Today you may be more aware than usual of just how you are in relationship to all things. Your soul is looking for balance and harmony. If you are in a relationship where these attributes do not exist for you, it will be glaringly visible. It will not let you ignore situations or relationships that do not serve your Highest Good. Once you feel the pinch, you will know that your soul expects you to do something about it, and soon. The good news is that your actions will be Divinely supported and it will be much easier than you ever thought it could be to make the necessary changes.
Angel Whispers:
You are your own creation. This is the good news and the bad news, all rolled up into one truth. Your today is a culmination of all your thoughts, words, visions and beliefs up to this point in your life. It is a seemingly subtle process. Often you are carrying conflicting messages on the same subject. You say, "I am successful and prosperous!". However, you may also be saying or thinking, "I don't know how to ___, I can't afford to ____, I'm not smart enough to ___, I'll never get ahead." You can see how important it is to vibrate more frequently and powerfully to the first statement and much less to the latter. Aim to be more than 50% positive in your vibrations and you will have an above average life.
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