Friday, July 19, 2013

07/20/2013 (Saturday - a 6 day)

Relationships are of the utmost importance today.  They all come with a certain level of responsibility which, even with the best of intentions, often gets shirked.  Make a list of your most important relationships and determine if there are gaps in your attentiveness.  What can you do today, to make amends for any shortcomings?  If you are not willing to look at this, consider that this particular relationship may no longer be viable and might need to be released.  Your choice, of course.

Angel Whispers:

Communication is vital in every relationship.  If you cannot communicate, you cannot relate.  You must be fully present to communicate adequately.  Bringing only half (or less) of yourself to a conversation leads to misunderstandings on many levels.  When you are truly present, you pick up information on many levels of awareness, not just by hearing the words but by catching the clues from inflection, body language, eye contact (or lack of it) and numerous other perceptions.  Being present takes commitment and practice to hone your awareness skills.

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