposed to be at any given moment. There are no mistakes, only millions of choices you have made, over time, that have brought you to this very moment. It is always so. You can be thankful that the choices you made up until now have taught you many things about what you want and don't want. If you are not happy with where your choices have brought you, never fear. You can make different choices in the future, which will bring you different results. Choose life, love, health, wealth, happiness and peace....or whatever it is you want. The choice is always yours.

9/10/2011 (Saturday - a 5 day)

Keep this day light and breezy and make time for some fun. The five (5) is always looking for something new and different to do. Stretch your wings and fly. Reach for new heights and take a friend along for the ride. Change is the order of the day. Even the routine can become stimulating if you approach it in a new way. Try it.

Angel Whispers:

When you appreciate what you have in life, it is always good to give something back. Doing charitable work is a wonderful way to do that. If you wake up healthy, happy and whole, with a roof over your head and food to eat, you are one of the lucky ones. Too many people are suffering from lack, loss and ill health and poverty. Choose a charity that means something to you and then give them your time, your expertise, your money. The joy you receive will far outweigh what you give. Give thanks for all you have and all you choose to receive...and then give, give, give.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

9/09/2011 (Friday - a 4 day)

The four (4) is elemental, down to earth, hard working and sometimes a bit hard-headed. This energy is about accomplishment and courage, inner strength and determination. Utilize this energy to get where you want to be. If you focus on the goal, the finish line, you can make great strides today. Whatever needs to be done, there is real satisfaction in the doing.

Angel Whispers:

Your determination to succeed, together with a strong belief in your own worthiness and the discipline to stick to it will carry you swiftly to your goal. Carry the vision in your heart and mind. Pour love into the vision of the goal accomplished. This will energize your creation. (A few pictures of what you want, posted on the fridge, your bathroom mirror, the visor of your car, along with some positive affirmations, will keep your focus clear.) Genuinely give thanks, in advance, for that which you choose to receive....or something better.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/08/2011 (Thursday - a 3 day)

The three (3) is very creative, communicative, fun and emotional. The three also likes to collect things. Find a creative way to solve your talking them through or convincing someone else to help you solve them. You can talk your way out of that proverbial paper bag today. If you need a pick-me-up by days end, just get on the phone and invite some friends over. Companionship is healing in so many ways. Make it happen.

Angel Whispers:

Be a conscious creator today. Hold the image of exactly what you want in your mind. Spend some time in touch with nature, and while you do, envision your desire as complete, whole, fully fleshed out. Too much rain? Too little rain? Picture the perfect amount of rain, falling on your home/property, nourishing all the plants and animals in just the right amounts. Close your eyes and "see" everything around you more beautiful than ever. "hear" the rain falling on your roof. Do this several times and for several days. Then, sit back and enjoy how quickly the Universe brings you what you ask for.

9/07/2011 (Wednesday - an 11 day)

The eleven (11) is a deeply spiritual, intuitive, illuminating number. You are magnetic to the things you need....inspiration, knowledge, understanding, material things, etc. You are blessed with Divine Order today. If you are in alignment with what you seek, it will be drawn to you, and vise versa. Your job is to find that alignment and hold it true. You may pick up a random book and open it to find a profound answer to questions you have had. If you keep your ears and your heart open, messages of great importance can come to you. Be the seeker.

Angel Whispers:

If you are reading this message, you are open to receive angelic guidance. This is the first step. Next, you must still your own negative chatter, quiet your mind and dare to ask the questions you are seeking answers to. Keep a journal at hand, to write down the answers you hear. Ask, believing, and you will receive the answers you need. It will take practice, but you can master the process. Once you begin to hear the angel whispers, you must trust what you hear and be willing to act on it. You will be amazed at the serendipity that will happen in your life when you start asking for guidance. Magic happens.

Monday, September 5, 2011

9/06/2011 (Tuesday - a 1 day)

Be direct, take charge, know what you want and go for it. Today is a one (1) day and you should feel like you can take control of your life and accomplish almost anything. One energy is strong and focussed, decisive and determined. These characteristics will make it easier for you to reach whatever goals or plans you have for today. Grab that "to do" list and get to work.

Angel Whispers:

Being in love with yourself first will open you to all the love you could want in life. Respecting yourself will, likewise, bring the respect you have always wanted from others. You are a Divine being, deserving of love, respect, prosperity, good health, and all good things. Unfortunately, most humans have lost their natural love of self. If you knew how much you are loved by your angelic counterparts, you would understand how worthy you are. Look in the mirror today, deeply into your own eyes, and say, "I love you." Observe what this brings up in your emotional body. Write it down. Keep saying these words to yourself until you begin to believe them. You are worthy, and you are loved. It is so.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

9/05/2011 (Monday - a 9 day)

Nine is a day of selfless service and completion. This holiday can give you time to share yourself with others, gather up unused items for charity, help someone in need or finish up a project you have been working on. Your generosity of spirit will be acknowledged and appreciated. Perhaps the greatest gift is spending time, fully present, with your friends and/or family. Be the person you want to be today and it will be easier to be that person all the time.

Angel Whispers:

Go ahead and move forward with confidence, spirit and momentum. You are big enough to be the success you want to be. Your fear is unfounded and has been the main thing holding you back. Trust that you have the angelic realm on your side. All you need do is ask. Choose success, love, health, prosperity....whatever your heart desires. Ask, believing, and you shall receive.

9/4/2011 (Sunday - an 8 day)

Eight (8) is the number of material plane success, so expect to get more for your money, find money or receive money today. Check the Sunday papers for great sales and Holiday specials. Sometimes, the best way to save money is just not to spend it. Evaluate your needs and make your decisions accordingly. The opportunity to help others who are in need, can be the best gift you can give yourself.

Angel Whispers:

In any given situation, you have the choice as to how you are going to respond to it. Make it your intention to find the good in any situation, no matter what it looks like on the surface. Even great loss can bring powerful blessings to balance it. Choose to find that blessing and call it to you whether you can see it in the beginning or not.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

9/03/2011 (Saturday - a 7 day)

Today is influenced by the number seven (7), internal analytical, introspective and intuitive. These skills can serve you well today as you begin your holiday weekend. You will be more likely to use good judgement in making decisions about what to do with your holiday. You are feeling more internal (introspective) with more of a desire for peace and relaxation than partying or physicality. Relaxation is the key, at least for today. Happy Labor Day Weekend.

Angel Whispers:

You are what you think you are, so think positive, now. See yourself as healthy, happy and prospering. Congratulate yourself on all your good fortune. Give thanks to God and your angels for your health and well being. Love your life and look forward to it becoming even better. The more you count your blessings, the more blessings you will have to count.

Friday, September 2, 2011

9/02/2011 (Friday - a 6 day)

The ability of the six (6) to create comfortable, cohesive, welcoming spaces is permeating your day today. You pay attention to the aesthetics of your space, clearing clutter and chaos, choosing a sound track for yuur day that is pleasing and uplifting and seeking balance and harmony in your surroundings. Conflict is intolerable, so you quickly find ways to resolve it. This is a great day to purchase clothing or furnishings, as you are very attuned to color and design. Make some time to enjoy your family today, too.

Angel Whispers:

Color affects every aspect of your experience. Notice your personal response to color, whether it be in your surroundings, the clothes you wear or the food you eat. Color can even have a therapeutic affect, mentally, physically and emotionally. There are some generalities to color therapy, but the best way to discover which colors affect you and in which ways, it is good to keep a color journal. Experiment a little, observe your body's responses, keep a few notes to refer to later. When you are feeling down, find a way to expose yourself to a strong dose of colors that make you feel happy. Avoid being in spaces with an abundance of colors that make you feel down. It isn't rocket science, but it can be very useful.